
Author Topic: The ANGST thread: Complain here!  (Read 2007913 times)


  • Totally Not Banned
« Reply #810 on: September 26, 2006, 03:05:20 PM »
Basically, there's a bunch of conspiracies that claim that people who oppose Scientologists have horrible things happen to them, and than the "Church of Scientology" is just a pyramid scheme.

Or, in the words of the easily swayed, they're "evil".
Well, if it's on WIki it's a 99.9 that it's true.
Kick! Punch! It's all in the mind!

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #811 on: September 26, 2006, 03:47:21 PM »


Wikiality, man. All I need to say. Look it up.

« Reply #812 on: September 26, 2006, 09:10:44 PM »
I editted my post, so I would'nt offend you, not that it'd matter now...


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #813 on: September 27, 2006, 11:26:26 PM »
There's a new #1 on my "Top Nine People I Must Stab in my Daydreams" list. Mr. Maclelland, the P.E. teacher. Freakin' crackhead gives the whole class detention because "The majority was loud and off task." So? I'm quieter than the quietest mouse and I was supposed to go to A&W for G-Dawg's birthday tomorrow. I notify him of this, "Hey, Brandon and I have a birthday party to go to at lunch tomorrow. Punishing us all isn't fair," and he KNOWS that Brandon and I never say anything in class, but ohhh "I'm sorry, but these other the majority of the class was loud and off-task." "That's not good enough. Half of the people who deserved this punishment won't even show up, only the good people who don't want further punishment will. So you're essentially punishing the good kids for no reason. If that's the case, why should we listen to you? If you're just going to do this, shouldn't we give you a reason to? I bet you're thinking, 'If you're a good kid you're probably a nerd with no friends and nothing to do at lunch anyway,' let me inform you that even nerds like me have friends with birthdays and moms with cars. I'll show up tomorrow but there's no possible way you're falling off of my Top 9 until I'm 27 years old." I thought that last part to myself, looking at him as he talked. I hope my eyes and voice had enough apparent rage in them when I actually did say the first part. Yeah, I understand how P.E. teachers are P.E. teachers for a reason, desiring to be out in the open where there's no echoing of voices and how being cooped up in a classroom just infects their hearts, but does he think we like it any better? Go to the store and buy some goldfish to take it out on. I'm not your goldfish. I let G-Dawg know that I'm being held captive by my narrow-minded peice of a crap of a teacher for the first 20 minutes of lunch and us two won't be able to make it, but I'll still give you your present tomorrow and hope you can have it moved to friday, but come on. That's no fun--opening a present in wood shop before everyone else gets there? No fun. No. This was meant to be opened in A&W, can't you see? Your birthday this year was ruined by #2 on my top 9. He had his cell phone out in class, and when it was noticed "Okay, you all have detention." So now I have to verbally torture that boy any time I see him... not with swearing. I'm not a jerk... but with "I hate you. Go play in the road. Eat some anthrax on Halloween. Choke on cigarette smoke when some sweaty guy is smoking in front of his house. Run with scissors. Se what happens when you stick this wire in the running toaster. Trip over a shoelace and fall in a manhole. Get in a power tool mishap and bleed to death. Put a fork in the microwave. Swallow that mushroom in the grass..." Man. It's just a chain reaction. Maybe I should print this and hand it to that teacher.
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!


  • Normal
« Reply #814 on: September 28, 2006, 07:33:42 AM »
Yeah, the problem with gym teachers is that the students are usually all standing up in a gym and not sitting in desks in a classroom, so when you stage a revolt, it's not like you stand up before everybody, proclaim your disgust and walk out.  You just sort of say it as loud as other people are talking and walk out only half-noticed.

I've walked out of classes before.  Not that I missed anything important, but I kinda wish I wasn't so... well, walk-out-of-class-ish. 

In American Literature, this was when I was on medication, we spent a HALF HOUR arguing about how the teacher didn't tell us to bring the book so the majority of the class didn't have theirs but the teacher was arguing that it should be expected that we'd need the textbook for the class, but everyone said that without a prior warning they wouldn't try to bring it because the book is so heavy.  Finally I raise my hand and ask to go to the bathroom, and he says, "And miss this heated discussion?"  That's when I start talking loudly and quickly, explaining that this stupid discussion was the reson I wanted to go to the bathroom because I had no reason to sit there and not learn anything while everyone talked about books they did or didn't bring while I brought the stupid book myself and didn't want to be stuck listening to something that didn't apply to me for the rest of the period.  When I stopped everyone was staring, amazed, but he let me go to the bathroom because I had my book.  Once I got outside the classroom, I heard everyone laugh.

Another time I was in Psychology class, and I didn't really like that class because I didn't really like any of the guys there.  Luckily the class was mostly girls that were pretty... well, pretty.  Anyway, I'm one of those people that talks to himself, in public, often with a different voice every now and then.  So often times people laugh at me and ask why I do that.  Normally I just make up some excuse and try to ignore those people, especially when the people try to whisper to me to turn around so they can ask me again or do something involving me being made fun of.  Finally one period when they were poking me with a crutch, I just grabberd my bag and walked outside.  It got really quiet when I left, really intense-like.  The teacher sent out the wrong people to apologize, I mumbled something and left that hallway, and then the bell rang.  In my next period I had to go see my counselor, where I explained that I just left because I was irritated that day and it really wasn't those other people's faults, and so nothing really happened.

I wish people didn't lose credibility when speaking in a funny voice.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

Mr. Melee

« Reply #815 on: September 28, 2006, 02:03:12 PM »
First, I would like to mention that I took the time to A) Read both of your posts, and B) Be amazed at BirdPerson's rant. I would like to say that your guys' posts combine to form MY rant.

My gym teacher is a moron. We were waiting at the gym when a bunch of people my class say, "we have to meet in the health room." I'm surprised and disappointed, because I really wanted to have gym for two periods like normal (used to be one). So, I head off to the classroom for the reason I immediately learn is to take attendance. What!?!?! Our old gym teacher (who I greatly miss) would always take attendance in the gym. Instead, our gym teacher (who periodically forgets what assignments he gave us and tells us to turn in what we DIDN'T DO) sits us down and takes attendance. He then says that we must grade tests. A bunch of people, including myself, blurt out that we already did this, as we took tests on Monday and graded them the same day. He says we didn't, even after he looked at the numbers signifying the number wrong on each student's test. Well, we do that, and people start talking. While we are wondering when we're going to have gym (as he usually makes us work-out for 10 min, which wastes time) our teacher is sitting down appearing to do nothing. All of a sudden he tells us to be quiet. Now, understand that most teachers give more than one chance for their students to be quiet, mainly because they probably don't want to take something away from them. Instead, when two girls start to talk loudly, he gets up and raises his voice, saying, "OK, grab your textbooks and sit back down. You don't have gym." The whole class erupts, including me, in a rage over not getting gym, which, last year, we didn't get too often. So, he says to be quiet, and everyone gets up very angrily to grab their textbooks. He pauses again, wondering what to do, and then tells us to open the book. Now, I'm very ticked off at this point, as usually teachers will say, "do you think you can behave now?" Instead, we talk quietly, and he says again, "no gym for the next week, also." I am in a complete outrage. At this point, I feel like going stealth and hitting him in the head with a paper ball. I almost decide to, especially when he says that we don't have gym for the next two weeks. I keep leaning over to my friend beside me to tell him how much of a jerk, idiot, and moron he is. This is also the point where everyone in the class wishes to have our old teacher back (who was an awesome teacher that listened to Phish and farted proudly, declaring it to the whole class just before take-off). So, we sit there and do work for 44 minutes of time, when we should be in the gym playing football and dodgeball. When the break between periods comes, everyone goes outside and explodes in conversation over how stupid he is (I then learn that it is required by law that every public school has gym; unfortunately, that doesn't apply to our school). We go back inside and continue where we left off. Now that I think back, I remember asking him why he did not give us a second chance. He replied, "How many chances do you need?" He only gave us ONE FREAKING CHANCE. I am very frustrated, and it will remain this way until lunch is over. After having a wonderful lunch involving a Hot Pocket Sub (Pepperoni Pizza) and peanut butter fudge, he allows us to have gym. However, our honors class is blocked between two periods and lunch, so we have a 66-minute long first period and a 22-minute long second period (no, we do not have lunch after first period). So, we get to play football for twnety-two minutes. At this point, I am now grateful to have any gym at all. Well, our gym got ruined, too. A girl took our football and hit a light, causing it to fall and shatter. So, with less boundaries and a cramped space, football isn't too much fun anymore.

So, in conclusion, I am very ticked off at both my science teacher and now my gym teacher. My science teacher is boring, dry, and gives a lot of homework and too many projects in just one week. She also reminds me of the voice of the ticket lady at Funworld in the movie "Bebe's Kids" (a great movie). You already know the deal with my gym teacher, so thanks for reading if you did (I also apologize in advance for any typos in this rant).
[22:36:29] <Mr_Melee> The day I sell my soul will be the day I sell my hair.
[22:36:44] <SolidShroom> So when you go back to Christian School?

« Reply #816 on: September 28, 2006, 05:31:53 PM »
It's time for PaperLuigi's really long post!

(Okay, I really don't have much to say.) XD
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #817 on: September 28, 2006, 05:54:45 PM »
After reading BirdPerson's and Melee's post, I feel the need to say I just hate Phys. Ed. in general.

The okay thing about Phys. Ed. for the past couple of years for me was the fact that you got to choose whatever block (containing different types of sports, the last block containing the least competetive) you wanted to (unless you were a freshman). I always chose the last one, the most competetive sport we had to play was volleyball.

Unfortunately, that system was thrown out of the window this year. Now, there are classes that are groups of freshman and sophomores, and groups of juniors and seniors. Now, I have to play with jocks again, something I didn't have to do since 9th grade. Also, participation plays a bigger role in grades now. Previously, if you just changed and took part just a little in class, you'd do fine. Now, you really have to play. If you don't know how to play, you'll find yourself in a pickle. I happen to be in such a case, I didn't even know the sport "Soccer Speedball" existed until the teacher asked us to play either that, Soccer, or some other sport which I forgot.

The only thing about P.E. which I REALLY enjoyed was the square dancing. It's fun, you don't have to change, and um, I like it. Of course, the jocks think if they square dance, they'll become homosexuals, apparently. One of the stupidest things I've ever heard. :P
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #818 on: September 28, 2006, 06:11:50 PM »
Quack. (Quote shortened cuz seriously, why extend the page like that?)

It would be very nice if both you and Mr. Melee could split your rants into paragraphs like Markio did. Then I wouldn't have to reread your ranting at the end of every sentence.

So a lot of you hated P.E. eh? I never really had a problem with it. Usually I'd just do what I had to do and I managed to pass. I was pretty mediocore in many of the sports though.

I must say though, coolkid's comment on Wikipedia being 99.9% accurate gave me a laugh. The number is way lower than that.
As a game that requires six friends, an HDTV, and skill, I can see why the majority of TMK is going to hate on it hard.


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #819 on: September 28, 2006, 06:37:08 PM »
Just as I suspected, only all the disgruntled good kids and a few of the deserving kids showed up at detention. So at 7th period, he announces "Too many people didn't show, so I can't possibly make that many referrals (the one thing I was avoiding by attending this injustice in the first place). Instead, I'll give the people who didn't show a chance tomorrow, and those who didn't come for either will have 5 points deducted from this test."
"Five points deducted from this test."
"Five points deducted from this test."
Great. Had I known this, I'd've GLADLY skipped BOTH detentions! There were even FIVE POINTS EXTRA CREDIT at the end of it, which I couldn't possibly have gotten wrong! I can afford five points off of one lousy test not even worth 18% of the grade. That's NOT enough punishment for the bad kids. No. And unfortunately, I laugh every time I look at him now--he did several things that aided in my imaginative stabbing/destruction today, including
-Reaching down to grab a paper. I imagined him grabbing a dagger and stiking it in his face.
-Adjusting his glasses. I pictured him moving a dagger from his nose to the back of his head.
-Sitting with his back to a pipe that disappears into the wall about halfway down it. I pictured the pipe exploding.
-Standing under a rather large air conditioner-box. I imagine it falling and crushing him.
Fortunately G-Dawg got his mom to move the A&W trip to monday. It wasn't as fun giving him Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 in wood shop, but whatever.
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #820 on: September 28, 2006, 06:56:35 PM »
Crappy teachers, BP and Melee.

Well, my teacher gave me 15 lessons of Algebra 1 to do, a book report (worth a LOT of my grade I can't remember), 6 writing lessons, 20 pages of literature (workbook, vocabulary, grammar, about the story), 2 sports articles, and a PE Log.


Of all of that, I've only finished

- 20 pages of litereature
- 4 writing lessons
- 7 lesson of math
- half a book report

And I'm fasting, so the PE is extra hard for me. I'll pass out trying to do two hours a day. (I'M HUNGRY no water, no food till' sunset).

And this is only my third week in 8th grade! WHY IS HE SO CRUEL?!?

Can't he be a LITTLE more considerate about my fasting? My last teacher was. As far as I know, he doesn't CARE.

Since my Best Friend said she'd do all the math he gave her (She's GOOD in math, literature for me), he also gave me all the math she asked for. He asked me nothing. I was so mad.

I drew a picture of him hanging.
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #821 on: September 29, 2006, 04:47:54 PM »
My angst right now is that, well, my friend is going out with this one girl and is flaunting it everywhere like it's some kind of advertisment.  I know this is something a friend should normally be happy about, but let me tell you the whole (but kind of long) story.  This girl is fiends with my friend.  They would talk about me, and he said she liked me.  For instance, I could always feel her looking at me, it was really creepy for a while.  Then everyone was telling me that she said she loved me.  Then my friend and other people were telling me to ask her out.  But I didn't want to because I hardly even knew who she was, I only knew her through my friend.  And we barely ever shared words in person.  I said I would think about asking her out for a while.  Then one day she IMed me saying she loved me and all the crap.  And I never said anything to her after that talk.  Then I read her profile, and she has a post from her best friend on there talking about me.  The post was saying that once she found someone that she would be all  happy and that I would be bummed out and all this annoying annoying crap that makes me want to break stuff.  Well, now my friend is going out with her, and she is doing it to make me mad, and I tell myself that I have nothing to do with it, but my anger overrides that voice in my head.  It just makes me so mad that someone would use another person (my best friend) to get at me or back at me, it is immature.  But the thing that makes me the madest is that it is kind of working.  urrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I need to get into a fight.
I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #822 on: September 29, 2006, 07:46:51 PM »
I have feelings of angst I wish to share with you. I've got a fever today! I have all the standerd fever syntoms; stuffed & runny nose, throbbing head and sore throat. My throat is the worst. I constantly drink fluids just so it doesn't huirt and feel dry. Heck, I've got a bottle of water right beside me now! I've would have liked if I had gotten the cold during monday, but friday!?

Well, at least I received an honor award at school today...*Goes to hopeful thread.*
In Soviet Russia, Pokemon chooses you!

« Reply #823 on: September 29, 2006, 08:21:20 PM »
Shower-Good, makes you feel clean, and lovely.
Shaving-Good, keeps you looking nice and clean-cut.

Shaving in a hurry...Not so great, leads to trouble.

I normally get up at about 7 to take a shower before school.  Plus, it helps me wake up.  I don't always shave, mainly because I'm lazy, and I will shave only every few days or so.  But I felt rather Hobo-ish, so I thought I should clean myself up a bit.  Unfortunately, I woke up a little late, and had to literally run to the shower.  I think I might have hurt my neck when I threw my head back to rinse the shampoo.  But I jumped out, went to wake my father, and went back into the bathroom.  It's about 7:35, I have to be IN CLASS at 7:55, which I never know when that is by my watch.

*side note:  My watch works just fine, but my new principal doesn't know her...well, she's not really organized.  So 7:55 ranges anywhere from 7:49 until 8:05.  Alright, back to the story.

Well, I grab the shave gel, and try to be quick yet safe.  Well, it would have worked so much better if I had a perfectly smooth face.  Granted, I don't have horrible acne, but even when I have all the time I want, accidents happen.  So now I nicked my cheek, and I'm still running late.  I get my father up, get to school, and rush up to my math class, and it turns out it was closer to the 8:05 bell.  And, in all my rushing, I forgot my AP US book, so my teacher kinda yelled at me.  Not too badly, since we only needed to check a couple of dates, but he felt like reminding all of us that we should bring it every day.
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special." Stephen Hawking

« Reply #824 on: September 30, 2006, 08:02:42 AM »
I have ANGST because of the racism at my school, and getting treated differently by some classmates for being black.
Yesterday a classmate asked me if the N word was offensive, " because I would know. " And another clasmate was pointing to all the black people in my class ( including me ) and was calling us...umm..I'll just say "names".
I did'nt know I'd have to put up with this crap at my school, but I'll live. Not like I'm the only Haitian in the class...
