
Author Topic: Classic quotes from Boo_penguin  (Read 82609 times)

« Reply #165 on: August 29, 2006, 02:46:32 PM »
<Boo_penguin> ok I'm leaving right now
<Boo_penguin> I must go to work
<Boo_penguin> and clean the street from nazi-skinheads
<Boo_penguin> with my baseball bat

I only watch [adult swim]


« Reply #166 on: August 29, 2006, 02:49:05 PM »
That's half of the fun, you fool.

« Reply #167 on: August 30, 2006, 03:20:42 PM »
<Boo_penguin>yeah, that really sucks vorpy
<Boo_penguin>you know what really sucks?
<Boo_penguin>those dogs who barf all night

HAHAHAH, he means bark, I hope...
I only watch [adult swim]


  • Vance Vance Revolution
« Reply #168 on: August 30, 2006, 03:22:52 PM »
<Vorpy> dogs who barf all night?
<ss-masiah> haha
<ss-masiah> bark
<ss-masiah> I think
<Boo_penguin> bark yeah
Remember that your first Goomba boldly you walk? When Mario touched that mushroom being brought up more largely remember that you are surprised? Miscalculate your jump that pit remember that it falls?


  • Vance Vance Revolution
« Reply #169 on: September 01, 2006, 09:21:09 PM »
<Boo_penguin> dude rimm with cool?
<Boo_penguin> like a rap?
<Boo_penguin> I'm a dude
<Boo_penguin> and I'm so cool
<Lizard_Dude> I am the second coolest man on the planet
<BlackMage> Currently, or ever?
<Boo_penguin> you say "rimme" with the sound of a word it's kinda the same with other word?
<Boo_penguin> like word and sword
<BlackMage> Rhyme.
<Boo_penguin> oh
<BlackMage> But word and sword don't rhyme.
<Boo_penguin> oh really?
<Boo_penguin> that's why I was asking if Dude and Cool rhyme
<BlackMage> Nope, they don't
<Suffix> Otherwise you'd pronounce sword "swerd."
<BlackMage> Cool and fool do. Or Dude and food.
<Boo_penguin> I sucks as a rapper
<FireLuigi> S word
<Boo_penguin> I'm a lizard_Dude, I'm plenty of food
<FireLuigi> XD'
<Boo_penguin> girls says I'm cool, guys think I'm fool
* BirdPerson chows down on Lizard_Food
* Boo_penguin does drum sounds with his mouth
Remember that your first Goomba boldly you walk? When Mario touched that mushroom being brought up more largely remember that you are surprised? Miscalculate your jump that pit remember that it falls?

« Reply #170 on: September 01, 2006, 09:25:43 PM »
<Boo_penguin> If you need a tool, ask for Lizard_da_cool
<Boo_penguin> third line of my rap


  • Vance Vance Revolution
« Reply #171 on: September 03, 2006, 12:35:33 PM »
<BirdPerson> I'm gonna start shooting things, perhaps even KILLING things (in a video game).
<Boo_penguin> I don't need a videogame for kill people
<Boo_penguin> I do it in real life
Remember that your first Goomba boldly you walk? When Mario touched that mushroom being brought up more largely remember that you are surprised? Miscalculate your jump that pit remember that it falls?


  • Vance Vance Revolution
« Reply #172 on: September 03, 2006, 09:08:18 PM »
This one made me laugh for some reason.

<Boo_penguin> noc noc
<BirdPerson> Who's there?
<Boo_penguin> diarrea
Remember that your first Goomba boldly you walk? When Mario touched that mushroom being brought up more largely remember that you are surprised? Miscalculate your jump that pit remember that it falls?

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #173 on: September 04, 2006, 10:11:59 AM »
<Boo_penguin> QUOTE FROM A PERSON WHO CLEANS TOILETS #2 : "What ate this guy?"
That was a joke.

« Reply #174 on: September 04, 2006, 12:38:28 PM »
Edited for relevence.

<MarlieMoo> I hate annoying myspace messages. I've got a couple from a 14 year old boy saying things like "Hey sweet thang wats up?" and "what you doing let have sleep over" lol
<Boo_penguin> That's cool
<Boo_penguin> I want messages like that
<BirdPerson> O_o
<MarlieMoo> lol
<Boo_penguin> maybe I just open a fake girl myspace
<MarlieMoo> And I ADDED him.. :\ I should delete him
<Boo_penguin> to receive those messages
<BirdPerson> Blarf
<Boo_penguin> When I had too much
<Boo_penguin> I appear and SAY

« Reply #175 on: September 07, 2006, 01:23:20 AM »
<Boo_penguin> Lizard_Dude : I read carefully that doc and I would say "TAKE A PLANE DUDE"
<Boo_penguin> "WITHOUT SNAKES"

<Boo_penguin> Lizard_DUDE : TAKE A PLANE !!!
<Luigison> he's been gone for 15 min.  i think the ashes got to him.
* FireLuigi has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Boo_penguin> nah, he had a nice girl in the room
<Boo_penguin> so he alt+tab the chat window and now had some excel file in the screen
<Boo_penguin> with a lot of numbers
<Boo_penguin> and say "I'm working to resolve this"
<Boo_penguin> the girl think "wow, he's so awesome"
<Boo_penguin> lizard_dude thinks "I'm close to get it"
<Boo_penguin> girl thinks "well I'm tired"
* King_Boo has joined #tmk
* Boo_penguin does a reverence for the King of the Boos
<King_Boo> pewpewpew
<Boo_penguin> the girl leaves
<King_Boo> watch out theres three of them heading east
<King_Boo> pewpewpew
<Boo_penguin> Lizard_dude is facing death
<King_Boo> ahhhh theyre behind us!
<King_Boo> pewpewpew
<Boo_penguin> so if Lizard_dude was cool now is more cool
<Boo_penguin> Lizard_Dude gains +45 Coolness
<King_Boo> Lol
<King_Boo> "was cool"
<King_Boo> was that a set bonus?
<King_Boo> bah bbl
* King_Boo has quit IRC (Quit: Ciao!)
<Boo_penguin> King_Boo -13 Coolness

Mr. Melee

« Reply #176 on: September 08, 2006, 02:39:16 PM »
<Mr_Melee> I see no point in horror movies other than to make strong man wet their pants
<Mr_Melee> Which is hilarious
<Boo_penguin> I enjoy to wet my pants
<Mr_Melee> o_O_o
<Mr_Melee> So much for macho
<Boo_penguin> Only the real macho men wet their pants

I did not include this because it has me in it. I included it because I figured it would be good for all to see.
[22:36:29] <Mr_Melee> The day I sell my soul will be the day I sell my hair.
[22:36:44] <SolidShroom> So when you go back to Christian School?


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #177 on: September 10, 2006, 07:24:16 PM »
<BirdPerson> Make a TEM robot out of the box.
<TEM> What?
<BirdPerson> Make a robot out of the Grape-Nuts box.
<TEM> YOU make a TEM robot out of the box
<TEM> if I like it, I'll send you a dollar
<BirdPerson> I don't buy Grape-Nuts.
<TEM> Looks like someone isn't getting a dollar
<BirdPerson> Looks like someone isn't getting a robot.
<Boo_penguin> i want to make a robot who dance with Ghostbusters song
<Boo_penguin> and kill people, too
<Boo_penguin> but dancing

FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: enough with the "It's not just because I was there" crap. That automatically tells us that's exactly why you needed to post the quote.
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #178 on: September 11, 2006, 01:54:03 AM »
ProTip: If you saw the Boo quote and are posting it here, you were probably there.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #179 on: September 13, 2006, 08:41:41 PM »
[21:24:47] <TheBaron> How are you, Boo?
[21:27:40] <Boo_penguin> Well I'm ok
[21:27:43] <Boo_penguin> sorry my delay
[21:27:45] <Boo_penguin> but I'm at work
[21:27:48] <Boo_penguin> like "men at work"
[21:28:08] <TheBaron> Oh, allright. That's good.
[21:28:27] <Boo_penguin> yeah, but finishing my day
[21:28:47] <Boo_penguin> you know, it's chico style
[21:29:11] <TheBaron> No, I don't know. But okay!!
[21:29:59] <Boo_penguin> I mean, I'm cool
[21:30:04] <Boo_penguin> so my job it's cool
[21:30:24] <Boo_penguin> if you're friend of me, you automatically be cool
[21:30:25] <TheBaron> Ah. Okay. That's good.
[21:30:34] <Boo_penguin> it's like a chain
[21:30:35] <TheBaron> Sweet.
[21:30:45] <Boo_penguin> then your parents turn to be bored to be cool
[21:30:51] <Boo_penguin> and again and again
[21:31:10] <TheBaron> Yup..
[21:32:24] <Boo_penguin> so you must spread that
[21:32:30] <Boo_penguin> it's like happyness
[21:32:33] <Boo_penguin> but with Boo_penguin on it
[21:32:37] <Boo_penguin> tell to your friends about it
                                  * * *
[21:39:40] <Boo_penguin> What else is new?
[21:40:01] <Boo_penguin> Well I make a game called "who type die"
[21:40:17] <TheBaron> What's it about?
[21:40:47] * Boo_penguin says to TheBaron : you're death... You cannot talk.
That was a joke.
