
Author Topic: Super Mario: Blue Twilight DX  (Read 7571 times)

« on: August 02, 2006, 12:13:09 AM »
Is a cool fan-made Mario sidescroller.  It incorporates a lot of stuff from all over the Mario spectrum (wallkicks, rabbit ears, Kamek) and has a cool theme that makes it feel like "Mario does Castlevania" (or Super Ghouls'n'Ghosts), which is why it was originally known as MarioWeen. 

The game controls well, is pretty fun (if a little short and imperfect) and has a really surprising number of unlockables.  I'm three levels into it, and kind of love it. 

You can download it here:

If everybody already knew about this, I guess just lock this, if not, enjoy!

EDIT: Hmm... apparently I can't post pics of the game.  Bummer. :(
« Last Edit: August 02, 2006, 12:15:16 AM by billy chilly »
Haters gonna hate

« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 12:52:37 PM »
SME2 is better.

« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2006, 01:08:16 AM »
Um... K.

After some research I found out that SME2 is Super Mario Epic 2, and it does indeed look rock solid.  I'm dl'ing it as I type. 

I can't help but question the fact that the only two power-ups are the fire flower and Hammer Bros. suit--two power-ups that do almost the same thing.  Oh well, I'll reserve further judgement for when I actually play it. 

The plot is basically just a rehash of SMB2, but it looks to play more like a hybrid of SMB2 and SMW.  Sounds fun for sure, but I definitely got a "kick" out of Blue Twilight's selection of Mario 64-esque moves, especially the wall-kick. 

If anybody else wants to try out Super Mario Epic 2, you can dl it here:


All right, so Super Mario Epic 2 is pretty cool, and has a lot of neat ideas, but it also has some fundamental control problems that REALLY hold it back. 

First off, do NOT try to play it full screen.  I did, and it gave me a very bad first impression of the game.  Playing SME2 on full screen turns jumps through the air into swimming through jell-o... NOT FUN.  So in order for this game to run at a normal speed, it has to be on a TINY screen... but not too tiny, or Mario will zip around and drop like a brick.  It's a little tough to get the right balance. 

Also, SME 2 does NOT support control pads.  Yep, keyboards only for SME2.  It works for thsi game, but it definitely doesn't feel as good as a game controller. 

The physics are a little wonky as well.  You don't bounce off enemies when you stomp them, you go right through them, and gravity in general (especially on full screen) isn't always on your side.  It sort of reminded me of Ithe original ce Climber, and that's not a good thing.

However, SME2 has a very complete visual and audio style.  It looks and sounds like a REAL Mario platformer.  So in a sense, it looks better than Blue Twilight, which has a much more lavish and impressive look, but it isn't as coordinated... more of a pretty mish-mash than SME2's coherent, if less wowing visual style.   However, Blue Twilight's music is much easier on the ears, and a very cool selection of classic Mario tunes to boot. 

SME2 also gives you a lot to do in each level, with a hidden area or two per level, plus four special A coins, as well as red coins to track down.  Of course, Blue Twilight has a comparable amount of things to do--a star coin hidden on each level, plus tons of stuff to unlock, as well as a comparable number of secret areas within each level, especially the Ghost House. 

Of course, Blue Twilight has some odd control issues as well:  you CANNOT stand on top of bullet bill launchers when they're shooting, or you'll take damage, and once in a while you'll get stuck on the sides of walls and blocks and stuff--the downside of being able to wall-kick, clearly.  Despite this, it still Mario still HANDLES more like he would in a classic SMB platformer in Blue Twilight. 

Blue Twilight has some really clever boss fights, I have yet to see any for SME2.  Both have a lot of cool level designs, but SME2's levels seem to have a few more hidden tricks, which is fun for sure. 

SME2 has a greater deal of interactivity within the levels, allowing you to destroy certain blocks, and the ability to hold an item (ala SMW) is cool as well... but I think the tighter control, better jump physics and more interesting theme put Blue Twilight just a notch or two above.  Two very cool games though. 
« Last Edit: August 04, 2006, 02:11:07 AM by billy chilly »
Haters gonna hate

« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2006, 08:26:27 AM »
The best fangame i've seen is Super Mario 3: Mario Forever, it's like a director's cut edition of SMB and The Lost Levels.

« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2006, 08:52:50 AM »
I doubt you've even played SME2 or SM:BTDX.
In my opinion, Mario Forever was a hole of suck.

« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2006, 03:03:04 AM »
I've played all three, and have been playing Mario fangames for a while.

SME2: I just didn't really like the SME series that much... I hated the first one. The second one is a definite improvement, in all departments.
MF: I liked it, but there's nothing really that good about it.
SMBTDX: It's quite interesting... I'm in the middle of playing it right now.

One game that I enjoyed is Ultimate Mario Bros. by CashCrazed on this forum. It's quite fun.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.


  • Banned
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2006, 07:11:48 PM »
**** dude, I can't believe you!

EDIT: Watch your language. - Luigison
« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 07:15:24 PM by Luigison »

« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2006, 02:10:59 AM »
...I hope that profanity wasn't directed toward my game. <_<

I do happen to have made another fangame that maybe not many of you know about. It's called Mario Gang Wars, and I've updated it to 60% completion, although I don't think anyone has seen it since it hit 30%. It's an adventure game in the style of the Sierra Space Quest and Kings Quest games, with a battle system resembling that of Superstar Saga. It's the kind of game that only gets better as you play through it, and that's actually somewhat of a coincidence. You see, I started making this when I was 13, and it seemed "cool" to be into drugs, pimping, violence, and urban slang. And that's all the game was originally about. Of course, that didn't make it a very good game. Over the years I've refined it, adding better content and a coherent storyline(just read the opening lines of the game, I've left those and a lot of the beginning alone, just so you can see how messed up I was).

You can download it here, although I would advise against it if you're the type that is averse to games such as the Grand Theft Auto series. In other words, if you're anything like Sapphira, it'd be best not to even take a look at the game...

I believe Insane Steve was also doing a game called Yoshi's World with the same engine at the same time I was writing this. Ask him about that one; it was pretty good.
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2006, 03:50:07 PM »
SMW Fan of the 72dpiarmy Forums made an untitled SMB-type game. You can download it here.

There's also a really cool game called Super Mario War, which is like Mario War, but better. Hopefully v1.8 will have NetPlay. Anyways, you can download Super Mario War here.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2006, 12:15:49 AM »
Ah, yes. Yoshi's World! The Game!

Based loosely on the comic, I got maybe 35% done with the game, then gave up on it because I got sick of failing at room graphics. However, I vowed to one day restart the game and eventually finish it off.

If my assessment of the game's plot is correct, I need about 30 more screens drawn to finish everything. I also then need to do all the scripting and the like, but that's not hard for me, and is actually quite fun.

CashCrazed's game is rather fun, also. I recommend it, if you aren't offended by somewhat mature themes.

EDIT: So, ya... the third fight in the game took me about three dozen tries to win. Ugh. I had a really difficult time figuring out how to dodge the "stomper" attack. Now I'm at the car mini-game, which I've also failed about a dozen times. Precision control + optical mouse = No.

As an aside though, I like what you've added so far. Especially the Tower of Hanoi Annoy.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 01:51:16 AM by Insane Steve »

« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2006, 02:17:33 AM »
I got maybe 35% done with the game, then gave up on it because I got sick of failing at room graphics.

Heh, if you're wondering why most of the rooms in my game are cookie-cutter road intersections, there's the reason right there. You give me good graphics, I'll give you a grandiose boss fight. But since I don't have my own private artist, and am not one myself, the game suffers in that aspect. But only that aspect; the rest is pretty good. There are now four boss fights and four minigames, as opposed to the two fights and two games before. There are also two other boss fights, but I didn't count those because one you can't win and the other you can't lose. BTW, here are some screenshots.

Where could this be?
I think I need one of those...
Shoot em! Kill em all!
Land mines show no mercy.
Today is a good day to die.

BTW, Steve, I don't know if I've got your latest version. I've got the one where you introducted Caj. Is that the latest one?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 02:20:53 AM by CashCrazed »
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2006, 04:37:28 AM »
Precision control + optical mouse = No.

So what are you saying gives good control? A ball mouse? lol

« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2006, 04:56:23 AM »
I have an optical mouse, and it's really good. The only thing I can think of that might possibly be more precise is a tablet. I personally find the Toad killing spree game harder than the mine dodging one.

The trick to the car game is to remember that the collision area is basically the lower half of the wheels, maybe a little more. The third boss boils down to a lot of luck, since it's random chance how many bullets he dodges. But if you thought HE was hard, you're gonna LOVE the fourth boss, featured in the last screenshot.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 05:00:33 AM by CashCrazed »
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2006, 10:00:07 AM »
The latest version of my game is the one where you can walk into Caj but not do much except walk into the arcade and knock over a stack of cans. Since I released this demo, I've gotten about 4 of the 6 rooms in Caj done, and a couple of the "one room" click areas on the map done (the pier, for example).

For your game, I find the shooting game easy unless the Toads you are trying to shoot clump with the one you aren't, and just stay there for the entire time you have to hit them before you get shot. My mouse seems to stick a lot when trying to steer and the game gets a bit fast, so when I get pattern like




On the mine game, I just can't dodge anything. Maybe I need to clean out my mouse or my desk.

EDIT: Got it, without being hit once. *sigh* I think the problem is that the controls seem to lag a bit if the car is on the far right border of the screen.

Anyways, does the demo end at the doors to the command center? I can't think of anything to open it.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 11:09:38 AM by Insane Steve »

« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2006, 04:38:46 PM »
Of course not! Try any "cards" you might have on the door slot. If you're still stuck, check the outside of Rod's casino for clues.

As for the controls lagging when your car is on the far right, the game tries to position the car at the center of the invisible mouse cursor. When the car is all the way to the right, and the mouse goes further, the car sticks to the right, and only comes back off when the mouse cursor is once again past the center of the car.

Heh, if you thought the run through the minefield in the game was hard, try playing it on minigame mode and see how far you can get. Eventually some mines will turn yellow, which take off two mushrooms when hit, and after that, red, which is an instant kill. Watch yourself there.
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite
