
Author Topic: Bed Survey  (Read 5417 times)

« on: August 18, 2006, 10:19:06 PM »
I was thinking about how I usually go to bed at 11:00 on the weekdays, and I was just wondering: What time do you guys usually sleep? There's really nothing to explain, I just want to compare times. On weekdays, like I said before, I go to sleep at 11:00 and wake up at 8:00. What do you guys do about sleeping?
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2006, 10:27:20 PM »
I just drop on the floor or couch when I get tired, usually.
Lately, I've been going to sleep at about 1:00.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


  • Kansas
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2006, 10:28:00 PM »
On a normal day in the summer, I go to bed between 12-2 AM. I usually am up by 9.

On a normal school weekday, I got to bed at 10:45 and wake up at 6.

On a normal school weekend, I go to bed between 12-2 AM. I am usually up by 9.
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  • FitchPitch
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2006, 10:39:16 PM »
It depends on what I've been doing, when I get in, and when I will get up the next morning.

99% of the time I am still awake at 1:00 AM. Typically if I have to get up for something that starts around 8:00 AM I will get to sleep at 1:30 AM and wake up around 6:30 AM. I adjust accordingly depending on what time I need to be up by--1:30 AM to 6:30 AM is most common for me.

The only reason I'd get to bed before 1:00 AM is if I have to get up extremely early to leave on a trip. This has happened once in the past two years.

I've always been up late at night. I remember the doctor yelling at me when I was 5 because I'd still be awake at 9:30 PM. The other controversey came in third grade when everyone else got to bed at 8:00 PM and I would get to bed at 10:30 PM. The teacher thought my parents were nuts. Not their fault they gave birth to a guy who works well late at night. Never had any problems as a result of low sleep totals.

« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2006, 11:11:37 PM »
Right now I go to sleep around 12:30 and wake up whenever I feel like waking up. Though Saturdays and Sundays I wake up around 5 to go to work. Whenever school's in session, I sleep around 10:00 and wake up around 6:30.
As a game that requires six friends, an HDTV, and skill, I can see why the majority of TMK is going to hate on it hard.

« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2006, 12:05:16 AM »
Summer: Pretty much when I feel it's too late/early to be up anymore I go to bed. This is usually around 1:30 to 3:30. As for actually sleeping, I'd say it takes at least 30-45 minutes for me to fall asleep after turning in bed for awhile to find a comfortable position (Odd, as I do not have a mattress that uses springs, but has that viscoelastic foam stuff inside instead). I like to wake up and fall back to sleep, and get out of bed anywhere from 13:30 to 14:45. This means no lunch or breakfast. Meh.

Autumn/Winter/Spring weekdays:  I fall asleep at around 1:30, to be woken up by both my DS alarm, and my mother who yells at me to "herry up" at around 6:20. I roll out of bed 10 minutes later to grab some clothes, and hop out the door onto the bus.

Autumn/Winter/Spring weekends, and holidays: Pretty much the same as Summer.

As for other sleeping habits:
• I sleep in my boxers. All year-round. Nothing else.
• The most comfortable position I find is to my left or right side. I used to find sleeping on my belly to be the most comfortable. Now, I'm too lazy to move my arm underneath myself to do that, heh...
• When I wake up, I find that the sheet that was attached to the corners of the mattress has detached in about 2 or 3 places (almost never just 1, or all 4). Waking up to the annoying texture of the mattress itself is quite frustrating, especially if it detaches while I'm awake. The sheet's quite big, I don't get how it could detach from a few small movements.
• Also when I wake up, the back of my neck usually feels pretty sweaty even in colder months. Because of this, I do not sleep with a shirt on anymore.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2006, 11:03:31 AM by Vidgmchtr »
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2006, 12:39:32 AM »
Sleep sverage 2 AM, wake up average 10-11 AM

Sleep average 12 AM?, wake up 8 AM

I was hoping this would be a survey about what kind of bed you had. :\
That was a joke.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2006, 01:08:27 AM »
Typically, if I don't have class or anything, I'd stay up 'til around 3:30 AM or so and wake up around noon.

On days I have anything I need to be at, I need ~40 minutes to get ready--about an hour and 40 if that includes a shower. I go to sleep 7-8 hours before I need to wake up, so whatever the time I go to sleep and wake up at is dependent upon the time I need to leave the house. That leaving time varies.

This summer, though, my sleeping cycle has gotten really wonky; I've been staying up 'til around 6 AM and getting up around 3 PM. Adjusting back is not a fun task, now that school's started (and two days a week I have classes that START at 9:30 AM, so I need to be awake by 8 AM at the LATEST (~40 minute commute) ._. ).

Other sleeping habits:
  • I sleep most comfortably on my stomach, usually slightly on my right side, with my head resting on my pillow with my right arm tucked underneath the pillow under my head. I often switch between my right and left sides and arms.
  • I absolutely cannot fall asleep on my back, although I might lie on my back for a bit to relax me before I sleep or to help wake me up. I guess that's my "lying awake" position.
  • If all my sheets aren't tucked in at the foot of my bed, I flip out and cannot sleep unless I fix it.
  • When it's hot/warm, I wear a t-shirt and typical "pajama pants" or gym capris, no socks, and I typically use one sheet and a thin blanket, and my ceiling fan on medium speed.
  • When it's cold, I wear thicker "swishy pants", a t-shirt and hoodie, socks, and add a thicker blanket to the other covers, with the fan OFF.
  • Spring and fall, when it's in between, I typically wear/use something in between the above things. My "pajamas" are pretty much the equivalent to gym clothes.
  • I MUST have some sort of dim light source, typically a night light, so I can see if I need to get up. (I'm blind, a klutz, and my room is cluttered, which doesn't help any.)
  • I need 3 pillows to sleep, or the equivalent thickness to 3 of my pillows. The top one props my head, while the others prop my arm and possibly body.
  • If my hair is oily, I sleep with it in a ponytail.
  • Typically I have dreams, probably about 3 or 4 times a week, which I can usually remember; usually I forget them soon after getting up, but occasionally I can recall enough to be able to share them.
  • I CANNOT muster the willpower to go to bed before 12:30 AM, no matter how early I need to be up. I'm stubborn and quirky like that.
  • My comforter stays folded across the foot of my bed, no matter the season. It's really annoying and a bit uncomfortable if it falls off (I don't have a footboard), and usually I have to readjust it at some point during the night.

Yeah, I've totally, overly-thoroughly assessed my sleeping habits and things related.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2006, 01:43:42 AM by Sapphira »
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2006, 01:36:21 AM »
During the summer/break, I try to keep a general time I head to bed, but it ends up anywhere between 3-6 am, and I wake up around 11.  A lot of the time, though, I find I've got no reason to be awake after maybe 20 minutes of sitting around, and I fall back asleep until around 2:00 pm. 

During school I try to get to sleep by 2, but it varies on what I do that day.  I sleep until 6:45, when my first alarm (cell phone alarm) goes off, and turn it off.  get a quick snooze until 7, when my regular clock goes off, which I snooze, and at 7:08, I have my stereo alarm sound, which plays Pink Floyds song Time, which has the clocks going off just as my alarm usually times up with.  Then I sit in bed, not wanting to get up until about 7:20, when I force myself up and get ready.  This is unless I didn't shower the night before, in which I get up with my cell. 

General Info
  • I sleep in my boxers during the summer, and flannel pants and a t-shirt in the winter
  • I used to sleep on my side, though recently it's been easier for me to sleep on my stomach, with my arms straight out
  • I don't enjoy waking up cold, so the air conditioner is usually off, or fan, so it blows on my face a little
  • I need some kind of noise to fall asleep quickly.  I live next to a highway, so cars and trucks passing is normal, if not soothing
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special." Stephen Hawking


  • Giddy fangirl
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2006, 01:42:27 AM »
you people see me how late I'm logged on! Mabye until 3-6 AM, wake up a 3 PM or later. But at school time I sleep usually at 11 PM, and wake up at 6 AM.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2006, 08:30:37 AM »
My sleep patterns are... erratic. I go to bed with a mean time of about 1:00 AM, though this can deviate by about four hours in either direction. It can take me anywhere from 20 minutes to 3 hours to fall asleep once in bed. Uninterrupted, I usually get up at about noon. Very rarely later or earlier. If I need to get up at a certain time, I'll set an alarm clock, though I can get up within 15 minutes of the alarm going off almost every time I need to get up early, which is kind of weird. (Yesterday, I needed to get up at 5:30 AM to drive down to college. I did it without an alarm despite being up after 10 AM every day for the last 2 weeks.)

Sapphira-esque bulleted list of sleep patterns:

  • I, also, can only fall asleep face down. I tend to lay on my back if I want to relax without falling asleep.
  • I wear a tye-dye T-shirt and a pair of running shorts to bed, no matter what the temperature is.
  • I cannot fall asleep, at all, unless the room I'm in is less than about 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Regardless of temperature, I can't fall asleep without a blanket. It just feels too weird.
  • I prefer a dim light when I sleep, though I can fall asleep with no lights or a full room light on.
  • I prefer any repetitive noise to total silence when falling asleep. I have, in the past, fallen asleep with an alarm clock going off becaue the alarm had a pattern to it. I cannot under any circumstance fall asleep with a non-repetitive noise (like a radio, or people shouting in the room next to me).
  • Dreams. I have cycles of incredibly vivid dreams for about a week, and then nothing for about a month. Last cycle, though, I couldn't remember much about any of my dreams, which is quite odd for me.
  • Something I don't do, but makes it easier for me to fall asleep, is place a heavy (maybe 20 to 30 pound) weight on my back. I found this out on accident one day, though, again, I almost never actually do it.

Sheet detaching, for me, only ever happens in one corner of the mattress. 99% of the time, no matter where I'm sleeping, it's the front right corner.

« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2006, 09:04:06 AM »
I have a strict sleeping schedule.

Whenever I'm on Summer/Winter/Thanksgiving/Spring break, I go to bed between 10:00-10:30 PM and wake up at between 8:30-9:00 AM.

If the next day is a school day, I go to bed at 9:00 PM and wake up at 7:00 AM.

If it's a Thursday, I go to bed between 10:00-10:30 PM and wake up at 8:00 AM.

-I usually sleep on my side (usually my right side).
-I don't fall asleep until about an hour after I've gotten into bed.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2006, 11:01:50 AM by cantthinkofaname »


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2006, 09:28:32 AM »
Ok, in summer/on friday nights I stay up as late as I want. So it kind of matters how much is going on in #tmk or how exciting my video game is, or if I'm messing with something... on the days after, I wake up as late as I want, too; be it noon or 1 am. But last night I tried to go to sleep at 11:45 but ended up playing my DS until 12:30, and I fell asleep around 1... but I woke up before 8 (evidenced by this post's time, I had a bowl of Fruity Pebbles for breakfast and I move slowly when I first wake up). That's because my mom is getting on my, telling me I'm going to have to start waking up 6 AM when high school starts the day after tomorrow. On school nights I suppose 11:30 will be my bedtime. That gives me 6 hours and 30 minutes, good enough for me. But I'm a teenager, we teenagers have that ability to change our internal shifts overnight. Other habits include...
-When I sleep, I SLEEP. Alarm clocks just don't work on me anymore; I guess I've trained myself to get up and turn them off in my sleep. So if I'm to be up for a scheduled event, someone has to come in and yell at me to make it happen. And usually that doesn't even work until about the fourth or fifth time.
-The longer I sleep, the harder it is for me to get up. I've never understood that, but I think oversleeping can be just as bad for you as undersleeping. Maybe worse.
-I wouldn't call myself a morning person, since I don't really wake up at all until I've eaten something. I walk around "like a zombie" according to my mom until I've had breakfast.
-Milk is my coffee. I need it. One time, in San Francisco, in a house with no milk or bread, I got grumpy because there was no milk to go with my breakfast.
-Pajamas? No. I sleep in my clothes. It might be uncomfortable if I wore a belt or something, but I'm shorts-all-year-man. Socks usually come off overnight so I don't wear them unless my feet are cold (though they never help), and if I wore shoes in there I'd be really crazy.
-I can sleep in pretty much any thinkable position.
-Why would I make my bed? It's just going to go back to where it was when you woke up, which is obviously how your subconscious likes it.
So ends my longest post since... a long time ago.

-I can sleep in pitch black darkness since I never ever ever wake up in the middle of the night (didn't I just get through saying how I can barely wake up in the morning??), but that doesn't usually happen thanks to the internet box with its blue lights and whatnot.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2006, 09:35:05 AM by Bird Person »
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2006, 10:29:38 AM »
My bedtime during the summer is somewhere in between 11:30-12:30 (around 1:00 if I'm playing my GBA or NES). I really don't like to stay up too late. I usually wake up around 9:00 or 10:00, depending how long I stayed up the previous night. I'm a pretty light sleeper, so it isn't that hard to wake me up.

-I usually always sleep on my stomach or back, not on my sides. That's uncomfortable.
-One of my arms is always under my pillow. So, I'm lying on a pillow and my arm. I've always done that.
-The pillow I'm using has to be flat. I can't use a big fluffy pillow, because I wake up the next morning with bad cramps in my neck.
-I have to have some sort of noise playing in the background. That's why my television stays on all night. It's either that or I'm listening to music.
-I sleep with two fairly thin blankets.
-I can sleep in full clothing, minus the shoes. BUT, (on school nights) I wear some sort of thin shorts or pants, and a shirt.
-The room I'm in has to be cold for me to sleep well. If it's hot, I don't sleep well at all.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2006, 10:33:19 AM by Ludwig »
Alas! I have returned. (3/22/07)


  • Normal
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2006, 09:35:45 PM »
I usually go to bed around 10PM and wake up at 5AM.  These are the most accurate overall times for me.  Often I'll stay up later, like lately I've been staying up past midnight and waking up at like 7:30, but I never get up right when I wake up.  When I wake up at 5, I don't get up until 6:30.  And as for waking up at 7:30, I'm getting up at 11:00.  I need to start going back to my 10-5 sleep schedule for school...
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."
