Thankyou very much to all!^_^
...hey! It's a long time I don't update my topic and this is because I had a bigger idea in my mind (one of the many XD)... And it is born beacuse of...MARIO GALAXY!
Oh mamma, I love so much that game that I had to do something "galactic" as "ode to it"!
At first I thougt of a big drawing (which I have started, but never finished ^_^'), then of a galactic comic! I remember that when I was little I used to create Mario comics with very long plots, but then there has been a time that I made only "funny-strips" and I finished working on such big ideas.
Now it's time to do it again, because taht game is so awesome that needs also a comic, not only fanart!
I have posted my Super Mario comic only in Italian for now, but there will be the English version soon (I hope). By the way, if you are curious to see my comic and understand what our heroes are saying, you can read the translation under every page-deviation (even if that translation won't be the definitive one)! ;)
This is what we can call "the opening": GalactictaleI:
The Galactictale will be at the ebginning of every chapter in the comic and it won't influence the main comic in itself. With this minicomic you'll see the Mario Galaxy adventure with the point of view of the.... enemies! =D
As always the real adventure starts with Princess Peach letter: can view the Gallery dedicated only to the comic here. I will update it when I want, so that I'll do the best for my comic (there will be also 2 different galleries for the English and Italian version, so that there won't be mess in the future). have also thougt to draw every characters that will be present in my comic, from the minor- to the most important ones (no ecceptions so). There will be also those from the Galactictale.
here you just can see some of them!
Here there are the links where you can find also a description of the characters and their role in the story!^_^! Isn't the last one sooooooo cuuute?? ^.^