
Author Topic: Wacko dreams  (Read 229514 times)

« Reply #45 on: October 05, 2006, 02:13:46 PM »
1 I had this dream one time that i was at school and every 5 minuites we burst into a huge musical number but the song had absolutley nothing to do with what was happening then after people were looking at us like we were crazy then i told my friends the next day an they looked at me in exactly the same way

2 i got sent away to this farm for some reson (i cant remember) i was talking to the owner and his daughter (who for some reason looked lke my neighbor) then someone threw a brick at the owner he then started chasing the guy who threw it in super speed to the tune of yakkity sax for about an hour half way through everthing stopped and one of the guys said "this will just take a minuite" i was really fustrated at this point so i screamed. then my sister came along in a plane an i was somehow in a car then i bashed the side of the car into the side of the plane and the wings of the plane and the doors of the cars switched then i woke i deamt this about 3 years ago and i can still remember it almost perfectly
Hanging out inside a lion is probably detrimental to one's health in the long run.

« Reply #46 on: October 06, 2006, 08:00:36 AM »
I havent been able to remember any dreams lately, maybe my power is wearing out :(.
Either that or I'm not trying...
I only watch [adult swim]

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #47 on: October 06, 2006, 11:11:22 AM »
Glorb's post made me laugh harder than I have all day.
Partially due to the fact that I hadn't yet laughed today, and partly because it was funny.
That was a joke.

« Reply #48 on: October 06, 2006, 11:33:18 AM »
I try to laugh as much as I can through out the day, it makes it go by much quicker and less stressful.
I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #49 on: October 09, 2006, 05:27:52 PM »
Weird dreams, eh...I have remembered three that absolutely blew my mind...

Dream 1: The world backwards
My brother and I were walking in our front yard, which faces the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland...on the shore near the water, there were three vending machines: green, light blue, and dark blue...each had black stripes as well...well, every time you popped a quarter in a vending machine, a puppy came out...then a vulture would come down, fly in the air with it, I would shift to third-person view, and then the vulture would behead the puppy...I popped in 2 more quarters, and the same exact series of events would happen again, like re-winding a video-casette tape...
  Then my brother and I re-appeared in our yard...there was an oak tree that was divided at the trunk, and through the middle there was a hole leading to the other side; we could see through the hole, but when you looked through it, it showed a mirror-image of the we walked through, and lo and behold, everything was opposite--every blade of grass was facing in the opposite direction....then we looked at the water, and saw dead bodies hanging on 3 rafts...
  Then I appeared at my bus stop in Aberdeen...the bus stop is normally a public library in real life, yet in the dream, it was a pizzaria in which my Spanish teacher served deep-dish pepperoni pizza...and there was a meeting room in the back in which all my friends from school betrayed me and left me behind, slow motion-style...then, after I grabbed a piece of pizza from my Spanish teacher, I dropped it on the floor...

Dream 2: Up and Down
I was at my school...and I had an...*ahem* an "accident" I asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom...she said no, and I asked no further questions...well, it was time to switch classes, and when I exit the room, all the other rooms are in the wrong places; yet for some reason, this never bothered me; I assumed it was normal protocol...normally, my homeroom is on the 2nd floor, but in the dream it was on the 1st I walk out, and I want to go upstairs to my next class...there are normally 2 stairwells that lead upstairs: an "up" stairwell and a "down" stairwell; one of our teachers makes us go up certain stairs to get to the 2nd floor, but I usually sneak around and go up the wrong one anyway...well in the dream, I want to go up the "up" stairwell...the only problem is, it is LITERALLY an up stairwell in the see, in the dream, there weren't even any have to climb up a pole, grab onto a bookcase, jump over onto a pointy desk, then climb through a hole in the ceiling...but in the dream I thought this was "normal"...
  So I walk down a separate hallway, eager to get to  my next class...on the way to the down stairwell, I see a strange little kid wearing a hat...a fellow classmate and I decide that were going to try and catch the kid before he "disappears" around the corner...I never told the other guy my plan, it was completely unanimous...we both assumed that we had to catch the little kid, because something "cool" would we chase him...and he SPEEDS right around the corner...when we round the corner, he is gone, and there is nothing but a wall at the end...I think it was reminiscent of the running man in Zelda: A Link to the Past...
  So I find the down stairwell...and guess what: this one isn't a stairwell either!  It's a maze of old clothes, mannequins, broom,s and Christmas wrapping paper, and at the center was a hole in the tiles that I had to fall I find my way through the maze, I say hello to a mysterious janitor, and then I fall into the hole...there is a voice speaking to me, but I don't know what or why...all I remember is a strange, dark, spinning octagon, and it was really big, while I was falling through darkness...

Dream 3: Strange Cop Chase
I was in the parking lot of my old middle school...two guys in parked cars were being attacked by gangsters who were crawling on the top of the car...I curse at them, telling them to get off, but to no avail...they hijack the parked cars and drive one of them off of school grounds...the car was my brother and I rush into the middle school to get snacks and drinks out of a vending machine (again: this seemed normal at the time), when all of a sudden, we find out that Arvin Sloane from "Alias" is the school principal, and Dixon from "Alias" tried to chase the stolen car, where it was driven to a weird building nextdoor to the school, where another school NORMALLY is...
  so my brother and I follow Dixon...we come to this circus tent-like building, and the left side of it was punctured because the stolen black car came flying through at a high slammed right through the building, so my brother and I walk through the hole to find leads to my room, where I listen to a "Beavis and Butthead" audio CD...but I don't know why, exactly...
  Then I go back through the main entrance to the building, where it leads into a gravel parking lot in the middle of a somewhat-dense forest...there is a building at the end of this gravel parking lot...we enter leads to a restaurant, complete with lots of people, a dining room, bar, and balcony...the manager of the restaurant is actually a girl's father (she's from my school), but since I don't know what he looks like, he had her face...which was odd...but it seemed normal...
  My brother and I rush to the balcony, where we see a train track down below, with a stream running alongside it, right through the somewhat-dense forest...there are several totalled black cars around the tracks...another black car is ON the tracks, and a fast train comes and flattens it...soon afterwards, we spot the stolen car on the docks below the restaurant's balcony, so we rush to tell the manager, and when we come back, the car drove itself farther under the restaurant so that we couldn't see it anymore...

I write down the cool dreams I have...I even mapped out dream #3...

« Reply #50 on: October 09, 2006, 07:02:31 PM »
Boy did I have a weird dream last night......

What not to do.
I had a dream last night that I was in my room in the morning, looking for what I think was a pipe of some sort.  My light was on and everything was in place but still obscured.  It is like 7:00 in the morning and my mom is upstairs making breakfast, and my dad was outside mowing the lawn.  He saw me through the window when I was reaching behind this electric picture in my room where I hid the pipe.  I didn't think he saw what I was reaching for, so I singed the top of the illegal drug with a lighter.  For a moment, I became ashamed of myself, how I wasn't able to wait for an oppritune moment to do this.  But all passed in good time. I became full of vibe and energy and ambience.  The only bad thing was is that I left everything out in the open and I couldn't remember where any of my school stuff was.  I woke up half way through the dream.  But in the end I think I would have been in a great amount of trouble.

I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #51 on: October 09, 2006, 08:38:00 PM »
I'm ashamed (not really) to say that I love being in a Nightmare, or sleep paralysis. Just the thrill you get after waking up and feeling the fear of the night's sleep really makes me happy. And if you have sleep's kind of an adventure trying to move; to try and get out of your dream state and enter into the real world. It's exhilarating.

Anyway, I had a nightmare last night. A strange shark creature was in the backyard of my old house, and was shooting out a large, tounge-like projectile at our dogs. Broke both of their backs, it did. I ran and hid under my bed, waiting for him to come into my room, when I woke up sweating my butt off. Scary, but awesome.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?


  • Steamed
« Reply #52 on: October 09, 2006, 10:12:35 PM »
 That reminded me of a cool nightmare I had a while back, and that, in turn, reminded me that SS-Masiah is the owner of two dream threads. Perhaps I should have brought up the other one instead of this thread. Oh well. But, if you want to read about that cool nightmare, it's in the other thread.

« Reply #53 on: October 09, 2006, 10:31:19 PM »
I've had quite a few wacko dreams recently, all three of them related to music.

Let's start with last week:

Note: Anything in parenthesis and italics are real life facts about my life.

My conductor started taking a bassoon to school with him. He told me after class (Wind Ensemble, I have that class 1st period) that he'd like me to take up another instrument as well as the horn. I agreed, and immediately started to learn the bassoon. I was able to learn it very quickly. I also started playing pieces for the band, switching from the horn (I literally play the French horn) to the bassoon when a part called for it.

(That's all I can remember about that dream. I told my conductor about it, and then he shared me a dream he had the same night about his venture into a Staples to purchase a stapler. He also said he wouldn't want to put me through the trouble of learning the bassoon.)

The next dream:

Four of the school's musical groups (Wind Ensemble, Philharmonic Orchestra, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band) all started entering this huge auditorium (it was supposed to be the school's actual auditorium, but it was MUCH bigger, had numerous booths on the walls, and behind the red curtain, a gold curtain, but it looked more like it was covered in gold foil). Then, the Orchestra conductor started speaking to the four groups about this huge combined group performance we were practicing for (The only combined performances that happen regularly are half the Wind Ensemble combining with the Philharmonic Orchestra to make a Full Orchestra, and Wind Ensemble combining with Symphonic Band for a huge medley for the POPS concert held every February.), and then proceeded to show a video of our latest rehearsal. The video showed us beginning a song with most of the band members singing lyrics I cannot remember. Then, later on, it showed the string instruments in the aisles of the audience playing their parts, but most of them didn't have rods with which to play their parts, instead using broken instruments from the band room's storage room, as they worked just the same. I woke up shortly after that point.

The last dream (for this post, anyway):

I was playing in the Symphonic Band one day (I regularly help out in the Symphonic Band's and Concert Band's lacking horn sections, the latter having only 2 players, while the former has none.), when the conductor decided to give out parts for Molly on the Shore (A piece we're currently working on in Wind Ensemble, which has a very difficult clarinet part, too difficult for the clarinetists in Symphonic.). I was quite annoyed at this, as Symphonic Band usually mangles every piece the conductors give them (I was actually in this band my Sophomore and Junior year, so I should know), because most of the players don't care at all. I kept asking my conductor "ARE YOU SERIOUS?", and his reply was always "Yes, now stop asking me that". At the end of class, I put my horn away, but the lockers were now in a basement of sorts that had a walkway up back into the band room.

Yup, all crazy dreams, the last one being a terrible nightmare. A friend of mine I told the dream to agrees.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #54 on: October 12, 2006, 03:10:59 PM »
I had a crazy dream during the week in which I couldn't walk straight at all, I kept falling all over the place and walking on people.  It seemed like I was walking on jello.
I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #55 on: October 12, 2006, 04:34:26 PM »
I had a dream where I was somewhere like my school, with a bunch of the students, but on the bottom floor, there was some large, green nuclear power thing.  On the main floor, I remember LD telling everyone to act normally as he took pictures of them with a really fancy camera, though every so often he had someone move, and would grab someone else to get a good shot.  The people downstairs were walking in a straight line around the power thing.  Almost like they were walking in line to get on some ride.  There was more, but it was so weird, when I woke up I jumped out of bed and was sweating.
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special." Stephen Hawking

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #56 on: October 12, 2006, 06:49:47 PM »
Since I haven't had any interesting dreams lately, I'll post an odd one I had many years back. I still remember it vividly.....

I was at my old school, but in the past. I saw a couple of the teachers in younger form. Then I saw my mom, who was about my age. Then in the hall way where the cafeteria was supposed to be, there was stained glass windows on one side, making it look like the religeon school I attended at the time. On the other side, inside the cafeteria, was a colorful room with a group of people watching this demonstration of what looked like a ball pit (like the one at Chuck E Cheese's or whatever) by Willy Wonka, of all people. He looked just like he did in the 70's movie. Uncontrollably, I jumped into the ball pit, thus messing up the demonstration and getting yelled at by Wonka. Then, I decided to go back to the present time, but I had to find this time machine that looked like the scale in the nurse's office, except there was a big digital clock on it, The problem was, I had to find my mom because she supposedly went to the past with me but got turned into her past self in the process. The dream ended when I finally found her and stepped on to the time machine.

N64 Chick

  • one ticked chick
« Reply #57 on: October 13, 2006, 12:23:11 AM »
I had another one last night. I think I was on a field trip or something and I went to a Burger King. For some funky reason, everything was written in a foreign language there. If that wasn't odd enough, I went and asked "what their turnip prices were." Fans of Animal Crossing might understand that part.
Fangirling over Luigi since 1999.

« Reply #58 on: October 13, 2006, 01:39:06 PM »
Why wouldn't Mario Fans understand it?  I know you don't BUY any turnips, but they're still in the game.
I only watch [adult swim]


  • Old Person™
« Reply #59 on: October 13, 2006, 01:54:25 PM »
I have a vague memory of a dream I had last night in which the Fungi Forums were on The Mushroom Kingdom home page.  That sounds dumb so I'll make an image similiar to the one in my dream:

“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."
