
Author Topic: Your family and video games  (Read 10668 times)

« on: May 23, 2008, 07:17:24 PM »
Ever since Nintendo introduced the Wii back in 2006, a whole new audience has discovered gaming. Many gamers, for the first time, got to feel the embarrassment of getting their tushy handed to them by their grandma in a video game (usually among the lines of Wii Sports). I bet many of you have converted the nonbelievers towards gaming, or maybe your family has been involved since before the dawn of the Wii. Either way, this topic is dedicated to show your kin's relation to gaming.

The only one so far to become accustomed to play games (with the exception of Wii Sports) as a hobby is my mom. Here's a little timeline:

- 2003: Mom begins playing the heck out of Mario Kart: Double Dash. We often held competitions between eachother.
- Early-Mid 2006: Mom begins to play Mario Kart DS. She likes it, although she finds it hard to see the screen at times.
- Late 2006- Early 2007: Mom watches me play (and suck at) Excite Truck and asks if she can try it out. I find that she played pretty well, so I instruct her further. She becomes addicted.
- Early 2007: My mom is interested in playing Sonic and the Secret Rings when she hears it feels kinda like Excite Truck. She learns the ropes, but remarks that it was the hardest game she ever played. Upon playing it again for myself, I'd have to agree.
- Early 2007: The simple mechanics of Super Paper Mario leads me to believe mom could play it. Mom, however, doesn't quite fully understand the title's gameplay and design until after the ending.
- Mid 2007: Mom moves onto other two Paper Mario games, entirely on her own suggestion. She beats and enjoys them both.
- Late 2007: I introduce Mom to Link's Crossbow Training, thinking she'd perceive it as a simple, fun, addictive title. I thought correctly.
- Early 2008: Mom is currently playing Super Mario Galaxy (you heard me right), has beaten the third Bowser fight and is working to get all the stars. We also occasionally play some rounds of Wii Sports or Mario Kart 64.

She also looks forward to playing Nights: Journey of Dreams and Mario Kart Wii (once we buy it).

So, is your kin "in the game"?
In Soviet Russia, Pokemon chooses you!


  • Tortuga
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2008, 07:21:19 PM »
I used to play SSB (Brawl and Melee) with my sister quite a bit.  The only problem was she hated fighting me and I hated Team Battles so we had to compromise when we played together.  But we don't play much anymore.
"It'll say life is sacred and so is death
but death is life and so we move on"

« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2008, 07:57:29 PM »
My parents played Pong on their honeymoon.

As for more recent games, my father played Wii Sports on my birthday, and beat me a couple of times in Bowling.

Back in the N64 days, my father liked to play Diddy Kong Racing with my brother, sister and I. He always played as Bumper, while my brother played as Timber, I played as Tip-Tup, and my sister as Pipsy. She got quite annoyed when my father beat her in one race. XD

My parents also played a Mortal Kombat game together, but the game's Puzzle Kombat minigame. Mom didn't know she had to focus on her playing field rather than her fighter at the bottom of the screen. XD
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2008, 11:48:09 PM »
My mom and dad both used to be pretty big into SMB3 and SMW in the early to mid 90s, and I wasn't interested in playing them at all until probably around '94 or '95. I loved Mario is Missing, solely because I liked Luigi better than Mario, but since we didn't own it and had never found it in stores, we kept renting it.

One day while we were at the rental place, I saw SMRPG. I had no idea what an RPG was, but this was Mario and looked really cool, so we got it. I had no idea what was going on when I played it, but I still liked it, and it was even better when I started figuring it out. My mom, however, had so much fun with it that she went out and bought it. We raced to see who would finish the game first, and she won. I still remember her excitedly coming downstairs to tell me she had beaten it, and it went by too fast for her to call me up to watch it. I finally finished it a little later.

Around 2000, I finally got an N64. My mom was so confused by the three-pronged controller and overwhelmed by the 3D graphics, and I was so anxious to play it myself all day, that this was about the time she fell out of gaming.

In 2003, I got Superstar Saga, and on a whim, asked her if she wanted to play it. She didn't finish it quite as quickly as SMRPG (probably because the GBA was in my pocket more often), but she had a lot of fun with it and was pretty good at it. Unfortunately, the Bowletta fight proved to be too huge of a jump in difficulty from the rest of the game, and she never finished. (Also, one time I accidentally erased her file, and so surreptitiously played the game through to the same spot she was at in the same amount of time. But I ended up telling her anyway.)

Then in early 2007, we finally managed to pick up a Wii. They both played Wii Sports on the first day, with the rest of the family, and both found it rather intuitive and fun. Dad stayed there, usually playing golf or bowling, but also being a fill-in player when one or more of my little siblings wants to play something. Mom started gradually moving on to other games, starting with Excite Truck, which is still one of her favorite games to this day, then Elebits, which she is better at than me, and then Sonic and the Secret Rings... which didn't take as well as the others. And then Lego Star Wars, which, in addition to being a fun and hilarious game, was a good, risk-free way for her to practice moving in 3D, since you can never die.

Later in 2007, we got Mario Galaxy, and as soon as I could pry myself away from it, I had her start a file, and we played in Co-Star mode. We got three stars that first time, and once she learned to do the basic moves, I never had to do Co-Star with her again. Now she has about 100 stars, and is determined to get all of them.

Just a few days ago, she started playing Twilight Princess. She admitted that she wouldn't have been able to play it a year ago, but Galaxy, Lego Star Wars, and Elebits were gateway drugs. She's having a lot of fun with it so far, though she realizes in hindsight that it's kind of weird for Link to have a girl's name. Meanwhile, my dad just started playing Wii Fit today, and really likes it. His center of balance is pretty good, but when he does the Tree pose, he can't stay up on his left.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • Bruised
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2008, 12:49:27 AM »
My dad played the original Donkey Kong once.
My dad and my sister played Pac Man on our Apple IIe
early 90's: My parents bought a CD-i for the family (Though Pinball was the only game we really liked)
1999-2000: My sister introduced me to Mario Kart when we played her boyfriend's copy of MK64
2006: Played MK:DD with my dad, but he got queasy.
Regards, Uncle Dolan


  • ▄█ 'M ▓▒
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2008, 07:13:21 AM »
My dad was always moreso a fan of  the Atari 2600 and Nintendo, whereas my mom had systems such as the Genesis and the PS1.
Ditto used Machop!

« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2008, 07:22:17 AM »
I actually don't play video games as much as I used to, but my brother plays it more than anyone in my family. My sister is turning into one of those stereotypical teenage girls that doesn't want to do anything but talk on the phone, but she'll play if one of her friends does. My dad was very into Wii Sports when we first bought it. For the most part, Wii Tennis. It was fun to play together, but it never lasted very long. My dad played a little bit of the GameCube and GameBoy Advance, but it was pretty rare.
I'm a horrible person.

N64 Chick

  • one ticked chick
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2008, 07:44:15 AM »
Both of my parents really like playing Cruis'n World on the N64 and once in a great while I can mom to play a little bit of Mario Party 2. Mom also plays SMBDX a lot and seems to find it necessary to show off every time she does the 1-up trick.

Unfortunately, I don't have a Wii...
Fangirling over Luigi since 1999.


  • Paid by the word
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2008, 07:47:36 AM »
My dad is a hardcore gamer just like me, and introduced me to a lot of the old-school PC and arcade games I've played throughout the years. He has yet to upgrade to a DS because most of his portable games are GB/C games. My mom owns at Galaga (and did so while she was pregnant with me, which could explain my love of shmups), and played Wario's Woods on our first SNES all the time. She got another SNES and Wario's Woods for Christmas so that she could play it again (she's reached level 189). My parents also have a Gamecube in their room, but it's mainly used by my youngest brother to play Crazy Taxi, since my mom doesn't like the Gamecube controller (???) and my dad works a swing shift, so he doesn't have much time for console games.

My siblings all play a lot of video games. One of my 11-year-old sister's favorite games is Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games, for the GBA (nothing wrong with this, since it's actually a pretty sweet game). My dad, who has been picking up GB/C games a lot recently because of GameStop getting rid of them, got her Pokémon Blue a while back. She had a lot of fun playing through that, other than when she got to the boulder puzzle in Victory Road. She also beat the Elite 4 with no legendaries whatsoever. She also plays one of the PS2 Harvest Moon games almost non-stop, plays DDR with me sometimes (though none of my family members are very good at it), and recently asked me if she could play Katamari Damacy - she's now stuck on Make a Star 5. My 15-year-old brother tends to play first-person and third-person shooters and RPGs...and pretty much nothing else. My 9-year-old brother mainly plays racing games, Bejeweled, and a Flash game called Bubble Struggle.

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2008, 07:54:48 AM »
Here's as far back as I can remember:

1991: I was born. Family already has a NES. My mother and grandfather played a lot of Wrecking Crew, Tetris and Dr. Mario. My mother played SMB, while my grandfather played DK. My aunt sometimes played SMB3 and SMB2.

1992: Granma and Grandpa got a SNES. Grandpa became attached to SMW. I always watched him play.

1993: I think I finally had the courage to pick a game up myself and play it.

1994: DKC comes out. Granma plays it for a while. I pick it up and play it even better. By now I was always going over to my cousin's houses to play the SNES with them.

1995: DKC2 and YI comes out.They become our newest favorites. My cousin Dino managed to beat them before the rest of us.

1996: SMRPG is released. Everyone has trouble figuring out how to play it. RPGs were a new thing for us. I also think this was the year I got my first Game Boy, complete with Aladdin. Later on I would amass other gems such as SML2, DK'94, and WL. Above all, this was the year Granma got an N64. Our jaws dropped. Despite barely knowing what to do, SM64 became one of our favorite pastimes. Everyone in my family had one of these.

1997: DKR is released. I waited in extreme anticipation. Seriously, I think I might've been the sole reason this game made it into the record book for "Most Anticipated Game".  I was now also an avid NP reader. Video games were soon becoming an extremely important part of my life. Every now and then I would draw new ideas, or visit my cousins and play games with them (my cousin Paul had Star Tropics and stuff on his NES) or go back and play some of my older games.

1998: Banjo-Kazooie is released. I play the hell out of it and worship Rare and Nintendo as Gods. I also got a Game Boy Color with games like Wario Land 2. At this point I was the biggest Nintendo aficionado I knew, but all the other kids had been overtaken by the raging Pokemon craze. I was late to the party, but eventually I began to appreciate the franchise long after the fad died.

1999: Games are being released like crazy. DK64 and Mario Party. Paul became a Zelda nut after he got his hands on OoT. I decided I liked Zelda after I got LA:DX for GBC. My anticipation for games and immersion in the Nintendo side of the game industry was at an all time high, thought I think me and Paul picked up PS1s to try something new after we got a taste of Crash Bandicoot. I decided I liked this franchise along with the other platformers it had to offer such as Croc, Spyro and Ape Escape. I never really got anything past that, so I guess I just wasn't as big of a gamernerd as I thought I would later find out more about this the hard way...

2000: MP2, Mario Tennis and some other stuff like Kirby 64. I I think I missed the part a year or two where I decided to get every Kirby game after reading about Kirby 3 in NP '98. Kirby Super Star proved to be best one out of all of them. I also forgot to mention SSB, which is the thing that gave me the biggest insight into Nintendo's vast line-up of franchises yet. I think my subscription to NP actually ended this year, so I resorted to stealing Paul's issues. It was the only way I could find out about things like the growing Pokemon franchise and Majora's Mask. I also always anticipated a new Bomberman game, despite my lack of knowledge of that franchises' raging success in Japan and such.

2001: Banjo-Tooie, MP3 and Paper Mario. It's a great time to be a Nintendo fan. I ritualistically fantasized about what Nintendo could have in the future. The then the GBA was released and the GCN was announced. While I was overjoyed, I unfortunately faced heavy mockery from my peers in 6th grade. See, this was the time when Sony and Microsoft were making bigger breaks in the industry with PS2 and Xbox. Now people who would have never been considered gamers less than a year ago were suddenly experts on the [darn] thing and apparently I knew nothing simply because I liked Nintendo. I will never forget this period of my life, and eventually I would learn that I was not wrong in keeping my... "beliefs", if you will.

2002: Got a GCN, complete with Melee and Luigi's Mansion. Somehow I spent more time during these years wishing for something greater than actually playing the games. This was also the year I started middle school, so I kinda layed low with the Nintendo appreciation out of fear of being mocked even more. No such luck, as every god[darn] kid who went to my middle school from my old school remembered me as the "kid who drew Mario and obsessed over Mario all the time". I was never more insulted in all my life.

2003: SMS was released. By now I managed to find a few more friends who didn't seem to mind my appreciated of Nintendo. In fact, I began to learn a great deal more about Geek culture and the internet in general from them, and I would pine for the day I finally got my own Internet connection and see these things first hand. Sill managed to keep up with every Nintendo release from this era thanks to my shiny new NP subscription. Got into Sonic with my picking up of SA2 and SMC. I realized that I had missing out on Sega during the 90s and vowed to one day play every old Sonic game. Also picked up a PS2 simply to see what all the fuss was about with KH. Liked it initially, then eventually I would realize that this was a mistake...

2004: Finally got the internet. Dove headfirst and began rummaging through everything I could find. My adventures on the web would prove to be a slow and careful buy ultimately rewarding process. It was here that I discovered TMK for the first time but did not join as I felt I was too young and not ready to handle it. I wanted to take my creative exploits into someplace more daring. This was that period in very young man's life in which he thinks the cruddy amateur flash cartoons on Newgrounds are the coolest thing ever. I didn't even learn about the more disturbing things on the the internet or even the specific details about the less disturbing things yet. Also the DS was released. I felt Nintendo might've been getting back to where it belonged.

2005: This was my start of high school, and throughout these years I would grow and change in leaps and bounds. I decided to collect old video game memorabilia, such as all the old issues of NP I didn't have. Then I started collecting systems and games I didn't have. Then I started browing further into the internet, gaining more and more knowledge of what my fellow geeks took part in. I joined some more forums. I witnessed some more disturbing crap. I obsessed over the second coming of Nintendo with the upcoming release of the "Revolution". It was similar to the years before, except I did all with a touch of maturity that would only become the rule rather than the exception the coming years. It was also here that I began to learn just how much Sonic used to be years ago than he is now, what with Shadow getting a game and all. I would never understand why the Sonic fandom and franchise ended up becoming the sad cases that they are.

2006: The Wii is arriving. I'm happy chatting up out there in InternetLand. My ideas for my future career as a cartoonist/graphic novelist start to shape up. I got a girlfriend for the first time in my life Everything is good in terms of my hobby. I began to gain a more refined sense of how the game industry works and things like that. My discoveries were still only just beginning.

2007: By now I've managed to pick up all the essentials in terms of what's on the Wii and DS. I've also managed to gain a great deal of knowledge about video game history and the current video game industry. My maturity level might have reached it's peak. I find myself  spending less time playing newer games and more time playing the older ones I knew and loved and complaining or just talking about what the current industry has to offer. To this day my knowledge and ambitions continue to grow, and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight.

2008: Here we are. Right now. Today. You are all seeing me type this out. You all probably know what has happened to me between last year and now. Girlfriend is now just a friend, interest in Nintendo is more on what could've been rather than what is, and otherwise my gaming hobby might actually be taking a back seat to my regular life and considerations for my future career. I will be a senior in high school next year, and after that it's off to college and the real world. I know I'll never forget the history I've had with Nintendo and the video game industry or the impact it's had on my life. My intention is to hold the best parts of it as close to me as possible for as long as I can. The future is not written, and only I have the potential to make it the best future possible for myself and my favorite video game company...


  • ▄█ 'M ▓▒
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2008, 08:16:20 AM »
Here's sort of how my game history happened to be more specific.

-I'm born in 1989. We have an NES with about 13 games, I believe. Also 15 years later I discover we had a 2600 with about 15 games.
-Super Mario Bros. 3 is the first game I play. I love it.
-We got a SNES in about '95? It included Gradius III and Turn and Burn: No Fly Zone. Gradius III gets me into shumps

To be continued...
Ditto used Machop!


  • Banned
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2008, 08:16:34 AM »
I'm lazy, so I'm not writing this in any actual chronological order. My gaming life started around 1996, when I became a massive gaming nerd thanks to my friend's N64. My immediate family regarded it like a lot of other people did (a little kid's toy fad), but my Uncle had been an avid gamer since the late-80s. The first game my parents ever played, they tell me, was Pac-Man while at a bar, and the most recent one my Mom played was Brain Age, about a month ago. Before she died, my Grandma expressed an interest in video games; whether she was simply being nice or actually interested I'll never know, but it's a shame she never got to find out about them. Over the years I grew to like PC games as well as non-Nintendo consoles, and eventually became introduced to the wonders of online multiplayer. As of currentness, my family does not play video games in any way shape or form, except, of course, for my uncle.


  • Vance Vance Revolution
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2008, 08:49:00 AM »
My parents never played video games much. Before I was born, my dad had bought a Game Boy and a few games so he could have something do do while he worked the graveyard shift at our local radio station. Apparently my mom had played Tetris on this Game Boy, too. After I was born, however, my parents did not seem to play much. My dad still had his old Game Boy and my grandmother had an NES that belonged to one of my uncles, but other than that I rarely got to play anything. I get the feeling that my parents didn't want me to play video games, as they managed to sell the Game Boy at a yard sale without me noticing. I also remember asking to get a Nintendo 64 and then a Game Boy Color when they each were released, but they always said that playing those would rot my brain. I only managed to get a GBC as a gift from one of my friends. Had it not been for this, my parents probably would have succeeded in turning me off from video games, and I probably would not be here today.

I think it was around this time that my parents gave into letting me play video games, as they started buying games for me and bought me a GBA in 2001. They still wouldn't get me a GameCube, but my dad tried to use the chance of getting one as something to hold over my head. I did eventually get a Nintendo DS and finally managed to get my first console in 2006. My parents continue to seem to show little interest in video games, but my mom does want to get Wii Fit.
Remember that your first Goomba boldly you walk? When Mario touched that mushroom being brought up more largely remember that you are surprised? Miscalculate your jump that pit remember that it falls?


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2008, 08:49:43 PM »
I think part of the reason I'm so bitter about the Wii is that my parents are the exact people that Nintendo is trying to reach... and they don't care. What I mean to say is, my parents used to game (or at least my dad--they had an NES and he Saved the Princess, which is something even I haven't done), but they stopped like most everyone else's parents did in the 90s (work, or kids, or something). I mean, from what I've heard in the news and from people on the internet (like here), it's obvious plenty of parents/oldies are loving the Wii, but it's just not working for me. My mom said she couldn't watch MKWii because it was making her nauseus, and I even heard her mention to a relative once when my brother and I were playing that she couldn't wrap her head around the whole motion-control thing (you see, older people think of games as being controlled by buttons. Motion controls should be simpler but, for some, they come off as all the more complex!). Heck, my aunt and uncle from my mom's side game... Sheesh, just... whatever. I wish I was born earlier.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2008, 08:52:04 PM by ShadowBrain »
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef


« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2008, 10:10:01 PM »
My parents ever playing video games simply does not compute.
