Triples and Rotations were removed!

My Triples team involved using Greninja's Mat Block and protean type changing, and Latias' Tailwind and Heal Pulse, to enable Lickilicky to destroy everything with Belly Drum, Rock Slide, Earthquake and Explosion. I know what to do to retool it into a doubles team. My Rotations team on the other hand... I'll explain it first
Politoed is in the lead, so Drizzle activates when the battle starts. Kingdra and Audino are in the back, Kingdra with Sniper and holding a Scope Lens, Audino with a Sitrus Berry because I never got a copy of ORAS and don't know if Audinite would really help it do its job here any better. On turn 1 I rotate to Kingdra, who uses Focus Energy, bringing its crit chance to 100%. On the second turn, I rotate to Audino and use Gravity. Gravity makes it so that low-accuracy moves like Hydro Pump will always hit. The rain multiplies water-type attacks' power by 1.5 and a Sniper's crits are 2.25 times as powerful as non-crits, plus you have your STAB, so this Kingdra is now dishing out base power 556.875 Hydro Pumps with over 100% accuracy. Politoed knows Rain Dance in addition to having Drizzle and can therefore restart the rain if it ends without having to switch out, and if anyone gets hurt, Audino knows Wish, which will heal whoever is rotated in on the turn after it's used. He also has Heal Bell. The team is backed up by Mamoswine, Garchomp and Toxicroak, all given hard-hitting moves that are sure to hit under high Gravity.
I can't make this absurd strategy happen in any other format, sadly, due to the way rotating does not use a turn or remove status changes like switching out does. I'm not sure I can even take any of the members and teach them different moves, because their natures are specific to the roles played in this team in particular. I'm just going to have to leave it in X unless they ever bring Rotations back.