
Author Topic: The Pointless Topic!  (Read 2571513 times)

« Reply #5100 on: May 16, 2007, 06:46:21 AM »
Standing next to the chained to the floor The Chef, Masher101 is able to remove the chains with a key he found under a rug. Then, Masher101 and The Chef run up a large... tower thing... and fight a whole buncha guys, and then... they come in the huge room... and see none other that Count Bleck standing there.

"Bleh heh heh heh BLECK! You have fallen for my trap, fools!" He mumbled, as the door behind Masher and The Chef slammed shut, blocking them off. "Where's the princess- er I mean GiftedGirl!" The Chef yelled, drawing his silver spatula. "Bleh heh heh heh... She is trapped, and in a matter of time, she will be unneeded..." Count Bleck said, laughing. "Fine! Then we'll just rid the world of YOU!" Masher101 said, as he drew a random longsword. And So... THE BATTLE BEGAN!!

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #5101 on: May 16, 2007, 01:40:44 PM »
The plan was to have Masher hold off Bleck while The Chef charged up his 100-Hit Super Combo, called the Stew Supreme.

« Reply #5102 on: May 16, 2007, 03:00:16 PM »
At that moment, Count Bleck looks at his watch. "Crap!" he shouts. "Look at the time!" He turns back to Masher and The Chef. "Sorry to dissappoint you, but I have to start the wedding now. Bye, losers! BLEH HEH HEH HEH BLECK!" And with that, he vanishes.

Meanwhile, back at the ranchwedding ceremony, Count Bleck appears to get the wedding underway. GiftedGirl is wearing the ugly frilly wedding dress again and The Annoyance is in a dark blue tux. Nastasia, O'Chunks, Mimi and Dimentio are all watching the procession. Looking around, GiftedGirl can see that all of her and The Annoyance's classmates have come to see the two get hitched. They're all cheering for them.

"Great job, dude!"

"Nice dress, Jess"

"What a beautiful bride!"

"What a handsome groom!"

"Better you than me, Jess!"

Count Bleck faces The Annoyance. "Tyler Burke," he says, "will you take Jess to be your lawfully wedded wife until your games be over?"

The Annoyance grins from ear to ear. "HECK YEAH!" he shouts.

Next, Count Bleck turns to GiftedGirl. "Jess Curtis, aka GiftedGirl," he says to her, "will you take Tyler to be your lawfully wedded husband until your games be over?"

GiftedGirl hesitatates for a moment. "Well, I," she mutters. "I... I... I DON'T!" Before anyone can take in what she's said, GiftedGirl transforms into a Koffing and floods the room with a viscious Smokescreen.

When the smoke clears, everyone is surprised to see two Count Blecks! "Don't just stand there!" shouts the Count Bleck on the left. "Someone STOP HER!"

"No, there she is!" the Count Bleck on the right, actually GiftedGirl, pointed his(her) staff at the real Count Bleck. "Tie her down and let's finish this!"

"Don't listen to her trickery!" the real Count Bleck shouted in both anger and anxiety. "She's trying to use the handsome Count Bleck's body against me! ATTACK!"

"Oh, this is rediculous. Count Bleck departs!" And with that, GiftedGirl uses Count Bleck's teleportation abilities to escape.
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #5103 on: May 16, 2007, 03:35:29 PM »
*blink blink* "Uh... What do we do now?" Masher101 asked as he sat down, looking for a way out. "Well, the door is locked... and Count Bleck is gone..." Mumbled The Chef, as he stabbed his spatuala into the ground. "Well... It can't be THAT bad... can it?" Masher101 said as Count Bleck appeared in the room. "COUNT BLECK! Why have you come back, are you going to finish us off now?" Shouted The Chef. "Bleh heh heh heh... BLECK! I have come to oblitorate you... Hahahaha! Just kidding!" Count Bleck said, as he transformed back into GiftedGirl. "GIFTEDGIRL?!" Shouted Masher101 and The Chef, awestruck.

« Reply #5104 on: May 16, 2007, 03:55:12 PM »
"Yep!" GiftedGirl winked flirtaciously to an unseen audience. "I used my morphing powers to confuse everyone and escape. Those guys are idiots!" She laughed a little. "All they had to do was look at my eyes. I can never get my eyes to change from blue-gray."

"I see..." said Masher.

"Well, let's get outta here!" GiftedGirl said. Then she noticed the locked door. "Oh... this is a problem..."
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #5105 on: May 16, 2007, 04:07:39 PM »
"Yeaaaahh..." Masher101, as a large rucuss happened from behind them, a door appeared from nowhere, and out poured Count Bleck, plus all of GG's classmates... but they were BRAINWASHED! "You dare trick Count Bleck!? I will destroy your freinds, and then I will FORCE YOU to marry this boy here..." Count Bleck said as he moved to the side to show The Annoyance (That's his name, correct?) grinning. "NEEEVEEERRR!!!" Shouted GG, as she jumped up and tried to kick Count Bleck in the face.

« Reply #5106 on: May 16, 2007, 04:27:52 PM »
Fobert watched all of what was going on from the sidelines, behind a brick wall where no one could see him. A demonic smile spread across his face. "Fools, fighting for no good reason!" he began, "Count Bleck may be stupid, but his efforts have brought me closer to the one, who I'll kidnap and bring to my real master, King Grodus of the X-Nauts! Buh huh huh!". Using his X-naut clamoflauge device, he blended in with his surroundings, making him invisable to the naked eye.

Yes, Fobert- like all "Trustworthy" second-in-commands- was actually a backstabber working for someone else. Who "the one" is and what the X-nauts want him/her for is a mystery, but whatever it is, it's probably not good.
In Soviet Russia, Pokemon chooses you!

« Reply #5107 on: May 16, 2007, 04:29:50 PM »
GiftedGirl jumped up and prepared to kick Count Bleck in the face. But her foot didn't connect, as Count Bleck had a barrier. "You foolish girl! shouted Count Bleck," he shouted. "Do you not know who you are up against?! I have a barrier doofus!"

"That may be," said GiftedGirl calmly, "but even your barrier can't protect you from the pinnacle of innocence..." She rose up into the air, glowing a tinge of pink. "I summon DOGGEHS! Come forth!" she shouted dramatically.

Nothing happened. Count Bleck laughed. "BLEH HEH HEH HEH BLECK! You think shouting dramatically can destroy my barrier?! I laugh at you and your incompetance!" Suddenly, there was a faint rumbling that slowly got louder, accompanied by mass barking. "Wh-what?!! exclaimed Count Bleck."

The rumbling got louder, eventually getting so loud that the ground started to shake. Just then, the wall was busted down and a mass of dogs in every size, color and breed you could imagine, poured through the hole like water out of an old jug. GiftedGirl took something out of her pocket: a can of Kibbles-n-Bits. She opened the can and swung her arm back, preparing to make it rain hearty cuts with beef, chicken and vegetables in gravy.
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #5108 on: May 16, 2007, 04:43:23 PM »
Which she did... so all those dogs attack Count Bleck. Minutes later, two arms flung out from the darkness and grabbed Masher101 around the neck. "GACK! Ahhh! Help!" Masher101 screamed, as he got pulled into the darkness... Many more minutes later, Count Bleck was reduced to his bones. "I WILL RETURN!" Shouted the skeleton of Count Bleck as it crumbled into dust. "Did we win?" said GiftedGirl as she ripped off the wedding dress to reveal her normal outfit (which is?) "Guess so... HEY! Where's Masher101?!" Yelled The Chef.

« Reply #5109 on: May 16, 2007, 05:25:30 PM »
After kidnapping Masher101, Fobert was teleported up to the X-naut's new base (whose location I won't reveal). When Fobert materialized, he found himself in the X-naut throne room, a dark, plain room on the very top level of the X-Naut base. Sitting in a throne in front of Fobert was King Grodus himself, although he was still just a head being carried around by Lord Crump, like when we last saw him in PM2 (so it was not Grodus sitting in the throne, but rather, Crump). In Fobert's arms was the unconcious body of Masher101, who Fobert had kidnapped. "My doge, I have brought you the one."

"Well done, underling." spoke Grodus, "Now I'll keep up my end of the bargin; from now on, you are now my second in command!"

"Hey!" said Crump, "Whu 'bout me?"

"Crump, you have now been demoted to janitor. From now on, I'll use my office chair with wheels to get around. At least the chair is worth something."

"Aw..." Crump sighed.
In Soviet Russia, Pokemon chooses you!

« Reply #5110 on: May 16, 2007, 05:57:04 PM »
*Later That Day...*

Masher101 wakes up, from being conked in the head with a giant mallet. "Ow... My head... hurts... Hey! Where am I?" Masher101 mumbled as he sat up, looking around him. "Looks like some high-tech base..." He said, standing and looking at two doors around him. "Well, they at least gave me a bed..." Masher101 mumbled as he walked over to the bed, feeling it's softness. "Guess I'VE been kidnapped!" Said Masher101 as he sat down on the bed, resting his head against a pillow. "Well, I guess... I can... get some... rest..." Said Masher101 lazily as he laid his head onto the pillow and slept.

« Reply #5111 on: May 16, 2007, 06:34:09 PM » she ripped off the wedding dress to reveal her normal outfit (which is?)

A t-shirt w/ a silly phrase(STOP plate tectonics!) and jeans.


"Crap!" shouted GiftedGirl. "We lost Masher!"

"Masher?" The Chef said. "I thought his name was Masher101."

"When I talk about people with number names, I usually take the numbers out."

"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

« Reply #5112 on: May 17, 2007, 06:46:20 AM »

Masher101 awoke from a loud "BEEP BEEP BEEP" noise. He looked around to see a small intercom with a small red flashing button. Masher101 pressed the shiney red button. Suddenly, the intercom rang out a evil sounding voice. "Hello, Masher101... Welcome to the fortress of the X-Nauts! You are now our PRISONER! Heheheheh... We will call upon you when the time is right... but make yourself at home... *Click*" The intercom shut down. "The X-Naut fortress, eh? On the moon again, I guess..." Masher101 muttered as he looked up at a nearby camrea. "Hope the computer doesn't try to flirt with ME..." Masher101 said, walking into the bathroom.


  • Banned
« Reply #5113 on: May 17, 2007, 12:33:15 PM »
Meanwhile, again...

Glorb woke up in a small dingy bathroom, chained to a pole. Suddenly, a deep, crackly voice came on the loudspeaker. "Hello, Glorb. Welcome to the fortress of the X-Nauts. Let's play a game, shall we? Your goal in this game is to kill Masher101. And you have to cut off your foot." Glorb looked around. "Huh? Where?"
Just then, Masher101 walked in. "Boy, this bathroom sure is a dump...oh, hey Glorb." Glorb crawled over. "Hey, Masher101, were the X-Nauts always like the Jigsaw Killer? I mean, I never played Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door." Masher101 pondered this for a second. "I don't know. Maybe this is all a dream." Just then, someone burst through the wall in a go-kart! That person was...

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #5114 on: May 17, 2007, 02:06:22 PM »
The Chef! He and GiftedGirl borrowed Koopa T. Quick's GPS-enabled go-kart in order to find Masher and Glorb!
