
Author Topic: Wacko dreams  (Read 229468 times)


  • Banned
« Reply #720 on: May 16, 2009, 08:55:24 PM »
Dude, Suffix, you've got the technical know-how. Whip that [dukar] up in one of those SDKs, dawg.


  • Steamed
« Reply #721 on: May 16, 2009, 09:14:03 PM »
My modeling days are long gone, sir. I have the know-how, but not the tools.


  • Banned
« Reply #722 on: May 17, 2009, 11:33:01 AM »
Dang. I seriously want to play a mod where you can mow down skittering pigdudes with a helmet-mounted chaingun.


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #723 on: May 17, 2009, 05:22:49 PM »
My dream last night took place in the near future. I rode the Google Bus.
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #724 on: May 25, 2009, 04:59:27 AM »
It was another really long, epic, rambling dream, most of which I don't remember, but my mom and I ended up at the church we used to go to, in the building that we used in the summer (smaller, cheaper to use, no Sunday school rooms. In the church's final days, however, we decided it was even cheaper to only use one building.). In the sermon, the pastor mentioned something about finding a song that has the words "here", "there", and "me" in the lyrics. My mom suggested Right Here, Right Now, but I dismissed that as too obvious a choice. I had my laptop with me for some reason, and as I typed "there" into the address bar in Google Chrome, it suggested other song titles, and the one I settled on was "Already There", along with another one with a weird long name that I can't remember.

Church was over and we started walking out. Right as we got to the door, I was reminded that it was raining outside. I shut down my computer and closed the lid, putting it on a nearby table to wait for it to finish turning off. I told my mom not to turn it off herself by flipping the switch on the side, that it would turn off by itself when it was ready, and that I was going to use the bathroom while I waited. Now, part of why this building was cheaper to run was that it didn't actually have a bathroom. It used to have a Port-a-Potty out back, so when I saw something that looked kind of like a Port-a-Potty inside in the vestibule, I figured that was probably it, though I also saw a door to something that might be a bathroom that I had a feeling might have been fixed. Suddenly, Frances, the nice old lady who plays the organ (or just the piano in this building) came out the door holding a tray of pee. It was a bathroom, but it didn't have a toilet. Still, it was better than nothing, so as she went outside to dump her pee, I went in, hoping there was another tray for me. Before I went inside, Sheila, the youth choir director and our resident quintessential church lady stereotype, handed me a glass bottle about 3/4-full with rainwater, saying "It's not much, but stirring really helps."

I didn't know what to do with the water as I walked in the bathroom, so I just poured it sparingly in places that seemed like they could use some water. The bathroom had suddenly become extremely long, with a row of sinks, all inoperable, and almost all of them with a dry, half-opened Cup Noodles in them. Above the sinks, instead of mirrors, were little plastic baskets holding 2-inch tall aluminum cans labeled as varying brands of "microbeer." Some of them were open, and I poured a little water in them too.

Eventually I ended up outside, out back behind the church building, with my dad. It wasn't raining anymore, and this definitely wasn't the way it actually looked behind there (it was actually, as was revealed to me a little later on, a modified version of the front lawn at my house). It was a mess. Large, solid, weirdly-shaped objects draped across the lawn; I didn't recognize them as things at all. They might have been cars or trees or whatever, but they were just piles of stuff. The power line from the nearby pole was tangled up in them, drooping down right on top of them and under some of them. Obviously not very safe. My dad started fixing stuff, and I, feeling useless, wandered away. I was saying things, and I wasn't sure if I was saying them in my head to myself or out loud to my mom who wasn't there, or maybe just practicing for when I did want to say them to someone. I said that I usually believe the first answer I give myself for questions, and gave as examples the way that having no neighbors inhibited my social life, why I feel like I'm letting my dad down, and how the reason I don't know myself is that I haven't made a self yet. I also said that in retaliation to impulsive answer-choosing, sometimes I'll act like I don't know an answer just because I don't like the answer I have. Suddenly, my dad started kicking picnic tables at me.

I stopped them with my foot; first a wooden one, then a kid-sized plastic Fisher Price one. He started taking the screws out of them with a claw hammer, and someone who was me and/or my brother helped. We came across a weird petrified baby version of my dad, wearing tight pants that his mom had picked out for him. There was something about Six Flags, and then I woke up.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • Tortuga
« Reply #725 on: May 25, 2009, 07:29:49 AM »
I had a dream last night that the boards had been fixed so that the black theme could view avatars.  If that isn't wacko, I don't know what is.
"It'll say life is sacred and so is death
but death is life and so we move on"


  • Banned
« Reply #726 on: May 25, 2009, 06:25:49 PM »
I once had a dream that I read an xkcd strip that was funny.

« Reply #727 on: May 25, 2009, 06:58:18 PM »
I had a dream once where I was in a race car going almost 200 miles per hour and I crashed into something which woke me up screaming.
ROM hacking with a slice of life.

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #728 on: May 25, 2009, 08:45:49 PM »
I once had a dream that I read an xkcd strip that was funny.



  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #729 on: May 29, 2009, 02:27:40 PM »
I was in the mall (it was my local mall but it only resembled it on the exterior). There was a courtyard there and all sixteen gym leaders from Gold/Silver/Crystal were there, as well as some others (like the rival from Diamond and Pearl for some reason). I figured "this must be where you rebattle them in HG/SS." But instead of waiting for you to go talk to them, they actively chased you and attacked. BLUE kept beating me as I tried to run away from them. I even tried to climb the tiered garden in the courtyard thinking that video game characters wouldn't be programmed to follow me but they did.

I managed to escape them and kind of wandered around and met someone I supposedly knew in a store that sold some hats. We headed for the mall's exit. I told him "Mmmm. Maybe I should go... go home, change my clothes... go take my English final..." My English teacher was inside a parked car next to me. "Buuut Ms. Reynolds is cool and won't count me as being tardy, right?"

I talked to the guy from before some more when a really, REALLY loud car interrupted. It was at least three times the size of one of those oversized pickups but was built like an SUV. It crashed into some tractors around a warehouse and effortlessly pushed them aside. A friend of mine and his girlfriend drove from behind the warehouse and the guy driving the huge truck chased after them, shooting. A crowd kind of gathered where I was and the police showed up. They shot at him because he wouldn't stop and was shooting some of the people watching, some of which ran. They shot him enough times that e stumbled out of his car bleeding but he kept shooting at people.


The end.

Then I ended up waking up at 8:40, almost two hours late! I got to school and finished my English final easily enough. Maybe Ms. Reynolds really will be cool and not count me tardy?
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!


  • Banned
« Reply #730 on: May 29, 2009, 02:41:37 PM »
Yesterday I had a dream that went like so:

I dreamed that my dad was driving me to the highschool I went to during ninth grade, and I was late for first period. When we got there, just as I was walking up the steps (since, apparently, a big front step had been added), everyone in the entire world got amnesia. Simultaneously. Nobody rememebered their identity or anyone else's, and in some cases, people forgot how to drive while in a car, and crashed. I didn't, though, and so I teamed up with a couple people, including my dad (who I didn't know was my dad) and a couple others. Together, we drove off and found civilization in ruins, with people wandering confusedly through the streets. At one point I encountered a clown who looked in a mirror and freaked out, since apprently he was expecting a different job. Eventually we came to a farm house where a bunch of people had formed a makeshift family and given each other names. Then I woke up.

Who else thinks that would make an excellent movie?


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #731 on: May 29, 2009, 05:41:47 PM »
I was going somewhere with some friends, and we were going to take the subway, which was mostly internal to the college campus but also apparently had some connection to the outside subway. Also it wasn't underground. But it wasn't an el-train either. It was actually right at ground level. You could see the single track it went on through the mud. So we all were getting on the subway, and I ended up kind of absent-mindedly getting on a different car than the others, and this car didn't have a door to the others. Joe H. and a couple other people I knew but who weren't part of this trip were there.

When the train stopped at the next stop, I planned to get off that car and get back on another one, hopefully closer to the others. I hadn't counted on there being a steep hill with hundreds of people coming down it to get in the door I was trying to get out, and once I was out, I couldn't see the train from where I was on the hill and wasn't sure whether I needed to walk to the bottom or across a wooden deck to board. I took so long stalling that by the time I got anywhere that I could even see the train, I realized that the train had left a long time ago and I was looking at a trailerless tractor trailer, which was also pulling away.

I ended up on the ground, in the mud. Digging in my pocket, I pulled out a piece of molding that was about a foot long and had a very partial map of the subway route, that stopped (the route turned, going off the narrow piece of wood) before it got to anywhere helpful. I realized that I didn't have any kind of map of the campus with me.

I ended up in an underground subway stop made of dirt (this part may have actually been at the beginning). There were posters on the walls advertising New-Age-ish-type speakers, all of whom came to life from the posters and told me that I shouldn't be so angry at Obama for supporting abortion. I rebuffed them.

Eventually, I woke up within the dream. I went to the cafeteria -- which had a strange resemblence to the cafeteria I remembered going to in the Home Alone dream. I thought I saw Brad M. there (one of the only people who I can remember was part of the group that was supposed to go on the trip). It turned out the guy I was looking at was actually Gared, from high school, but the guy he was sitting with was Brad M. anyway. I had pieced things together in my head so far, and apparently we really were supposed to go on the trip, but the part where I missed the train was just a dream. I was going to tell them about all this, but I kept stopping for some reason.

I looked around the table and a bunch more of my friends were there, though the only one I can remember was Tom. I turned back around and Brad R. was there -- possibly taking the place of Brad M. We looked over at the walls and Brad R. commented, with a characteristic smirk, that the moss that was glued to the walls was getting brown and crackly. Upon closer inspection, we realized that the moss was actually wood carved in elegant fashion to look like moss. We all agreed that it looked nice.

Everyone had a dinner plate in front of them with lots of a single item on it. Gared had cookies, Brad (I can't remember which one anymore) had lettuce, and Tom had glowsticks. As I was turned kind of away, I heard a girl at another table call out "Hey, nice lettuce bracelet!" I turned and saw that Brad was making a necklace out of the lettuce using the twine that I bought at the beginning of this semester. Tom was doing the same with his glowsticks.

I got up and went to the dessert bar to get something of my own, though I chose a little saucer-sized plate instead of a dinner plate for some reason. I looked around for anything the I liked and that there was enough of, finally settling on something that looked like the banana brownies from Personal Trainer: Cooking that I want to make once I get the game. I realized then that it would be appropriately ironic (or something) if they all left then, my mind cooking up some scheme involving cooking a fatted calf for David that made perfect sense at the time (probably related to how much I've been watching Kings lately -- really hope it gets another season). I told myself that yes, that would make sense, but I didn't want it to happen, so, knowing on some level that this was a dream, I willed it not to happen. But then I woke up before I got back to the table anyway.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • Score
« Reply #732 on: June 01, 2009, 01:16:11 AM »
While it's not exactly a "wacko" dream, I had one recently where my uncle and I were hanging out.  Now, for those who may not have been here at the time, I mentioned one of my uncles killed himself back in February, right around Valentines' Day.  That's what made the dream so was like he was alive again.  It was one of those dreams where you wake up and almost curse to yourself because the dream was better than reality.
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #733 on: June 02, 2009, 04:59:09 AM »
I went to a Will Smith movie with my mom, and then either woke up or went home, where I found that my brother and sister dreamed that they were Will Smith and his love interest, respectively, in that movie. I tried to piece together the whole dream from our three perspectives, and right when I thought to myself how cool it was that all three of us had actually dreamed together, I actually woke up.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #734 on: June 09, 2009, 10:30:15 AM »
The dream had gone on for a while, and somehow I became rather convinced by this time that I was in a dream. I did or said something strange (can't remember what) and a weird semi-hobo-ish guy insulted me with an insult I was fairly sure I hadn't heard before and which seemed clever at the time. I laughed, because it was a dream, but in the back of my mind I was wondering about how the insult sounded so new to me. At this point, I was still letting the dream go on by itself, and I wondered how that insult came about. Using a similar line of reasoning as House in the last few episodes of this season, I told myself that if this was a dream, I shouldn't be able to get any information I didn't already know; otherwise this was something else. So a little later on, I found a friend that I know in real life but don't see that often. I Facebooked him a while back asking for his Animal Crossing friend code and he hasn't answered yet. So I went up to him and asked him what his friend code was. He said he didn't remember, and I took that as a confirmation that this was a dream. I grabbed him and pushed him through a window while still holding onto him, then jumped out the window myself. The cool part was that both times the wondow broke, the dream froze up for a while. It reminded me of RPGs where the battle whoosh is a broken glass noise and the screen cracks and everything freezes for a few seconds while it loads the enemies. Normally, whenever I try to take control of dreams, they end and I have to wake up. I could tell the dream was trying to do that this time, but I wasn't going to let it. Somehow, I stayed in control and the dream kept going and soon I was flying in low orbit over the earth, singing A Whole New World to myself. It was pretty much the coolest dream ever.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse
