
Author Topic: Lockjaw's Saga: a Pikmin Story  (Read 26812 times)

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« on: February 18, 2007, 12:04:31 AM »
I did this story because Pikmin and Pikmin 2 are two of my favorite games. It's about a Bulborb trying to protect himself and his race against the once-docile, now-deadly Pikmin. I had this story planned out for quite some time. Enjoy!

Lockjaw's Saga: a Pikmin Story

   In the world of Pikmin, there are three roles in the food chain.
   The first role is the role of the predator. The ones built on stealth and strength. The predators are who help keep the delicate balance of the ecosystem in line by eating other creatures.
   There is then the prey; creatures smaller, weaker, and more vulnerable than the predator. These are the creatures who find ways to defend themselves and their families against predators. They are also constantly adapting to their environment.
   Then... there is the third entity. These are the creatures that are between predator and prey. These creatures eat neither other creatures nor plants. They are the creatures that have the power to ruin the balance of the entire ecosystem. They are creatures who have massive armies and are specifically trained in killing.
   They are called... the Pikmin.

   “Attention, everyone! Attention, everyone!” a loud, booming voice came echoing off of the walls in the cave.
   “It is time to divide into groups,” said the Emperor. He slowly paced around on a small, circular, elevated rock as he addressed his enormous crowd of Bulborbs, all looking on and hanging on to his every word.
   “As you all know,” The Emperor continued, “our simple way of life is coming to an end. The Pikmin have outnumbered and outranked us. They are led by a mysterious force that makes them virtually unstoppable. Our very reality lies in the brink of destruction.” The crowd of Bulborbs began to murmur amongst themselves as he continued. “We are in very trying times, so that is why we must stick together. Alone, we will easily perish, but together, we are strong.”
   He then turned to a row of Bulborbs standing side by side behind him. He began to assign each Bulborb a squadron and a location.
   “You are to take 10 Red Bulborbs and 10 Dwarf Red Bulborbs to the Forest of Hope,” he told a Red Bulborb. The Bulborb nodded as he continued down the row. 
   “You are to take 50 Dwarf Red Bulborbs into the Cavern of Chaos,” He then said to a Dwarf Red Bulborb as he kept walking.
   The tension was thick amongst both the crowd and the chosen squadron leaders. Assignment had lasted for about five minutes until there was only one unassigned Bulborb.
   The Giant Emperor Bulbax approached the last unassigned Bulborb, who was a Dwarf Orange Bulborb.
   “And finally,” he started, “you are to take 50 Dwarf Orange Bulborbs into the Dream Den,” He told the Bulborb.
   “Dream Den?” said the Bulborb. “Where--”
   “It is time to gather up your groups,” the Emperor said, ignoring the Bulborb’s question. “In about 30 minutes everyone is to retreat to their respective locations.”
   The next 30 minutes were a frenzy of pushing through crowds and getting into groups. Throughout all the pandemonium, the Dwarf Orange Bulborb pushed through the crowd to speak with the Emperor. He finally managed to get back to the rock before the Emperor retreated to his private chambers.
   “Excuse me, Your Majesty!” The Bulborb yelled out to the Emperor.
   “... Yes? Is there something you need ask of me?” asked the Emperor.
   The Bulborb waited until he caught his breath. “My name’s... Lockjaw...” he said, panting. “I was... one of... the Bulborbs you... chose to... lead the... squadron.”
   “Yes...” said the Emperor Bulbax.
   Lockjaw continued, having caught his breath. “Where is the Dream Den?”
   “Oh, is that all?” said the Emperor. “The Dream Den is right down that tunnel,” he said, motioning to one of the many tunnels that led to the underground chamber. “Just follow it straight to the end and when you emerge, you’ll be in the Wistful Wild. The Dream Den is on the other side of the pond there.”
   “Oh, okay, thanks, Your Majesty,” Lockjaw said. “I’ll just assemble my squadron now and be on my way,” he said as he began to walk off.
   “Think nothing of it,” said the Emperor.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 12:46:38 AM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2007, 04:12:12 PM »

Meanwhile, over near the tunnel that led to the Wistful Wild, the Dwarf Orange Bulborbs that Lockjaw was supposed to command were starting to get restless.
   “Where is he?” one of them murmured.
   “Yeah,” said another. “We were supposed to have been gone by now!”
   “Oh wait, there he is,” said the first Bulborb as he saw Lockjaw running toward the group.
   “Sorry it took so long,” said Lockjaw. “I had to get directions. Let’s start heading down that tunnel quickly so we can reach the Wistful Wild before sundown.”
   “Ugh, we’ll never get out of this one alive...” one of the Bulborbs in the back said to another and rolling its eyes as the group began to head down the tunnel .

   The tunnel was mostly empty and dim, but it wasn’t too dark since the Glowstems partially illuminated the path. Lockjaw and his squad of Bulborbs walked without break for around two hours. Through the whole trip, it was possible to hear moans of “Are we there yet?” and “This is taking forever!”
   Lockjaw could the see the end of the tunnel, and a small sub-tunnel that led to the surface.
   “Okay everyone,” Lockjaw said. “I know it’s taken forever, but we’ve finally reached the Wistful Wild.”
   “I don’t see it,” one of the Bulborbs piped up. “All I see is tunnel!”
   “It’s just on the other side of this passage,” said Lockjaw as he began leading the Bulborbs up through to the surface.
   The Bulborbs all emerged through a hole that was near a steep slope. Lockjaw stepped out in front and scoped the surroundings. He then began to lead the team up the slope. While walking up the slope, they saw a few nectar eggs.
   “Can we stop for a drink?” a Bulborb in front asked. “It’s not even sundown! We still have the time!”
   “Well, alright,” said Lockjaw. “I guess we do have time.”
   All the Bulborbs immediately bit at the eggs and were fighting amongst themselves so they could each get a drink. They all managed to each get a small bit of nectar, and had one egg left to spare.
   “I guess I’ll take this one,” Lockjaw said, looking forward to having a whole egg full of nectar all to himself.
   As the egg cracked open, a dozen frenzied Mitites began running around wildly. “Retreat!” one of them said as the burrowed into the ground. Lockjaw had a look of confusion and frustration on his face. He then turned back to his squadron.
   “Uhh... well... let’s cross this pond,” he said, trying to shrug it off.
   The Bulborbs began to wade through the shallow pond. As they walked, they saw some Wollywogs, a Blowhog, and even a Groink in the distance.
   As they passed through the entrance that led to the hole to the Dream Den, they saw two sleeping Orange Bulborbs.
   “Wow, this place is perfect!” said one of the Bulborbs. “No Pikmin would ever dream of coming here!”
   “Pikmin?! Where?!” panicked one of the Orange Bulborbs as he woke up.
   “Uh... false alarm?” said the Bulborb.
   “Oh...” said the large Orange Bulborb as he yawned and continued sleeping.

« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2007, 06:22:42 PM »
This story rules due solely on the fact that it's based off Pikmin, and Pikmin freakin' rules.
As a game that requires six friends, an HDTV, and skill, I can see why the majority of TMK is going to hate on it hard.

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2007, 08:07:24 PM »
This ain't half bad, but isn't Lockjaw's Saga the name of a song from DK Country 2?

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2007, 08:35:19 PM »
Oh... really? Well, don't that beat all. It's simply coincidence, though. I thought it would be a good title, I've never known there was a song with the same name. Oh, well...

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2007, 10:24:50 PM »

   Lockjaw and his small army had shortly went down the hole and were securely settled in the Dream Den. Lockjaw had decided that they’d only needed to stay on the first level of the tunnel system. The area was sunny, the grass was healthy and green, and they had plenty of berries and nectar.
   After everyone had settled in, Lockjaw gave a small speech.
   “Congratulations, everyone,” Lockjaw started. “You’ve made it all here safely. Keep in mind, though, this is no vacation. We are here to secure the future of not just Bulborbs, but all species who get terrorized by Pikmin.”
   “Uh, why are we here?” asked a Bulborb.
   “We have been placed here until the Pikmin threat is eliminated. We have to cover our bases. The Pikmin might not be here now, but we have to be ready when the time comes. This place is one of the most likely places where they’ll go, and we can take them by surprise!”
   “So, what do we do ‘til then?” asked another Bulborb.
   “We train, eat, and prepare,” answered Lockjaw. “Until then, just enjoy the sojourn.”
   After the speech, the crowd dispersed in all directions. The area was more than vast enough to house all of them. Most just wandered around or talked to one another.
   The next day, Lockjaw woke up to be pestered by one of the Bulborbs.
   “Lockjaw! Sir!” said the Bulborb. “There’s a situation!”
   “What is it?” Lockjaw asked, groggily.
   “One of the natives claims that we Bulborbs are stealing food!” Lockjaw then followed the Bulborb to the scene of the problem. When they arrived, they saw a Hermit Crawmad.
   “That’s him!” said the Bulborb. “He’s the guy who thinks he owns all the food!” Lockjaw then came closer to the Crawmad’s hole.
   “Hey,” said the Crawmad. “Are you the leader of these guys here?”
   “Yeah,” said Lockjaw. “So you’re the guy who says we’re stealing your food!”
   “What, you think berries grow around here out of nowhere?” said the Crawmad. “I worked hard to get this stuff here!”
   “What, so... you planted them?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Planted 'em?” asked the Crawmad. “You kiddin’? That would take forever! I brought them in from the forest!”
   “How did YOU get all the way to the forest from here?” asked Lockjaw.
   “By usin’ the Crawmad Railroad,” responded the Crawmad. “The Crawmad Railroad is just like the main tunnels, except they take shorter to travel, go to ANYWHERE you want, and are, uh, more discreet, so there’s not much traffic. Kinda like a tunnel-within-a-tunnel-type tunnel system or somethin’. All you gotta do to get there is go through this or other Crawmad holes.”
   “Well, I guess that would be convenient...” said Lockjaw.
   “Yeah, Crawmads have made holes in places you wouldn't believe!" said the Crawmad. "And now you can ‘convenient’ yourself some of your own berries!” he finished as he went down the hole.
   “Wait,” said Lockjaw as he peered down the hole. “Hmm... well, that’s weird.”
   “What’s weird, Lockjaw?” said the Bulborb.
   Lockjaw looked back at the Bulborb. “He’s gone,” he said. “Just like that.”
   For a few minutes, Lockjaw and the others began to ponder the enigmatic Crawmad Railroad.
   “Hmm...” Lockjaw spoke up. “Maybe I ought to go investigate down there, just to be sure of our safety. You all stay here; I’ll be back shortly.” Lockjaw then squeezed his way down the Crawmad hole.

   The Crawmad Railroad was dark and dusty, even more so than the regular tunnels. Lockjaw got caught up in exploring the underground cavern system, but still tried to remember the tunnel he entered from. After walking down through the tunnels for a while, he heard a loud, grating noise coming from out of one of the nearby tunnels.
   What’s that noise? he thought. I better check it out.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2007, 02:32:01 PM »
   Lockjaw was headed down the tunnel where the noise was coming from. All along the way, he could hear the noise become louder and clearer. The sound rang through his ears.   
   The noise continued in that pattern. Lockjaw’s heart started to beat faster as he approached the end of the tunnel.
   Lockjaw took a deep breath and poked his eyestalks out of the hole. He saw that the noise was coming from a large, green rock. It was now louder than ever! He crawled out of the hole to find himself in a rather large room, with nothing but himself and the rock. The deafening noise filled the atmosphere.
   Lockjaw looked around and decided to examine the perimeter of the room. As he walked around, he had gotten a better glimpse of the rock, and thought that the other side of it looked like the Emperor Bulbax.
   “Wait a minute,” he thought out loud. “That IS the Emperor! He was snoring this whole time!”
   The sleepy Emperor slowly opened his eyestalks and awakened to Lockjaw looking right at him. He immediately got up and started screaming, which caused Lockjaw to start screaming. After about ten seconds of panicked screaming, they both calmed down.
   “What are you doing in here?” questioned the flustered Bulbax.
   “I can explain!” said Lockjaw. “I was exploring the Crawmad Railroad--”
   “What’s the Crawmad Railroad?” asked the confused Emperor.
   “They’re a series of tunnels that bypass the regular tunnels,” Lockjaw answered. “Anyway, I heard a noise coming from out of this tunnel and I thought someone could be in danger! I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I guess I had no idea how far I went out in the tunnel.”
   “It’s quite alright,” responded the Emperor. “My snoring keeps up even the missus sometime...”
   After Lockjaw reconciled with the Emperor, the Emperor let him stay over for a while as they ate a breakfast of nectar, berries, and Sheargrubs. They then talked for a little while, mostly about the success of the mission.
   “Well,” said Lockjaw, “I think I oughta get back to the Dream Den.”
   “Will you be taking the normal tunnels or those other tunnels?” asked the Emperor.
   “Eh, the Crawmad Railroad seems safer and easier to take,” said Lockjaw. He began to head back to the hole from which he emerged until the Emperor heard something.
   “... Did you hear that?” asked the Emperor.
   “What did it sound like?” asked Lockjaw.
   “It sounded like... like a very high-pitch chirp... almost like a whistle! I think someone else is in the palace!” said the Emperor.
   “Don’t worry, Your Majesty. If the need arises, I’ll protect you!” said Lockjaw.
   “No!” spoke the Emperor. “I’ll be fine! Just go back to your base and make sure everyone is secure!”
   “But... Your Majesty--”
   “That’s a command!” boomed the Emperor. Lockjaw quickly ran back into the hole, only to stay and watch with his eyestalks peeking out from it.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 07:51:02 PM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2007, 06:23:40 PM »
   The Emperor had turned around and, not noticing Lockjaw’s eyes, had presumed he left. He carefully started to look around him. He then exited his room and walked down the chambers into the Empress’ room. Inside, the Empress was sleeping on her back.
   “Empress, wake up,” the Emperor said quietly.
   The Empress had rolled over and yawned. “Is there something wrong, dear?” she asked.
   “I heard a suspicious noise come from near the entrance of the palace,” said the Emperor. “If you suspect that I’m hurt, try to escape. I’m going to go see what’s there.”
   “Okay...” said the Empress. “Just don’t get hurt...”
   “Don’t worry,” said the Emperor. “I’ll come back the same old Emperor.” He then left the Empress’ room, with a fretful Empress in his wake.
   The Emperor continued through the tunnels of his palace until he was almost at the main chamber, which was the one he had given his speech in. He looked around, staying at the opening of the tunnel, and saw a light in the shadows.
   This light was strange to him. He knew well about it, since some of his underlings told him they recalled seeing a similar light before the coming of total destruction. This light was indeed a bad omen.
   As the light pulsated a bright red color, it was accompanied by a loud whistle. The light then came out of the darkness, followed by another, blue light. Both lights were attached to the antennae of two small, yellow-skinned creatures with clear shields around their heads. The Emperor started to get confused and worried, but was careful not to make a sound.
   The red light on the small creature’s head had created a chirping noise, and it was revealed that he was followed by a vast army of Pikmin.
   No..., thought the Emperor as he dug into the ground, leaving his eyestalks out to continue surveying the Pikmin.
   The noise made by the Emperor burrowing made the Red-Light Creature flinch. The Red-Light Creature then walked up to the spot where the Emperor had dug, Pikmin army in tow. He then shone his light on the spot. The Emperor hoped he was unnoticed.
   The Red-Light Creature had then turned to face his Pikmin army. The Emperor’s first impression was that the creature had not seen him and would leave. To his surprise, though, the creature’s light gave a small chirp, and the Pikmin separated by color, specifying 20 Purples and 80 Reds.
   The Red-Light Creature then did something of summoning the Blue-Light Creature, and they seemed to have discussed something amongst themselves. The Emperor couldn’t tell what they were saying, but could understand their pantomiming actions:
   The Red-Light Creature pointed to the Blue-Light Creature, and then to the 20 Purple Pikmin. He then pointed to the spot where the Emperor was buried, and then made a fist-in-hand gesture. He then pointed his thumb toward himself and pointed toward the chamber where the Empress was located.
   Empress..., the Emperor thought. If only I could warn you...
   The two creatures nodded their heads simultaneously, called their respective Pikmin groups and prepared to strike. The Emperor could only wait and pray at this point...
« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 07:55:38 PM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2007, 09:14:23 PM »

   The Emperor carefully watched as the Red-Light Creature ran through the chamber that led to the Empress’ room, followed by the 80 Pikmin. The Blue-Light Creature then began to walk up to him with the Purple Pikmin, the Emperor's heart beating extremely fast.
   The Blue-Light Creature then grabbed a Purple Pikmin and aimed it right between the Emperor’s eyes. The Emperor shut his eyes in anticipation. When the creature raised his arm to throw, he tripped, causing the Purple to land behind the Emperor with a thud. It was then that the Emperor Bulbax bellowed as he majestically rose from out of the ground. The Blue-Light Creature had a look of shock and fear on his face, but he quickly collected himself and started throwing Purples like crazy! By this time, The Emperor had taken off and ran, so the Pikmin that landed on his back merely slid off. The Blue-Light Creature then called all the Pikmin back to him and started to give chase.
   “I... gotta... help... Empress...” the Emperor managed to say as he ran for his life.
   The Emperor burst into the Empress’ room... only to see that the deed had already been done. The Empress’ attempts at rolling away were futile. All that filled the room were the Pikmin, the creature... and the head, legs and torso of the Empress being carried by Pikmin. As they walked by the Emperor, the Pikmin gave him a cold, dead look. Normally, the Emperor would retaliate by licking up the Pikmin, but he was just too grief-stricken.
   Just then, behind him, he heard the rallying sound of a whistle. It was the Blue-Light Creature! He had just sprayed the Pikmin with something that made them glow red like a fire of deadly beauty.
   The Blue-Light Creature’s whistle attracted the attention of the Red-Light Creature, who then rallied the rest of his army and too sprayed them with the same red cloud of liquid.
   The Emperor now had 20 Purples and 60 Reds teaming up against him, all super-agitated from the spray. The Emperor knew he was outnumbered, and was still saddened as he saw the Pikmin indifferently carrying his deceased wife off into the darkness. The Emperor then let out a ground-shaking bellow and ran back to his own room, where Lockjaw’s eyes were still peeking out. The two armies quickly followed.
   The Emperor was caught at a dead end. There was nowhere to run or to hide. He was much too big to fit in the entrance to the Crawmad Railroad. He decided that all he could do was fight his way through.
   As the armies stormed in, the Emperor gave a defiant bellow. The Red-Light Creature fought the Emperor first, rapidly throwing massive amounts of glowing Red Pikmin onto his face. He managed to keep his cool and shook them off, and was even able to squish and eat a good number of them, but the combined strength of the Pikmin was too strong.
   The battle didn’t last long and was pretty much one-sided. When the Emperor was too weak to defend himself anymore and was about to die, the Blue-Light Creature petrified him with a cloud of black smoke. Then, seemingly sadistically, he punched the Emperor’s body. The petrified body wobbled for a while, and then cracked, turning into nectar, which the Pikmin viciously drank.
   The Red-Light Creature, feeling satisfied, then called his Pikmin and the Blue-Light Creature as a signal to leave. One Purple Pikmin didn’t hear the whistle and ran over to Lockjaw’s eyestalks. Lockjaw quickly tucked them back inside the hole as the Pikmin eyeballed him cryptically. The sound of the whistle intensified and the Pikmin came running over to join the rest of them.
   After a while, Lockjaw poked his eyes out of the hole again to see if they were gone. All he saw was an empty room, devoid of all life. He then poked them back in and prepared to leave.
    What are we gonna do now? thought Lockjaw. What are we all gonna do?

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2007, 12:22:51 PM »
   Lockjaw hastily ran back to the main Crawmad Railroad. He had just seen the Emperor get murdered by Pikmin with his own eyes! He was feeling anxious and scared. He knew that the Bulborb Empire will now be brought to its knees.
   Lockjaw stumbled back into the Crawmad Railroad. He was in a severe shock. He clumsily maneuvered through the tunnels, which now seemed darker than ever. As much as he tried, he couldn’t remember the way back to the Dream Den. His mind was too clouded with thoughts of the Pikmin massacre. He just ran through the tunnels fiercely, panting, and not looking back. After a while of panicked running, he saw what looked like a familiar tunnel.
   “This must be the one!” he said as he ran up through the branching tunnel.
   When he emerged, he immediately knew that he wasn’t in the Dream Den. All he saw were some screws and metal indentations on the cold, rusty metal floor. He then heard a whirring noise coming from the center of the area. He saw what looked like an oven on legs rise out of a hole in the floor and began to walk toward him. Lockjaw silently started to panic.
   The mechanical creature then split in half, letting out a cloud of smoke. Lockjaw then noticed that a red dot was on his nose. He tried to shake it off by wiggling his nose, but it wouldn’t move. Lockjaw then looked up from his nose, and saw that the dot came from a light coming from the mechanical creature. He then heard a high-frequency beeping noise. Trusting his instincts, Lockjaw dived back into the hole, and afterwards all he could hear were loud explosions from aboveground.
    “This is just too much!” Lockjaw said from the safety of inside the tunnel. “First the Emperor, and now this?! Is EVERYONE after the Bulborbs!?” He then ran once again back into the main tunnel.
   While traveling lost through the Crawmad Railroad, Lockjaw began to mutter to himself.
   “Okay,” he thought out loud. “I just need a minute to get my mind together. One of these tunnels has to lead back to the Dream Den.” Lockjaw then looked up and saw another tunnel.
   “That’s the one!” he exclaimed. He then ran up to the surface once again.
   Again, all he saw was metal coating the floor. Upon emerging, one of his toes accidentally kicked a nearby bomb rock. The bomb rock then started to glow, rolled a bit and collided with another bomb rock, which also started to glow. Lockjaw looked around and could see that the whole place was filled with bomb rocks.
   After the first two exploded, it caused a chain reaction amongst the others, which all started glowing in unison.
   “I gotta get out of here!” Lockjaw said as he ran back into the railroad. Shortly after, the bomb rocks exploded, and their combined force was enough to collapse the tunnel that led to the room.
   “You know what, forget the Dream Den!” Lockjaw shouted. I just need to be somewhere safe!” he said as he ran up into an adjacent tunnel.
   When Lockjaw emerged, he found the atmosphere to be freezing cold. He noticed that the hole was surrounded by snow, and was right in front of a large lake full of freezing water.
   “Well,” said Lockjaw. “At least nothing’s trying to kill me. I guess I have to stay here for a while,” he said as he lied down in the snow.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2007, 12:35:46 PM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2007, 10:13:14 PM »

   Lockjaw had managed to fall asleep, even in the cold snow. When he woke up, he found himself completely covered in snow from all the snow falling. He quickly stood up and shook it off.
   “Oh, wow...,” said Lockjaw. “How long was I asleep for?” He began to feel light-headed and hungry.
   “I wonder if there’s any food around here...” he said. He then began to wander around, foraging for food.
   Lockjaw had gotten a better look of the environment. Most of the ground was covered with an ever-rising layer of snow. He wasn’t able to travel very far, though, since the lake was blocking his path. He had walked the whole edge of the lake when he started to hear crying. Lockjaw then looked around, and pinpointed the source to something in the water. He couldn’t see exactly what it was since it was so foggy.
   “Hey, out there!” yelled Lockjaw. “Are you alright?”
   The thing in the water then looked startled. He stopped crying to look up onto the land and saw the Bulborb.
   “What are you doing here?” asked the thing.
   “Long story,” Lockjaw said. “Anyway, is there anything I could do for you?”
   The blue thing then trudged through the freezing water and came onto the land. Without the fog in his eyes, Lockjaw could easily tell that the creature was a Water Dumple.
   “Yeah, there’s one thing...” said the Dumple. “Leave! LEAVE as fast as you can!”
   “Okay, you don’t have to be so rude,” said Lockjaw. “I understand you want some time alone, but--”
   “No, it’s not that,” said the Dumple. “I’m sorry if I came across that way, but I’m trying to warn you; this place is... dangerous....”
   “Dangerous?” asked Lockjaw. “Dangerous how?”
   “Two creatures just came here and laid waste to the entire land,” started the Dumple. “They killed almost everyone with their army of Pikmin--”
   “Wait, wait, wait...” interrupted Lockjaw. “Pikmin would never come here. It’s just too cold! They’d freeze to death! You’re just talking crazy!”
   “Oh, really?” questioned the Dumple.
   “Yeah, really!” replied Lockjaw.
   “Just look over there and see for yourself, then...” the Dumple said, motioning toward a spot in the water. Lockjaw walked around the edge of the lake to get a better view.
   “No way...” said a remorseful Lockjaw as he looked out into the water and saw the gruesome sight of a dead Dumple. “Whoa... I guess I was wrong.” He then looked down at the snow-covered ground, ashamed of his accusations.
   “Look,” Lockjaw started. “I’m sorry for--” but when Lockjaw looked up, he saw that the offended Dumple was already sliding back into the water.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2007, 10:13:54 AM »

   “Wait! Come back!” Lockjaw said, calling after the Dumple. It was useless, though, since the Dumple just ignored him.
   Lockjaw began to wonder why the Dumple was so upset and what his relationship was with the Dumple whose lifeless body lay in the water. Lockjaw decided to go after him, even though he knew that if stayed in there too long, his feet would freeze completely off.
   Lockjaw looked down at the cold lake. He then closed his eyes and put one foot in to test the temperature of the water. He then quickly pulled it back, realizing how freezing it was, being a lot colder than the snow.
   “Oh... I guess I’ll have to...” Lockjaw said as he braced himself for the cold water. He then closed his eyes and jumped right in, immediately feeling a wall of cold as soon as his feet hit the lake bottom. Ignoring the cold, Lockjaw tried calling out to the Dumple again.
   “Dumple!” he called out. “Where are you?”
   The Water Dumple then turned around and saw Lockjaw standing in the freezing water and shivering. He quickly swam over to Lockjaw.
   “What are you doing out here? You’ll freeze!” said the Dumple.
   “W-well,” started Lockjaw. “I j-j-just wanted t-to t-t-tell--”
   “You can do it later,” said the Dumple. “For now, just grab on to me!”
   The Dumple then carried Lockjaw out of the water and back on land. He then noticed that Lockjaw was still shivering uncontrollably.
   “You need to warm up, and FAST!” said the Dumple. That’s all Lockjaw remembered before passing out on the ground.

   When Lockjaw woke up about a couple hours later, he noticed that he was wrapped in blades of grass as if inside a cocoon. He also noticed that there was a Fiery Bulbax sleeping next to him, which made him feel comfortable and warm. He also noticed the Dumple watching him.
   “Alright, you can go,” the Dumple told the Bulbax. “Thanks for the favor.”
   Lockjaw was hesitant of unwrapping himself from his cocoon-like sheet. He decided to stay wrapped as he questioned the Dumple.
   “Did... did YOU do all this?” Lockjaw said, astounded. “Why?”
   “Well, you were going to die otherwise, and I didn’t want that to happen,” said the Dumple.
   “Oh, well... thank you,” said Lockjaw. “And, uh, sorry for earlier, uh...”
   “My name’s Gallon,” said the Dumple.
   “Oh,” said Lockjaw. “I’m Lockjaw,” he said, introducing himself. Lockjaw then got up and stretched out a little. He then looked around awkwardly, and saw the dead Dumple in the water. Gallon then turned to the Dumple as well.
   “Hm...” said Lockjaw. “So who was she?”

Area 64

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« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2007, 05:37:29 PM »

   “Hmm?” Gallon said as he looked up. “Oh... no one...”
   “She had to be SOMEONE...” said Lockjaw.
   “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you,” said Gallon, “She was... my wife...”
   “Oh...” said Lockjaw. “Wow.... well... how did--”
   “Blue Pikmin got to her,” said Gallon, knowing Lockjaw’s question.
   “Blue Pikmin?” asked Lockjaw. “There are Pikmin who can swim? All I know of are Red Pikmin and Purple Pikmin... I’ve never seen a Blue before...”
   “Well... they can....” said Gallon. He then began to look out into the water. “It all happened the day before you came. Both of us were asleep when the Red-Light and Blue-Light came. The two creatures had a massive amount of Blue Pikmin, as if they were specifically coming after us. The number of Pikmin was too great, so, instead of fighting, I went on land and enlisted the help of a Cannon Beetle. The Beetle’s rocks were able to drive them away, but when I got back into the water, it was too late.”
   “They called the Pikmin back and ran?” asked Lockjaw.
   “No,” answered Gallon. “They made them all attack her at the same time so they could divert the rocks away from the Pikmin. After the rock had busted on the edge of the lake, Red-Light and Blue-Light called the Pikmin back and just left my wife’s body laying there to rot.”
   “Oh...” said Lockjaw. “That’s too bad. Sorry about that... I recently witnessed a Pikmin attack myself....”
   “You did?” asked Gallon.
   “Yeah...” said Lockjaw. “Right before I came here. I saw my Emperor killed and his remains drank by Pikmin with my own eyes! The Bulborb Empire is now at the mercy of the Pikmin...”
   “Wow...” said Gallon. “That make’s my problem rather insignificant. I mean, the Emperor of your whole species...”
   “No, I’m sure your case is more severe...” said Lockjaw. “I mean, you were related to the one they killed, and you weren’t even in a hole.”
   “Ehh... maybe... I don’t know...” said Gallon.
   Lockjaw then looked across the lake, and at the edge, he saw something flicker in the small amount of sunlight.
   “What’s that over there?” he said, motioning to something hanging from a twig near the water’s edge.
   Gallon and Lockjaw then went over to the shining object. The shining had come from a green Glowstem, and its stalk was tied in a loop like a necklace.
   “Oh, this?” said Gallon. “My wife used to wear it all the time. I gave it to her on her birthday. It’s the only real memory I still have of her. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have it...”
   After a brief, awkward pause, Gallon looked back at Lockjaw.
   “Well, it’s getting late,” he said, yawning. “We’d better get some sleep.” He and Lockjaw then retreated to their respective “beds”: Gallon sleeping in the water and Lockjaw sleeping in the snow.

   “Hey, Barney!” a voice said in the cold, night sky. “Get over here!”
   “Uh, comin’, boss!” said another voice.
   “Look down there, Barney. See that glowin’ thing?” said the first voice, pointing toward the Glowstem necklace.
   “I see it,” said the second voice. “What’re we gonna do wit’ it, Sneed?”
   “The same thing we do wit’ anything of potential value,” said the first voice. “We’re gonna steal that thing!”
   The two shadowy figures then swooped down out of the sky, swiped the necklace, and flew away with it into the night.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2007, 09:00:48 PM »
   The Sun began to rise and warm the area the next day. The warmth from the Sun acted as a natural alarm clock for Lockjaw and Gallon, as they both woke up partially after sunrise. Lockjaw yawned and stretched, then basked in the temporary warmth of the Sun. Gallon was slower to wake up, rolling over in the water until he realized that the Sun was up.
   “Good morning, Lockjaw,” said Gallon as he crawled lazily out of the water.
   “Morning,” Lockjaw replied, stretching some more. Now more awake, Lockjaw had started feeling hungry again. “Do you have anything to eat?” He asked.
   “I keep some food near the corner of the lake,” Gallon said. “I’ll just get us some nectar eggs or something. Hey, do you like Wogpoles?”
   “I’ll try anything once...” answered Lockjaw. Gallon then crawled back into the lake to get the food. On his way, he passed by the stick where he hung his wife’s necklace, but seemed unaware that it was gone.
   “I know I just caught some Wogpoles the other day...” Gallon said, looking through the snowy mound that hid his food. He checked and double-checked, but still wasn’t able to find them. Lockjaw then came over to assist Gallon.
   “You... need some help?” asked Lockjaw.
   “No... They’re around here somewhere...” said Gallon as he kept looking. While waiting, Lockjaw looked up at the twig where the necklace used to be, and noticed that it wasn’t there.
   “Here they are!” Gallon turned around, holding two Wogpoles by their tails with his teeth.
   “Hey Gallon, did you move that necklace recently?” asked Lockjaw.
   “No, why?” asked a confused Gallon. Lockjaw motioned to the twig, completely devoid of the necklace. Gallon’s jaw then dropped, releasing the Wogpoles.
   “Wh-what’s... what’s going on here?” Gallon said nervously. "Where is the necklace? It couldn’t have just walked away!”
   “Maybe it was stolen...” suggested Lockjaw.
   Gallon looked grief-stricken at the ground, as if just discovering his wife had died. “Well... I’m gonna go find it! I have to!” he said.
   “Gallon, think reasonably,” said Lockjaw. “The thieves could be anywhere.”
   “I still have to try!” Gallon said. “Lockjaw, you have to help me! I can’t do it alone!”
   “But we haven’t even eaten...” complained Lockjaw.
   “C’mon Lockjaw, I really need your help on this one,” begged Gallon. “Please?”
   Lockjaw looked at the Wogpoles, then back at Gallon. “Okay...,” he replied. “I mean, you DID save my life. I don’t want to seem ungrateful or anything.”
   “Okay, the first thing we should do is ask around,” suggested Gallon. “Maybe someone saw something. Hmm... Bulbaxes are nocturnal; maybe that Fiery Bulbax saw something!”
   “All right, then; let’s ask him!” said Lockjaw. Gallon then gave Lockjaw a ride across the water as they went to question the Bulbax.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 08:40:08 AM by Area 64 »

Area 64

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« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2007, 12:21:39 PM »

   “So, where does this guy live?” asked Lockjaw as he and Gallon emerged from the lake.
   Gallon thought for a second. “Hmm... I always see him to the west of here... so let’s go west,” He said. Gallon and Lockjaw then proceeded to walk west on the cold, hard ground.
   Not before long, Lockjaw saw what looked like a lump of fire asleep on a small island.
   “Gallon, I’ve found him!” he called out to Gallon.
   “Great! Not we can ask him about the necklace!” said Gallon. Gallon then gave Lockjaw a ride over to the island where the Bulbax was.
   When they got there, they tried unsuccessfully to wake the Bulbax up.
   “Hey, excuse me... Bulbax,” said Gallon. “I need a moment of your time.” The Bulbax didn’t hear him and kept sleeping.
   “Wake up!” Lockjaw shouted. The Bulbax still continued to sleep. He then turned back to Gallon.
   “I have an idea,” Lockjaw said. “How about we poke him with a stick?”
   “Good idea, I’ll go get one,” said Gallon. Gallon then pulled a nearby stick out of the water and gave it to Lockjaw. When Lockjaw got the stick close to the Bulbax, it immediately caught fire.
   “Uh... uh-oh...” Lockjaw said. He then ran around and quickly jumped into the water, putting out the flame on the stick. The force of the jump splashed some water on the Fiery Bulbax, who then swiftly woke up.
   “Whazzat? Who’s there?!” said the alarmed Bulbax.
   “It’s just us, the ones from before,” Lockjaw said, quickly jumping out of the water. “I’m Lockjaw and this is Gallon,” he said.
   “Oh, yeah, I remember you guys,” said the Bulbax. “I’m Bubba. So, what are you guys doing across the lake?”
   “We need your help,” said Gallon. “You were awake last night, right, Bubba?”
   “Yeah, I’m always awake at night,” he replied.
   “You know that necklace that my wife had right?” started Gallon. “Well, it’s missing and I think someone stole it. Did you see anything suspicious last night?”
   “Well, let me think...” said Bubba. “I did see some green thing shimmering in the moonlight being taken away by some two guys... is that the thing you were talking about?”
   “Yeah!” eagerly replied Gallon. “That’s most likely it! Which way did they go?”
   “Oh, they went south of here,” said Bubba. “South and on the other side of the lake. I’d check that snowy clearing behind the archway, about a couple minutes southeast of here. I’m pretty sure that’s where I saw them fly off.”
   “Thanks, Bubba!” said Lockjaw. “We’ll see you around!” Gallon and Lockjaw then left the island and crossed the lake again. They kept walking southwest, passing under the archway and through to the clearing. When they got there, they saw that there was nothing there.
   “What’s going on?” said Gallon. “Where’s the necklace?”
   “Do you think he lied to us?” suggested Lockjaw.
   “I don’t know....” said a dejected Gallon. “Let’s just go back... thanks anyway Lockjaw...” he said as he slowly started crawling back to the lake.

Area 64

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« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2007, 05:11:38 PM »

   The two thieves were flying back from a superbly-executed heist in the forest.
   “I can’t believe it Barney,” said the thief from the night before. “How were you able to snag more than your own weight in those Clamp Clamp pearls!?”
   “It was... nothin’, boss,” said the other, straining to carry a sack of pearls while flying.
    While flying high over the cold ground, Sneed, the first thief, noticed someone inside his headquarters.
   “Hey, Barney!” said Sneed. “Look down there! Two suspicious-lookin’ guys are comin’ out of our H-Q! Go down there and rough ‘em up, but DON’T drop the pearls!” ordered Sneed.
   “No... prob... boss...” said Barney.

   “Gallon, wait!” called out Lockjaw. “Come back!”
   “Oh, what’s the use?” sighed Gallon. “The necklace is lost forever... I hope those thieves are happy...”
   “Let’s... just keep looking,” Lockjaw said, trying to coax Gallon back into enthusiasm. “Maybe the thieves just left for awhile... maybe they’ll come back to this spot!”
   “Lockjaw... now you are the one not thinking reasonably,” said Gallon. “What are the chances that the thieves will come right back to this spot just like that?”
   Shortly after Gallon said that, a sack of pearls came plummeting out of the sky, followed by a Bumbling Snitchbug.
   “Uh oh...” said the Snitchbug, ignoring Lockjaw and Gallon’s amazed and confused expressions. “The boss is gonna have my wings for this!” He then frantically began to pick up the pearls and stuff them back in the sack before his “boss” could notice.
   “Hey, Gallon,” said Lockjaw. “What is that?” He said, motioning up into the air. Just then, whatever the thing was swooped down from the sky in the blink of an eye to chastise the Snitchbug.
   “Barney, you idiot!” he said. “Didn’t I tell you NOT to drop the pearls?!”
   “S-sorry, boss!” said Barney. “I-I’ll make it up to you!”
   When the thing in the sky swooped down, Lockjaw quickly distinguished it as a Swooping Snitchbug. The Swooping Snitchbug then turned around to Lockjaw and Gallon, and then turned back to Barney.
   “Sorry, boss, I’m so sorry!” whimpered Barney. Calming down, the Swooping Snitchbug then turned to face Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “What’re you two nuts doin’ trespassin’ in Sneed’s hideout? NO ONE trespasses in Sneed’s hideout!” he yelled.
   “Well, SNEED, you were the one who stole my friend’s wife’s necklace in the first place!” accused Lockjaw. “Besides, what kind of hideout is this? It’s right out in the open!”
   “Hey, ya snooze, ya lose!” piped up Barney.
   “Shut up Barney. NO ONE talks bad about me AND my hideout!” said Sneed, balling up his small fists. “Barney, get over here! It’s knucklin’ time!”

Area 64

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« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2007, 11:23:22 AM »

   Barney flew from picking up the pearls over to Sneed’s aid.
   “You picked a bad day to mess wit’ us!” said Barney.
   “Barney, shut up and just finish ‘em!” exclaimed Sneed.
   “Right, boss,” Barney said. “Finish ‘em! Leave it to me!”
   Barney started off by swooping up into the air and headbutting Lockjaw with a lot of force.
   “Lockjaw, you okay?” asked Gallon.
   “Yeah...” said Lockjaw. “I’ll be fine.” Lockjaw then shrugged it off and jumped up to bite Barney. Barney quickly rose up in the air where Lockjaw couldn’t reach him.
   “Ha, ha! Too slow!” said Barney as he dangled right above Lockjaw.
   “Lockjaw, hold still!” said Gallon. Gallon then jumped on top of Lockjaw and got a hold of Barney’s arm.
   “Ahhhhhh!” screamed Barney, flying around madly with Gallon still attached.
   “Give me my wife’s necklace!” Gallon said through clenched teeth.
   “Never!” said Barney. Sneed had then decided to intervene.
   “This could ONLY happen to you, Barney! Hold still!” he said, grabbing Gallon. After many attempts, Gallon finally came off.
   “Alright, Barney,” said Sneed. “Since you can’t do anything right, I’m gonna have to help you! You get the one on the left and I’ll get the ugly one!” they both then flown high into the air, swooping down and ramming Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “Whoa...” said Lockjaw. “I think I got a headache...”
   “Lockjaw, stay with me!” encouraged Gallon. “We can take ‘em!”
   “Oh, yeah?” said Sneed. “Barney, let’s give ‘em another bombshell!” They both them flew back into the sky, ready to swoop.
   “Get ready...” said Gallon, paying close attention to the Snitchbugs’ movements.
   “I’m ready!” said Lockjaw, aware of Gallon’s plan.
   The two Snitchbugs then swooped down at lightning speed! Right before collision, Gallon and Lockjaw then got a tight grip on their arms! They then swung the Snitchbugs around, making them collide heads.
   “Ohhhhh....” moaned Sneed as he broke himself and Barney free. “Listen, Barney... I got a plan,” he then whispered the “plan” in Barney’s ear, with Barney nodding afterward.
   “Let’s do it!” said Sneed. Just then, Sneed and Barney both swooped down on top of Lockjaw, each grabbing one of his eyestalks. They then lifted him off the ground and threw him into Gallon.
   “Lockjaw, are you okay?” asked Gallon.
   “My eyestalks hurt, but... I’m fine...” said Lockjaw. “Hey Gallon, this time, you hold still!”
   “What’re you two talkin’ about?” questioned Sneed. Lockjaw then jumped off of Gallon and had gotten a hold of each of their arms. His weight was enough to slam them into the ground.
   “Ugh...” moaned Sneed, lying on the ground. “Barney, use the pearls....”
   “Right, boss!” Barney said. Barney then flew over to the sack of pearls and started flinging them wildly at Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “Lockjaw, I’ll handle him!” said Gallon. Gallon quickly dodged most of the pearls, getting hit by a few along the way, and was able to bite Barney’s arm and throw him into Sneed. The two thieves lied on the ground, moaning.
   Gallon then crawled up to Sneed. “Now where’s my wife’s necklace?!” he demanded.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2007, 08:25:08 PM »

   “Alright, fine, you win!” said Sneed. “Barney, give ‘em the necklace...” Barney then dragged himself over to a hole in the snow that was covered by a leaf and pulled the necklace out of the hole.
   “Here... take it....” said Barney, giving the necklace to Lockjaw. “Take whatever you want!”
   “Shut UP, Barney!” said Sneed. Sneed then turned to Lockjaw and Gallon. “We’ll be back! Don’t you worry about that! Oh ho ho, we’ll be back...” he said as he and Barney weakly flew off.
   “Come on, Lockjaw. Let’s take that necklace back to the lake,” said Gallon. Lockjaw and Gallon then returned to the lake, and Lockjaw hung the necklace back up on the twig. Afterward, they both finally got to eat a lunch of Wogpoles and nectar.
   Looking at Gallon, Lockjaw had noticed that he had a slightly swollen sore on his side.
   “Ooh...” said Lockjaw. “That looks painful...”
   “It feels painful...” said Gallon. “That battle was pretty rough.”
   “Y’know, when I and some of the other Bulborbs were in training to lead the squadrons, we were taught simple remedies for combat wounds,” said Lockjaw. “Yours looks like it can be healed with the pollen from a Figwort mixed with water. Are there any Figworts around here?”
   “I don’t think so...” said Gallon. I don’t see many plants growing around here....”
   “Hmm...” said Lockjaw as he thought of a solution. “We’ll just have to go where there are some Figworts. Otherwise, the wound will get worse.”
   “You mean... leave here?” questioned Gallon.
   “We can come back as soon as we get that remedy,” said Lockjaw.
   “Who will guard the lake and make sure the necklace stays okay?” asked Gallon.
   “Don’t worry, I have an idea! Could you take me to that island again?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Okay... but I don’t see exactly where you’re going with this...” said Gallon. Gallon then took Lockjaw across the lake and back to the island. There, they saw Bubba sleeping as usual.
   “Hey Bubba!” said Lockjaw.
   “Huh...Yeah?” he said, waking up.
   “We have one more favor to ask you...” started Lockjaw. “Gallon and I are gonna be gone for a little while and we need someone to watch the lake. Do you think you could do it for us?”
   “Uh... alright. No problem!” said Bubba. Bubba then followed Lockjaw and Gallon back across the lake. Once across the lake, Lockjaw and Gallon went to the hole where Lockjaw first emerged out of the Crawmad Railroad and were about to enter.
   “See you guys later!” said Bubba, seeing them off.
   “Don’t worry,” said Lockjaw. “We’ll only be gone for a while!” He and Gallon then went down the hole as Bubba went back to sleep.

   “Lockjaw, are you sure about this?” asked Gallon.
   “Don’t worry,” said Lockjaw. “One of these tunnels has to lead to somewhere with Figworts.” Lockjaw and Gallon then began their search through the Crawmad Railroad.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2007, 06:41:26 PM »

   Lockjaw and Gallon were searching through the Crawmad Railroad, looking for a tunnel that led to Figworts. After searching for 15 minutes, Gallon began to lose hope.
   “Lockjaw, how much longer is this going to take?” asked Gallon.
   “Let’s just try one more tunnel, and then we can take a break,” said Lockjaw. “How about that one over there?” he said, motioning to a nearby tunnel.
   Lockjaw and Gallon had crawled through the tunnel and found that they had emerged in the middle of a patch of Figwort flowers.
   “How lucky is this?!” exclaimed Lockjaw. “We’ll be out of here in no time! I’ll just see if there’s any water around...” he said as he picked some Figworts and went to look for some water.
   While walking through the spacious, brightly-lit cave, Lockjaw came across a puddle of water.
   “All right!” he said. “Now I just need something to carry it in.” Lockjaw dropped the Figworts and went looking for a container. Not before long, Lockjaw found a bowl-shaped black and yellow shell that he could use as a container.
   “This’ll do,” he said as he dragged the shell back to the puddle. Lockjaw then dipped the shell in the puddle, and was beginning to grind up the Figworts when an Anode Beetle walked by.
   “What’re you doing?” asked the appalled Anode Beetle.
   “Who... me?” asked Lockjaw as he looked around, seeing the Anode Beetle.
   “You picked those from the gardens, didn’t you?” accused the Beetle
   “What, these flowers?” asked a confused Lockjaw. “I’m sorry, but my friend needs these. I didn’t know that these were garden flowers.”
   “We’ll, you’d best apologize,” said the Beetle.
   “Uh, I’ll do it later. My friend is hurt and needs the pollen from these flowers, so... bye!” said Lockjaw as he quickly dragged the shell back to the garden where Gallon was.
   “Sorry it took so long back there, Gallon,” said Lockjaw. “Someone was holding me up. Now, I need you to hold still; this might hurt a little at first...” Lockjaw then poured the pollen water from the shell onto Gallon’s sore.
   “Ow! Ow! Ow!” said Gallon. “Ah, it stings! It hurts so... actually, it doesn’t hurt that much, anymore,” Gallon said as he looked up at Lockjaw. “Where did you get that Anode Beetle shell?” he asked.
   “That’s what this is?” said Lockjaw, looking at the shell and then tossing it away. “Well, it doesn’t matter; let’s just get out of here.” Lockjaw and Gallon were about to go back down the hole and return to the Crawmad Railroad when the Anode Beetle from before came marching up to the flower garden, with two other Anode Beetles by her side.
   “That’s the one!” she said. “That’s the guy who picked the flowers!”
   One of the other Anode Beetles then interrupted Lockjaw and Gallon’s attempt to escape by entering the garden and blocking the hole to the tunnel.
   “Sirs, are you aware of the fact that defiling the gardens in this village is strictly prohibited?” he sternly asked.
   “What do you mean by ‘defiling’?” said Lockjaw, backing up. “My friend was hurt!”
   “Look at him!” said the female Beetle. “He continues to trample the garden!”
   “Sirs, I’m going to have to ask you to step out of the garden,” said the Beetle standing next to the female Beetle.
   “C’mon, Lockjaw,” said Gallon. “We don’t have to take this! Let’s just push him out of the way and leave.”
   “Sirs, make one move and you will be incapacitated,” threatened the Beetle standing in front of Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “We’re on a schedule, here,” said Lockjaw, stepping closer to the hole. “So, if you don’t mind--”
   “Stun him!” the Anode Beetle yelled from the garden. Just then, the Beetle in the garden made a charge that connected with the Beetle standing next to the female, and the current shocked both Lockjaw and Gallon, knocking them out.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2007, 11:22:48 AM »

   When Lockjaw and Gallon came to, they found themselves surrounded by a ring of Anode Beetles, all perched on stones and looking down at the two.
   “Ugh...what are we doing here?” moaned Lockjaw.
   “You two KNOW why you’re here!” said one of the Anode Beetles. “You disrespected one of our treasured recreational flower gardens!”
   “Who are all you guys?” asked Gallon.
   “We are the Anode Beetle committee,” said another Beetle. “We run this village.”
   “Yes, and we keep scofflaws like YOU out,” said another Beetle. “You two have been charged with--”
   “We know, we know! The flowers!” said Lockjaw. “How do you all even know we uprooted them?”
   “You take us for fools?” said the first Anode Beetle. “We have an eyewitness that testifies that she saw you with uprooted Figworts.” The Beetle then turned to a Beetle whom Lockjaw recognized as the one who held him up at the puddle. “Volt, would you care to recapitulate?”
   “I certainly would,” said Volt, giving Lockjaw and Gallon a smug look. “I saw the orange one pick the flowers and grind them up.”
   “And, uh... you... orange guy...” said the first Beetle.
   “My name’s Lockjaw!” Lockjaw said, annoyed.
   “Right, then, ‘Lockjaw’, how do you plead?” asked the Beetle.
   “Look, if those flowers really meant that much to you, I’m sorry,” said Lockjaw. “I just needed some so I could help my friend Gallon’s sore. Had I known about the flower law thing, I would’ve asked first. Can we go now?”
   “Hmm...” the Beetle thought after hearing Lockjaw. He then discussed it with the other Beetles gathered at the ring. After whispering amongst themselves, they came to a ruling.
   “We have decided to let you two go free,” started the Beetle.
   “Yes! Finally,” said Lockjaw enthusiastically.
   “You didn’t let me finish,” said the Beetle. “I was going to say, ‘we’ll let you go free after two weeks of community service. You two will be helping to replant the gardens, maintain a food supply, and since you were so blatantly rude to Mrs. Volt here, you will be helping her with whatever tasks she might need.”
   “Oh, come on, two whole weeks?” spoke up Gallon.
   “Would you rather be stuck in the lawbreakers’ net for two weeks?” asked the Beetle, pointing to a net that was hoisted up against the ceiling.
   “Wow, these guys really have a harsh judicial system...” Lockjaw muttered to Gallon. “Okay, we’ll take the community service,” he then said to the Beetle.
   “Fine then. Enjoy your two-week stay here,” said the Beetle as he and all the other Beetles in the committee left. Lockjaw and Gallon then stepped out of the ring of stones and looked around aimlessly.
   “Now what do we do?” Gallon asked Lockjaw.
   “Now, you come with me!” said Volt as she walked up behind the two. “I have a lot of stuff I need help with and the sooner it gets done, the sooner you two can leave!”
   “Really?” asked Lockjaw.
   “No,” replied Volt. “You still have to stay two weeks.”
   “Alright, but this doesn’t mean that we’re your slaves or anything!” said Gallon.
   “Quiet on the way to the house!” yelled Volt.
   “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” said Gallon as he and Lockjaw followed Volt to her home.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2007, 12:26:28 PM »

   Lockjaw and Gallon followed Volt until they reached a large, circular area, occupied by fairly large huts made from sticks with leaves draped over the openings.
   “What is this place?” Lockjaw as he looked around in awe.
   “This is where the community lives,” said Volt. “My house is right over here,” she said, leading them into the leftmost house.
   Lockjaw and Gallon had entered the mostly empty hut, with colorful leaves on the walls for decoration. There were also two rooms in the hut, separated by a wall with a small opening.
   “Alright, you two,” said Volt. “I’m going to be gone for a while to get some food and other stuff. You two stay here and watch Amp while I’m gone,” she finished as she walked out of the hut.
   Lockjaw and Gallon looked at each other and shrugged.
   “Who’s Amp?” asked Lockjaw. “Do you know?”
   “How should I know?” replied Gallon. “I’ve never been here either.”
   “Maybe we can try to sneak out,” said Lockjaw. He and Gallon then carefully walked toward the leaf curtain. Lockjaw poked one eyestalk out to see if Volt was still there.
   “The coast is clear,” whispered Lockjaw as he and Gallon quietly stepped out of the hut.
   “Get back inside!” yelled Volt from an indeterminable place. Lockjaw and Gallon gave each other a confused look and went back inside.
   “Well, I guess we’re in this for the long haul,” Lockjaw said.
   “.... Who’re you?” questioned a voice form behind them. The startled pair then swiftly turned around, seeing that the voice came from another Anode Beetle, only this Anode Beetle was half the size of all the other Beetles.
   “Uh... who’re you?” awkwardly asked Gallon.
   “I’m Amp!” chirped the young Anode Beetle. “Who’re you?”
   “Oh, I get it,” said Lockjaw. “You must be Volt’s kid. She wants us to watch you.”
   “I’m Amp!” repeated the Anode Beetle. “Who’re you?”
   “I’m Lockjaw and this is Gallon,” said Lockjaw. “We’ll be spending the day with you, I guess...”
   “Great, great, great!” said Amp. “Let’s play something! Something FUN!” she said as she hopped up and down excitedly. “How about... ‘twirl-around’?”
   “’Twirl-around’? What?” said Gallon.
   “I’ll show you,” said Amp. “Get on your back!”
   “O... kay...” said Gallon, hesitantly rolling over. “Now what do I d--”
   Before Gallon could finish, Amp began to spin him wildly by holding onto his fin and running quickly in circles. Lockjaw watched amazed at Gallon's rapid spinning.
   “And now... push!” Amp said as she pushed Gallon and made him slide across the floor. Gallon then rolled back over, dizzily.
   “I’m gonna be sick...” he weakly said as he walked toward Lockjaw.
   “Where’re you going?” said Amp. “We’re not done playing yet!”

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2007, 07:31:10 PM »
Sorry I could'nt update earlier, I had to type a 5-page paper on Egypt.

   Lockjaw sighed. “Okay,” he said. “What do you want to do now?"
   "Let’s play...” said Amp as she thought of a game. “Hide-and-go-seek!”
   “I hate that game,” Gallon muttered to himself.
   “Well, alright..." said Lockjaw. “But only if we get to be the hiders.”
   “Come on, Lockjaw...” moaned Gallon. “Do we have to play this game?”
   “Don’t worry,” said Lockjaw. “I have a plan...” Lockjaw then turned over to Amp.
   “Alright,” he said. “Count to 20, and then start looking for us!”
   “Oh, Goodie!” squealed Amp. “Um, okay, I’ll close my eyes and you hide.” Amp began to close her eyes and count. Lockjaw and Gallon then hid themselves in the other room of the hut, closed the leaf curtain and went to sleep.
   “” said Amp, trying to remember what came after ten. “Uh... 20! Ready or not, here I come!” Amp then turned around in a circle to see if she could see Lockjaw and Gallon. Not seeing them, she walked up to the curtain that led into the other room. She could clearly hear snoring coming from the other side.
   “Hmm...” she said. “Where could you be?” she said as she was about to open the curtain.
   “We’re not in here!” said Gallon, waking up from his sleep.
   “Are you SURE?” playfully asked Amp.
   “Yes! Go look somewhere else!” yelled Lockjaw. Disappointed, Amp left the house looking for Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “Now, where could they be?” Amp asked herself as she wandered across the village.
   After about 15 minutes of sleeping, Lockjaw and Gallon woke up and left the room. They then noticed that Amp was nowhere to be seen.
   “Lockjaw...” said Gallon. “Where’s Amp?”
   “I can’t believe this!” said Lockjaw. “We let HER look for US and she STILL manages to get lost?!”
   “Well, what’re we gonna do now?” asked Gallon. “If word of this ever gets out, we’ll never get out of this place!”
   “Looks like we have to find her,” said Lockjaw. “Let’s go!” Lockjaw and Gallon then rushed out the hut and discreetly searched for Amp.
   “Hmm...” said Amp. “Maybe Daddy knows where they are...” She then crawled toward another hut across the village.
   Lockjaw and Gallon were franticly looking for Amp all around the village.
   “I’ll take the east, you take the west!” Lockjaw told Gallon. They then split up and ran to their respective locations.
   Gallon had burst into a random hut and terrified the two Anode Beetles inside it.
   “Eeeeek!” one of them screamed the one of the Beetles. “What do you want from us!?”
   “I’m just looking for someone!” Gallon said, manically. “Maybe you’ve seen her; she has a black shell...uh, yellow spots... antennae...” The two Anode Beetles just gave Gallon a confused look as he went on.
   Lockjaw had ran out of the hut area of the village, and had seen Amp about to walk into a hut near the far end of the village.
   “No, Amp!” Lockjaw yelled out. “It could be dangerous in there!”

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2007, 01:04:06 PM »
WoOoOoOoOoOo... this story is back, from the graaaaave...

Nah, I was just on a hiatus. I won't be taking another one until a good amount of this story is written!

   Amp had scurried into the hut at the end of the village. She had entered into a dark room with lots of various glowing things, leaves with writing on them, and etchings of various plants and creatures. Sensing her presence, an Anode Beetle, who was behind a curtain in the adjacent room, walked out to see who was in his hut.
   “Amp?” he said, surprised.
   “Daddy!” joyfully squealed Amp. “Daddy, Daddy!” I need help!”
   “Help with what?” asked Amp’s father.
   “The two big guys!” she began. “I’m it and I have to find them! There’s one who’s orange and the other is blue, and they’re bigger than me, and I need to find them! Do you know where they are, Daddy?”
   “Amp, I'd love to play with you, but I don’t have time right now,” said Amp’s father. “I’m very busy with this research.”
   Just then, Lockjaw, who was panting heavily, fumbled into the dark hut.
   “Amp!” he said. “There you are!”
   “No, no, no, no, NO!” Amp yelled in protest. “I’M supposed to find YOU!”
   “Amp, come on... I’m tired... let’s just go back to the hut,” he sighed.
   “Ahem,” Amp’s father spoke up. “Can I help you?”
   “Who are you?” Lockjaw asked, confused.
   “I’m this girl’s father,” he said sternly. “And who might you be?”
   “Oh-ho, sorry about that...” said Lockjaw. “I just had lost track of -- wait, you don’t know who I am?!” he said, surprised.
   “I’m not supposed to, am I?” replied Amp’s father. “I mean, you don’t look famous...”
   “My friend Gallon and I were forced to stay here to work off damage we did to your village’s garden,” began Lockjaw. “They assigned us to tend to your wife’s every need! There was a big meeting and everything! How could you not know who I am?!”
   “Uh... sorry... I don’t get out much...” said Amp’s father. “I get swamped in my research.”
   “Research?” questioned Lockjaw.
   “Yeah. I’m a scientist,” Amp’s father replied. “I specialize in the research of spores and fungi, and sometimes I leave the village for small periods at a time to find fungi specimens. During those times, Volt looks after Amp.”
   “Oh,” said Lockjaw. “That sounds like an interesting job, Mr. uhh...”
   “Oh right, I’ve been so caught up in my work I forgot to introduce myself,” said the beetle. “I’m Ion.”
   “My name’s Lockjaw,” Lockjaw stated. “I’ve already told you about my friend, Gallon. Speaking of which... where is he?” Lockjaw then stepped outside, only to see Gallon crawling toward him as fast as a Dumple can crawl.
   “Lockjaw,” he said, exhausted. “She’s nowhere to be found! I have a plan though, so hear me out: we take an empty Anode Beetle shell and stick some twigs under it, then all we gotta do is -- hold on. What were you doing in there?”
   “Why don’t you come inside?” said Lockjaw. Gallon then followed Lockjaw back into Ion’s hut. Gallon looked around and let out a sigh of relief when he saw Amp.
   “This is my buddy, Gallon,” introduced Lockjaw. “The one I mentioned earlier.”
   “Glad to make your acquaintance,” said Ion. “I’m Ion and this is my lab. I specialize in the study of fungi. Right now, I was looking through my notes to try to find a location where a rare Glowcap grows.”
   “Oh,” said Gallon. “Lockjaw and I were looking --”
   “Uh, Gallon,” Lockjaw interrupted. “I already told him about that.”
   “Well, no offense to you and the other Anode Beetles,” started Gallon, “but, the sooner we can get out of here, the better!”
   “Hey... I have an idea...” said Ion. “You guys need to work off your punishment, and I need a rare Glowcap...” Lockjaw and Gallon just gave confused stares.
   “How would you two like to fetch this rare Glowcap for me as part of my research?” proposed Ion. “I could tell the council that it counts as your punishment. It would also take up half the time you guys are supposed to be here. What do you say?”
   “Hmm...” Lockjaw thought it over. “Okay!”
« Last Edit: May 15, 2007, 08:25:25 PM by Area 64 »

« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2007, 04:39:35 PM »
Meh, I read half of it. But I'll finish tonight, gotta go somewhere

Nice story by the way, I can't wait to see where it goes.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2007, 06:01:18 PM »

   “Fantastic,” said Ion. “Let me just show you what we’re after...” Ion went into his back room, fumbled through some records, and brought out a leaf with a picture of a golden Glowcap on it.
   “Is that what we’re after? A golden Glowcap?” asked Gallon.
   “It’s very elusive,” said Ion. “I’ve been studying it for a while now.” Ion then turned the picture over and began to read the notes on the back.
   “Fungi luminarium aurum,” Ion read out loud. “Hmmm... prefers warm climates, such as warm, moist caves, and grows in extremely dark atmosphere...” Ion then thought to himself, then rummaged through his notes once again.
   “Oh, I got it!” he said, pulling out another leaf as he began to read. “The Eastern Wetlands... let’s see, let’s see, let’s see... lots of vegetation... moisture... darkness! Aha!”
   “Huh? We’re doing what?” asked a confused Lockjaw.
   “Wait...” started Gallon. “These ‘Eastern Wetlands’... are we supposed to go there?"
   “Well, I’d figure you’d have a good chance of finding Fungi luminarium aurum if you started there,” answered Ion
   “Can I go, Daddy? Please, please, please, please, pleaaaaaase?” Amp begged.
   “Sorry, Amp,” said Ion. “It would be too unsafe for you.”
   “Okay, how do we get there?” asked Lockjaw.
   “If you’d just follow me...” Ion said as he exited the hut. “Amp, come along. It’s dangerous for you to be in my lab alone.”
   “Coming, Daddy!” Amp said as she ran after her father with Lockjaw and Gallon.
   Ion had led them to the other edge of the village to the tunnel that led out of it.
   “Alright,” he started, “you wanna follow this tunnel to the seventh sub-tunnel, go all the way to the end, then emerge and walk east for about two hours. You’ll literally walk right into the Wetlands.”
   “That sounds like a long way!” said Gallon. “How long will this take us?”
   “Hey, you have two weeks...” Ion shrugged.
   “Good-Bye, Mr. Lockjaw! Good-Bye, Mr. Gallon!” Amp said, waving to them. Just as they were about to leave, two village officials ran in front of them.
   “Where are you two headed?” one of them asked.
   “Don’t worry, it’s part of our community service,” assured Lockjaw.
   “Section 27, Article 2 of the ‘Anode Justice Code’ states that Acts of community service must be supervised by an Anode Beetle at all times,” said the other official.
   “It’s okay,” said Ion. “I gave them permission to fetch me a Glowcap.”
   “Even so,” said the first official, “rules are rules.”
   “Hmmm...” Ion thought. “It can be any Anode Beetle?” he asked.
   “Only Anode Beetles who are residents of this village,” spoke the official.
   “Alright,” said Ion. “Amp, looks like you can go with Lockjaw and Gallon after all.”
   “Wait, she can’t go!” said the other official. “She’s too young!”
   “Correct me if I’m wrong, gentlemen,” started Ion, “but I believe there are no age restrictions in the Anode Justice Code.”
   “What?! But... Aw!” said the official. “Stupid loopholes... I guess I’ll allow it.”
   “Hooraaaaaaaaaaaaaay!” shouted Amp. “Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Daddy!” she said, hugging her father’s leg. She then ran beside Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “Guess we’ll be going, then,” said Gallon. “Don’t worry, Amp is safe with us!”
   “Yes, please bring her and the Glowcap back unharmed,” said Ion. “Well, I’ll see ya...” he said, walking off.
   “Good-Bye, Daddy!” Amp said as she turned around. “Good-Byyyyyye!”

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2007, 06:02:46 PM »
Oh, and thanks for the compliment, Masher101!

« Reply #26 on: May 16, 2007, 07:06:58 AM »
Ah, your welcome. I read the rest, It's pretty good.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2007, 08:37:34 AM »
Thanks. Sometimes I doubt if anyone reads this story. I'll still keep writing it, though.

   Lockjaw, Gallon, and their new companion Amp had been walking down the path for slightly over an hour. Lockjaw and Gallon had grown tired and bored, though Amp was still excited and optimistic.
   “Ugh, I’m so tired...” moaned Lockjaw.
   “I’m so bored...” said Gallon. "I’ve completely lost all sense of time, and this tunnel always looks the same...”
   “I got an idea, Mr. Gallon!” spoke Amp. “Let’s play a game!”
   “A game?” asked Gallon. “It won’t be twirl-around, will it?”
   “It’ll be fun! I promise!” assured Amp. “Okay, let’s play ‘I Spy!’” Amp then looked around the tunnel to see if she could find anything to “spy”.
   “Okay, I spy with my little eye...” started Amp, “something that is brown...”
   “Is it the walls of this tunnel?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Yeah! You win!” said Amp. “Your turn!”
   “No, that’s alright... I’ll sit this round out,” said Lockjaw.
   “I’ll give it a shot,” Gallon spoke up. “I spy something --”
   “No, Mr. Gallon!” Amp interrupted. “You’re supposed to say, ‘with my little eye!’”
   Gallon sighed. “Fine...” he said. “I spy... ‘with my little eye’... something that’s tired, annoyed, and blue. Can you guess what it is?”
   “Uhhhhh...” Amp said as she pondered what it was Gallon was “spying”. “Hmmmmm...” she hummed, turning around, then back, then around again. After doing this about ten times, Gallon finally spoke up.
   “...Amp, it’s me,” He said bluntly.
   “I know who you are, Mr. Gallon!” said Amp. “Can I get another hint? Please?”
   “No, the thing I was spying was me,” said Gallon.
   “Hold, on! Wait!” interjected Lockjaw. “You can’t spy YOURSELF; that’s against the rules!”
   “Rules?!” confusedly asked Gallon. “There are no rules in ‘I Spy!’”
   “Are you kidding me? Every game has rules!” stated Lockjaw. “And the most important rule in ‘I Spy’ is, ‘you CAN’T spy yourself! You can only spy what you can see!”
   “What are you, the little kiddy game referee now?!” questioned Gallon.
   “Umm...” quietly spoke Amp, who was intimidated by all the yelling. “Is it my turn now?” The other two just ignored her question while walking and arguing.

   After about two more hours of arguing about “kiddy games,” Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp were at the end of the sub-tunnel and had emerged to the surface. None of them had noticed, except for Amp.
   “Well, try this one!” Lockjaw shouted. “I spy with my little eye something that’s blue and brainless!”
   “Oh ho ho, that’s reeeeeeeeeal clever!” Gallon said, sarcastically. “Well I spy with my little eye a big, orange, walking --”
   “STOOOOP!” Amp screamed at the top of her lungs. “It’s MY TURN!!” Gallon and Lockjaw then dropped their petty argument and looked toward her.
   “I spy... with my little eye...” she began, “something fuzzy and green!”
   “Amp, seriously,” said Lockjaw. “You can’t just go spying obvious things, like grass... wait, grass?” Lockjaw then started to notice his surroundings. He, Gallon, and Amp were standing in a grassy, empty meadow, with the sun shining brightly up ahead.
   “I don’t get it,” said Gallon. “When did we leave the tunnels?”
   “All that pointless fighting must have taken our minds off of how long we were traveling for...” suggested Lockjaw. “Sorry about that, by the way.”
   “No problem,” said Gallon. “I’m sorry, too.”
   “Good! Now everyone’s friends again!” said Amp. “Alright... I spy... with my little eye... something that’s big and brown...” Lockjaw and Gallon then looked around, and saw a big, brown, boxy creature waddling around in the distance.
   “What is that?” questioned Gallon.
   “Let’s get a closer look,” suggested Lockjaw. With that, he ran toward the big creature, with Gallon and Amp following not too far behind.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #28 on: May 16, 2007, 01:45:42 PM »

   Lockjaw and the others had gotten closer to the large creature. They were staring at it as it just waddled around.
   “Let’s go introduce ourselves. Maybe he’s friendly,” suggested Gallon.
   “Good idea,” Lockjaw said as they walked over to in front of the creature. After spending a few seconds staring in awe of the strange-looking, big-nosed creature, Lockjaw finally spoke up.
   “Hello, there!” he said, cheerfully. “I’m Lockjaw, and these are my friends, Gallon and Amp.”
   “Hmm,” said the creature. “Sure don’t get a lot of visitors in these parts...”
   “Wow, mister! You’re BIG!” squealed Amp. “Are you a mountain?”
   “A mountain? Oh, no,” chuckled the creature. “I’m just a Giant Breadbug.”
   “Giant Breadbug, eh?” said Gallon. “Are there many of you around here?”
   “No, not that I know of,” said the Breadbug. “In fact, I’m the only one who lives around here.”
   “Wow... this meadow is so clean and the air is so fresh...” said Lockjaw. “I’m surprised no one else lives here!”
   “Yeah, it’s nice, but there’s not much food...” said the Breadbug. “That’s why I have to travel to other places to get food most of the time. Say, where are you three headed?”
   “Us? We’re headed to the Eastern Wetlands,” answered Lockjaw. “Do you know of it?”
   “I think I know that place...” said the Breadbug. “Hmmm... vegetation, moisture, and darkness. Is that the place you want?”
   “Yeah! I think that’s it!” said Lockjaw. “Do you know which direction it’s in?”
   “I’ll do you one better!” said the Breadbug. “I’ll take you and all your friends there! Hop on!” he said as he knelt down. Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp then climbed up his nose and onto his back.
   “How long do you think it’ll take us to get there?” Gallon asked, once on the Breadbug.
   “Don’t worry,” answered the Breadbug. “It shouldn’t take more than 45 minutes.” He then began walking off, with Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp curious about where they would end up.
   After 15 minutes of riding the Breadbug, the sun was starting to go down. Lockjaw and the others were amazed at the view of the sunset atop the Breadbug’s back.
   “I’m getting sleepy...” Amp yawned.
   “Yeah, me too,” said Gallon. “It has been a long day...”
   “You guys can go to sleep if you want,” assured the Breadbug. “I’ll wake you up when we get there.”
   “Thanks,” Lockjaw said. He then yawned and stretched. “Good night, everyone,” he said as he and the others curled up on the Breadbug’s back and went to sleep.

« Reply #29 on: May 16, 2007, 03:45:22 PM »
Aw... so sweet. *falls asleep* ZzZzZzZzZz...

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2007, 03:59:42 PM »
Heh, I chuckled when I read that.

   Lockjaw and his friends were fast asleep on top on the comfortable Giant Breadbug. The Breadbug had continued to carry them throughout the night. All along the way, he rocked gently, and was very silent. He found it very easy to carry all three of them on his back.
   The Breadbug had reached the end of the meadow, where in front of him was a huge wall of grass half his size. Yup, this is it, he thought to himself as he prepared to wake his passengers.
   “Psst,” he whispered. “Hey, guys... isn’t this the place you wanted to go?”
   Lockjaw groggily woke up. “Huh? It’s still night time? Where are the Wetlands?”
   “These are the Wetlands,” said the Breadbug.
   “It doesn’t look like a Glowcap would grow anywhere around here,” said Lockjaw. “All there is is grass...”
   “Well, you could look, if you want,” said the Breadbug, “but I gotta get some sleep. I’ve been carrying you guys through half of the night.”
   “Alright...” said Lockjaw, yawning. He then woke up Gallon and Amp, who slid off the Breadbug’s nose and landed safely on the ground.
   “All right, you three,” said the Breadbug. “I’m just gonna lie down here and rest while you look for that thing you need to find. I’ll be ready to take you back in the morning.” The Breadbug then plopped down on his side and went to sleep.
   “Alright then,” said Gallon. “Let’s find this Glowcap. Where could it possibly be growing in a place like this?”
   “There’s only one way to find out,” said Lockjaw as the walked toward the engulfing wall of tall grass.

   “Hey, why do they call this place, ‘the Wetlands?’” asked Gallon, staring into the wall of grass. Lockjaw then walked into the grass and immediately sunk to chin-level.
   “I guess that’s why,” he replied.  “There’s water under all this grass.” Gallon and Amp then trudged in behind Lockjaw. The water had completely covered both of them, but Gallon, being naturally aquatic, had no problem seeing or breathing. Amp’s case was different, however.
   “Help!” cried Amp as she sunk under the grass. “I... can’t swim!” she struggled to say as she constantly spat out water.
   “Amp! Quick!” shouted an alarmed Gallon. “Get on my back!” Amp then quickly fumbled onto Gallon’s back.
   “Yay! Piggyback!” she giggled as she got a ride from Gallon while he and Lockjaw trudged through the water.
   Lockjaw and Gallon, with Amp riding along, had been walking aimlessly through the grass for 30 minutes. The darkness of night, combined with the tall grass, made it very difficult to see.
   “Lockjaw, where are we going?” Gallon’s voice gurgled from underwater.
   “I have no idea,” said Lockjaw. “I just figured that this grass would clear out after a while...”
   “We’ll be walking through here forever...” Gallon moaned.
   “Hey what’s that supposed to mean? It could happen...” Lockjaw said. After only two more minutes of walking, Lockjaw and Gallon emerged from the grass and came across a large pond. Its dark blue water sparkled in the moonlight.
   “See?” said Lockjaw, smugly. “I told you so!”
   “There’s nothing here but a big pond! How does that prove anything?” questioned Gallon.
   “There’s a small patch of land over there...” Lockjaw said, motioning to the land on the other side of the pond. “Let’s go see what’s over there...” he said as Gallon followed him as he waded across the pond.

« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2007, 04:14:06 PM »
Amp sounds so cute... XD

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2007, 07:48:31 PM »
Whew! this is by far the longest installment I've typed up! I had a lot to get across in this part, including a suspenseful ending...

   Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp had reached the other side of the pond. Amp had disembarked from the ride on Gallon’s back. Lockjaw then quickly scanned the surrounding area. He had noticed what looked like a cut-down path in the grass.
   “Hey, look at this,” said Lockjaw. “This grass was completely flattened. It’s like someone’s been here before.”
   “Lockjaw, come on,” reasoned Gallon. “Who’s gonna come all the way out here?”
   “You’re right,” agreed Lockjaw. “Let’s just follow this path and see where it leads...” Lockjaw and the others then walked down the eerily conspicuous path. While walking, Amp tripped in a shallow hole and tipped on her back.
   “Help me! I’m stuck!” cried Amp, trying to wiggle off her back. Lockjaw came and tipped her back over. He then looked at the ground and saw something that almost made his eye stalks fall right off.
   “Gallon, look at what Amp tripped over!” he hastily said. Gallon crawled over to what Lockjaw was looking at.
   “It’s just a hole,” said Gallon.
   “That’s no hole!” said Lockjaw. “It’s a footprint! My feet don’t look like that, Amp’s are too small, and you don’t even have feet! Someone WAS here!”
   “Let’s just keep going, Lockjaw,” said Gallon. “I’m sure whatever it was is gone now...” He turned around and started crawling away, with Amp following behind.
   “Wait for me!” Lockjaw said nervously.
   The three kept walking until the path was impeded by a very large tree with a large opening in it.
   “Let’s check in here,” Lockjaw suggested. “The sooner we can get out of this spooky place and back to the village, the better!” Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp then walked inside the hollow tree. The interior of the tree was very dark, except for a small glowing light at the far end.
   Amp had begun to feel something weird build up in her antennae. “Ahhh...” she gasped.
   “You okay, Amp?” asked gallon.
   “Ahhh... ahhhhhh... ahhhhhhhh... CHOO!” Amp let out a mighty sneeze. Lockjaw and Gallon had noticed that when she sneezed, she partially lit up the tree with a spark of electricity.
   “Hey, Amp, could you do that again?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Sneeze?” asked Amp, confusedly.
   “No, charge up electricity!” replied Lockjaw.
   “But... I... I don’t know how...” said Amp. “I see the grown-ups do it all the time, but--”
   “Just focus all your energy on the electricity inside of you,” said Lockjaw.
   “I have WHAT inside me?!” Amp said, now even more confused. “O-okay, I’ll try...” Amp then concentrated carefully, took a deep breath, and emitted an aura of static electricity, which illuminated the area around her.
   “Great, now just keep doing that!” said Lockjaw.
   “I... I did it?” questioned Amp, amazed at her own abilities. “Yay! I did it!”
   “Lockjaw, look at this!” Gallon said excitedly from the other end of the tree. Lockjaw came over and saw what Gallon had been staring at: a glowing, very rare Golden Glowcap!
   “Finally, now we can get this whole mess straightened out,” said Lockjaw as he uprooted the Glowcap and carried it in his teeth. He and Gallon then walked over to Amp, who was staring longingly at a single yellow flower.
   “Ooh... Preeeeety...” she said, fixated on the flower.
   “Amp, come on, we’re going back home!” called out Gallon.
   “Coming, Mr. Gallon!” Amp yelled as Lockjaw and Gallon were already out of the tree. Amp had grabbed onto the flower and pulled it out of the ground. Out from the ground popped a creature which Amp had never seen before: it was skinny and yellow, with small arms, legs, ears and a flower on its head. The creature then looked around, and chased after Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “Hey, wait for meeeee!” Amp called to the creature. It had led her back to behind Lockjaw and Gallon, then quickly and stealthfully leapt onto the back of Lockjaw’s right eye stalk. The only one who seemed to notice was Amp.
   “Mr. Lockjaw, can I get a piggyback ride?” asked Amp.
   “I’m too tired, Amp,” he replied. “Let’s just get back to the village...”
   “That’s not fair!” protested Amp. “How come he gets one?”
   “Huh? Who?” asked Lockjaw. The creature on the back of Lockjaw’s eye had then nodded its head, “no,” to Amp, and put its finger over its face in a “be quiet” gesture.   
   “Never mind...” said Amp, playing along with the creature.

« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2007, 06:36:48 AM »
DUN DUN DUN!!! Attack of the Pikmin!! *GASP!*

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2007, 08:56:09 AM »

   Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp had made it to the other end of the path. Lockjaw and Gallon then plunged into the pond, and Amp resumed her position as Gallon’s passenger. Everyone was glad that they were leaving the Wetlands.
   “Well,” said Gallon. “That was fun, wasn’t it?”
   “Fun? ... Maybe...” replied Lockjaw. “I’m just glad nothing attacked us...”
   “It was fun for me!” Amp spoke. “I made a new friend!”
   “Who is she talking about?” Gallon asked Lockjaw.
   “I don’t know... maybe one of those imaginary friends...” Lockjaw said as they continued through to the wall of grass.
   Lockjaw and Gallon had walked through the wall of grass and back out into the meadow. By the time they had emerged, the sun was back up again, and the Breadbug had just wakened up.
   “Ah, I see you guys found what you’re looking for...” said the Breadbug. “You ready to hop on?”
   “Yeah, we’ve been out here long enough,” said Gallon. They each hopped back onto the Breadbug’s nose and onto his square back. They decided to go back to sleep, since not only did they not get much sleep, but it would also make the time go by. Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp went to sleep, but their stealthy stowaway kept a menacing watch on them as they slept.
   The Breadbug once again carried the group to where he first met them, right near the tunnel entrance. He woke them back up and they slid back off of the Breadbug’s nose and walked over to the tunnel.
   “I am NOT looking forward to this...” said Gallon as he, Amp, and Lockjaw (with the stowaway) went back down into the tunnel and began their hour-long walk back to the village.

   Ion had stayed at the entrance to the tunnel leading out of the city for days, waiting for them to return with Amp and the Glowcap safe. Sometimes he would worry about Amp’s safety, but then comforted himself with the thought that the two taking care of her were credible enough. After days of waiting, Ion began to hear voices echoing from the tunnel.
   “No, you idiot! You’re supposed to hit me when you see a Flint or Glint Beetle! Doodlebugs don’t count!”
   “I told to, I thought it was a Flint Beetle! That was an hour ago, and you still remember that?!
   “I oughta get my revenge hit right now! Don’t your eyes work?!... If you have any eyes?!”
   “I recognize those voices!” said Ion, excitedly. Ion ran to the entrance of the tunnel.
   “Y’know what? I think I saw a Flint beetle back there!” shouted Lockjaw. “I never got my hit!”
   “Wait...” interrupted Gallon. “Do you hear that? It sounds like a voice...” he said as he and Lockjaw listened carefully.
   “Amp! Amp!” The voice echoed off the walls of the tunnel.
   “Daddy?” called out Amp, confused.
   “Amp! There you are!” The voice came from Ion, running down the tunnel toward the group.
   “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” cried Amp as she hugged her father’s leg and ran back to the village beside him.
   “Let’s drop this stupid argument, Lockjaw! The village!” said Gallon, practically galloping to the village.
   “Hey! Wait up!” Lockjaw called out excitedly. He ran after Gallon back to the village, with the stowaway rubbing its tiny hands in anticipation.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2007, 11:47:29 AM »

   Lockjaw and Gallon had met back up with Amp and her father back at the lab. Ion was ecstatic about the discovery of the Golden Glowcap, which was placed on a table along with some records.
   “Wow!” exclaimed Ion. “Amazing! Absolutely amazing! I knew you guys could do it!”
   “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” squealed Amp. “I got to ride on a Breadbug!”
   “Wow, you guys must’ve gone through a lot to get this, huh?” said Ion. “Rest assured, this feat will not go unrewarded,” he said as he stepped out of the lab.
   “Let’s go tell Mommy!” Amp suggested as she ran out of the lab and back home.
   Lockjaw and Gallon raced after Amp back to her hut. They ran into Volt on the way over.
   “There you two are!” said Volt. “Ion had told me that you did an errand for him, and took our precious Amp with you! She’d better be okay! If any of her spots are misshapen, I’ll--”
   “Don’t worry, she’s perfectly fine,” interrupted Gallon. The three of them walked back to the hut, where an excited Amp was waiting for the others to arrive.
   As Volt walked inside the hut, Amp got a firm grip of her leg.
   “Mommy, Mommy!” said Amp. “I was with Mr. Lockjaw and Mr. Gallon, and we went on an adventure!”
   “That’s very good, Amp. Now, are you hurt in any way?” asked Volt.
   “Nope! I feel A-okay!” replied Amp. “I even made a new friend!”
   “Hmmm...” hummed Volt. “Where has your father dashed off to now?”

   Meanwhile, Ion was explaining Lockjaw’s case to the Anode Beetle Committee
   “He helped me and my wife out, and looked after our young daughter,” he said. “He took excellent care of her while he retrieved the Glowcap I needed... He’s not such a bad guy... I mean, he is sorry about the flowers...”
   “Ion, enough,” said a member of the committee. “He still broke our law, and it’s only been a week. He has to stay until he’s served his full time.” The beetle then turned to the other members of the committee.
   “All in favor of the two lawbreakers remaining here until their full punishment is served?” he asked the rest of the beetles in the stone ring.
   “Aye,” they all said in unison.
   “Motion denied,” the beetle told Ion. “Meeting adjourned,” he said as he and the other beetles left their stones. Ion climbed out of the ring of stones with a defeated look on his face. He then saw Lockjaw, Gallon, Volt, and Amp walking up to him.
   “How did it go?” asked Lockjaw. “Did they agree to let us go?”
   “Sorry, no...” Ion sighed. “Thanks anyway for all your help. I’m gonna go back to the lab...”
   “Alright... I guess this place isn’t so bad...” Lockjaw said, disappointed. He and Gallon turned around and started walking away with Volt and Amp. Ion then noticed something strange about Lockjaw.
   “Hey, Lockjaw!” he called out. “What’s that on your eye?”

« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2007, 03:30:23 PM »
Pikmin: Oh crap! I've been spotted! *jumps off and goes into the bushes*

Heh heh, the poor Pikmin's going to get destroyed.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2007, 05:33:43 PM »

   “Huh?” Lockjaw turned back. “Is that a joke? ...I don’t get it...”
   “Let me take a closer look,” said Ion. Lockjaw then walked back to Ion and turned his eye stalks to the side. Ion then got an expression on his face as if he were about to faint.
   “What? What is it?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Lockjaw, it’s important that you NOT PANIC,” started Ion, “but there is... a Pikmin... on your eye stalk. Now, if you just hold still--”
   “PIKMIN!!” Lockjaw screamed. “GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!”
   “Pikmin? ...Where?!” asked an alarmed Gallon, crawling hastily over to Lockjaw.
   “Get it off of me! Please!” Lockjaw said. Gallon then bit at the Pikmin, but was too slow. The Pikmin jumped off of Lockjaw’s eye stalk and went off to terrorize the village people.
   “Oh, dear...” said Volt. “This can only end badly... let’s get back inside Amp! Quickly!” she said, running back to the hut with Amp scurrying beside her.
   “Quick! Let’s go after it!” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw and Gallon then gave chase after the Pikmin.
   The Anode Beetle committee had turned around and had run back to Ion.
   “You’re the genius! What’s going on here?!” one of them demanded.
   “There’s a Yellow Pikmin loose in the village!” replied Ion. “Even if we electrocute it, it won’t have any effect!”
   “We’re all doomed,” said the beetle in a foreboding manner.

   The Pikmin had made off to the central area of the village where all the huts were. Anode Beetles ran in fear of it as it ran through the village aimlessly, followed by Lockjaw and Gallon. “Don’t worry... we’re on it...” they would say as they ran past the villagers.
   The Pikmin made a quick U-turn and dashed under Lockjaw and was barely missed by Gallon. It ran toward the ring of stones. Seeing Lockjaw and Gallon in hot pursuit, it nervously dived in. Lockjaw and Gallon jumped in after it, and were able to corner it against a stone. Both were growling at it, until they heard a familiar voice.
   “Don’t hurt him! He’s my friend!” Amp called out from the entranceway of the hut. Lockjaw and Gallon got distracted and looked away from the Pikmin, giving it a chance to escape. It quickly jumped out of the ring of stones, and dashed for the tunnel that led out of the village.
   “Oh, man! It got away!” stated Lockjaw.
   “Yeah! I was hungry!” Gallon said.
   All of the Anode Beetles were rejoicing as the saw the terrifying single Yellow Pikmin run scared out of the village. They all shouted and rejoiced, then ran over to thank Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “You saved us!” said one beetle.
   “You guys are heroes!” said another.
   Volt and Amp then ran over to Ion, concerned.
   “Ion, you’re okay!” said Volt. “Thank goodness!”
   “Yeah, I’m okay, but I hope Lockjaw and Gallon are,” said Ion. “Let’s go over to see them,” he said as he joined the crowd of beetles gathered in front of Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “You two saved our entire village!” praised Volt. “I’m... sorry about the way I treated you...”
   “No problem,” said Lockjaw. “Glad to help. I mean, it was only one Pikmin...”
   “Heroic and modest,” spoke up a member of the committee. “As a reward for your heroic deeds, you are free to go!”
   “Thanks a lot!” said Lockjaw. “I’ll never forget this place!”

   The Pikmin was running down the tunnel when it started seeing two pulsating lights in the distance. It froze in place as the lights came closer. It saw that the lights were it’s leaders; the ones who left it in the giant tree. The two creatures were followed by an army of 49 other Yellow Pikmin. After the Yellow Pikmin flagged down the leaders, it pointed frantically in the direction in which it came. The leaders then called it back and ran in the direction it was showing them: straight for the Anode Beetle village!

« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2007, 05:36:58 PM »
Uh-Oh... one might be a problem... but fifty?! That might be a problem.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2007, 09:44:04 PM »
To get the full effect of the installment, scroll down to Donkey Kong Country 2 on this website and play "Run, Rambi! Run!"(the first one) when Lockjaw says, "Red-Light and Blue-Light!". (Put it on repeat.)

   Lockjaw and Gallon were at the tunnel entrance, about to head back to the Valley of Repose. All the Anode Beetles congregated at the entrance behind them to see them off.
   “Lockjaw, Gallon... thank you for all you’ve done for us,” said Volt.
   “Definitely seconded,” said Ion. “You guys really helped my research along. You guys are true pioneers!”
   “Feel free to visit our fair village anytime!” said a committee beetle.
   “Bye, Mr. Lockjaw! Bye, Mr. Gallon! I’ll miss you!” said Amp, waving at the two.
   “Don’t worry; we’ll be sure to visit!” Lockjaw announced. He then turned to Gallon.
   “Well, we’d better get going,” said Lockjaw as he and Gallon started walking into the tunnel. Lockjaw stopped walking when he heard a strange noise. He turned to the crowd of Anode Beetles.
   “Did anyone else hear that?” he asked. The crowd just murmured amongst themselves.
   “What did you hear, Lockjaw?” asked Ion.
   “It was really high-pitch,” answered Lockjaw. “Like a whi--” Lockjaw then got a grave flashback. That was the same thing the Emperor told him before a brutal Pikmin attack!
   Red-Light and Blue-Light, Lockjaw thought. He then turned back to the Anode Beetles.
   “You guys HAVE to get out of here!” Lockjaw warned. “Pikmin are coming!”
   “Lockjaw... what do you mean...?” asked Volt, worrying.
   “I just heard the whistle of the Red-Light,” said Lockjaw. “Red-Light and Blue-Light are two creatures who always have a large quantity of Pikmin with them!” The crowd started to worriedly murmur, then the committee beetle spoke up.
   “We have it under control,” said the beetle. “If there’s a Pikmin attack, we’ll just zap them!” the crowd then gave sighs of relief.
   Lockjaw looked even more concerned. “But, what if--”
   “Everything’s going to be juuuust fine,” assured the beetle. He and the other beetles started walking away.
   “But wait!” said Lockjaw. “You’re making a horrible--”
   It was too late. The death whistle had blown again, and this time, it was right behind Lockjaw and Gallon. Lockjaw, Gallon, and all the Anode Beetles turned around to see the Red-Light and Blue-Light creatures, both commanding an army of 50 Yellow Pikmin.
   “Red-Light and Blue-Light! RUN!” shouted Lockjaw as he and Gallon ran for their lives. The crowd of Anode Beetles screamed as they dispersed in all directions. The Red-Light creature whistled at the Blue-Light creature, and both gave chase after random Anode Beetles.
   Lockjaw and Gallon were running frenziedly amongst the crowd, when they bumped into Amp and her family.
   “Mr. Lockjaw, I’m scared!” Amp said, crying.
   “Lockjaw! Gallon! Please hide our baby!” Volt pleaded.
   “What about you guys?” asked Gallon.
   “Don’t worry about us!” spoke Ion. “We can’t let them harm our precious little girl!”
   “We’re on it!” said Lockjaw. He then faced a crying Amp. “Amp, want a piggyback?” he asked calmly.
   Amp sniffled a bit. “O...okay...” she said as she jumped onto Lockjaw’s back. She, Lockjaw, and Gallon then ran looking for somewhere to hide Amp, leaving her parents behind to fend for themselves.
   Lockjaw scanned frantically for a safe spot for Amp. It then hit him. He ran over to a nearby committee beetle.
   “I need your help!” Lockjaw said, panting. “Could you lower the lawbreaker net?”
   “I don’t know why, but I’ll do it right away!” said the beetle. “Follow me!” The beetle then ran off to the lawbreaker net, with Lockjaw and Gallon following. The beetle removed a stick wedged in the wall, and the net fell down to the ground.
   “Everything’s gonna be fine, Amp,” said Gallon. “But right now, we need you to get in the net!”
   “Okay...” timidly spoke Amp, reluctant of leaving the safety of Lockjaw’s back. She promptly jumped into the net.
   “Now hoist it!” Gallon called out to the beetle near the rope that lowered the net. The beetle wrapped up the rope and replaced the stick, trapping Amp safely against the high ceiling.
   Lockjaw and Gallon had turned around to see the two creatures charging at them, all Yellow Pikmin in tow.
   “Well, Gallon,” Lockjaw gulped. “We can’t run forever, or live forever, so we gotta fight back!”
   “Right with you, Lockjaw!” Gallon shouted as they prepared to fight the horde of Pikmin.

« Reply #40 on: May 18, 2007, 06:31:46 AM »
Hahaha, that music makes it all the better. Well, what will they do now?! O.o

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2007, 09:42:52 AM »

   Lockjaw and Gallon charged straight on into the Pikmin horde. Thinking quickly, Red-Light rapidly threw Pikmin on top on Gallon. Gallon then writhed in pain as the Pikmin latched onto his skin and tried to kill him slowly.
   “Lockjaw... help!” shouted Gallon. Lockjaw ran over to Gallon and managed to eat two Pikmin off of him. Gallon was able to shake the rest off.
   The Blue-Light Creature ran up to Lockjaw and attempted punching him. Lockjaw quickly bit his arms, disabling him from throwing Pikmin! The Blue-Light Creature then ran away, scared.
   This is easier than I thought, thought Lockjaw. Just then, Red-Light gave a rallying whistle and commanded all his Pikmin to swarm Lockjaw and Gallon.
   Uh-oh... spoke to soon, Lockjaw thought as he braced himself for the attack. The Pikmin completely surrounded Lockjaw and Gallon, hitting and clawing at them frantically.
   “Lockjaw, what’re we gonna do?” panicked Gallon. “We can’t possibly eat them all at once!”
   “Follow my lead!” shouted Lockjaw. Lockjaw then crouched down, then leapt out of the enveloping mass of Pikmin. Gallon quickly did the same.
   After they were out of the crowd of Pikmin, they started eating them frantically! Gallon was able to eat four Pikmin, while Lockjaw successfully ate six. Red-Light was pounding his foot on the ground furiously. Just as he was about to launch a full-frontal Pikmin assault, his yellow skin had made a beeping noise. He seemed to have been communicating with Blue-Light. While the creature was distracted, Lockjaw and Gallon managed to eat five more Pikmin.
   After discovering that Lockjaw and Gallon were secretly eating his army, he quickly retreated, then prepared 25 Pikmin for the Blue-Light Creature. The Blue-Light Creature then took the Pikmin and ran off in another direction. Red-Light was now left with only eight Pikmin left! This battle was about to get a whole lot easier!
   Red-Light ran back to Lockjaw and Gallon. He then released a red cloud which made all his Pikmin furious and anxious!
   “Ohhhhhhhh, no,” mumbled Lockjaw. “RUN AWAY!” he shouted as he and Gallon ran to a nearby empty hut. Red-Light and his eight Super-Pikmin quickly followed.
   Lockjaw and Gallon were hiding in the hut, both extremely weak from the fight. If Red-Light found them, they would be done for. Gallon then noticed something in the next room of the hut.
   “Lockjaw, look!” called out Gallon. “Nectar eggs!” He and Lockjaw then quickly broke them open and drank from them. The nectar had restored their health a little.
   Red-Light had charged into the hut, trapping Lockjaw and Gallon against the wall of the room. He then threw all eight Yellow Super-Pikmin right on Lockjaw’s nose. The Pikmin were covering his nostrils, stopping him from breathing.
   “Gallon!” he wheezed. “This is... it for me...”
   “I saved your life once, and I’ll do it again!” stated Gallon defiantly. Gallon then headbutted hard into Lockjaw’s nose, throwing the Pikmin off. Lockjaw’s nose was a little sore, but at least he was alive.
   Lockjaw was enraged now. He opened his mouth as wide as he could, and ate four Pikmin with one bite! Gallon then ate another two, following Lockjaw’s lead.
   In a desperate attempt to win, Red-Light released a cloud of black gas from his skin.
   “Don’t let it touch you!” shouted Lockjaw. Lockjaw dashed out of the way, but Gallon was petrified solid. Red-Light and his two Super-Pikmin moved in for the kill.
   I won’t let them drink my friend! Thought Lockjaw. He quickly intercepted the swarm and the two Pikmin swarmed on him. They were beating him harshly, when Gallon finally unfroze. He promptly leapt over to Lockjaw and ate the two Pikmin off.
   Red-Light was now all out of Pikmin! He was huffing mad! He charged straight at Lockjaw and Gallon, fists flying! Lockjaw and Gallon each got hold of one arm.
   “Hey, Lockjaw!” called out Gallon through clenched teeth. “I think this guy wants to play ‘twirl-around!’” Lockjaw nodded as the two started spinning The Red-Light Creature around rapidly. After letting go of him and leaving him disoriented, Lockjaw and Gallon both gave him a mighty headbutt, which sent him careening out of the hut.
   Lockjaw and Gallon ran out of the hut, and saw Red-Light running away for good. Red-Light ran to Blue-Light, they communicated briefly, and then Blue-Light called ten Pikmin over to him, who were carrying two indeterminable black objects. Instead of using the remaining Pikmin to fight, both of them ran out of the village, with the ten Pikmin following.
   “Whew!” gasped Lockjaw. “Glad that’s over... now let’s go get Amp.”
« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 01:36:02 PM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #42 on: May 18, 2007, 11:32:06 AM »
Get the full effect by going here, scrolling down to Partners in Time, and playing "Toad Town" at the line, "Gallon, Lockjaw, and Amp then walked back around to the central area of the village". (Warning: this installment is bit of a tear-jerker.)

   Lockjaw and Gallon ran to the stick in the wall that held up the lawbreaker net. Lockjaw removed the stick and slowly lowered the net to the ground. Inside, they saw Amp, whimpering.
   “Thank goodness you’re okay,” Gallon sighed.
   “He was supposed to be my friend...” said Amp, softly. “Why would he...” Amp couldn’t find the strength to finish her sentence.
   “Amp, let me tell you something about Pikmin,” began Lockjaw. “They’re evil, spiteful creatures who cherish nothing; not even their own well-being. They’d sacrifice their own lives just to take someone else’s. They have no intention of making friends.”
   “Okay... I get it...” Amp said, still weeping slightly. “Pikkins are... evil?”
   “Yes, Amp,” answered Gallon. “And they are not our friends.”
   “I’m sorry I let the Pikkin get away...” said Amp
   “It’s okay,” said Gallon. “Everything’s fine now. All the Pikmin are gone. Let’s just get you back to your parents. Would you like a piggyback?”
   Amp wiped her eyes. “No, thank you,” she answered. “I’ll walk...”
   “All right, if you’re sure...” said Gallon. “Now let’s get you to your parents.” Gallon, Lockjaw, and Amp then walked back around to the central area of the village, only to find that it was completely devoid of life. All the Anode Beetles were gone.
   “M-Mommy? Daddy?” Amp called out, worriedly.
   “Where is everyone?” Lockjaw asked to himself. “Let’s check all the huts,” he suggested. Lockjaw, Gallon and Amp checked all of the huts, only to find all of them empty.
   Lockjaw and Gallon left the central area and started heading for the area near the ring of stones.
   “Mommy! Daddy!” Amp kept calling out.
   “VoooooltIooooon?” Lockjaw called out. “Anybody?”
   “Lockjaw, what are those?” Gallon stopped the group. He motioned to the two things the Pikmin had dropped before retreating.
   “I'll go check... you guys stay here...” Lockjaw said as he crept closer to the two black things. Lockjaw saw that the two things were Anode Beetle corpses.
   “Mr. Gallon... what are those?” asked Amp, scared.
   “Look away, Amp,” said Gallon, shielding Amp’s eyes.
   Lockjaw examined the two corpses. He then got a deadly serious look on his face. He knew whose corpses these were. He slowly walked over to Gallon.
   “That’s them,” he said, solemnly. “That’s... Volt... and Ion...”
   “Oh, no... this is terrible...” said Gallon.
   “Mr. Gallon, are Mommy and Daddy gonna be okay?” asked Amp, tears swelling up in her eyes.
   Gallon sighed. “Amp, Mommy and Daddy... well... they’re... they’re gone... they’re never coming back...”
   “You mean... they went to get food...?” asked Amp, trying to stay optimistic.
   “I’m sorry, Amp... they’re... dead,” said Gallon.
   “What’s ‘dead?’” asked Amp.
   “Dead is...” began Gallon, trying to find a way to put it. “Dead is when your parents can no longer hold you or play with you or love you... they’re gone forever...”
   “But... I don’t want them to be dead!” Amp shouted, crying.
   “C’mon, Amp... you can stay with me and Mr. Gallon,” said Lockjaw. “Get on my back.” Amp then climbed up onto Lockjaw’s back as they began to leave through the Crawmad Railroad.
   “Wait!” Amp said as they were about to leave. “I wanna visit Daddy’s lab.”
   “Sure thing, Amp,” Lockjaw said as he, Gallon and Amp left the Figwort patch and went to Ion’s old lab. Once inside, Amp got a random record off the table, rolled it up and carried it between her antennae.
   “I needed something to remember them by...” quietly said Amp. “We can go now.” Amp then climbed onto Lockjaw’s back as they went back to the Figwort patch and down the Crawmad Railroad.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 01:10:27 PM by Area 64 »

« Reply #43 on: May 18, 2007, 03:50:16 PM »
*Sniff...* *Sniff...* Poor Amp... I WILL AVENGE THEE!! *Stabs a random guy dressed as a Pikmin*

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #44 on: May 18, 2007, 09:02:36 PM »
   Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp had arrived back to the Valley of Repose. It was night when they got there. They saw that Bubba had just woke up.
   “Hey there!” Bubba greeted them. “Long time, no see! Who’s your friend, there?”
   “Mr. Lockjaw, it’s cold here,” complained Amp. “Do we have to stay here?”
   “Don’t worry,” assured Gallon. “It gets warmer during the day.”
   Amp looked at Bubba and whimpered. “Make him go away! He’s scary!” she protested.
   “Me? Scary? I’m not scary at all!” laughed Bubba. “My name’s Bubba! What’s yours?”
   “I’m... Amp...” Amp introduced herself.
   “Wow, Amp,” Bubba started. “Don’t see many of your type around here. You must’ve wandered a long way! I bet your parents are worried sick about ya!” Amp then started crying hysterically.
   Gallon crawled over to Bubba. “Her parents... were recently victim of Pikmin attack,” he whispered. “Amp’s still very sensitive about it.”
   “Oh, jeez... sssorry, kid” Bubba told Amp.
   “It’s o... okay,” said Amp, calming down. “You didn’t make them dead... it was the Pikkin...”
   “Those darn Pikmin!” shouted Bubba, dramatically. “When will they just... shoo?!” Bubba’s proclamation made Amp giggle a bit.
   “Hey... I got an idea...” said Lockjaw. “Hey, Bubba, cheer up Amp some more!” he whispered to Bubba. Bubba then played along
   “Why, if they were here, I’d squish them like a Jellyfloat!” Bubba proclaimed, humorously. He then made a small hop, and pretended to make a “squish” sound when he landed. Amp had giggled some more.
   “I’d use my super breathalyzing attack on ‘em, too!” said Bubba. “Watch!” Bubba then inhaled a lot of air, then belched loudly.
   “Hee hee! You’re funny!” squealed Amp.
   “See? I told ya I wasn’t scary!” said Bubba. Bubba then noticed the rolled-up leaf record Amp was carrying.
   “What’cha got there, kid?” asked Bubba.
   “My Daddy kept a lot of pictures with writing on back of them,” answered Amp.
   “Really, now?” asked Bubba “Well what’s it say?”
   “I can’t read yet...” replied Amp. She then handed the record to Lockjaw.
   “Could you read it for me, Mr. Lockjaw?” asked Amp.
   “Sure, I’ll read it for you!” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw placed the record on the ground and unrolled it. It showed a picture of a mushroom-like creature. He then turned to the back and began to read.
   “Puffstool... Aspergilla podronis...” he began. “Prefers dark atmosphere... very solitary... very valuable spores?”
   “Spores?” Gallon asked curiously.
   “It says that... these spores can control Pikmin!” Lockjaw then got an idea. “Hey... those spores may be just what we need to stop the Pikmin!”
   “Wait, are you suggesting--” started Gallon.
   “Amp couldn’t have just picked this record out by coincidence,” said Lockjaw. “We have to go see the Puffstool!” Lockjaw then looked at the record. “It says that the only specimen was found in the Forest Navel. Well, let’s get going!”
   “Lockjaw, we don’t even know where that is...” reminded Gallon.
   “Forest Navel, eh?” Bubba spoke up. “It’s far west of here, but you’ll never reach it on land. You’d have to go through those weird tunnels.”
   “Mr. Lockjaw... I’m tired...” said Amp. “Could we go tomorrow? Please?”
   “Alright, I guess we can stay put for the night,” answered Lockjaw.
   “As long as you guys are stayin’, I could have breakfast prepared for you when you wake up!” Bubba offered.
   “Thanks, Bubba,” said Gallon. “You’re a credit to big, scary-looking, flaming guys everywhere...”
   “Well, goodnight everyone,” said Lockjaw as he, Gallon and Amp slept on the ground next to the lake.

   “Did’ja hear THAT, Barney?” said Sneed, hovering in the night sky. He and Barney had eavesdropped on the conversation. “VALUEABLE spores! We gotta get ‘em first!”
   “But, boss...” began Barney. “It’s night time! I mean, they get to sleep!”
   “Quiet down, Barney!” snapped Sneed. “While they’re floatin’ off ta dreamland, we’ll get the jump on ‘em and get there FIRST! Besides, crime never sleeps!”
   “Okay, boss...” said a dejected Barney as he and Sneed headed off for the Forest Navel.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 09:11:31 PM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #45 on: May 18, 2007, 10:13:36 PM »
   Lockjaw and the others had slept comfortably through the night. Bubba’s blazing skin had kept them warm.
   Gallon was the first to wake up. The first thing he noticed was the big breakfast of assorted nectars, berries, leaves and Wogpoles, sitting on a large piece of bark.
   “You guys! Wake up!” Gallon exclaimed to Lockjaw and Amp.
   “Why are you up so early?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Look at this big breakfast Bubba prepared for us!” Gallon replied. Lockjaw then woke up Amp so the three of them could eat and be on their way. Lockjaw would’ve gone over to thank Bubba, but saw that he was curled up, sleeping.
   After finishing the bountiful breakfast, Lockjaw turned to Gallon and Amp.
   “Well...” he started. “You all ready to go?”
   “I’m ready to go, Mr. Lockjaw!” said Amp. “The Puffstool will get rid of the bad Pikkins!”
   “Me too,” said Gallon. “I need to walk off that big breakfast.”
   “Alright, then, it’s settled,” said Lockjaw. “Let’s go!” He then led Gallon and Amp down the Crawmad Railroad.

   Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp were walking down the dark Crawmad Railroad. They had been walking quietly for about an hour. Amp had created a charge while walking to illuminate the path.
   “So... do you have any idea how long this walk is gonna take?” Gallon asked Lockjaw.
   “Who knows...” answered Lockjaw. “Could take just another minute, could take days...”
   “How will you even know when we’re there?” asked Gallon.
   “Well, I haven’t seen a sub-tunnel opening since 50 minutes ago...” answered Lockjaw. “I figure the first one we run into should be the one that leads there.”
   Gallon looked up from the ground. He then saw a large wall made of boulders that impeded their path.
   “Uh-oh...” said Gallon. “I think this trip ends here...”
   “What do you mean by that?” asked Lockjaw. “There HAS to be a way to squeeze through...”
   Gallon examined the wall of boulders. “Nope, it’s airtight,” he said. “Sorry, Lockjaw... I guess... we are all doomed...”
   Lockjaw refused to give up. “Come on! We can find a way to get past this wall! We just have to try!”
   “Lockjaw, unless you can blow the wall up, there’s no way we’re getting past...” Gallon said.
   “Wait,” said Amp. “Does this mean... the Pikkins will make even more people dead?”
   “I don’t know, Amp...” replied Lockjaw. “I just don’t know. Come on, everyone. Let’s go back home...” he said as he hung his head low and started walking back the way he came. Gallon and Amp slowly followed.

   “Oh, no! What have I DONE?! I can never go back there! I can never turn back!” The mysterious creature thought out loud to himself as he flew frantically through the Crawmad Railroad. “I can never forgive myself! For as long as I live, I’ll never use one of those again!” The creature said, panting. He used his skinny arm to wipe sweat off his large forehead.

   Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp then began to hear heavy panting echoing off the walls of the tunnel.
   “Where is that noise coming from?” Lockjaw asked, rhetorically. As he and the others continued walking, Lockjaw heard strange mumbling. He then stopped the group.
   “Who’s there?” he called out into the darkness. “Show yourself!”
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 10:58:37 PM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #46 on: May 19, 2007, 10:23:39 AM »

   The creature then stopped mumbling to himself and called out from the darkness.
   “You show YOURSELF!” He called out to the group.
   “We were here first!” shouted Lockjaw. “So show yourself first!”
   “I’ve been traveling down these tunnels for five days!” shouted the creature. “I don’t know if I can trust you!”
   “We’re friendly, mister!” called out Amp. “We want to be friends! We won’t hurt you!”
   “Oh, you say that...” said the creature, concealing himself in the darkness
   “Oh, that’s it,” said Lockjaw. “We’re coming down there and seeing who you are!”
   “I’m warning you!” shouted the creature. “Don’t come any closer! I will attack!”
   “Here we come!” said Lockjaw as he and the group marched boldly down the tunnel. Suddenly, a green blur had swooped down and picked up Amp, carrying her into the darkness. Lockjaw and Gallon’s light source was gone!
   “Mr. Lockjaw, heeeelp!” called out Amp as she was taken further down the tunnel. The creature placed her back down on the ground once he thought he’d taken her far enough. He then flew back to Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “Ha HA!” laughed the creature. “How can you attack what you can’t see?”
   “C’mon, Lockjaw! He’s up there somewhere!” encouraged Gallon. Gallon and Lockjaw then aimlessly bit above them, hoping to snag the creature. After a few attempts, Lockjaw had gotten a hold on the creature’s arm.
   “Ow!” yelled the creature. “Let go, let go, let go!” Lockjaw was trying to pull him down to the ground, but the creature had been pulling back with too much force in an attempt to get his arm out of Lockjaw’s mouth.
   “Not until you bring back Amp!” shouted Gallon.
   “What the heck is Amp?” said the creature. “Eh, it doesn’t matter... once I get my arm out, I’ll REALLY let you have it!” Lockjaw then found enough strength to send him crashing to the ground.
   “Owwwww,” moaned the creature, rubbing his head. “Fine! You win... I’ll get ‘Amp’ back for you.” The creature then flew back down the tunnel to where he placed Amp, then reunited her with the rest of the group. Amp then made a charge that illuminated the dark tunnel.
   “Show yourself, once and for all!” yelled out Lockjaw.
   “Oh... fine...” said the creature. He then floated into the light of Amp’s charge. Amp was the first one to get a look at him: he had big, yellow eyes, a round, green body, and floated on what appeared to be multicolored balloons.
   “Hee hee! You look funny, mister!” giggled Amp.
   “Amp! Don’t scare him off... we’re trying to be friends...” reminded Gallon.
   “Oh, right... sorry, mister,” said Amp.
   “So, what’s your name?” Lockjaw asked the creature.
   “You’ll probably beat me up again if I don’t tell you,” started the creature, “so, if you MUST know, my name is Divebomb. I’m a Careening Dirigibug. I shouldn’t be telling you this, but I just recently ran away from--”
   “Careening Dirigibug?” Lockjaw interrupted. “Don’t you make bomb rocks?”
   “Well,” started Divebomb. “I CAN but--”
   “That’s perfect!” said Lockjaw. “Come with us, there’s something important I want to show you!” Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp then ran back down the area they came from, with Divebomb confusedly following them.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #47 on: May 19, 2007, 01:34:11 PM »

   Lockjaw and the others had led Divebomb to the wall that had blocked their way before.
   “Well, here it is,” said Lockjaw.
   “...I don’t get it...” said Divebomb. “It’s just a wall. What’s so important about it?”
   “It’s kinda in our way,” said Gallon. “Do you think you could...?” Divebomb just stared at him with a bewildered look.
   “You know... blow it up?” finished Gallon.
   “What are you talking about?” replied Divebomb. “I don’t blow stuff up!”
   “You told us you could!” said Lockjaw. “You even told us you’d ‘really let us have it,’ remember?”
   “I was just bluffing when I said that...” said Divebomb. “And as for the other thing, I CAN, but I WON’T.”
   “Oh, come on...” said Lockjaw. “If this is about the arm thing, I’m sorry.”
   “It’s not even that,” said Divebomb. “I just won’t blow this wall down!”
   “Do you want us to give you something...?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Hmmm... how about... NO,” replied Divebomb.”
   “Come on...” said Gallon. “You probably use bomb rocks all the time...”
   “Look, just because I’m a Dirigibug doesn’t mean I just blow stuff up off the bat, just when someone asks me to!” argued Divebomb. “That’s like saying... I don’t know... a Volatile Dweevil explodes all the time!”
   “But they DO explode all the time!” said Lockjaw. “You’re not making any sense!”
   “I don’t care! Still no!” said Divebomb.
   Amp then looked deep into Divebomb’s eyes. “Pleeease, Mr. Bob?” she pleaded. “We really, really need you...”
   “Hmmm... well... I could never refuse someone so young and helpless...” said Divebomb. “Oh, Wait! Yes I can! No, no, no, no, no, NO!”
   “How could say that to her?!” shouted Gallon. “Do you have ANY idea what she’s been through?!”
   “Trying to play the pity card, huh?” said Divebomb. “Well, get it through your thick exoskeletons: I... WILL... NEVER... BLOW... UP... THIS... WALL!”
   “Listen to me, you stupid balloon bug!” spoke up Lockjaw, getting annoyed. “Amp has lost her home AND her family to Pikmin! Gallon over there lost his beloved wife to Pikmin! My species will probably go extinct, since we lost our Emperor to Pikmin! We have to get by here to get to the Puffstool, so it can help us rid the Pikmin! We HAVE to get by here so Pikmin won’t kill us all! You have no idea what Pikmin are capable of!”
   “I don’t, do I?” said Divebomb. He then floated gently to the ground and put his hands over his face in anguish. Lockjaw felt remorseful about what he said, and was curious of what Divebomb was going through.
   “...So...” started Lockjaw. “I’m guessing... you did have a Pikmin-related tragedy...”
   “What do you care?” said Divebomb. “Besides, you’ll just judge me...”
   “No, we won’t, Mr. Bob,” said Amp. “You can trust us...”
   “...Alright... fine...” said Divebomb, reinflating his air sacs and floating up to the ceiling. “Let me tell you a story...”

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #48 on: May 19, 2007, 08:49:10 PM »

   “It all started when I was enrolled in a training camp for Dirigibugs, Groinks, Blowhogs, and other things, called the Bombardier Training Grounds or, ‘BTG...’” started Divebomb. Divebomb had reminisced to his training in becoming a professional bombardier at the BTG, and to one day be part of the Elite Blasters, a group of bombardiers dedicated to getting rid of Pikmin.
   “I could never really do anything right...” narrated Divebomb. Divebomb had flashed back to a time where he was part of a group of Dirigibugs who were training in launching bomb rocks.
   “There were about ten of us Dirigibugs...” said Divebomb. “We had to train 18 hours a day on the cold, metal terrain...”
   Each Dirigibug was lined up side by side, each with a bomb rock in hand. Floating back and forth in front of them was another Dirigibug, with red stripes painted around his arms and forehead to signify seniority.
   “Now I want each of you sissies to throw your bomb rocks past that red line!” shouted the Dirigibug, pointing to a red line a few feet away.
   “Yes, Sergeant!” each of them replied in unison. Each of them then threw their bomb rocks over the line. The Sergeant inspected the bomb rocks to make sure they had all made it across the line. He then noticed that one bomb rock was slightly late to start glowing. He then turned to the bomb rock’s creator and floated up to him furiously.
   “Divebomb, you idiot!” yelled the Sergeant in Divebomb’s face. “How do you explain your bomb rock going off later than everyone else’s?”
   “I don’t know, sir,” replied Divebomb. “They’ve always been like that, ever since I can remember...”
   “Divebomb, there are lots of answers in this world... but ‘I don’t know’ is not one of them!” shouted the Sergeant. “Now, give me 20 bomb rocks!”
   “Yes, sir...” Divebomb sighed. He then took a deep breath and produced 20 bomb rocks, one at a time. Divebomb was exhausted by the time he was finished.

   “Yep,” said Divebomb, narrating. “Things would’ve been preeety hectic for me if it weren’t for my one friend, Pyro.”

   Divebomb went straight back into his cabin after the drills, tired from all the training.
   “Well, no pain, no gain, I guess...” said Divebomb, floating over to his bed. He seemed not to notice the small group of Dirigibugs hiding in his closet. He deflated his air sacs and plopped down on the straw bed. Suddenly, the group of Dirigibugs rushed out of his closet, pinned him down by holding him between his bed and his leaf blanket, and started beating him with sticks.
   “Go home, weakling!” said one of them.
   “Your bomb rocks don’t even work right!” said another one. “Why do you even bother?”
   Suddenly, Divebomb’s roommate, a Fiery Blowhog, had walked into the cabin. He had a look of shock and anger on his face when he saw what the bully Dirigibugs were doing to poor, defenseless Divebomb.
   “Hey, get out of here!” he shouted. “Leave him alone!”
   “Or else what?” questioned one of the Dirigibugs, defiantly. The Blowhog then stared down the Dirigibug, intimidating him.
   “Come on, guys,” said the Dirigibug to the group. “These chumps aren’t worth our time...” The Dirigibugs then all flew out of the cabin. The Blowhog then ran over to Divebomb.
   “Pyro!” said Divebomb. “Thank goodness you came in when you did!”
   “No problem, buddy,” said Pyro. Pyro then walked over to his bed and climbed up on top of it.
   “Y’know,” began Pyro. “We already have to deal with all this chaos of Pikmin and training... it’s bad enough as it is. Jerks like them just make this stuff all the more unbearable.”
   “That is so true,” agreed Divebomb. “Well, good night, Pyro.” Divebomb then leaned over to the small candle that lit their cabin and blew it out.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #49 on: May 20, 2007, 10:11:04 AM »

   “Wait...” said Gallon. “What does Pikmin have to do with any of this?”
   “I’m getting to that part!” said Divebomb. “Let me finish! Anyway...”

   Divebomb and Pyro had been harshly awakened by the sound of loud explosions outside their cabin.
   “Morning’s here, already...?” said Divebomb, slowly waking up. He and Pyro then prepared themselves and left the cabin to start drills.
   After walking across the metal ground for a few minutes towards the training grounds, Divebomb went to join the other Dirigibugs, while Pyro went off in the other direction toward the Blowhogs.
   “Well, see you later, Divebomb...” said Pyro as he walked off.
   “Uh, yeah... later...” said Divebomb. Pyro had seemed too far away to notice that he said anything. Divebomb then dreadfully flew over to the other Dirigibugs. He took his position next to them at the end of the row.
   “I want you all give me 50 laps from here to the red line!” shouted the Sergeant.
   “Yes, Sergeant!” they all shouted as they began to rapidly float around in circles. While on his 22nd lap, Divebomb had looked over to the left and noticed something strange in the distance. He then floated hastily back to the Sergeant, bumping into a few Dirigibugs in the process.
   “Sergeant! Permission to request your attention!” said Divebomb, out of breath.
   “Permission denied!” snapped the Sergeant. “You’re not gonna try getting out of your warm-up laps today!”
   “But, sir!” said Divebomb. “I think someone is infiltrating the grounds! There were all these glowing red things and--”
   “Enough!” shouted the Sergeant. “I’ll go up high and see what the problem is, and if it’s not important, you’re on probation!” The Sergeant then floated up really high and cupped his eyes with his hands. After surveying the area, he was ready to float back down and give Divebomb that probation. Before descending, he noticed lots of strange objects glowing red, followed by a larger creature with a glowing red light on his head.
   “Sweet Snavian, I never thought it would come to this...” he said to himself. He then quickly floated over to the PA system.
   “Attention, all units!” he announced. “Report to the front lines immediately! This is NOT a drill!” Every member of the BTG, cadets and sergeants alike, were suddenly rushing over to the entrance.
   ...Not... a drill? Divebomb thought to himself. He then gulped and floated over to the front lines along with the other Dirigibugs.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #50 on: May 31, 2007, 10:24:01 AM »
   Divebomb saw everyone at the BTG entrance standing around anxiously. He noticed Pyro amongst the crowd. He immediately floated up to Pyro.
    “Divebomb, what the heck’s going on?” asked Pyro. “Why did someone just make an announcement for us to report here?”
   “I don’t know,” said Divebomb. “I told my sergeant that I saw something weird in the distance and he went and made the announcement!”
    “What did you see?” asked Pyro.
   “There were all these red things, and they were all glowing pink! There was also this one guy whose skin was yellow, and he had a light on his head!”
   “Well, let’s just wait for someone to clear up this problem,” said Pyro, in an unusually calm manner.
   “Wait, I think I see the Headmaster coming over here,” said Divebomb, looking behind him past the crowd. Just then, the crowd parted, and a large Gatling Groink with several yellow stripes on his shield came walking through to the front of the crowd. He then turned to face the massive crowd, with the mysterious red creatures approaching in the far distance.
   “Attention!” barked the Headmaster over the clamoring crowd. “Deadly, hostile intruders are getting dangerously close to the grounds. The time has come when you will put your training to use. It is time to apply your skills to fight. Man your battle stations!” and with that, everyone backed away from the entrance and the crowd used themselves to form up a barrier. The Headmaster stood in front of the barrier and everyone waited for his signal to attack.
   The strange creature was now only a few feet away from the entrance. While part of the barrier, Divebomb noticed the Sergeant floating next to him.
   “Sergeant,” started Divebomb. “What’s going on?”
   “It’s Pikmin, Divebomb,” said the Sergeant. “They’ve come here to kill us.”
   “What did we do?” asked Divebomb, panicking.
   “Nothing,” said the Sergeant. “I’ve seen these creatures before. They need no provocation. They just... kill...” Divebomb was looking more scared than ever now, but he knew if he wanted to be worthy of being in the Elite Blasters one day, he’d have to be able to hold his own.
   The Red-Light Creature and the glowing Red Pikmin were now just outside the entrance, and were about to storm in. The Red-Light Creature gave a rallying whistle and his 100 Red Pikmin quickly followed him as he charged straight into the BTG.
   “Fire!” yelled the Headmaster. Everyone then frantically began attacking as Red-Light split up his Pikmin and ordered them to attack everyone.
   It was a very intense battle that seemed to stop the passage of time. Every member of the BTG was contributing, except for the Fiery Blowhogs, who couldn’t do much but help the others.
   Over near the edge of the BTG, Divebomb was fighting alongside the Sergeant and Pyro, and as Pyro managed to throw some Pikmin into the distance, Divebomb took the opportunity to blow ten of them up with a bomb rock.
   “Well, that’s all of ‘em over here,” said Pyro. “Let’s go find the rest of them.”
   “Good job with that bomb rock,” the Sergeant congratulated Divebomb. “I didn’t know you had it in --” Just then, the Sergeant was attacked by a group of Pikmin tossed onto him by Red-Light. His air sacs immediately deflated and the Pikmin immediately swarmed him and Pyro.
   “Divebomb, save us! You’re the only one who can!” shouted Pyro.
   “D-don’t worry, I’m on it!” said Divebomb. He then made a bomb rock and threw it next to Red-Light. Afterward, for some reason, Red-Light ordered his Pikmin to stop swarming Pyro and the Sergeant. He then pushed the bomb rock next to them and stood back. Pyro had opened his eyes after closing them shut during the attack, and saw a glowing bomb rock about to explode between him and the Sergeant.
   “No!” shouted Pyro.
   Divebomb then looked down at Pyro, the Sergeant, and the bomb rock with a frightened and regretful look. “Pyro! Sergeant! ...I... I... I don’t know how--”
   There was then a large, blinding explosion.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2007, 11:26:58 AM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #51 on: June 01, 2007, 10:46:58 AM »

   “I couldn’t believe what had happened,” said Divebomb, closing his story. “I closed my eyes during the explosion, and when I opened them, not only were Pyro and the Sergeant dead, but all the Pikmin were leaving the BTG. Soon, everyone had found out about what I did, and only scorned me even more. I couldn’t live with the guilt, so I just fled the BTG that night. I went down through these tunnels, and just tried to run as far as I can from there. My defunct bomb rocks caused the death of not only my commanding officer, but also my only friend. During my run through the tunnels, I vowed not to use a bomb rock ever again, lest another unfortunate accident occur...”
   “Wow... that’s... some story...” spoke up Lockjaw. “I guess I was wrong...”
   “Do you see why I won’t blow up the wall now?” asked Divebomb, somberly.
   “Divebomb, I can’t imagine how you must’ve felt...” started Gallon, “but it wasn’t your fault... it was Red-Light’s. The Sergeant himself even congratulated you on your bomb rocks before he died...”
   “It was my fault,” said Divebomb, hanging my head low. “My bomb rocks go off too slowly, so Red-Light was able to push them next to Pyro and the Sergeant in time...”
   “You couldn’t help it,” said Lockjaw. “Haven’t they been like that ever since you could remember?”
   “Even so, I figured I had no place in the BTG,” said Divebomb. “The others were right... I didn’t belong there... I told them it was an accident, but they just told me that there can be no accidents in the Elite Blasters. No one would ever be able to trust me again...”
   “But... Mr. Bob...” said Amp. “We trust you...”
   “No, you don’t...” said Divebomb, sighing. “I’m not worthy of being depended on...”
   “What do you mean, ‘not worthy’?” said Lockjaw. “Let me tell you something: there’s no one else down here with bomb-making abilities, so, of course, we depend on you a lot. And another thing: if it weren’t for you, the whole BTG would’ve never known about the Pikmin attack, so that’s pretty trustworthy right there.”
   “You... mean that?” asked Divebomb.
   “Of course!” said Gallon. “You warned them all of the attack!”
   “You’re a hero, Mr. Bob!” said Amp.
   “And... you guys really trust me?” asked Divebomb.
   “Of course we do!” said Lockjaw. “I mean, how couldn’t we? You’re our only hope!”
   “Well...” started Divebomb. “...I guess... I’ll... blow up the wall...”   Divebomb then turned to face the wall, and took a deep breath. “S-stand back, everyone...” he said. Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp then backed away from the wall.
   “You can do it, Mr. Bob!” Amp encouraged.
   “Okay... I’m gonna do it now...” said Divebomb. “I hope everyone’s ready...” Divebomb then took another deep breath, formed a bomb rock in his mouth, and pulled it out. He got an eerie chill from the feeling of holding a bomb rock in his hands. He then closed his eyes, threw the bomb rock in front of the wall, and then backed up to where Lockjaw and the others were. After a few seconds, the bomb rock exploded and the wall collapsed.
   “Yeah! It worked!” said Lockjaw. “You did it, Divebomb!”
   “I... did...?” said Divebomb, looking up at the collapsed wall. “I did do it... didn’t I?”
   “Now we can finally see the Puffstool!” said Gallon. He then turned to Divebomb. “Well, we sincerely thank you for all your help. We’ll be going to the Forest Navel now.” He, Lockjaw, and Amp then resumed their trek through the Crawmad Railroad.
   “Wait!” Divebomb called out. The others stopped walking as Divebomb floated back up to them. “I wanna come along! Who knows what might need blowing up on your journey?”
   “Sure, that’s fine with us!” said Lockjaw, welcoming Divebomb into their group. The four of them then continued traveling down the Crawmad Railroad.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #52 on: June 01, 2007, 01:18:31 PM »

   Sneed and Barney were flying high over a thick forest, with no real clue where they were going. They were flying over the forest since they left the Valley of Repose.
   “Boss... let’s... ask for directions...” suggested Barney, panting.
   “Ohh... fine!” said Sneed. “We’ll ask that pink guy in that lake down there.” He and Barney then descended down into a lake in the forest. Once there, they saw a Toady Bloyster grazing peacefully.
   “Well, aren’t ya gonna ask him, Sneed?” asked Barney.
   “It was your bright idea! You ask him!” said Sneed. Barney then sighed and flew over in front of the Bloyster.
   “Hey, d’you know where the Forest Navel is?” asked Barney. The Bloyster just made a faint mooing noise.
   “The Forest Navel,” Barney said slowly. The Bloyster looked at the floor of the lake and then faced in the other direction.
   “Barney, what’s takin’ you so long?!” shouted Sneed, getting frustrated. “We’re wastin’ valuable flyin’ time!”
   “Don’t worry, boss!” replied Barney. “He’s hidin’ somethin’, but I think I can get him ta crack!”
   “Out of the way, Barney!” said Sneed as he flew over to the Bloyster.
   “Listen, bozo! Where’s the Forest Navel?!” Sneed interrogated the Bloyster. The Bloyster then looked side to side confusedly.
   “Tell me right now or else! I have ways of making you talk, mush brain!” Sneed threatened. The Bloyster then got an angry look and gave an annoyed moo.
   “I don’t think you wanna push it wit dis guy, boss...” warned Barney. “He looks pretty tough...”
   “Are you kiddin’ me, Barney?” joked Sneed. “What’s cotton candy here gonna do to--”
   The Bloyster then shook its tail, took a deep breath, and ensnarled Sneed in its tentacles.
   “Barney, get over here!” yelled Sneed. Barney quickly flew to Sneed’s aid, forcefully pulling Sneed out of the snare of the Bloyster’s tentacles before it could swallow him whole.
   “Let’s get outta here!” panicked Sneed as he and Barney flew back up over the forest.

   Lockjaw and his friends were still walking down the Crawmad Railroad. None of them had seen a sub-tunnel opening since they passed the spot where the wall was. Amp had taken a particular amusement in Divebomb’s ability to create bomb rocks, and pestered him with questions.
   “Does it hurt to make a bob, Mr. Bob?” asked Amp.
   “...No...” Divebomb wearily sighed, tired from all the questions Amp had been asking.
   “Can you make two bobs at one time, Mr. Bob?” asked Amp.
   “Never tried, so... I don’t really know...” replied Divebomb. “Anything else you wanna know?”
    “Hmmmm...” thought Amp, thinking of another question. “Nope! But... just one more...”
   “Fire away...” said Divebomb, unenthusiastically.
   “Can you make a bob right now, Mr. Bob?” Amp asked.
   “I probably shouldn’t... it would take up time...” replied Divebomb.
   “Please, please, pretty please?” begged Amp. Divebomb caved and decided to make one, but not throw it.
   “Why isn’t it glowing? Make it gloooow!” Amp whined.
   “Alright, alright... I’ll throw it...” said Divebomb. “Lockjaw, Gallon, stay back” he said as he threw the bomb rock against the tunnel wall. He, Lockjaw, and Gallon ran back away from the bomb rock, but they saw that Amp was still in front of it, amazed at its glowing.
   “Oh, no! Amp, get away from there!” called out Gallon. Amp didn’t hear Gallon and continued staring at the bomb rock.
   “Ooooh... preeeeety...” said Amp as she stared mesmerized into the glowing rock.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #53 on: June 02, 2007, 11:05:12 AM »

   The bomb rock exploded with a powerful blast! The explosion kicked up a thick cloud of dust. Lockjaw, Gallon, and Divebomb weren’t hurt by the explosion, but couldn’t find Amp and assumed the worst.
   “Lockjaw... did Amp just get...” started Gallon, his voice quivering, “...blown up?”
   “I... I guess so...” answered Lockjaw.
   “Ohhhh...” said Divebomb, pacing back and forth fretfully. “It’s happened again! I should’ve never come with you guys! If I were still back on my own, she’d still be alive...” Divebomb then covered his face in shame.
   “How could this happen?” said Lockjaw, starting to cry hysterically. “We promised her parents we’d take care of her!”
   “She was so young!” added Gallon as he too started to cry.
   Lockjaw, Gallon, and Divebomb were all sobbing loudly when Amp emerged from the dust. None of them had noticed her and continued crying.
   “Why are you crying, Mr. Lockjaw?” asked Amp as she walked up to him. “Did you stub your toe?”
   “No... my... toe’s fine...” said Lockjaw, calming down from crying. “I just... miss you so much!”
   “I... miss you too, Mr. Lockjaw?” Amp asked, baffled. Lockjaw then came to his senses and noticed Amp standing right in front of him.
   “Amp?” he said, astounded. “You’re okay? You’re... you’re okay!” The others then noticed Amp and stopped crying.
   “You’re alive!” exclaimed Divebomb. “Thank goodness!”
   “You don’t even have a scratch on you!” said Gallon. “But... how?”
   “I don’t really know... it didn’t hurt...” answered Amp. “I miss the light...”
   Lockjaw looked to the spot where the bomb rock exploded, and noticed a hole in the wall of the tunnel.
   “Hey...” said Lockjaw. “I just thought of a way we can dig ourselves out of this tunnel...”
   “How do we do that?” asked Divebomb.
   “Well first, we need lots more bomb rocks,” answered Lockjaw. “Divebomb, throw a bomb rock near that hole in the wall.”
   “Got it!” Divebomb replied. He then made a bomb rock and threw it near the indent.
   “Now, Amp, push the bomb rock far back into the hole,” said Lockjaw. Amp then pushed wedged the bomb rock tightly into the indent. Its explosion made the indent deeper and wider.
   “You guys see where this is going?” said Lockjaw. “If we keep doing this, we’ll create a new tunnel that will get us to the Forest Navel in no time!”
   “Hey... you’re right!” said Divebomb. “Well, let’s get to work!” Divebomb then made bomb rocks one by one and Amp pushed them further and further down into the hole each time. Lockjaw and Gallon overlooked the whole project from a safe distance.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #54 on: June 02, 2007, 10:03:57 PM »

   After about 20 minutes digging deeper out of the Crawmad Railroad via explosions, Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb had emerged to the surface and had found themselves in a really thick forest.
   “Well,” started Lockjaw. “Which direction do we go to get to the Forest Navel? Anyone know?”
   “Hey, guys, I have a question,” spoke Divebomb. “Uh... why are we trying to see this ‘Puffstool’ anyway?”
   “Oh, right, we forgot to fill you in!” said Lockjaw. “We’re going to the Forest Navel to see if the Puffstool will help us get rid of Pikmin permanently. Its spores are able to control Pikmin, and it might be just what we need to send the Red-Light Creature back where he came from!”
   “Oh... I get it now!” said Divebomb, enlightened. “Well, let’s get going... but... how do we get there? This forest is so dense, you can hardly see through it!”
   “Wait, I think I see someone we can ask,” said Lockjaw, looking up. “There are two things in the sky! Everybody, let’s try to flag them down!” Lockjaw and the others then moved around a lot and made a lot of noise, attempting to get the attention of the two flying things.

   Sneed and Barney continued their own search for the Forest Navel. They were desperately tired and lost, but were determined to get there before Lockjaw. While the two were flying, Barney noticed some strange creatures dancing around on the ground.
   “Hey, boss!” said Barney. “Get a load of them nutcases down there!”
   “Nutcases? Where?” said Sneed, looking down to see the strangely dancing creatures. He then turned to Barney.
   “Barney, those ain’t nutcases!” said Sneed. “They are nutcases who might know where the Navel is! Let’s go down there and squeeze the info out of ‘em!” He said as he swooped down to the creatures.
   “Right, boss!” said Barney, following after Sneed.

   “Wait, here they come!” said Lockjaw, noticing the two creatures swooping down. As the two creatures got closer, Lockjaw got a strong sense of déjà vu.
   “Hold on...” said Lockjaw. “I know those two! They're those Snitchbugs from before!”
   “Really? How’d ya know? You could see through our clever disguises?” said Sneed, sarcastically.
   “Uh, we’re wearin’ disguises, Sneed?” asked a confused Barney.
   “Shut up and let me do the talkin’ Barney,” scolded Sneed. Sneed then turned to Lockjaw and the group.
   “Now you nutcases tell us where the Forest Navel is right now!” shouted Sneed.
   “We were about to ask you creeps the same thing!” spoke up Gallon. “Why do you two wanna know, anyway?”
   “We’re on the trail of them valuable spores!” said Barney.
   “Barney, you numbskull! You just gave away our plan!” yelled Sneed. “Well, it doesn’t matter... we’ll still get there first!” And with that, Sneed and Barney flew off.
   “Oh, yeah, well the race is on!” yelled Lockjaw.
   “What’re we gonna do, Mr. Lockjaw?” asked Amp. “They can fly and we can’t! We can’t let those two meanies get to the Puffstool before us!”
   “Don’t worry, they might be able to fly, but they’re not that smart,” said Lockjaw. “It’ll take days for them to find it, but there are four of us. If we put our minds together, we can beat them to the punch!”
   “You’re right! We’ll get there first!” encouraged Gallon. “Now, the most efficient thing to do is look for someone else to ask directions from.” Gallon, Lockjaw, Amp, and Divebomb then explored the forest looking for an inhabitant.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #55 on: June 03, 2007, 08:57:14 AM »

   Lockjaw and his friends were combing the forest looking for someone to help them. So far, they had no luck, until Gallon spotted something burrowing into the ground in the distance.
   “Hey, you guys!” said Gallon. “I just saw something strange over that way!” Lockjaw, Amp, and Divebomb then followed Gallon to the area he was mentioning.
   “Well, is there anyone here?” asked Lockjaw, looking at the ground.
   “I... did see someone burrowing into the ground here...” said Gallon. “I know it!”
   “Well, let’s just keep looking,” said Lockjaw. He and the others had walked over the spot and were starting to continue their search until they started to hear voices.
   “Whoa, who is this now?!” said a voice from behind them.
   “Have we an intruder in our forest?!” said a second voice.
   “We shall have to teach them a lesson!” said a third voice.
   “Who is that talking?” asked Lockjaw. He and the others then turned around to see that no one was there. When they turned back around, they saw that their path was blocked by a trio of Shearwigs.
   “Wait, who are you guys?” asked Divebomb. 
   “We are the Shear Masters!” said the one in front. “You are an intruder in our forest!”
   “Wait, how can you call this entire forest yours?” questioned Gallon.
   “We have mastered the ancient arts of the forest! It is rightfully ours!” responded one of the Shearwigs in the back.
   “Ancient arts of the forest?” asked Lockjaw, starting to get annoyed at the trio.
   “I bet you’ve never seen anyone move like this!” claimed the third Shearwig. The trio of Shearwigs then performed a series of flips, dashes, and fancy moves. All the constant motion made Lockjaw dizzy.
   “Ugh... that’s great, now can you please get out of our way?” said Lockjaw. “We’re trying to get to the Forest Navel so we--”
   “That is laughable! You claim to seek the Forest Navel, yet our astounding techniques have you wound up!” said the first Shearwig.
   “Many enemies there are in the Forest Navel,” said the third Shearwig. “You will never be able to pass alone! We must test your strength.”
   “Come on, this is serious!” said Gallon. “We don’t have time for your little games! We need to get there as fast as we can so we can beat these two Snitchbugs to the Puffstool!”
   “The faster you come with us, the faster you can leave,” said the first Shearwig. The trio of Shearwigs then led Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb to a hole in the distance.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #56 on: June 03, 2007, 05:21:44 PM »

   The Shearwigs had led Lockjaw and the others down the hole into their secret burrow. The burrow was fairly large, and was filled with various plants and scrolls. There were also four tunnels leading to different chambers in the burrow.
   “What is this place?” asked Lockjaw, looking around at the decoration.
   “This is our secret dojo!” said the first Shearwig. “Now, please allow us to introduce ourselves.”
   “I am Shearwig Master Skewer,” said one of the Shearwigs, making a “skewering” pose.
   “I am Shearwig Master Slice,” said the other Shearwig, making an equally confusing “slicing” pose.
   “And I am Shearwig Master Slash, head Shearwig Master,” said the first Shearwig, posing along with the other Shearwigs.
   “Okay...” spoke up Lockjaw. “Well... what do you want from us?”
   “We must unearth your skills and examine them individually!” said Master Slash. “You shall each be tested in a different chamber... except you,” he said, pointing at Lockjaw.
   “Me? Why me?” questioned Lockjaw.
   “We can feel strength radiating from you. There is no need to unearth your skills,” replied Master Slice.
   “Besides, there are only three of us, and we each can only train one of you,” added Master Skewer.
   “Do not fret, Orange one, you shall have your test,” said Master Slash. “You shall have the greatest test of all!”
   “Now, for the physical examination,” said Master Skewer. The three Shearwigs then began hovering over Lockjaw and his friends, examining them.
   “Hey, could you stop with all the buzzing?” said Gallon. “It’s annoying!”
   The Shearwigs landed gracefully back on the floor of the burrow. They then began walking in a circle around Lockjaw and his friends. When they got around to Gallon, Master Slash nipped at his fin.
   “Ow! What was that for?!” shouted Gallon.
   “You must have patience, Obdurate one!” said Master Slash. “A true master of the forest’s ancient martial artistry is able to block out all diversions!” The Shearwigs then began flying again, intentionally making a louder buzzing noise. After a few more seconds of flying, the Shearwigs landed and gave their assessment.
   “All of you appear fighting fit!” started Master Slash. “Orange one, you seem persistent to achieve, which will be your fuel to your inner power!”
   “Inner power?” asked Lockjaw.
   “We’re not finished!” barked Master Skewer. “No interruptions!”
   “Hey, how come he doesn’t get nipped?” questioned Gallon.
   “And you, Obdurate one,” started Master Skewer. “You seem to possess great power as well, but you think that battle is always about power. It is a delicate tapestry of skill and strategy!”
   “...What? What does that even mean?” said Gallon.
   “We shall disregard you!” said Master Slice. “Now, on to Puerile one,” he said, turning to Amp. “You have great fighting potential, yet you blissfully know none of it!”
   “...You’re mean...” whined Amp.
   “And finally, you, Contrite one,” said Master Slash as he and the other Shearwigs started flying around Divebomb.
   “Hey! How come they get cool names and I’m stuck with ‘Orange one’?” questioned Lockjaw.
   “Silence!” shouted Master Slash. “Now, Contrite one, what we’ve sensed from you is that you have a tendency to panic easily and fret in the face of danger! You know nothing of what it means to be a true Shearwig Master!”
   “Uh, could you stop flying around me now?” said Divebomb. “I’m getting dizzy...”
   “Very well,” said Master Slash as he and the other Shearwigs landed. They then turned to Lockjaw and his friends.
   “Come, it is time for your training,” said Master Slash. “Obdurate one will train with Master Slice, Puerile one will train with Master Skewer, and Contrite one will train with me. Orange one, it is imperative that you stay here. Top secret training is underway!”
   “All right, I won’t move!” said Lockjaw as the three Shearwig Masters each led Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb down three separate tunnels.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #57 on: June 03, 2007, 07:33:04 PM »

   Gallon walked down the rightmost tunnel, following behind Master Slice. His thoughts had been very engrossed in what Master Skewer had said about him.
   “Hey, Slice, can I ask you something?” said Gallon. “What did that other guy mean when he said ‘I think battle is all about power’?” 
   “That’s MASTER Slice!” Master Slice shouted, infuriated. “Refer to me as that for as long as we speak! As for your question: you shall find out soon enough...”
   Master Slice had led Gallon down the tunnel to a room filled with water. He then flew over to the opposite side of the room and faced Gallon.
   “This will be our arena!” He shouted.
   “Arena?” questioned Gallon. “What do you mean, ‘arena’?”
   “You know not the definition of ‘arena’?” said Master Slice. “We do battle in this room!”
   “Wait, I’m supposed to fight you?” Gallon chuckled to himself. “Are you serious? You’re so small!”
   “You laugh now, Obdurate one, but it is I who will be laughing all over your defeat!” shouted Master Slice.
   “Bring it on!” challenged Gallon. “This’ll be no big task at all!”
   “Then... we do battle!” shouted Master Slice, charging at Gallon.
   Gallon dived underwater, where he thought he’d be safe. Master Slice then flew high above the spot where Gallon was, then plunged head-first down into the water, making a small splash upon impact, and bit Gallon.
   “How’d you do that?!” said Gallon, getting angry.
   “Ancient forest diving technique!” replied Master Slice, resurfacing.
   “Oh, well that’s it!” Gallon shouted as he then jumped out of the water and tried to bite Master Slice. Master Slice hovered up too high in the air for Gallon to reach. Master Slice then did his head-first dive and bit Gallon again.
   “Laughable! You are getting beaten by one who is so meager in size!” taunted Master Slice.
   “Grr! Just you wait until I get a good hold of you!” said Gallon, still trying to grasp Master Slice. Master Slice then flew to the edge of the arena and hovered above the surface.
   “This technique is known as ‘Mandible Torpedo’!” he boldly proclaimed. He then dived in the water and used his wings to propel him head first into Gallon. He then made contact and scarred Gallon’s fin.
   “Ow, ow, OW!” shouted Gallon, writhing in pain.
   “Are you prepared? Here it comes!” said Master Slice, preparing for another Mandible Torpedo. Gallon then thought about what Master Skewer had told him. The words had echoed in his mind:
   You seem to possess great power as well, but you think that battle is always about power. It is a delicate tapestry of skill and strategy!
     Gallon then got an idea of how to counter Master Slice’s attack. He boldly faced Master Slice as Master Slice propelled through the water. Right before Master Slice was able to make contact, Gallon hopped a short distance out of the water, and when Master Slice was under him, he quickly dropped down to the arena floor, trapping Master Slice under him!
   “Get off of me!” Master Slice gurgled from under Gallon.
   “Beg for mercy!” Gallon taunted.
   “Never! I shall never give up my honor so easily!”  Master Slice shouted.
   “Suuuure...” said Gallon. “But you’ll have to breathe eventually...”
   After about 20 seconds, Gallon could hear panicked gurgles coming from under him.
   “Okay! Mercy! Mercy! You are the victor!” yelled Master Slice, with the little bit of breath he had left. Gallon then let him go as he quickly emerged from the water and caught his breath.
   “You... have learned... well... Obdurate one...” said Master Slice. “You have used strategy instead of brute force to overcome me. You are on your way to becoming a true Shearwig Master! Our training is done.”

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #58 on: June 03, 2007, 09:58:26 PM »

   Amp and Master Skewer had gone down the chamber to the immediate left of the rightmost chamber. Along the way, Amp had been asking Master Skewer about where they were going.
   “Is there a surprise there?” asked Amp.
   “Hmmm... kind of,” answered Master Skewer.
   “Are there any presents?” asked Amp, anxious to get to the chamber’s end.
   “There is but one...” said Master Skewer.
   “Yay! I get presents! I get presents!” cheered Amp.
   “Ahem... I was going to say: the gift... of knowledge,” said Master Skewer, interrupting Amp’s rejoicing.
   “Awww... I wanted a real gift...” moaned Amp.
   “Oh, trust me, knowledge is valuable,” said Master Skewer. He and Amp then reached the end of the chamber. Inside the large room there was mostly empty space, except for several glowing poles lining the walls. Master Skewer then flew to the opposite side of the room and faced Amp.
   “I hope you are ready! Just because you are young, that does not mean I will give you the upper hand, Puerile one!”
   “Uhh... do I... get my... surprise now?” asked Amp, quietly.
   “Here it is!” said Master Skewer as he flew into the air and dropped head-first onto the exact top of Amp’s shell, flipping Amp over.
   “Hey! What was that for?!” shouted Amp, wriggling helplessly on her back.
   “Do you not understand the concept of battle?” said Master Skewer. “You must fight me!”
   “But... I don’t wanna!” said Amp. “I don’t wanna... hurt you!”
   “You must never feel sympathy toward your foe!” shouted Master Skewer. “Now get up and do battle with me!”
   “Alright then, Mr. Master,” said Amp, flipping back onto her feet. “Now you’re gonna get it!”
   Master Skewer flew up and circled above Amp until he was right on top of her. He then plunged down on her, flipping her over again.
   “Hey! No fair! You were hiding!” shouted Amp.
   “You must always be aware of the presence of your foe!” said Master Skewer. He then crawled up to Amp and began gnawing at her belly.
   “Ow! Stop! I don’t wanna play anymore!” protested Amp.
   “We are having a battle! We must have at each other!” said Master Skewer. Amp then rocked back and forth with all her might and managed to toss Master Skewer across the room and right herself. Master Skewer didn't seem to be hurt by the toss.
   “Now, I shall use my Shearwig Pierce on you!” shouted Master Skewer. He built up lots of momentum by rapidly flapping his wings, and then charged into the front of Amp’s shell. To her amusement, Amp’s thick shell protected her from the attack.
    “Hey, that didn’t even hurt!” giggled Amp. “Hee hee! You can’t hurt me!”
   “It seems you are formidable after all, Puerile one,” said Master Skewer.
    “I sure am formable!” said Amp. Amp then tried to jump on top of Master Skewer, but he quickly dodged.
   “I was wrong about you!” taunted Master Skewer. “You aren’t formidable. You’re a weakling! A weakling who has a weak spot!” Master Skewer then flew up and flipped Amp over again. This time, Master Skewer used his Shearwig Pierce while Amp was flipped over. Master Skewer’s attack harshly damaged Amp.
   “Oooow...” moaned Amp, trying to hold back the urge to cry. She then flipped over weakly.
   “Wait.... I feel something funny...” said Amp. “Ahh... Ahhhh... Ahhhhhhh... CHOO!” As Amp sneezed, the charge she created connected with one of the poles near the wall. She then remembered what Master Slice had told her:
   You have great fighting potential, yet you blissfully know none of it!
    “Hmmm... I have great fighting po... po... po-something...” she said to herself.
   “Enough wasting time! This ends now!” yelled Master Skewer before flying over Amp. Amp then dashed across the room, aimed for the pole behind Master Skewer, and made a powerful charge that connected with the pole. The current was strong enough to drop Master Skewer right out of the air!
   “Wow... I DO have po-something!” said Amp.
   “Don’t get smug!” said Master Skewer. “This isn’t over yet!” He then burrowed into the floor of the arena. As Amp was looking for him, He popped right out from under Amp, flipping her over again.
   “Ha! Now is where this battle ends!” shouted Master Skewer. He then attempted another Shearwig Pierce, but Amp flipped back over just in time!
   “Ooh, now you’ll get it!” said Amp. She then tried to zap Master Skewer out of the air, but he avoided the current.
   “You attack slowly, Puerile one! You will never shock me!” taunted Master Skewer. After many attempts to shock Master Skewer, Amp got a better idea. She took a deep breath, and made the most powerful charge she could make. The charge connected with all the poles, which made electric currents fill the air. Master Skewer was unable to avoid the attack and was brought down.  Amp then walked over to his charred, smoking body.
   “Ha! I beat you, Mr. Master!” she squealed.
   “That you did, Puerile one” said Master Skewer, coughing. “You have gained the knowledge of your inner strength, and for that, I congratulate you! Our training is done.”

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #59 on: June 04, 2007, 09:04:00 AM »

   Master Slash went down the second chamber to the left, with Divebomb floating close behind him.
   “So... you’re gonna teach me the ways of the forest or something?” questioned Divebomb.
   “We must train. Only then can the learning truly begin,” said Master Slash.
   “Oh... well... I was once trained for battle before, so maybe this won’t be so hard!” said Divebomb.
   “You insult the ancient arts of the forest?!” snapped Master Slash.
   “No, I didn’t mean it like that,” said Divebomb. “I was just saying, since--”
   “The ancient arts of the forest are like NOTHING you’ve witnessed before!” shouted Master Slash. “You insult them merely be underestimating their power!”
   “Well, fine...” said Divebomb. “Where are we going, anyway?”
   “We have already reached our destination,” replied Master Slash. Master Slash then led Divebomb into a room filled with large, deep holes in the floor. He then flew across the room and faced Divebomb.
   “Here we are, Contrite one!” said Master Slash. “You may be familiar with battle tactics, but you will not overtake me so easily! We do battle!” he said, charging straight at Divebomb. Divebomb’s swift reflexes allowed him to dodge the attack.
   “Is that all you got?” mocked Divebomb. “Let me show you what they taught ME!” He then charged into Master Slash, ramming him against the wall.
   “Hmm... indeed you have exuberant strength, Contrite one. Perhaps I shall try a different approach...” said Master Slash, recuperating form the impact and flying back up into the air.
   “This’ll be over in no time!” said Divebomb, overconfident.
   “Don not mock me, Contrite one, for you have yet to witness my ‘Mandiblade’!” said Master Slash. Master Slash then charged straight for Divebomb. Instead of aiming for his body, Master Slash flew slightly above him and popped three of his air sacs.
   “That does it,” said Divebomb, trying to stay afloat. “You asked for this!” Divebomb then made a bomb rock and threw it at Master Slash. The bomb rock missed Master Slash by several inches and landed in a deep hole.
   “What a futile attack!” laughed Master Slash. “Now, witness my wrath!” He then did another Mandiblade and popped Divebomb’s remaining air sacs. Divebomb plummeted to the ground, landing in the same hole as the now glowing bomb rock!
   “No! I’ll never be able to inflate in time!” Divebomb panicked to himself. He was preparing for the pain of the explosion when he remembered what Master Slash told him:
   You have a tendency to panic easily and fret in the face of danger! You know nothing of what it means to be a true Shearwig Master!
    “Grr... I’ll show him!” said Divebomb, determined to win. He then picked up the bomb rock and tossed it into the air, where it exploded. Master Slash was close enough to the explosion to get slightly damaged from it.
   “You thought you had me, didn’t you?” said Divebomb, rising out of the hole and into the air. “I thought I was a goner for a second there too, but I gathered my courage and prevailed!”
   “That is very good, Contrite one,” started Master Slash, “but this battle is not over yet!” He then flew in for another Mandiblade, but Divebomb was able to dodge. Divebomb the used Master Slash’s own strategy against him! He flew straight into Master Slash and was able to punch his wings, grounding him. Master Slash then landed in one of the deep holes.
   “I’ve got you now!” declared Divebomb, throwing a bomb rock into the hole. Master Slash was able to come to his senses and slightly toss the bomb rock back into the air. The bomb rock was close enough to Divebomb and Master Slash that both of them took damage.
   “This battle shall not end with me losing!” shouted Master Slash, flying up and latching onto Divebomb’s arm.
   “Ouch! Hey! Get off!” said Divebomb, flailing his arm wildly. No matter how hard he tried, Divebomb couldn’t detach him. He instead flew next to a wall and started slamming his arm against it, hurting Master Slash. After getting forced into the wall about ten times, Master Slash finally let go and landed into a hole with a severe headache. Divebomb then picked Master Slash up from the hole and forcefully threw him into the wall.
   “Ugggh...” moaned Master Slash. “Please... no more... you are the victor...”
   “That’s right!” bragged Divebomb. “And who’s the one who said I’d never be a Shearwig Master?”
   “Yes... you have learned well, Contrite one,” said Master Slash. “You overcame your worries in the face of danger and boldly faced any threat head on! Our training is done.”

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #60 on: June 04, 2007, 01:47:21 PM »
   Lockjaw had waited patiently in the main chamber for the training to finish. After about ten minutes, Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb had emerged from their respective tunnels, each followed by one of the Shearwig Masters. The Shearwig Masters then got together and faced the group.
   “We have unearthed your skills,” said Master Slash. “You have all passed the training and have unleashed your inner strengths. It is now time for the final test.”
   “Come with us, if you will,” said Master Slice, as he and the other Shearwig Masters went down the leftmost tunnel, followed by Lockjaw and his friends.
   “Wait, when is my training going to start?” asked Lockjaw.
   “This is your training,” replied Master Skewer.
   “Then why is everyone else coming along?” asked Lockjaw.
   “All will be revealed,” said Master Slash as he led them into the last room. This room had one large deep hole in it, which was filled with water. It also had one metal pole in the back. The three Shearwig Masters then flew to the opposite end of the room and faced Lockjaw.
   “Now has come the time for your training, Orange one,” said Master Slash. “We will do battle, but you must not attack.”
   “Not attack?” said Lockjaw. “Then… how are supposed to do battle?”
   “Your companions have great skills. Alone, they were able to best each of us individually,” said Master Slice.
   “Your strength combined is surely a force to be reckoned with!” said Master Skewer.
   “Your task, Orange one, is that you must direct them, and lead them to victory against us!” said Master Slash. “You are prohibited from attacking and your companions are prohibited from attacking unless instructed by you.”
   “Okay, I guess I understand,” said Lockjaw.
   “Good. Then… we do battle!” said Master Slash as the Shearwig Masters charged straight for Lockjaw’s team.
   “Lockjaw, what do we do?” asked Gallon. “They’re headed straight for us!”
   “Well, I think it’d be best if we… moved out the way!” said Lockjaw. He and his friends then dashed out of the way of the Shearwig Masters and huddled up to discuss a strategy.
   “Mr. Lockjaw, let me zap ‘em!” said Amp. “I have po-something!”
   “I could bring her in closer for the attack!” suggested Divebomb.
   “Good idea. Okay, break!” shouted Lockjaw as they all took their fighting positions.
   “Divebomb, pick up Amp and carry her close to that pole!” instructed Lockjaw.
   “Right away!” said Divebomb. Divebomb swooped down and picked up Amp. He then carried her closer to the metal pole. When close enough, he tossed her and she made a charge in mid-air that was able to ground Master Slice.
   “Now, Gallon, take care of Master Slice!” said Lockjaw. Gallon grabbed Master Slice and threw him hard into the hole filled with water.
   “I’m not out that easily!” said Master Slice, sputtering while crawling out of the hole. He then flew up and joined the other Shearwigs.
   “We have just begun!” said Master Slash. “Now… Shearsaw!” The three Shearwigs then got in a circular formation so their ends were touching and their mandibles were facing outward. They then rapidly began spinning on the ground, and were able to damage Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “What do we do, now, Lockjaw?” said Gallon. “They’re spinning too fast to attack!”
   “Hmmm… I got it! Gallon, go jump over that hole of water!” replied Lockjaw.
   Gallon swiftly crawled over to the hole, with the Shearsaw following closely behind him. While in front of the hole, Gallon jumped over it, luring the Shearsaw in. The Shearwigs then dropped into the water and broke their formation.
   “Now, Amp, jump in the water before they can crawl out!” shouted Lockjaw.
   “Okey-dokey, Mr. Lockjaw!” she eagerly said as she ran over to the hole and jumped in, standing on the Shearwigs.
   “Now, charge up!” commanded Lockjaw. Amp then made a charge which brutally shocked the Shearwigs since they were in water.
   “Good job, Amp! Now, leave the hole!” shouted Lockjaw. Amp promptly hopped out of the hole and ran back over to the others.
   “Now, Divebomb, finish them off with a bomb rock!” said Lockjaw.
   “Can do!” said Divebomb. He then floated over the hole and dropped a bomb rock in. Master Slash managed to crawl out in time, but the explosion blew the other Shearwigs out of the water. They were lying on the ground, moaning.
   “You… will... not beat ME so easily…” said Master Slash, weakly. “I am the HEAD Shearwig Master!” He then flew back up into the air, and aimed a Mandiblade straight for Lockjaw.
   “Amp, cover me!” shouted Lockjaw. Amp then hopped in front of Lockjaw, painlessly intercepting Master Slice’s attack!
   “Divebomb, pick up Gallon and take him closer to Master Slash! Gallon, try to get a hold of Master Slash and slam him down!” ordered Lockjaw.
   Divebomb then picked up Gallon, and carried him close to Master Slash. When Gallon was close enough, Divebomb through him, and Gallon got a hold of Master Slash with his teeth! His weight slammed Master Slash down to the ground with powerful force!
   “Ugh…” moaned Master Slash. “You have defeated all three of us, only through using the power of teamwork. Orange one, you took command and used your leadership skills to assure your companions’ victory! You all have passed the final test.”
« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 10:40:38 PM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #61 on: June 04, 2007, 06:49:50 PM »

   Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, Divebomb, and the Shearwig Masters left the arena and went back to the main chamber, where the Shearwig Masters were congratulating them.
   “You four are truly skilled,” said Master Slash.
   “You have bested us, and learned a little about yourselves in the process,” said Master Slice.
   “You have all mastered the ancient arts of the forest,” said Master Skewer. “You are all free to go!”
   “Uh… that’s just the thing,” said Lockjaw. “Where exactly is the Forest Navel?”
   “Forest Navel?” asked Master Slash. “Is that all? Come, we shall lead you there.” The Shearwig Masters then exited the burrow, followed by Lockjaw and friends. The Shearwigs then began to lead Lockjaw’s group to the Forest Navel.

   Sneed and Barney were extremely tired from constantly flying, but were determined to get the spores before Lockjaw. While flying, they saw very large, round glade in the forest, with a small lake at the edge.
   “Barney…” said Sneed. “Let’s take five down there.” Sneed and Barney then flew down to the glade and rested on their backs by the lake. After about 20 minutes, Barney was suddenly hit hard in the stomach. He then quickly awakened, only to find a Wollywog sitting on top of him.
   “Hey, what’s wit’ you?!” said Barney, wriggling out from under the Wollywog.
   “…You two are intruding… leave…” curtly replied the Wollywog. Sneed then woke up and looked over to his side, only to see the large pale Wollywog jumping up to flatten him. He quickly rolled to the side and avoided being squished.
   “What was that for, ya big lump?!” yelled Sneed, now hovering above the Wollywog. “Ain’t anyone ever teach ya manners?!”
   “…This lake belongs to the Wollywogs…” said the monotonous Wollywog. “…You two leave now…”
   “Yeesh! Fine, we’ll go!” said Sneed. “Don’t get so uptight! We were just tryin’ ta find the Forest Navel!”
   “…You two must be dense… you’re IN the Forest Navel…” said the Wollywog.
   “Hey, did’ja hear that, Barney?” said Sneed, turning to Barney. “We gotta go find that Puffstool!” Sneed and Barney then zoomed off in search of the Puffstool.
   After searching around the Forest Navel and asking around, Sneed and Barney still hadn’t found any traces of the Puffstool.
   “Hey, boss! Look what I found a while back!” said Barney, clutching three small, dormant bomb rocks.
   “No one cares about rocks, Barney,” said Sneed. “Rocks ain’t valuable. Valuable spores is valuable!” He then flew down into a dark area of the Forest Navel, followed by Barney. The dark area’s only light sources were numerous Glowcaps.
   “Hey, what is THAT?” said Sneed, seeing a slightly mushroom-shaped thing in the darkness.
   “Hey! I recognize that thing from that picture those chumps had!” said Barney. “That’s him! That’s the Puffstool!” Sneed and Barney flew over to the sleeping Puffstool.
   “Hey, wake up!” yelled Sneed.
   “Huh?” murmured the Puffstool, waking up slowly. “Who are you? What do you want?” it said, looking around.
   “We WANT dem spores you got!” demanded Sneed. “So fork ‘em over!”
   “What? No! I need my spores!” said the Puffstool.
   “We can do dis the easy way, or we can do dis the hard way!” said Sneed. “So, spores! NOW!”
   “I told you once and I will tell you again: NO!” shouted the Puffstool.
   “Barney, let ‘im have it!” yelled Sneed. Barney then threw two of his bomb rocks at the Puffstool, which exploded and severely weakened it.
   “Last… chance…” said Sneed. “Spores… NOW!”
   “I don’t know who you two lowlifes are, but I will never give them to you!” said the Puffstool.
   “Barney, if you will…” said Sneed. Barney then threw his last bomb rock at the Puffstool, making it collapse on the ground. Sneed and Barney then flew away, leaving the Puffstool for dead.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #62 on: June 04, 2007, 09:47:53 PM »

   The Shearwig Masters had led Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb to the Forest Navel not before too much time passed. Lockjaw had observed his surroundings: it was very dark, fire was spouting out of the ground, there was little grass, and there was a large lake near the edge.
   “Here is your destination,” said Master Slash. “Orange one, before you and your companions depart, I would like to give you this.” He then got hold of a small pouch attached to a loop of string that Master Slice was holding and put it around Lockjaw’s neck. Lockjaw eagerly looked inside.
   “… It’s empty…” said Lockjaw, crestfallen.
   “That is the Pouch of Leadership!” said Master Slash. “It belonged to the very first master of the forest martial arts! Choose wisely what you store inside it.”
   “Well… thanks… I guess…” said Lockjaw.
   “We shall return back to our dojo and find more passersby to train,” said Master Slice.
   “It’s mostly all we do…” said Master Skewer. “It can get pretty boring in a vast forest. We obviously get elated when visitors arrive.” The Shearwig Masters then flew off.
   “Well, where do you think the Puffstool is?” asked Gallon.
   “I don’t know where to start looking. This place is huge!” said Lockjaw. “Let’s ask someone.” Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb then walked down to the lake to ask someone about the Puffstool. In the distance, Lockjaw could see a Wollywog sitting idly.
   “Hey, you!” Lockjaw called out to the Wollywog. “We need help!” The Wollywog then turned around, started hopping toward land, and leapt up high in an attempt to squish Lockjaw.
   “Hey, calm down!” said Lockjaw, moving out of the way. “What was that for?”
   “…You are intruders…” replied the Wollywog. “…This is the Wollywogs’ lake… you will have to leave, like the intruders before you…”
   “Before us?” asked Gallon. “Who was here before us?”
   “…Hmm… I don’t think I’ll tell you…” said the Wollywog.
   “Huh? Well, why not?” asked Lockjaw.
   “…Because… I don’t like you guys…” replied the Wollywog.
   “Oh, come on! Please? It’s very important! We promise we’ll leave afterward!” said Gallon.
   “…Okay, if you must know…” replied the Wollywog. “…Two foolish antenna-winged creatures…”
   “Which way did they go?” asked Divebomb.
   “…They went east… looking for the Puffstool…” said the Wollywog. “…Now leave, or I shall be forced to flatten you…”
   “East, huh? Let’s go!” said Lockjaw as he and his friends then ran east in search of the Puffstool.
   Not before long, Lockjaw and the others noticed a very dark area illuminated by Glowcaps, with a large, smoking creature in the middle.
   “What’s that thing down there?” said Divebomb, pointing to the smoking creature.
   I don’t know, but let’s go check,” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw and his friends then ran down to where the smoking thing was, and when they had recognized it, they got a worried look on their faces.
   “Uh, guys…” said Gallon. “Is this who I think it is…?”
« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 10:45:14 PM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #63 on: June 05, 2007, 08:56:08 AM »

   “It’s the one from Daddy’s record!” said Amp, excitedly. “It’s the Puffstool! …Why isn’t he moving?”
   “Maybe, he’s just… sleeping…” said Lockjaw. “Let’s rock him back and forth.” Lockjaw and Amp then got on the left side of the Puffstool while Gallon and Divebomb took the right. They then gently rocked the Puffstool back and forth.
   “Puffstool!” Lockjaw shouted. “Wake up!” Lockjaw then began to hear a murmur coming from the Puffstool.
   “I heard him say something,” said Lockjaw. “Rock harder!” Lockjaw and his friends began to rock the Puffstool with all their strength.
   “S-stop… rocking... me…” said the Puffstool, faintly. Everyone then backed away from the Puffstool as it looked around. It was too weak to stand up.
   “Are you four with the two lowlifes from before?” asked the Puffstool. “Are you going to try to take my spores?”
   “Well…” started Lockjaw. “We’re not with them, but we do need your spores.”
   “Well… no…” said the Puffstool. “You four might be trying to pull one over on me…”
   “Trust me, we have nothing to do with them,” said Gallon. “We need the spores to fight off the Pikmin!”
   “They made my parents dead!” added Amp. “My Daddy’s record said you’d be able to help us!”
   “We have all suffered from Pikmin,” said Divebomb. “We need your help.”
   “Well… I’ll give you my spores… but I won’t be able to do much else…” said the Puffstool.
   “Huh? …What do you mean…?” asked Gallon.
   “I’m… dying…” said the Puffstool. “The lowlifes from before threw explosives at me after I refused them…”
   “But… what if your spores aren’t enough to help, and we need another Puffstool?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Go… to… the…” the Puffstool said, almost dead.
   “Go to the what?” asked Lockjaw, attentively.
   “Puffstool… Garden…” said the Puffstool. The Puffstool then coughed out a cloud of spores, then died quietly. Lockjaw waved his pouch in the air, filled it up with the spores, then closed it tight. He then turned to his friends.
   “Well… that’s it…” said Lockjaw. “He’s dead…”
   “Dead?” asked Amp. “What do we do if he’s dead?”
   “Where do we go now?” asked Gallon.
   “The Puffstool said something about the Puffstool Garden… but… I have no idea where that is…” said Lockjaw. “Let’s all just go back home…” Lockjaw and the others then walked out of the dark area, each filled with grieving.

   “Ha ha! What a heist!” laughed Sneed as he was flying fast out of the Forest Navel, followed by Barney, who was carrying a full sack. “I mean, berries ain’t much, but they’re still kinda valuable!”
   “Yup, boss! Dis whole trip was worthwhile, I guess,” said Barney.
   “You GUESS?!” said Sneed. “I say it WAS! Now, let’s hurry up and scram!”

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #64 on: June 05, 2007, 01:14:27 PM »

   Lockjaw and the others were walking back to the way they came, when they were approached by a Breadbug.
   “Excuse me! I hate to bother you four, but I need your help!” She said.
   “Huh? Uh… okay…” said Lockjaw. “What do you need?”
   “My food was stolen!” said the Breadbug. “I had gathered up a bunch of berries to feed my children, when these two winged creatures swooped down and stuffed them in a sack! Without those berries, I’ll have to find more food, and while I’m gone, my children will starve!”
   “Okay, which way did they go?” asked Lockjaw.
   “They went down that way!” said the Breadbug, motioning south.
   “I think I know who did this…” said Lockjaw. “Don’t worry; we’ll get your berries back!” Lockjaw and his friends then ran south, trying to catch the culprits before they could escape.

   “Hey, Barney, come on!” said Sneed. “We’re almost outta here!”
   “Hold on, boss…” said Barney. “This sack is heavy…” Barney then sat the sack down and caught his breath on the ground. Sneed then saw someone approaching fast in the distance.
   “Barney, let’s go!” yelled Sneed. Barney was too exhausted to move. Sneed then resorted to trying to carry Barney and the sack at the same time, but they were too heavy.
   After running fast across the Forest Navel, Lockjaw and his friends had arrived to where Sneed was trying to pick up Barney.
   “Aw, great! Look what ya done did, Barney!” said Sneed, pointing to Lockjaw. “The chumps caught up wit us!”
   “Huh?” said Barney, hastily rising back up into the air. “Uh-ohhh…”
   “Just give us the berries and we can end this peacefully, Sneed,” commanded Gallon.
   “What?! Never! Not after that Puffstool guy didn’t even give us those spores! We need somethin’ valuable ta take back!” said Sneed.
   “Do you two realize that you killed the Puffstool?” said Divebomb. “That may have been our only chance at stopping Pikmin!”
   “Oh, booooo-hooooo,” said Sneed, sarcastically. “The bottom line is: you’re NOT gettin’ these berries back... and I might even take somethin’ of yours!” Sneed then quickly swooped down and swiped the pouch from Lockjaw’s neck.
   “No! You can’t have the spores! We need them!” cried out Amp.
   “Spores, eh?” said Sneed. “Oh ho ho…” Sneed then turned to Barney.
   “Forget those worthless berries! We’ve got the SPORES now!” Sneed and Barney then made a U-turn and flew right over Lockjaw and his friends.
   “Hurry, let’s go after them!” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb then gave chase after Sneed and Barney.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #65 on: June 05, 2007, 07:07:42 PM »

   Sneed and Barney were flying madly through the Forest Navel, trying to elude Lockjaw as he and his friends chased after them. All the while flying, Sneed maintained a tight grip of Lockjaw’s spore pouch.
   “Barney! To the lake!” shouted Sneed. Sneed and Barney then flew over the deep part of the lake, hoping to lose Lockjaw.
   Lockjaw and the others arrived at the lakefront. Lockjaw saw that Sneed and Barney were too far out to go into the water and chase after, so he got another idea.
   “Gallon, Amp, stay here!” said Lockjaw. “Divebomb, pick me up and follow after them!” Divebomb then picked up Lockjaw as they both flew over the lake after Sneed and Barney.
   “Man! These guys never give up!” said Barney. Sneed and Barney then made another U-turn past Lockjaw and Divebomb and made another getaway attempt. Divebomb dropped Lockjaw onto land as they, Gallon, and Amp resumed chasing after them.
   Sneed and Barney had looked behind them. They could see that Lockjaw and the others were still giving chase. The two then dived behind a large rock and hid, hoping that Lockjaw didn’t notice.
   “Now where did they go?” said Lockjaw, looking around.
   “That way, Mr. Lockjaw!” said Amp. “Behind that big rock!”
   “Good eye, Amp!” said Lockjaw as he and the group dashed behind the rock and found them hiding.
   “Divebomb, hold ‘em!” said Lockjaw. Divebomb then got a firm hold on one of both their arms.
   “Ow! Hey, let go!” shouted Sneed as he and Barney tried unsuccessfully to wriggle their arms out of Divebomb’s grasp. Lockjaw then walked up to Sneed and Barney.
   “Give me back the spores!” demanded Lockjaw.
   “Fine, kid,” said Sneed. “If ya want ‘em so bad, I’ll fight ya for ‘em!” Divebomb let go of their arms and joined the group as they prepared to fight.

   Sneed started by headbutting Lockjaw forcefully. While Lockjaw was dazed, Barney picked up Gallon and threw him at Lockjaw.
   “Lockjaw! You okay?” said Gallon. Lockjaw was too dazed to answer.
   “You know what ta do, Barney!” said Sneed. Sneed and Barney then flew up high into the air, and then swooped down to ram into Amp. Their attack, however, left Amp completely unharmed. Barney then swooped down to Amp and started hitting her shell rapidly.
    “Why… can’t… I… hurt… you?!” shouted Barney, frustrated. While Barney was uselessly attacking her, Amp made a charge that was strong enough to paralyze him.
   Lockjaw finally came to his senses. He saw Sneed swooping back down to ram him again, but quickly dodged. He then turned to Divebomb.
   “Gallon, bring Sneed down!” Divebomb, take Gallon closer!” Divebomb then picked up Gallon and Gallon was able to ground Sneed by gripping his arm. Meanwhile, Lockjaw was swinging the paralyzed Barney around by his arm. Lockjaw then threw him into Sneed.
   “Sneed, let me pound ‘em!” said Barney.  Sneed weakly nodded as Barney began punching Gallon rapidly. Lockjaw intervened by grabbing Barney’s arm again, rapidly swinging him around, and throwing him into a rock. Barney slid down off the rock and was sprawled exhaustedly on the ground.
   “Divebomb, finish him off!” said Lockjaw. Divebomb then made a bomb rock and threw it at Barney, but Sneed had caught it and threw it back at Lockjaw’s group. Divebomb caught the bomb rock and threw it back to Sneed. Sneed and Divebomb played hot potato with the bomb rock, and after a few seconds, it exploded in the air between them, damaging both of them.
   “Gallon, Divebomb, hold his arms!” said Lockjaw. Gallon and Divebomb each got one of Sneed’s arms and spread them apart. Lockjaw then headbutted hard into his stomach. The impact sent Sneed flying into the rock and falling on the ground next to Barney.
   “Fine… keep… your stupid spores…” said Sneed. “We’re outta here… for now. You’ll definitely see us again!” Sneed and Barney then weakly flew out of the Forest Navel as Lockjaw placed the pouch back around his neck.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #66 on: June 05, 2007, 09:45:52 PM »

   “Whew, glad that’s over with,” said Lockjaw. “Now, let’s go return those berries.” Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb then returned to the spot where Barney dropped the sack. Divebomb then picked up the sack and carried it as they went back to the mother Breadbug.
   “Thank you! Oh, thank you so much!” rejoiced the Breadbug. “You four are my heroes!”
   “It was nothing, really” said Lockjaw. “Well, have a nice night,” he said as he and the others started leaving the Forest Navel. As they walked, Divebomb decided to keep the empty sack to carry things in. He tied it around his wrist so he wouldn’t have to hold it.
   Lockjaw and his friends were at the edge of the Forest Navel, when they were approached by a Snow Bulborb. The Snow Bulborb was wearing an unusual dress around her abdomen made from Queen Candypop petals, and laced with Figworts.
   “Excuse me…” she said, walking in front of Lockjaw and the group. “Um… you’re the heroes, correct?”
   “Well, we wouldn’t consider ourselves heroes…” said Lockjaw. “We just like to help out.”
   “You don’t have to be modest. I saw what you did for the Breadbug back there,” she said. “I’m talking to you because I need help…”
   “Okay, what’s the problem?” asked Lockjaw.
   “It’s my father,” said the Snow Bulborb. “He’s very ill. He has been lying in this place for days, and I feel he might be on his deathbed.”
   “Well, we’re not doctors or anything…” said Gallon. “We don’t know anything about curing anyone."
   “Please...” said the Snow Bulborb, softly. “If you could just look at him…”
   “Well, I guess we can look at him…” said Lockjaw. The mysterious Snow Bulborb then began to lead Lockjaw and the others to where her father was.
   The Snow Bulborb had led them past the area where they fought Sneed and Barney, and further into the Forest Navel. While walking, Lockjaw began to walk beside the Bulborb in front of everyone else and talk with her.
   “So… I’m guessing you don’t live around here, do you?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Me? Oh, no… I could never live here…” replied the Snow Bulborb. “I come from a small, secluded village, not too far from here.”
   “Well, why are you and your father out here?” asked Lockjaw.
   “My father was looking for food in this dreaded place. After he had been gone for three straight days, I started to worry, so I came out here looking for him. The people of my village insisted that I not go alone, so I was escorted here with two village guards. Right now, the village guards are watching over my father.”
   “…Wow…” said Lockjaw. “That’s quite a sad tale, uh--”
   “You can call me, ‘Saria’,” said the Bulborb. “Though most in my village simply refer to me by my title.”
   “I’m Lockjaw,” said Lockjaw. “Behind me are Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb. Gallon’s the blue one, Amp’s the spotted one, and Divebomb’s the weird-looking one.”
   “I heard that!” Divebomb called out from behind as they continued walking across the Forest Navel.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #67 on: June 06, 2007, 10:12:57 AM »

   Saria had led Lockjaw and his friends to a small clearing past a rocky area. There, they saw two Snow Bulborbs fanning another Snow Bulborb with large leaves. The Bulborb being fanned was lying on his side with his eyes closed and his mouth open. He also had on a small headdress made from red leaves. Every now and then, he twitched slightly.
   “There you are!” said one of the fanning Bulborbs, running up to Saria. “We had been worried sick about you! We thought something might have attacked you, or--”
   “Well, you no longer need to worry; I have returned, haven’t I?” said Saria.
   “Yes, but it’s very dangerous out here!” said the other fanning Bulborb. “I could’ve sworn I saw two deranged Snitchbugs flying around here madly!”
   “Do not worry about me so much. I can take care of myself, you know,” said Saria. “How is my father’s condition?”
   “The Chief still hasn’t opened his eyes, and he still twitches involuntarily,” said one of the fanning Bulborbs. “We’ve tried giving him fresh food and water, but he still won’t awaken! I fear we’re out of ideas…”
   “Hold on, hold on, hold on…” said Gallon, interrupting the conversation. “Your father is Chief of your village? That’d make you a…”
   “Correct,” answered Saria. “I am the princess of my village.”
   “Woooow… a princess…” said Amp, awestruck. The two fanning Bulborbs then noticed Lockjaw and his companions standing casually behind Saria.
   “Princess!” shouted one of them. “I don’t know if you are aware of this, but you have been followed by some strange, unruly creatures! Surely, nothing short of forest rogues who which to eat you and our Chief!”
   “Uhh… you know, we can… hear you…” said Divebomb, awkwardly.
   “They are NOT forest rogues!” shouted Saria. “They are heroes! And another thing; don’t you think I’d know if I were followed?! You question my intelligence?!”
   “No! No! Forgive me, Princess!” said the Bulborb.
   “Heroes, huh?” said the other Bulborb. “What business do they have near you and our Chief?”
   “They have agreed to heal him,” said Saria.
   “Whoa, now!” said Gallon. “We specifically said--”
   “Please come this way,” said Saria, bringing Lockjaw and his friends closer to the ailing Bulborb. Lockjaw walked around him and examined him, and noticed he was drooling.
   “Uhh… what was the last thing he did before getting sick?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Well, we found him collapsed over by a weird puddle,” said one of the fanning Bulborbs.
   “What was weird about the puddle?” asked Gallon.
   “Well, it had strange, swirly water, and there were two orbs floating in it,” answered the Bulborb.
   “Could you take us to this puddle?” asked Lockjaw. The two Bulborbs then escorted Lockjaw over to a deep hole in the ground where the weird water was. While at the puddle, Lockjaw tripped, accidentally spilling some spores into the puddle. The puddle then sizzled, made a groaning noise and began to move.
   “I think there might be something in this water!” said Lockjaw. “We’ll handle it from here!”
   “Good idea! We’ll go guard the Princess!” said the Bulborbs. They then ran back to where Saria and the Chief were.
   The puddle then rose completely out of the hole and started crawling toward Lockjaw and his friends.
   “What is that thing?!” shouted Gallon, horrified.
   “What's your problem, huh?! You never see a Goolix before!?” the swirling mass of liquid shouted.
   “It can talk?!” said Divebomb surprised.
   “Oh, so now I’m brainless now, huh?! Not supposed to know how to talk?!” roared the Goolix. “Y’know, you’re probably that same guy from a while back who tried drinking me! I don’t take kindly to things who try drinking me! You guys are going down!”
   “We’ll see about that!” said Lockjaw as he and his friends braced themselves for the battle.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #68 on: June 06, 2007, 01:27:27 PM »

   Lockjaw started by ramming into the Goolix. Lockjaw passed right through the Goolix’s watery membrane, not damaging it at all. He then tried ramming straight through the Goolix again, and this time, it trapped him right inside its body.
   “Lockjaw! Hang on, I’ll get you out!” said Divebomb. Divebomb then stuck his arms inside the Goolix and was absorbed into its body alongside Lockjaw. Lockjaw and Divebomb were pushing up against the Goolix’s body, trying to get out before they drown.
   “Don’t worry, guys! I’m coming in for you!” said Gallon. Gallon quickly headbutted his way into the Goolix, pushing Lockjaw and Divebomb out in the process. Gallon then noticed the blue nucleus floating inside the Goolix and began attacking it.
   “Grrr! Hey! Get out of me!” shouted the Goolix, thrashing around wildly.
   “Hey, everyone! Its weak spot is that blue ball inside it!” said Lockjaw, noticing Gallon attacking it. “Let’s get it!”
   Divebomb threw a bomb rock into the Goolix, which sunk deep into its body. After a few seconds, it blew up, damaging the Goolix’s nucleus and Gallon. The Goolix then forcefully ejected Gallon from its body and flung him a far distance.
   “Gallon, are you okay?” asked Lockjaw as Gallon weakly came crawling back.
   “I’m fine,” answered Gallon. “Hey, it’s made of water, right?”
   “Yeah, why?” asked Lockjaw. Gallon then whispered a plan to the others. After they finished huddling, Divebomb picked up Amp and tossed her into the center of the Goolix. Amp then charged up and harshly damaged the Goolix’s two nuclei. It then quickly ejected Amp, but Divebomb caught her before she went out too far.
   The Goolix then started hurling globs of itself at Lockjaw and the others. While Lockjaw, Gallon, and Divebomb took damage, Amp had found herself drowning inside a glob.
   “Help! Help!” she gurgled. Divebomb then quickly pulled her out and picked her up again, and tried throwing her into the Goolix. The Goolix quickly dodged, and Amp had fallen on her back. The Goolix then took the opportunity to do lots of damage to Amp by hurling its globs at her. She was left harshly weakened and lying on the ground.
   “Divebomb, get Amp out of here!” said Lockjaw. “Gallon, go inside the Goolix with me!” Lockjaw and Gallon then rushed into the Goolix while Divebomb carried Amp off to a safe distance. Once inside the Goolix, Lockjaw repeatedly rammed the Goolix’s blue nucleus while Gallon bit at the yellow one, getting the Goolix’s membrane in his mouth in the process. Damaging the yellow nucleus caused Lockjaw and Gallon to be ejected from the Goolix.
   “Ooh… Lockjaw… I don’t feel too good…” said Gallon, staggering around, nauseously.
   “Divebomb, try to blast away its nuclei!” said Lockjaw. Divebomb then made three bomb rocks in quick succession, and threw them all into the Goolix. The three bomb rocks then exploded and caused lots more damage to the Goolix.
   “Aaraagh! You leave me no choice!” said the Goolix. The Goolix then jiggled around a bit, and made a duplicate of itself. Both Goolixes then split in two, leaving Lockjaw, Gallon, and Divebomb to deal with four slightly smaller Goolixes.
   “Divebomb, try to take them out one at a time!” said Lockjaw. Divebomb then nodded and flew off above a Goolix and threw three bomb rocks inside it. The explosion was powerful enough that it caused it to evaporate.
   Lockjaw was fighting another Goolix, ramming at its blue nuclei and then its yellow nuclei to escape. After awhile, Gallon’s nausea wore off and he plunged into another Goolix. After several cycles of attacking and being ejected from the Goolix he was fighting, Lockjaw defeated it and it melted into the ground. He then plunged into the Goolix which held Gallon and helped him attack it.
   Meanwhile, Divebomb was about to throw a bomb rock into the other of the two remaining Goolixes when it reached into the air and absorbed him, with the bomb rock still in his hands. The explosion hurt both the Goolix and Divebomb.
   Lockjaw then looked over to Divebomb’s Goolix. “Gallon, get Divebomb out of there before he drowns!” Lockjaw’s voice gurgled. Gallon then ejected himself and Lockjaw from the Goolix they were in, and Gallon went over to eject Divebomb from the other Goolix. After being ejected, Divebomb felt nauseous and began staggering. Gallon then went back over to the previous Goolix as he and Lockjaw began fiercely attacking its blue nucleus. After suffering long enough, the Goolix finally melted into the ground.
   “There’s only one more to go!” said Gallon. He and Lockjaw then ran over to the final Goolix. The Goolix began throwing its globs at them. Gallon managed to dodge, but Lockjaw was hit hard and was stunned with nausea. Divebomb then recuperated from his own nausea and went over to help Gallon.
   “You distract it! I’ll finish it off!” instructed Divebomb. Gallon then ran circles around the Goolix while Divebomb hovered over it. Gallon was hit with some globs a few times, but managed to keep running. While Gallon was running, Divebomb managed to drop three bomb rocks into its body. After the first and second ones had went off, the Goolix noticed Divebomb hovering above it. It reached up to engulf Divebomb, but moved too slowly and the third bomb rock exploded inside it, evaporating it.
   “We beat them all!” cheered Gallon. “Let’s go get Lockjaw!” They then ran over to Lockjaw, who had just snapped out of his sickness.
   “They’re all gone? Well, let’s go back to the princess!” said Lockjaw as he, Gallon, and Divebomb went back to where Saria and her father were. Divebomb stopped to  pick Amp up and carried her along the way.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #69 on: June 06, 2007, 04:21:50 PM »

   Lockjaw and the others had arrived back at where Saria and the two Bulborbs were tending to the Chief.
   “What happened back there?” asked Saria, walking up to Lockjaw. “All of a sudden, the guards were screaming and were running back to here!”
   “There was this big blob that attacked us,” said Lockjaw. “Before attacking, it said something about someone drinking it…”
   “The puddle… attacked you?” asked Saria in disbelief. “The puddle which my father drank from… was alive?”
   “Yeah,” said Gallon. “It’s probably the reason he got sick.”
   “Well, where’s the puddle now?” asked Saria.
   “Don’t worry,” said Lockjaw. “We soundly defeated it.”
   Saria then turned to her two bodyguards. “You couldn’t even protect me from a puddle?” she scoffed. “Some guards you are!”
   “Forgive us, Princess,” said one of the Bulborbs. “We were… uh, what’s the word I’m looking for?”
   “Scared?” answered the other Bulborb.
   “Yeah, that’s right,” said the first Bulborb. “But I guess everything is fine now, since the heroes you found defeated it anyways!”
   “You two consider yourselves lucky I don’t banish you here you and make these four my bodyguards!” said Saria.
   “Yes, Princess… so sorry…” whimpered the Bulborbs. Saria then turned back to Lockjaw.
   “Have you found a way to heal my father, perchance?” she asked.
   “Well, I might be on to something,” began Lockjaw. “When I tripped and dropped spores onto the puddle, it sizzled, and looked like it was in pain. Maybe if you give some of these spores to your father, he’ll get better!”
   “Spores? Preposterous!” said one of the bodyguard Bulborbs. “You can’t just shove spores down the Chief’s throat!”
   “Quiet, you!” snapped Saria. “You’ve said enough for today, which was much more than you’ve done…” Saria then turned back to Lockjaw, who then gave her the pouch of spores.
   “Just try pouring a little down his throat,” said Lockjaw. Saria then carefully raised the bag over the mouth of the Chief and poured some spores into his mouth. She then tilted his head back so he could swallow. She then gave the pouch back to Lockjaw.
   “Oh, please work…” she said to herself. After a few tense seconds of waiting for something to happen, the Chief started coughing violently. He coughed out a fairly large glob, which then melted into the ground. He then opened his eyes slowly.
   “Wha… where am I?” said the disoriented Chief.
   “Chief, you’re awake! Thank goodness!” said one of the Bulborbs, rushing over to him.
   “Where am I? How did I get over here?” asked the Chief.
   “Don’t you remember, Father?” said Saria. “You drank from a strange puddle and had fallen ill.”
   “Well, the water looked normal…” said the Chief. “What was wrong with it?”
   “It was actually a monster that attacked us,” said Lockjaw, stepping up to the Chief.
   “…And who are you four?” asked the Chief.
   “Father, their names are Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb. They’re the ones who defeated the monster and cured you,” said Saria.
   “Really, now? It was you who cured me?” said the Chief, turning to Lockjaw and his group.
   “It was nothing…” said Lockjaw, modestly.
   “It was NOT nothing. You two may have just saved the welfare of my village, not to mention my life,” said the Chief. “Come back to the village with us; I shall have a large meal prepared for you as a reward.”
   “Large meal? We’re there!” said Lockjaw as he and his friends followed Saria, the Chief, and the bodyguards out of the Forest Navel.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #70 on: June 06, 2007, 10:33:57 PM »

   The Chief, Saria, and the two bodyguards had led Lockjaw and the others down through a Crawmad hole into the Crawmad Railroad.
   “You know about the Crawmad Railroad, too?” Lockjaw asked the Chief.
   “Of course,” said the Chief. “It leads right into our village. It’s how we were able to stay peaceful and secluded for all these years.”
   “All, these years?” asked Gallon. “How long has this single village been branched off the vast Bulborb empire?”
   “It’s been about five generations now,” said the Chief. The Chief then led Lockjaw and the others down a tunnel that led to the village. The village’s ground was coated with snow, yet the temperature didn’t seem too cold at all. On the ground were small, red leaves sprouting up here and there. There were also holes in the ground which led to burrows where the residents lived.
   The village watchman, who was standing at the entrance to the village, couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the Chief stroll back into the village, perfectly healthy.
   “Chief! You’re alive!” said the Bulborb watchman. “You were gone so long, everyone had started to think you were dead! I’m glad those rumors aren’t true!”
   “Yes, I’m fine,” said the Chief. “Though, I owe it all to these four heroes behind me. They’re the ones who cured my sickness!”
   “Hold on, Chief, I’ll be right back,” said the watchman. The watchman then ran through the town, announcing the return of the Chief. All the Snow Bulborbs then left their burrows and congregated at the village entrance, and were ecstatic over the Chief’s safe return.
   “Yes, yes, I’m alive, everyone,” the Chief said over the small crowd. “Although I didn’t just get up and walk away from my sickness. These are the four heroes are who protected me and my daughter,” he said, looking at Lockjaw and his friends. Lockjaw just looked around awkwardly.
   “Well, don’t just stand there! Introduce yourselves!” said the Chief.
   “We want to know the names of the heroes!” shouted some Bulborbs in the crowd. Lockjaw and his friends then stepped up in front of the crowd, and began introducing themselves.
   “Hello… all of you…” said Lockjaw, nervously. “I’m… Lockjaw.”
   “My name’s Gallon!” said Gallon, enthusiastically.
   “Hee hee! I’m Amp!” giggled Amp.
   “And… I guess my name’s Divebomb… I mean, I KNOW my name’s Divebomb, but... uh, nevermind…” said Divebomb as he turned back around, embarrassed. The crowd then cheered for the four heroes of the village.
   “Come with me,” said the Chief to Lockjaw and his friends. “You’ll stay in the guest chambers, and the meal will be prepared when you awaken.” Lockjaw then followed the Chief and Saria through the crowd to the luxurious royal guest burrows, where they slept for the night.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #71 on: June 07, 2007, 09:06:16 AM »

   Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb had spent the night in the separate guest burrows, and had slept soundly through the night. Lockjaw had been the first to awaken, awakening to the sound of Saria’s voice.
   “Pardon me, Lockjaw…” she said softly as Lockjaw slowly woke up. “You and your friends’ meal is ready.”
   “Alright, I’ll get everyone together and we’ll be right up,” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw then went down the other guest burrows and woke up his friends. They each then hurried up to the surface of the village to see the large breakfast waiting for them. There was a large helping of fruits, Sheargrubs, Pellets, leaves, grasses, and nectar. Lockjaw and his friends eagerly ate all of the food prepared for them, and finished up the entire breakfast. Divebomb put a little in his bag for later.
   “Well, I’m glad you liked the meal,” said the Chief, walking up to them.
   “Yeah! It was delicious!” said Gallon.
   “It’s the least I can do for you heroes,” said the Chief. “So, where will you four go now?”
   “I guess we can stay here for today,” said Lockjaw. “This place is kinda nice!”
   “Well, as long as you’re staying… could you do me a favor?” asked the Chief.
   “Uh, okay, sure,” answered Divebomb. “What’s the favor?”
   “I borrowed something from a resident of the village named Heeb,” said the Chief. “Could you possibly return it to him for me?”
   “Is that it? Of course!” said Gallon. The Chief then led Lockjaw and his friends to his royal burrows, where he gave them a rolled up leaf record.
   “I had borrowed this record from Heeb, the information hoarder,” said the Chief. “Now that I’m finished reading it, could you return it to him?”
   “Well, where does he live?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Don’t worry, Saria will escort you to his burrow,” said the Chief. Lockjaw and the others left the Chief’s burrow and had seen Saria at the surface waiting for them.
   “My father told me about the errand. Just follow me and we’ll be there shortly,” said Saria. Saria then lead them to a burrow not too far from the Chief’s own. They went down it and saw lots of leaf records piled up on top of each other, with Heeb sleeping in the center.
   “Heeb… wake up, please,” said Saria. Heeb then promptly woke up and faced the group.
   “I can’t believe I almost slept through a royal visit!” said Heeb, rushing over to Saria. “I’ve just been up all night reading and reading and reading… sometimes I just sleep in.”
   “You remind me of my Daddy!” squealed Amp. “He used to do that, too!”
   “Oh… hello, heroes,” said Heeb formally, noticing Lockjaw and his friends. “What brings you here to my info stockpile?”
   “We’re just here to return the record the Chief borrowed from you,” said Gallon. Lockjaw then gave Heeb the record he had, and Heeb threw it randomly onto a stack of records.
   “Well, we’d best be leaving you with your information, Heeb,” said Saria. “I’m sure you have a lot of… sleeping to catch up on.”
   “Wait; hold on…” said Lockjaw, turning back to Heeb. “You have a lot of info about various stuff, right?” he asked.
   “Just look around… It’s all info!” replied Heeb.
   “Well,” started Lockjaw. “Could you tell us about… the Puffstool Garden?”


  • Banned
« Reply #72 on: June 07, 2007, 05:37:31 PM »
I haven't read it all,but it seems to be a excellent story.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 06:43:32 PM by reefhead »
When it's reppin' time... DIPSET


  • Banned
« Reply #73 on: June 11, 2007, 05:30:33 PM »
Area 64, it has been two days and not a new post, i am anxious to hear more about this story.
When it's reppin' time... DIPSET

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #74 on: June 11, 2007, 05:40:27 PM »
Really? Well, I'll get to work on another installment right away! (I was playing MKDS.)


  • Banned
« Reply #75 on: June 11, 2007, 06:30:13 PM »
 hurry up
« Last Edit: June 13, 2007, 07:33:41 AM by reefhead »
When it's reppin' time... DIPSET


  • Banned
« Reply #76 on: June 11, 2007, 07:06:28 PM »
thanks 4 the advice paper luigi
When it's reppin'time DIPSET.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2007, 07:36:40 AM by reefhead »
When it's reppin' time... DIPSET

« Reply #77 on: June 11, 2007, 07:10:34 PM »
Edit your posts man.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #78 on: June 11, 2007, 07:55:40 PM »
You'll have to excuse Reefhead. He's my friend IRL, which I (regretfully) introduced to these forums. I'll try to keep him under control at the home front.

   “The Puffstool Garden?” said Heeb, puzzled. “Why do you want to know about that place?”
   “We’re going there to get spores from the Puffstools there!” said Gallon.
   “Uh… why do you want to get Puffstool spores?” asked Heeb.
   “The Puffstools’ spores are able to control Pikmin!” said Lockjaw. “We were going to use them to force Red-Light and Blue-Light off the planet!”
   “I hate to break it to you, but that’s not how the spores work…” said Heeb. “They do infest the Pikmin, but once the Pikmin are infested, nothing can command them; not even the Puffstools themselves. They won’t listen to the creatures you’re talking about, but they won’t listen to you, either. They’ll sorta just… stand there around the Puffstool until they return to normal.”
   “So then… we’ll… never get rid of the Pikkins?” asked Amp, downhearted.
   “Well… not exactly…” said Heeb. “There is one way… but it is forbidden by the Keepers…”
   “Who are the Keepers?” asked Divebomb.
   “The Keepers are four ancient creatures living in the Puffstool Garden who watch over a powerful yet suppressed entity,” said Heeb. “This entity has the power to wipe Pikmin off the face of this planet forever, though once released, it would be impossible to contain. The Keepers keep the entity locked in a hidden temple in the Puffstool Garden to prevent anyone from triggering its release.”
   “So… we can use this… ‘entity’… to destroy all Pikmin?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Like I said before: no one can use it. It’ll just rampage through the entire world, very literally destroying everything in its path,” said Heeb. “You’d have better luck just getting the spores from the Puffstool and trying to rid the droned Pikmin yourselves…”
   “Well… if the entity is forbidden… I guess that’s what we’ll have to do…” said Lockjaw. “Would you have any idea where the Puffstool Garden is located?”
   “I don’t have exact information… but I do know that there are two ways to get there, and one of them is a tunnel that’s somewhere under this very village,” answered Heeb.
   “Do you know where that tunnel is?” asked Gallon.
   “I’ve been researching for the perfect spot to start digging,” said Heeb, “but I still haven’t come up with any leads. I’ve started a hole in one place, but it seems to be a dead lead. Even if I don’t find the tunnel, you can always get there the long way…”
   “Where’s that?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Not sure of that, either…” said Heeb. “Well, I’ll keep you updated on my research.”
   “Alright, thanks for the information,” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, Divebomb, and Saria then walked out of Heeb’s information burrow and back to the surface.
   “Well, let’s go back to the Chief’s burrow and let him know we returned the record,” said Divebomb. Lockjaw and the others then followed Saria back to the Chief’s burrow and made him aware that the errand was complete. While there, Lockjaw decided to ask the Chief about the Puffstool Garden.
   “The Puffstool Garden? I’ve heard of that,” said the Chief. “It’s somewhere past a large mountain far away from here. I think I’ve even seen Heeb trying to dig there the other day… I don’t really know how to get there though; sorry…”
   “That’s fine,” said Gallon. “We’ll just look for the long way to get there.”
   “Well, what do you four want to do now?” said the Chief.
   “I guess we can go sightseeing around the village…” said Lockjaw.
   “Sightseeing, you say?” said Saria. “If you’re going sightseeing, you simply MUST see my garden! Follow me!” Saria then led Lockjaw and his friends out of the Chief’s burrow and led them to a large garden of assorted flowers near the edge of the village. When they got there, everyone had noticed a large hole in the middle.
   “What… what happened to my garden?” said Saria, dejectedly. “My… my flowers!”
   “Wow… that’s a pretty impressive hole…” said Divebomb. “That must’ve been the hole Heeb started to dig but didn’t finish…”
   “I can’t believe this!” shouted Saria, furiously. “Heeb shall pay ROYALLY for this! He even uprooted my favorite flower!”
   “Your… favorite flower?” asked Lockjaw.
   “There was a Margaret right where that hole is. It was the only Margaret in the whole garden. It was very close to me…” said Saria. “I raised it since it was a tiny seed. I had planted it in extra fertile soil and gave it plenty of healthy water… and now it’s gone!”
   “Well, I’m sure you can always get more Margaret seeds…” said Lockjaw, consoling Saria. “In fact, we’ll help you get them!”
   “Really?” asked Saria, looking up from her mangled garden.
   “We will?” asked Gallon. “Uh, Lockjaw, don’t we have more important--”
   “Follow me! I’ll take you to where I originally found the seed!” said Saria, enthusiastically. Lockjaw then followed her out of the village, followed by his reluctant friends.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2007, 08:14:04 AM by Area 64 »

« Reply #79 on: June 11, 2007, 08:01:44 PM »
I wasn't tryin' to be mean or anything, just some helpful advice.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #80 on: June 13, 2007, 08:48:16 AM »

   Saria had led Lockjaw and his friends back into the Crawmad Railroad. While walking behind Saria, everyone else gave Lockjaw an annoyed look.
   “…What? What’d I do?” asked Lockjaw, innocently.
   “Lockjaw, we’re trying to get to the Puffstool Garden, not go on errands all day...” said Gallon.
   “What? It’s not like we don’t have the time or anything…” said Lockjaw.
   “We could be using that time to find the Puffstool Garden,” said Divebomb. “We’re not seed hunters!”
   “Well… spores are kinda like seeds…” said Lockjaw. “So… haven’t we been seed-hunting this whole time?”
   “Mr. Lockjaw, if we don’t go to the Puffstools, who will?” said Amp. “When we get there, everyone will already be made dead by the Pikkins!”
   “She’s right, Lockjaw,” said Divebomb. “Who knows where Red-Light and Blue-Light will strike next? We’ve no time to waste.”
   “Look, no one needs to worry,” said Lockjaw. “We’ll go back to the village after this and look for that hidden tunnel, and we’ll be there in no time! Besides, it never hurts to help…”

   After walking about 20 minutes in the Crawmad Railroad following behind Saria, Lockjaw’s friends started to get annoyed.
   “Hey, are you sure you know where we’re going?” asked Gallon.
   “Of course,” answered Saria. “I visit this place every so often…”
   “Yeah, well… where exactly are we going?” asked Gallon.
   “It’s called, ‘the Candypop Circle’,” said Saria. “It’s a clearing full of flowers in the middle of a lush jungle of grasses and trees.”
   “Wait, ‘in the middle of’?” asked Divebomb. “How long will it take us to find it once we get there?”
   “Oh, not long,” said Saria. “It’s fairly easy to navigate through--” Saria then stopped walking and turned around to Lockjaw and his friends.
   “I heard something really weird just now,” said Saria. “It was a really strange noise…”
   “Like a whistle?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Yes! Like a whistle! That’s exactly what I heard!” said Saria. Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb just stood at the middle of the tunnel with extremely dismayed looks on their faces.
   “Is… there something wrong?” asked the oblivious Saria.
   “It’s the Red-Light and Blue-Light!” shouted Gallon. “They must be coming this way!”
   “The… who?” asked Saria, confused.
   “Red-Light and Blue Light! Two creatures that use Pikmin to kill everything!” said Lockjaw.
   “They made my whole village dead!” said Amp. “They’re really, really bad!”
   “We have to hide!” said Divebomb.
   “There’s nowhere to hide down here!” said Lockjaw. “It’s all just tunnel!”
   “Then we’ll have to take cover!” said Gallon. He, Lockjaw, Amp, and Divebomb then huddled down against the ground, while Saria stared into the distance and saw a mysterious creature approaching.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #81 on: June 13, 2007, 06:11:23 PM »

   The mysterious creature emerged from the out of the shadows of the tunnel. Saria was the only one who saw it, since Lockjaw and the others were crouched down with their eyes closed. Saria slowly and carefully approached the creature. She had seen that the creature was fairly large, with round, red eyes, a round body, droopy antennae, small wings, and long, powerful, gangly legs.
   “Who… are you…?” asked Saria. “Are you… the Red-Light?”
   “Whoever ‘Red-Light’ is, I’m not him,” said the creature. “I’m an Antenna Beetle. My name’s Trick.”
   Lockjaw and the others then stood up and opened their eyes. They saw the awkward-looking Antenna Beetle looming before them.
   “Trick?” asked Lockjaw. “What kind of name is that?”
   “Trick, the Antenna Beetle,” said Trick. “I get tricked lots of times. I even got tricked out of my home. That’s why I’m down here.”
   “Tricked out of your home?” said Gallon. “How did that happen?”
   “A long time ago, a gang of Dweevils told me that their home had been taken over by some hostile Burrow-nits,” began Trick. “I went to go help them get their home back, but it was completely empty when I got there. When I turned around, I saw them carrying my very home on their backs, with all my food still inside! They were moving too fast for me to chase them down, so I was left homeless and was forced to wander down here.”
   “So, what was that noise you just made?” asked Saria.
   “I heard you coming from a distance and made the noise to flag you down,” said Trick. “I’m desperately hungry… could you five help me get food?”
   “Uh…” started Gallon, “we were already doing something el--”
   “Of course we’ll give you food! These four behind me are heroes after all,” said Saria. Saria then turned to Divebomb. Divebomb sighed and looked in his bag. He pulled out a berry and offered it to Trick.
   “Ohhh, no thank you,” said Trick. “I won’t have any of that…”
   “What?! How could you ask for food and then refuse what we give you?!” shouted Divebomb.
   “I only eat Dandelion leaves,” said Trick. “You wouldn’t happen to have any of those, now would you?”
   “Nope, none,” answered Divebomb, rummaging through the bag.
   “Oh… okay… well… I guess I’ll keep looking…” said Trick. “I hope I don’t… starve…”
   “Trick, we will NOT allow you to starve!” said Saria, much to the chagrin of Lockjaw’s friends. “We’ll get those Dandelion leaves for you!”
   “Y’know what? I just thought of an idea,” said Gallon. “We’re going to a jungle full of flowers. I’m sure we’ll see a Dandelion or two there. We’ll bring its leaves back for you.”
   “Oh, no, no, no… Dandelions are weeds; they don’t grow in the Candypop Jungle,” said Saria. “We’ll just have to look somewhere else…”
   “Have to?” said Divebomb. He, Gallon, and Amp then tersely glared at Lockjaw.
   “What? It… doesn’t hurt to… help?” said Lockjaw, feebly.
   “This takes up even MORE time!” said Gallon.
   “We have lives, too! We can’t just help everyone!” said Divebomb.
   “I don’t like Miss Princess!” said Amp. “She makes us do stuff!”
   “Just relax, everyone,” said Lockjaw. “We’ll just find these leaves and we’ll be on our way.” Lockjaw and his friends then joined back up with Saria and the five of them went off through the Crawmad Railroad to find a Dandelion.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #82 on: June 13, 2007, 08:09:35 PM »

   “So, where exactly are we supposed to find a Dandelion?” asked Gallon.
   “I don’t know… one has to be through one of these tunnels…” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw and the others then looked around through various tunnels, having no luck at finding a Dandelion. After 25 minutes of random searching through tunnels went by, Gallon finally spoke up.
   “Let’s just forget this!” said Gallon. “We’ll just tell him that there are no Dandelions and to except the food we give him!”
   “What kind of attitude is that?” said Saria. “Where’s your hero spirit?”
   “Look, this is a pointless errand,” said Divebomb. “We offered him our food and he refused. What ever happened to ‘beggars can’t be choosers’?”
   “I can’t believe you!” said Saria. “You defeated a watery monster and saved my father from his sickness, yet you can’t help a hungry wanderer? You four are not heroes; you’re frauds!”
   “Hey, I’m not agreeing with them!” said Lockjaw.
   “Miss Princess, we’re tired…” Amp whined. “We need rest, too…”
   “Since when was it our job to go out of our way to help everyone?” said Gallon.
   “Since we started this journey,” said Lockjaw, assertively. “Saria makes a good point. If we’re able to defeat large monsters, we’re DEFINITELY able to get these leaves. I don’t want to hear any more griping.”
   “Yeesh… fine…” said Divebomb.

   Lockjaw and the others went up through a tunnel that led to a large, bowl-shaped area made of sticks, and had feathers scattered here and there. There was light shining down from a small hole in the ceiling, and grass on the edges of the bowl. Lockjaw looked around, and quickly made the others aware of what he saw.
   “Hey, everyone! Look over there!” said Lockjaw. “A Dandelion!” Lockjaw and the others then started to rush over to the Dandelion, but as they were running, the ground started to shake.
   “W-w-why is the ground m-moving M-Mr. Lockjaw?” asked Amp, vibrating.
   “I d-don’t know! There m-must be some earthquake or something!” said Lockjaw.
   The ground had continued to shake for a couple seconds, and then two objects slowly rose from the ground. They were pointy and yellow, with blue tips. The objects then rose further out of the ground, and it was revealed that both objects were connected to the feathery, white heads of two Snagrets. The Snagrets then pulled their slick, blue bodies partially out of the ground and faced the group.
   “Why are you five trespassing in our nest?!” squawked one of them.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #83 on: June 13, 2007, 11:16:53 PM »

   “We’re sorry to bother you,” said Lockjaw, “but could we possibly have that Dandelion over there?” Lockjaw motioned to the Dandelion on the side of the nest.
   “That there Dandelion? That little thing over there?” asked the other Snagret.
   “Yeah, the thing with the yellow flower on top,” said Lockjaw.
   “Well… no… we don’t think we’ll let you have it…” said the second Snagret.
   “But… why not?” asked Saria. “We’ve looked ever so hard to find one!”
   “Well, keep looking!” said the second Snagret. “You cannot take it! It is part of our nest!”
   “Yes, and the yellow really brightens up the place,” said the first Snagret. “So, go on! Leave now! You are not to stay here! Leave you must! What you must do now is leave! Staying in our presence is not an option! Leaving is necessary! You must not linger in our nest! Our nest is from which you must exit! You shall exit now! …GO AWAY!” The two Snagrets then pulled their small, round heads back into the ground.
   “That was… weird…” said Gallon. “Well, do we tell Trick we can’t help him now?”
   “I guess so… these Snagrets are weird, but they seem too stubborn to reason with,” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw and the others then went back down the tunnel and into the Crawmad Railroad. They walked back to where Trick was waiting humbly and patiently.
   “Happy, happy day! The heroes have returned! No doubt, with the leaves?” asked Trick, excitedly.
   “Yeah, sorry, the only one we could find belonged to two cantankerous, unyielding Snagrets,” said Divebomb. “Bargaining with them would be futile.”
   “Oh… well, that’s fine, too…” said Trick, disappointed. “I’ll just… continue along… on an empty stomach… probably collapsing from exhaustion… and eventually get picked off by a predator…” Trick then turned the other way and was about to hop off, but Saria couldn’t help but pity him.
   “Hold on, Trick! Don’t leave yet!” she called out. “We’ll get those leaves for you, no matter how stubborn those Snagrets are!”
   “Tell them… my story…” said Trick, melodramatically. Lockjaw’s friends then gave a heavy groan as they turned around and went back to the Snagrets’ nest.
   Back at the nest, Lockjaw called out to the Snagrets, who then rose out of the ground and faced Lockjaw and the others.
   “What do you want now?! We told you you could not have our flower!” said the first Snagret.
   “Please, Snagrets, it’s for a noble cause,” said Saria. “You can keep the flower. We only need the leaves. They’re for a famished Antenna Beetle with no other food! Please, look in your scaly hearts! We beg of you!”
   “Just the leaves, eh?” said the first Snagret. “Well in that case… still no!”
   “We can’t have the leaves?!” said Lockjaw. “The leaves are all we need! Without them, the Antenna Beetle will starve!”
   “We cannot help you there!” squawked the second Snagret. “Every inch of that flower is ours! We own it! We claim ownership! It is our property! It is in our possession!  It belongs to us! To you it does not belong! To say it is yours is false! The fact that it is ours is true! …GO AWAY!” The two Snagrets then burrowed back into the ground, leaving everyone very annoyed and frustrated.
   “Well, NOW what, Lockjaw? Or wait, perhaps YOU have any bright ideas, Princess?” said Gallon, facing Saria.
   “I’m not the one at fault here; you’re the heroes!” said Saria. “And apparently, heroes know everything of battling and nothing of negotiating!”
   “Let’s just go back to Trick and tell him once and for all that there’s nothing we can do…” sighed Lockjaw.
   “And DON’T let him guilt-trip you!” said Divebomb, glaring at Saria. The five then went back down into the Crawmad Railroad.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #84 on: June 14, 2007, 09:44:36 AM »

   Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, Divebomb, and Saria walked back Trick. After hanging his head low waiting for them to return, Trick got very excited when he saw them.
   “Oh, thank goodness! I’ll be able to eat tonight! I won’t fall over and die after all! The heroes have saved me!” proclaimed Trick.
   “Sorry, Trick, but those Snagrets aren’t budging,” said Lockjaw. “We tried and tried, but we just can’t get them to give it to us…”
   “Oh… that’s… that’s fine… you did your best…” said Trick. “It’s fine… I don’t need food… I’ll just--”
   “Y’know what? Just STOP IT!” yelled Gallon. “We TRIED, alright!? We offered you our food, but you were too ungrateful! You’re not pitiful at all! You’re just a moocher! I mean, HOW are we supposed to get those leaves?! You give us ANY answer, and we’ll do it!”
   “Any answer, you say?” asked Trick.
   “Give us anything at all!” shouted Gallon.
   “You swear on your reputation as heroes that you’ll do it?” asked Trick.
   “We SWEAR on it!” said Gallon, not expecting Trick to come up with an answer.
   “…Steal it?” suggested Trick, casually.
   “What? We can’t do that!” said Lockjaw. “It’s the Snagrets’ property!”
   “You SWORE on your reputation,” said Trick, holding them against their word. “If you don’t do it, you’ll be as lowly as I am!”
   “I say we should do it, Lockjaw!” said Saria. “Those thick-headed Snagrets don’t even need the leaves! We’ll just quietly take them!”
   “But that’s stealing!” said Lockjaw. “I mean, what do you guys think--” Lockjaw then turned around to his friends, and found that they were already going to go steal the leaves. Saria quickly ran after them, followed by a conscious-stricken Lockjaw.
   Once Lockjaw had caught up to his friends at the nest, he saw that no light was coming down from the top, and assumed night had fallen.
   “Amp, we need light,” said Lockjaw. Amp then charged up and illuminated some of the nest. With the small amount of light, Lockjaw was able to see the location of the Dandelion.
   “Okay, if any of us walks on the ground, the Snagrets will rise from the ground,” said Lockjaw. “Divebomb, we need you to very quietly float over there, pluck the leaves off, and bring them back here.” Divebomb then nodded as he floated over to the Dandelion, plucked its leaves, and started floating back.
   “I’m glad we can get this over with,” said Lockjaw. “I feel like Sneed and Barney…”
   “Can we leave now, Mr. Lockjaw?” asked Amp. “It’s dark and scary and… ahh…”
   “…Amp…?” Gallon started to worry.
   “Ahhh… ahhhhhh… CHOO!” sneezed Amp. Amp’s sneeze was loud enough to seemingly make the ground shake.
   “What is this? The ground is shaking again?” said Saria.
   “The Snagrets must be waking up!” said Lockjaw as he and the others started to panic.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #85 on: June 14, 2007, 06:13:18 PM »

   The rumbling lasted for a few seconds, and then the two Snagrets emerged from under the twigs of the nest.
   “What are you doing here? We denied you the possession of our Dandelion! Give up already!” said the first Snagret.
   “What is that you carry in your arms?” asked the second Snagret, noticing the two leaves Divebomb was holding.
   “Oh, this? Oh, nothing! Nothing at all!” said Divebomb, quickly hiding the two leaves behind him.
   The first Snagret then looked over to the Dandelion, and seen that its leaves had been stripped.
   “Thieves!” it shouted. “You have stolen the leaves off of OUR property!”
   “Well, we need them,” said Lockjaw. “You guys were being completely unreasonable!”
   “Give them back! Relinquish them!” said the second Snagret.
   “What are you gonna do about it? You’re stuck in the ground!” taunted Gallon.
   “We shall give you a head start before we retaliate!” said the first Snagret. “We shall close our eyes and count to three! No more or no less! Three shall be the number we count to! The number up to which we count is three! Four is not the number we shall count to! Nor is two, unless in the case where it is succeeded by three! Five is right out! Once we reach three, three being the number we count to, we shall open our eyes and retaliate!” The two Snagrets then burrowed underground and left Lockjaw and his friends very confused.

   After three seconds, the Snagrets rose up from the ground and started pecking at the group. Lockjaw and his friends quickly dodged, and then the Snagrets quickly descended.
   They’re attacking us!” said Saria. “I don’t want to be attacked! I’m a princess!” she then ran to the side of the nest out of harm’s way.
   The ground then started to shake again. The Snagrets appeared under Gallon and Amp, and quickly grasped the two in their beaks. The second Snagret was trying to crack Amp’s shell by attempting to squeeze its beak shut, but couldn’t close it, since Amp’s durable shell kept it pried open. Amp then charged and the weak resulting shock burnt the Snagret’s tongue. The Snagret quickly descended back into the ground.
   Gallon was trying with all his might not to get swallowed whole by the Snagret. After struggling in its beak, gallon was able to squeeze out. The Snagret then sank into the ground for a second attack.
   “Divebomb, make a bomb rock and put it on top of Amp!” said Lockjaw. Divebomb then made a bomb rock and placed it squarely on Amp’s shell. As the Snagrets rose from the ground, they aimed for Amp and Lockjaw. Lockjaw was able to dodge, but Amp had been caught up in the Snagret’s beak. After a while, the bomb rock on Amp’s shell exploded. It did no damage to Amp, but directly damaged the Snagret. The Snagret then fell to the ground.
   Meanwhile, Lockjaw and Gallon were attacking the body of the other Snagret, but weren’t doing much damage. They were getting pecked a lot in the process.
   “Divebomb! Make another bomb rock and drop it at the last minute!” called out Lockjaw. Divebomb then made a bomb rock and held onto it while it glowed in his hands. When it was about to explode, Divebomb let go of it, and it exploded in the air next to the head of the Snagret, knocking it out.
   The two Snagrets’ heads were lying on the floor of the nest, moaning.
   “Fine… keep the leaves…” said one of them. “We never needed them anyway… they were worthless to us… to us they had no value… value they did not have… they were invaluable…” Lockjaw and his friends just simply walked away during the Snagret’s speech.
   “Was what we just did a bad thing?” asked Lockjaw.
   “We’ll think about it later…” said Gallon as they went back down the tunnel.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #86 on: June 15, 2007, 03:06:50 PM »

   Lockjaw and the others walked back down the tunnel and back to Trick for the last time.
   “Here are your leaves!” said Divebomb, handing Trick the leaves. “You happy now?!”
   “Oh, yes, of course!” said Trick, taking the leaves. “They’ll go great with the stew I’m making!”
   “Stew?” questioned Lockjaw in disbelief.
   “Oh, yeah! This was the final ingredient!” said Trick. “I would’ve got ‘em myself, but those Snagrets are some tough nuts to crack, let me tell ya!”
   “So… all of this… could’ve been avoided?!” asked Gallon. He then glared angrily at Saria. Saria just gave an oblivious look.
   “Well, I thought you guys wanted to help me! No one ever forced you to!” chuckled Trick. “Well, If were done here, I oughta be hopping home now…” Trick then turned around and prepared to hop off.
   “Hold on! Wait!” said Gallon. “We don’t get any reward for all this?!”
   “Well… let me just say… I owe you one!” said Trick, quickly bounding off, leaving Lockjaw and his friends very annoyed.
   “What do we do now, Mr. Lockjaw?” said Amp, breaking the awkward silence. “Do we go get the leaves back?”
   “No, it’s not worth chasing him down…” sighed Lockjaw. Lockjaw then turned to Saria.
   “Finish leading the way, I guess…” he said. Saria then resumed leading Lockjaw and his friends through the Crawmad Railroad.

   Lockjaw and his friends had been following Saria down the Crawmad Railroad for around 45 minutes, not saying a single word the whole time. In order to alleviate the boredom, Saria struck up a conversation.
   “Well, that Trick fellow sure was mendacious, wasn’t he?” said Saria. “It just shameful that someone would lie like that.”
   “Well, you’re one to talk,” said Divebomb. “You’re the one who fell for it… not to mention dragging us under with you…”
   “Well, excuse me for expecting the best in everyone!” said Saria, defensively. “I must’ve forgotten that everyone else in the world is untrusting and cynical!”
   “Anyone could tell that his whole, ‘famished’ routine was fake!” said Gallon. “Even a Jellyfloat could see it from a mile away!”
   “Come on, everyone… let’s not argue…” said Lockjaw. “Let’s just concentrate on getting to the Candypop Circle.”
   “Fine… I’ll drop it…” said Gallon.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #87 on: June 15, 2007, 09:10:09 PM »

   Lockjaw and his friends had followed Saria until she suddenly stopped walking.
   “What? Why did you stop?” asked Lockjaw.
   “I recognize this tunnel…” said Saria. “We’re here!” Saria then led Lockjaw and his friends up a tunnel to the left. When they emerged, they found themselves surrounded by an abundance of foliage.
   “Is this it?” asked Gallon. “Is this… the Candypop Jungle?”
   “Yes. We have finally arrived,” replied Saria. “The Candypop Circle should be somewhere around here…”
   “Wow… this place is amazing!” said Lockjaw, gazing at the environment. There were tall grasses and trees small and large as far as the eye could see. The Sun was shining bright above, but much of it was obscured by the broad leaves of the plants.
   “Well, which way do we go?” asked Divebomb.
   “The Candypop Circle is hidden behind a waterfall, so intruders would never find it,” said Saria. “We just have to find the waterfall and travel behind it.” She then started walking through the jungle, followed by Lockjaw, Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb.
   While walking, everyone noticed how breathtaking the scenery was.
   “This place is so pretty…” said Amp. “I don’t think I ever saw so much grass before!”
   “It’s huge, too!” said Divebomb. “It feels like this place extends to the edges of the world!”
   “So, Saria,” started Lockjaw. “Tell us about the Candypop Circle.”
   “The Candypop Circle has some of the world’s most beautiful flowers,” said Saria. “In fact, my dress was crafted from Candypop petals found in this very jungle.”
   “Yeah, but what about the things that live here? Will they attack us?” asked Gallon.
   “There is a small village in the Candypop Circle,” said Saria. “All of the inhabitants are friendly and greatly cherish the plants. They won’t attack unless provoked.”
   “When did you first find out about this place?” asked Lockjaw.
   “When I was very young,” answered Saria. “In fact, it’s tradition that all royal garments in my village be made from materials found here. I also played here with the natives often.”
   “Well, this seems like a really peaceful place, huh?” said Gallon.
   “Oh, yes. There has never been any major conflict here,” said Saria.
   “Well, that’s good. So, I guess we won’t have such a hard time finding this place…” said Lockjaw as he and the others continued walking through the jungle.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #88 on: June 16, 2007, 10:49:56 AM »

   After walking deep into the Candypop Jungle, Lockjaw and the others came across a rushing river.
   “What do we do now?” asked Lockjaw. “Do we cross the river?”
   “Hmmm… the river should lead right into the waterfall…” answered Saria. “If we travel parallel to it, we should reach the waterfall in no time!”
   “Wait, is the waterfall against or in the direction of the current?” asked Gallon.
   “I’m not sure…” said Saria. “I guess we could go in the direction of the current. If we travel on the water, we’ll go faster."
   “But I can’t swim!” said Amp. “And that water looks scary!”
   “Hold on, I got an idea…” said Divebomb. He then floated over to a large tree where the bark was peeling off and stripped a large piece of bark.
   “We can use this as a raft!” he said, holding the large piece of bark in his hands.
   “I just hope it holds all of us…” said Lockjaw. Divebomb then threw the bark into the rushing river. Lockjaw and the others carefully stepped onto the raft as it floated down the river.
   “Wait, how are we going to steer this thing?” asked Gallon.
   “Hmmm…” thought Lockjaw. Lockjaw then ripped off a small strip of bark from the edge of the raft.
   “We can use this as an oar,” he said. Divebomb then took the oar from Lockjaw and started paddling gently with it.
   Time passed as Lockjaw and his friends floated down the river. After a while, Lockjaw noticed the water was flowing alarmingly fast, and also saw some rocks coming up ahead.
   “Uh-oh…” said Lockjaw. “Divebomb, we got rapids!”
   “Don’t worry, I can handle it! Everyone hold on tight!” said Divebomb. Everyone held on to the bark as the raft churned and rocked. After narrowly passing several sharp rocks, Divebomb was able to safely guide Lockjaw and the others out of them.
   “Wait… if we just passed the rapids,” began Saria, “then the waterfall should be right up ahead!” Surely enough, everyone saw the waterfall quickly approaching in the distance.
   “Okay, here’s the plan,” said Lockjaw. “We’ll ride this raft partway down the waterfall and jump into the alcove that leads to the Candypop Circle!”
   “Ride it down?!” questioned Saria. “Don’t you think that’s a bit… dangerous?”
   “There’s no time to think this over! Everyone get ready!” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw and the others then held on tightly to the raft as it plummeted down the waterfall.
   “Okay, jump, everyone!” shouted Lockjaw over the sound of the water. Lockjaw, Gallon, and Divebomb, carrying Amp in his arms, were safely able to make it into the alcove behind the waterfall. They were all glad they successfully made it.
   “Wait… where’s Saria?” said Lockjaw, looking around.
   “Oh, I knew something like this would happen!” groaned Gallon.
   “We have to go back for her!” said Lockjaw. “Come on!” Lockjaw and Gallon then dived back in the waterfall into the dangerous waters below. Divebomb safely transported Amp to the land at the bottom of the waterfall while Lockjaw and Gallon swam around frantically looking for Saria.
   “Lockjaw, come over here!” shouted Gallon from underwater. Lockjaw quickly dived under and saw Saria struggling to free herself from a rock that snagged onto the end of her dress.
   Lockjaw and Gallon tried pushing the rock, but after a few attempts, they decided to save time by snipping off the tip of her dress that was caught under the rock. Saria then grabbed onto Lockjaw and Gallon as the three resurfaced and met up with Amp and Divebomb back on land.
   “Why didn’t you jump?” said Gallon. “Everyone else made it into the alcove!”
   “Well I’m sorry I’m not as reckless as you are!” said Saria, coughing. “And why did you tear my dress?”
   “You would’ve drowned otherwise!” said Gallon. “Is that what you wanted?!”
   “This is a royal dress!” shouted Saria. “You shall treat it with respect!”
   “Okay, that’s it,” said Gallon, turning to Lockjaw. “Lockjaw, ever since Saria started traveling with us, all she ever did was hold us up! I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks this.”
   “Yeah, I agree,” said Divebomb. “It’s bad enough that we helped out that Trick guy…”
   “She’s mean and bossy!” said Amp. “We don’t like her!”
   “So, what’s it gonna be, Lockjaw?” said Gallon. “She can just stay here, we’ll get the seeds on our own, give them to her, and we’ll never have to see her again. It’s either us, or her.”

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #89 on: June 17, 2007, 09:20:53 AM »

   Lockjaw was faced with a difficult decision. He could either travel with his original friends, or with Saria.
   “Come on…” said Lockjaw. “I’m not gonna choose…”
   “It has to be one of us, Lockjaw!” said Gallon. “We refuse to travel another inch with her!”
   Saria was very grief-stricken throughout the whole conversation. After being silent, she finally spoke up.
   “I… I think I should go…” she said, quietly.
   “No, don’t leave…” said Lockjaw. “You’ve done nothing wrong…”
   “Well, apparently… I’ve done something wrong…” said Saria. Saria then turned around and fretfully ran off into the jungle. Lockjaw then angrily turned around to his friends.
   “What was that for?” said Lockjaw. “Why did you make her run off like that?”
   “We didn’t make her, she decided to…” said Gallon.
   “Maybe we can catch up to her,” suggested Lockjaw. Gallon then crawled up to Lockjaw’s side.
   “Lockjaw, just let her go,” said Gallon. “I’m sure she knows her way around this place. We’ll see if we can find a way to get back to the top of the waterfall, get the seeds, then give them to her and leave.” Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb then started walking through the jungle to find a way to get back to the top of the waterfall. Lockjaw shortly followed.
   Not before long, it had started to rain. Lockjaw and his friends proceeded to journey through the downpour.
   “What if she’s hurt?” Lockjaw said to himself. “What if something’s got her?”
   “Lockjaw, why do you care so much?” asked Divebomb. “I’m sure she’s fine…”
   “Oh, sure you are,” replied Lockjaw. “You guys being the ones who told her to leave…”
   “Okay… we’re sorry…” said Gallon. “We didn’t know… she…”
   “…She what?” asked Lockjaw.
   “You know… meant that much to you…” said Gallon.
   “What? No, of… of course not…” said Lockjaw. “I mean… nothing…”
   “Just relax, I’m sure she’ll turn up,” said Divebomb.
   “But… I can’t stop thinking about whether or not she might be in danger…” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw then stood still thinking for a couple seconds, leaving his friends confused.
   “Mr. Lockjaw, why’d you stop walking?” asked Amp.
   “That’s it… I’m going after her!” proclaimed Lockjaw.
   “Lockjaw, it’s hopeless,” said Divebomb. “She could be miles away in a jungle this large. At least wait until the rain lets up.”
   “You guys can go on if you want,” began Lockjaw, “but I’m going to go find her!” Lockjaw then ran deep into the jungle, leaving his friends behind.
   Lockjaw ran determined through the Candypop Jungle looking for Saria. He checked under every leaf and in every bush, but still couldn’t find her. He ran and ran, never looking back, but was unsuccessful in finding her. Just when he was about to lose hope, he saw someone sleeping under a large, broad leaf.
   Is that… who I think it is? thought Lockjaw. Lockjaw then crept closer to the sleeping creature to get a better look.
   It is! thought Lockjaw. He had recognized Saria sleeping safely under the leaf. Just when he was about to approach her, he was interrupted by a deep voice that came from an indeterminable source.
   “Come no closer, intruder!” said the voice. “The princess is sleeping!”

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #90 on: June 17, 2007, 03:03:25 PM »

   “Huh? Who said that?” said Lockjaw, looking around.
   “I am right in front of you,” said the voice. “I am guarding the princess as she sleeps. Make no mistake, come one step closer and I will defend her!”
   Lockjaw looked in front of him and saw that the voice was coming from a tall, yellow flower.
   “Wait, how do you know her?” asked Lockjaw. “How can you even talk?”
   “That information is unimportant,” said the flower. “Was matters is that you not intrude on the princess! Turn back!”
   Lockjaw tried calling out to Saria from behind the flower.
   “Saria, wake up!” said Lockjaw. “It’s me, Lockjaw!” Saria continued to sleep.
   Lockjaw, figuring that a flower couldn’t do much to him, crept closer to Saria. He then heard a noise from behind him that sounded like something rising from the ground. He quickly turned around and saw a large, green, bulbous creature with a large, red mouth and small flower-like eyes.
   “W-who are you? Where did you come from?” said Lockjaw, intimidated by the creature.
   “I am the guard of the princess! Leave, before I force you away!” threatened the creature.
   “I wanna know how you know her!” said Lockjaw. “I’m not leaving until I get answers!”
   All of the yelling between Lockjaw and the creature caused Saria to wake up.
   “What’s all this yelling about?” she said, yawning. She then looked around and saw the creature and Lockjaw arguing.
   “Lockjaw?” she called out. “How did you find me?”
   “Wait, you KNOW this guy?” asked the large creature. Lockjaw then ran up to Saria under the leaf.
   “Saria! I’ve been looking all over the jungle for you!” said Lockjaw. “When I found you, this strange, talking flower told me it knew you…”
   “That’s just a Creeping Chrysanthemum,” said Saria. “It was guarding me while I slept.”
   “How did it know you?” asked Lockjaw.
   “I often make royal visits to this place,” said Saria. “The creatures here always recognize me. The Creeping Chrysanthemum agreed to take me to the Candypop Circle once the rain stops. By the way… what made you come after me?”
   “I couldn’t let you just run out here in the rain all alone…” said Lockjaw. “Something might’ve happened to you…”
   “Well, where are your friends?” asked Saria.
   “They’re still behind, trying to find a way back up the waterfall,” said Lockjaw.
   “Oh…” said Saria. “…They… don’t really… like me that much, do they?”
    “They’ll come around…” said Lockjaw. “I’m sure they didn’t mean what they said.”
   “No, they were right…” said Saria. “I guess I… can be a bit stressful at times… I didn’t mean to cause them so much strife…”
   “We’ll go find them tomorrow when the rain stops,” said Lockjaw. “Let’s just get some sleep for now.” Lockjaw and Saria then fell asleep under the large leaf hanging above, with the Creeping Chrysanthemum guarding them from any danger.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #91 on: June 17, 2007, 08:28:37 PM »

   Lockjaw and Saria had slept under the leaf through the night. When they awakened, they saw that the rain had stopped, yet everything was still covered in raindrops.
   “Well, I’m glad the rain’s stopped,” said Lockjaw. “Well, let’s go find the others.” Lockjaw and Saria then left the spot under the large leaf and were about to venture off into the jungle when the Creeping Chrysanthemum called out to them.
   “Where are you two going?” it asked.
   “We’re going to go find my friends,” said Lockjaw.
   “Well, it’s still dangerous out here, so… I’ll go with you,” said the Creeping Chrysanthemum, rising out of the ground. It then traveled with them as they went off to look for Lockjaw’s friends.
   Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb were still wandering lost through the jungle. They had traveled through the night, only stopping occasionally when the rain would flare up.
   “We’ve been walking around forever!” said Gallon. “This is getting hopeless! Has anyone seen a way to get back up to the waterfall?”
   “I’m tired, Mr. Gallon… I don’t wanna walk anymore,” said Amp, rolling onto her side.
   “C’mon, Amp, we have to keep going… We can’t give up!” said Divebomb. “We’ll be lost in this jungle forever if we do!”
   “Where’s Mr. Lockjaw?” said Amp. “He always told us which way to go…”
   “I don’t know…” said Gallon. “I just hope he’s not dead…” Gallon then heard some rustling coming from the bushes nearby.
   “Did you guys hear that?” asked Gallon. “Someone’s in the bushes!”
   “Oh, no… more trouble…” said Divebomb. He, Gallon, and Amp faced the rustling bushes, anxious of what was going to emerge from them.
   After a few tense moments, three creatures finally emerged from the bushes. Gallon instantly recognized two of them.
   “Lockjaw! You’re okay!” said Gallon. “And you found Saria after all!”
   “Yeah, we slept under a leaf out of the rain for the night,” said Lockjaw.
   “Yes, and I… have something to say…” said Saria. “I’m sorry if I was a burden to you all… please forgive me…”
   “That’s fine…” said Divebomb. “We’re the ones who should be sorry… I mean... about all that stuff we said yesterday…”
   “Yeah, we didn’t mean it…” said Gallon. “We were just under some pressure.”
   “We were the real bad ones…” said Amp. “Sorry, Miss Princess…”
   “Well, it seems like we’re all friends again, so how about going to that Candypop Circle?” suggested Lockjaw. Everyone agreed, and just as they were about to take off, Gallon noticed the large, imposing Creeping Chrysanthemum standing behind the group.
   “Ahh! Who are you?! What do you want from us?!” shouted Gallon, startled.
   “I’m your guide through this jungle,” said the Creeping Chrysanthemum. “I will lead you to the Candypop Circle.”
   “We’ve tried and tried, but we can’t find a way to get to the top of the waterfall,” said Divebomb.
   “There is another way,” said the Creeping Chrysanthemum. “Follow me.” Lockjaw and his friends then began to follow the Creeping Chrysanthemum through the jungle. It had led them to a cavern covered by shrubbery. It pushed the shrubbery away and led them through the cavernous tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, it had announced that they had arrived.
   “Well, this is it. You guys take care,” it said, walking away.
   “Wait… this is it?” said Gallon in disbelief.
   “No… it can’t be!” Saria said, shocked. “What's happened to this place?!”

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #92 on: June 18, 2007, 08:59:14 AM »
   Lockjaw and the others had looked around at the landscape. The flowers were wrecked, the grass was trampled over, and there were no Candypops anywhere. Saria then crept closer to the center of the wreckage. She was shortly followed by Lockjaw and the others.
   “What… what happened here?” she said, quietly. “Where are all the flowers?”
   Just then, the residents of the Candypop Circle emerged from the grasses and bushes.
   “Yes… I know… it’s horrible, isn’t it?” said a voice behind them. Saria quickly turned around and saw a Honeywisp floating gracefully in the air.
   “They ruined everything!” said a Skitter Leaf. “Our homes, our families, everything!”
   “We tried, but couldn’t fight them off…” said a Creeping Chrysanthemum.
   “Wait, exactly who did this?” asked Lockjaw.
   “It was… it was…” started a Spectralid, “…them…”
   “Them?” asked Divebomb.
   “Red-Light and Blue light…” said the Spectralid. “Them and their Pikmin…”
   “We tried to stop them, but there must’ve been, like a hundred of them or something,” said a Creeping Chrysanthemum. “And it only got worse when they… changed…”
   “Changed? How did they change?” asked Gallon.
   “Red-Light and Blue-Light threw all their Pikmin into the Candypops,” said a Skitter Leaf. “When they came out, not only did the Candypops shrivel up, but the Pikmin had all turned white!”
   “Those who ate the White Pikmin would die immediately upon swallowing,” said a Creeping Chrysanthemum. “We had no way to defend ourselves…”
   “And what did they do again?” asked Lockjaw.
   “They took all our food!” said a Spectralid.
   “They poisoned us!” said a Creeping Chrysanthemum.
   “They ruined our homes!” said a Skitter leaf.
   “And worst of all, they killed my unborn baby,” said the Honeywisp. “My baby was in an egg when the Pikmin attacked me. I was able to make it out okay, but they had caused me to drop the egg. My baby turned to liquid, which they so callously drank.”
   “That’s terrible!” exclaimed Saria. “Those Pikmin need to be punished!” She then got an idea and turned around to Lockjaw.
   “Hey… aren’t you four on a journey to stop Pikmin?” asked Saria.
   “Yeah, how come?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Take me with you!” said Saria. “I want to make sure the Pikmin suffer for ruining the lives of so many creatures!”
   “Guys, what do you think?” Lockjaw asked his friends. They all thought about it for a few seconds and all agreed.
   “Thank you, heroes! You won’t regret it!” said Saria.
   “So where are you four going to now?” asked a Skitter Leaf.
   “Wherever the Pikmin went,” said Lockjaw. “We can’t let them get away with this!”
   “Oh, well, in that case, they went that way, down the Crawmad Railroad,” said a Creeping Chrysanthemum, pointing to a concealed entrance into the tunnels. “You should be able to catch up to them easily. They headed in the direction toward the Dream Den.”
   “Dream Den?!” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw then remembered that he had completely abandoned his squadron of Bulborbs at the Dream Den. “We gotta get there before the Pikmin! Hurry!” He and his friends then rushed down the tunnel.

   Lockjaw and the others were running down the Crawmad Railroad toward the Dream Den. After running awhile, Lockjaw heard a noise come from inside a sub-tunnel. He then stopped the group’s running.
   “You guys… I think… someone’s down here…” said Lockjaw. He and the others anxiously looked down the sub-tunnel. Everyone could see two flashing lights approaching.
   “Is that…” Amp started to ask, “…t-them?”
   Before anyone could give an answer, Red-Light and Blue-Light emerged from the sub-tunnel, surrounded by a hoard of 80 White Pikmin. Red-Light spotted Lockjaw and his friends and gave a rally whistle to swarm them.
   “Lockjaw, what do we do?” asked Gallon. “We can’t eat them!”
   “I… I don’t know…” said Lockjaw as the Pikmin started to swarm them all. Blue-Light threw Pikmin onto Amp and Divebomb, flipping Amp over and bringing Divebomb down into the swarm.
   Everyone then heard a loud, strange whistle.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 10:08:06 AM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #93 on: June 18, 2007, 05:54:52 PM »

   Lockjaw and the others had opened their eyes to find that they weren’t dead, and that the Pikmin weren’t even attacking at all! Lockjaw was amazed at what happened. He looked around, and saw Trick standing before the group. He also saw that the Pikmin had fallen under the spell of Trick’s whistle, and were standing mindlessly around him.
   “Trick?” said Lockjaw in disbelief. “What… How did you get here? Why did you save us?”
   “Hey, I told you I owed you one!” said Trick. “I was feeling bad about what I did when I noticed these two wandering down here! I hid in that sub-tunnel, and just when they were about to find me, you guys came along!”
   “Well… thank you for saving our lives, Trick…” said Saria. “There really is some good in you…”
   “Wait, what’ll happen to you?” asked Divebomb.
   “Don’t worry about me! Go! Run away! I’ll hold these guys off!” said Trick. Lockjaw and his friends then ran away while Trick ran off with the two creatures’ Pikmin under his command. The Red-Light Creature chased Trick around the tunnel, but Trick was too fast for him. The Red-Light Creature then released the black gas from his skin, petrifying Trick, and reclaiming his Pikmin. Instead of using the Pikmin to kill Trick, Red-Light called to Blue-Light and they both gave chase after Lockjaw and his friends down the Crawmad Railroad.

   After what seemed like miles and miles of frantic running, the group finally made it to the Dream Den, emerging from the very tunnel that launched Lockjaw’s adventure.
   "Hurry! You guys follow me!” said Lockjaw to his friends as they all ran into the open area where most of the Bulborbs were.
   “Hey, Lockjaw’s back!” said one of them. All the Bulborbs then started crowding around Lockjaw and his friends.
   All the Bulborbs were overjoyed by their leader’s return, but confused by all his companions.
   “Who’s this guy?” said one of them, looking at Divebomb. “He looks like he works in a circus!”
   “And, heh, what might your name be?” said another one flirtatiously to Saria.
   “Everyone, quiet!” shouted Lockjaw. “We have an emergency! Pikmin are coming this way! We have to fight them off, but it’s very important that we NOT ea--”
   “Pikmin? We’re ready, Lockjaw!” said one of the Bulborbs. “We’ve been training night and day just like you said!” The Bulborb then stepped out in front of Lockjaw and his friends.
   “C’mon, everyone!” he said. “Let’s show these Pikmin what we’re made of and make Lockjaw proud!” The Bulborbs then dispersed in all directions, all tensely awaiting the arrival of Red-Light and Blue-Light.

   A whistle was heard under ground, then faint footsteps. Then, in the blink of an eye, Red-Light and Blue-Light emerged from the Crawmad Railroad with their full army of 80 white Pikmin. Red-Light then gave a rallying whistle and started attacking the Bulborbs.
   “Chaaaarge!” said one of them as they all began running toward the horde of Pikmin. The Bulborbs were eating the Pikmin relentlessly, though with every Pikmin eaten, another Bulborb died from poisoning.
   “Divebomb, go tell everyone to NOT eat them!” said Lockjaw. Divebomb then flew over to where the battle was taking place. He was shortly interrupted by ten Bulborbs running his way. He followed the Bulborbs back to Lockjaw.
   “Lockjaw! Bulborbs are dropping dead left and right! We’re the last remaining Bulborbs!” said one of them. “Eating them only makes it worse! Oh, man, we didn’t train for this! We’re useless here!” the ten Bulborbs then ran to the far corner of the Dream Den, behind Lockjaw and his friends. Red-Light and Blue-Light then approached Lockjaw and his friends, followed by their reduced army of 40 White Pikmin.
   “Well, I hope you guys are ready…” said Lockjaw. “It’s time to send the Pikmin packing!”


  • Banned
« Reply #94 on: June 20, 2007, 05:33:50 PM »
so far, so good; this is a excellent story, keep up the good work
when it's reppin' time... DIPSET.
When it's reppin' time... DIPSET


  • Banned
« Reply #95 on: June 25, 2007, 06:32:33 PM »
something new please three days and counting
When it's reppin' time... DIPSET
