
Author Topic: Lockjaw's Saga: a Pikmin Story  (Read 26991 times)

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #90 on: June 17, 2007, 03:03:25 PM »

   “Huh? Who said that?” said Lockjaw, looking around.
   “I am right in front of you,” said the voice. “I am guarding the princess as she sleeps. Make no mistake, come one step closer and I will defend her!”
   Lockjaw looked in front of him and saw that the voice was coming from a tall, yellow flower.
   “Wait, how do you know her?” asked Lockjaw. “How can you even talk?”
   “That information is unimportant,” said the flower. “Was matters is that you not intrude on the princess! Turn back!”
   Lockjaw tried calling out to Saria from behind the flower.
   “Saria, wake up!” said Lockjaw. “It’s me, Lockjaw!” Saria continued to sleep.
   Lockjaw, figuring that a flower couldn’t do much to him, crept closer to Saria. He then heard a noise from behind him that sounded like something rising from the ground. He quickly turned around and saw a large, green, bulbous creature with a large, red mouth and small flower-like eyes.
   “W-who are you? Where did you come from?” said Lockjaw, intimidated by the creature.
   “I am the guard of the princess! Leave, before I force you away!” threatened the creature.
   “I wanna know how you know her!” said Lockjaw. “I’m not leaving until I get answers!”
   All of the yelling between Lockjaw and the creature caused Saria to wake up.
   “What’s all this yelling about?” she said, yawning. She then looked around and saw the creature and Lockjaw arguing.
   “Lockjaw?” she called out. “How did you find me?”
   “Wait, you KNOW this guy?” asked the large creature. Lockjaw then ran up to Saria under the leaf.
   “Saria! I’ve been looking all over the jungle for you!” said Lockjaw. “When I found you, this strange, talking flower told me it knew you…”
   “That’s just a Creeping Chrysanthemum,” said Saria. “It was guarding me while I slept.”
   “How did it know you?” asked Lockjaw.
   “I often make royal visits to this place,” said Saria. “The creatures here always recognize me. The Creeping Chrysanthemum agreed to take me to the Candypop Circle once the rain stops. By the way… what made you come after me?”
   “I couldn’t let you just run out here in the rain all alone…” said Lockjaw. “Something might’ve happened to you…”
   “Well, where are your friends?” asked Saria.
   “They’re still behind, trying to find a way back up the waterfall,” said Lockjaw.
   “Oh…” said Saria. “…They… don’t really… like me that much, do they?”
    “They’ll come around…” said Lockjaw. “I’m sure they didn’t mean what they said.”
   “No, they were right…” said Saria. “I guess I… can be a bit stressful at times… I didn’t mean to cause them so much strife…”
   “We’ll go find them tomorrow when the rain stops,” said Lockjaw. “Let’s just get some sleep for now.” Lockjaw and Saria then fell asleep under the large leaf hanging above, with the Creeping Chrysanthemum guarding them from any danger.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #91 on: June 17, 2007, 08:28:37 PM »

   Lockjaw and Saria had slept under the leaf through the night. When they awakened, they saw that the rain had stopped, yet everything was still covered in raindrops.
   “Well, I’m glad the rain’s stopped,” said Lockjaw. “Well, let’s go find the others.” Lockjaw and Saria then left the spot under the large leaf and were about to venture off into the jungle when the Creeping Chrysanthemum called out to them.
   “Where are you two going?” it asked.
   “We’re going to go find my friends,” said Lockjaw.
   “Well, it’s still dangerous out here, so… I’ll go with you,” said the Creeping Chrysanthemum, rising out of the ground. It then traveled with them as they went off to look for Lockjaw’s friends.
   Gallon, Amp, and Divebomb were still wandering lost through the jungle. They had traveled through the night, only stopping occasionally when the rain would flare up.
   “We’ve been walking around forever!” said Gallon. “This is getting hopeless! Has anyone seen a way to get back up to the waterfall?”
   “I’m tired, Mr. Gallon… I don’t wanna walk anymore,” said Amp, rolling onto her side.
   “C’mon, Amp, we have to keep going… We can’t give up!” said Divebomb. “We’ll be lost in this jungle forever if we do!”
   “Where’s Mr. Lockjaw?” said Amp. “He always told us which way to go…”
   “I don’t know…” said Gallon. “I just hope he’s not dead…” Gallon then heard some rustling coming from the bushes nearby.
   “Did you guys hear that?” asked Gallon. “Someone’s in the bushes!”
   “Oh, no… more trouble…” said Divebomb. He, Gallon, and Amp faced the rustling bushes, anxious of what was going to emerge from them.
   After a few tense moments, three creatures finally emerged from the bushes. Gallon instantly recognized two of them.
   “Lockjaw! You’re okay!” said Gallon. “And you found Saria after all!”
   “Yeah, we slept under a leaf out of the rain for the night,” said Lockjaw.
   “Yes, and I… have something to say…” said Saria. “I’m sorry if I was a burden to you all… please forgive me…”
   “That’s fine…” said Divebomb. “We’re the ones who should be sorry… I mean... about all that stuff we said yesterday…”
   “Yeah, we didn’t mean it…” said Gallon. “We were just under some pressure.”
   “We were the real bad ones…” said Amp. “Sorry, Miss Princess…”
   “Well, it seems like we’re all friends again, so how about going to that Candypop Circle?” suggested Lockjaw. Everyone agreed, and just as they were about to take off, Gallon noticed the large, imposing Creeping Chrysanthemum standing behind the group.
   “Ahh! Who are you?! What do you want from us?!” shouted Gallon, startled.
   “I’m your guide through this jungle,” said the Creeping Chrysanthemum. “I will lead you to the Candypop Circle.”
   “We’ve tried and tried, but we can’t find a way to get to the top of the waterfall,” said Divebomb.
   “There is another way,” said the Creeping Chrysanthemum. “Follow me.” Lockjaw and his friends then began to follow the Creeping Chrysanthemum through the jungle. It had led them to a cavern covered by shrubbery. It pushed the shrubbery away and led them through the cavernous tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, it had announced that they had arrived.
   “Well, this is it. You guys take care,” it said, walking away.
   “Wait… this is it?” said Gallon in disbelief.
   “No… it can’t be!” Saria said, shocked. “What's happened to this place?!”

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #92 on: June 18, 2007, 08:59:14 AM »
   Lockjaw and the others had looked around at the landscape. The flowers were wrecked, the grass was trampled over, and there were no Candypops anywhere. Saria then crept closer to the center of the wreckage. She was shortly followed by Lockjaw and the others.
   “What… what happened here?” she said, quietly. “Where are all the flowers?”
   Just then, the residents of the Candypop Circle emerged from the grasses and bushes.
   “Yes… I know… it’s horrible, isn’t it?” said a voice behind them. Saria quickly turned around and saw a Honeywisp floating gracefully in the air.
   “They ruined everything!” said a Skitter Leaf. “Our homes, our families, everything!”
   “We tried, but couldn’t fight them off…” said a Creeping Chrysanthemum.
   “Wait, exactly who did this?” asked Lockjaw.
   “It was… it was…” started a Spectralid, “…them…”
   “Them?” asked Divebomb.
   “Red-Light and Blue light…” said the Spectralid. “Them and their Pikmin…”
   “We tried to stop them, but there must’ve been, like a hundred of them or something,” said a Creeping Chrysanthemum. “And it only got worse when they… changed…”
   “Changed? How did they change?” asked Gallon.
   “Red-Light and Blue-Light threw all their Pikmin into the Candypops,” said a Skitter Leaf. “When they came out, not only did the Candypops shrivel up, but the Pikmin had all turned white!”
   “Those who ate the White Pikmin would die immediately upon swallowing,” said a Creeping Chrysanthemum. “We had no way to defend ourselves…”
   “And what did they do again?” asked Lockjaw.
   “They took all our food!” said a Spectralid.
   “They poisoned us!” said a Creeping Chrysanthemum.
   “They ruined our homes!” said a Skitter leaf.
   “And worst of all, they killed my unborn baby,” said the Honeywisp. “My baby was in an egg when the Pikmin attacked me. I was able to make it out okay, but they had caused me to drop the egg. My baby turned to liquid, which they so callously drank.”
   “That’s terrible!” exclaimed Saria. “Those Pikmin need to be punished!” She then got an idea and turned around to Lockjaw.
   “Hey… aren’t you four on a journey to stop Pikmin?” asked Saria.
   “Yeah, how come?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Take me with you!” said Saria. “I want to make sure the Pikmin suffer for ruining the lives of so many creatures!”
   “Guys, what do you think?” Lockjaw asked his friends. They all thought about it for a few seconds and all agreed.
   “Thank you, heroes! You won’t regret it!” said Saria.
   “So where are you four going to now?” asked a Skitter Leaf.
   “Wherever the Pikmin went,” said Lockjaw. “We can’t let them get away with this!”
   “Oh, well, in that case, they went that way, down the Crawmad Railroad,” said a Creeping Chrysanthemum, pointing to a concealed entrance into the tunnels. “You should be able to catch up to them easily. They headed in the direction toward the Dream Den.”
   “Dream Den?!” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw then remembered that he had completely abandoned his squadron of Bulborbs at the Dream Den. “We gotta get there before the Pikmin! Hurry!” He and his friends then rushed down the tunnel.

   Lockjaw and the others were running down the Crawmad Railroad toward the Dream Den. After running awhile, Lockjaw heard a noise come from inside a sub-tunnel. He then stopped the group’s running.
   “You guys… I think… someone’s down here…” said Lockjaw. He and the others anxiously looked down the sub-tunnel. Everyone could see two flashing lights approaching.
   “Is that…” Amp started to ask, “…t-them?”
   Before anyone could give an answer, Red-Light and Blue-Light emerged from the sub-tunnel, surrounded by a hoard of 80 White Pikmin. Red-Light spotted Lockjaw and his friends and gave a rally whistle to swarm them.
   “Lockjaw, what do we do?” asked Gallon. “We can’t eat them!”
   “I… I don’t know…” said Lockjaw as the Pikmin started to swarm them all. Blue-Light threw Pikmin onto Amp and Divebomb, flipping Amp over and bringing Divebomb down into the swarm.
   Everyone then heard a loud, strange whistle.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 10:08:06 AM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #93 on: June 18, 2007, 05:54:52 PM »

   Lockjaw and the others had opened their eyes to find that they weren’t dead, and that the Pikmin weren’t even attacking at all! Lockjaw was amazed at what happened. He looked around, and saw Trick standing before the group. He also saw that the Pikmin had fallen under the spell of Trick’s whistle, and were standing mindlessly around him.
   “Trick?” said Lockjaw in disbelief. “What… How did you get here? Why did you save us?”
   “Hey, I told you I owed you one!” said Trick. “I was feeling bad about what I did when I noticed these two wandering down here! I hid in that sub-tunnel, and just when they were about to find me, you guys came along!”
   “Well… thank you for saving our lives, Trick…” said Saria. “There really is some good in you…”
   “Wait, what’ll happen to you?” asked Divebomb.
   “Don’t worry about me! Go! Run away! I’ll hold these guys off!” said Trick. Lockjaw and his friends then ran away while Trick ran off with the two creatures’ Pikmin under his command. The Red-Light Creature chased Trick around the tunnel, but Trick was too fast for him. The Red-Light Creature then released the black gas from his skin, petrifying Trick, and reclaiming his Pikmin. Instead of using the Pikmin to kill Trick, Red-Light called to Blue-Light and they both gave chase after Lockjaw and his friends down the Crawmad Railroad.

   After what seemed like miles and miles of frantic running, the group finally made it to the Dream Den, emerging from the very tunnel that launched Lockjaw’s adventure.
   "Hurry! You guys follow me!” said Lockjaw to his friends as they all ran into the open area where most of the Bulborbs were.
   “Hey, Lockjaw’s back!” said one of them. All the Bulborbs then started crowding around Lockjaw and his friends.
   All the Bulborbs were overjoyed by their leader’s return, but confused by all his companions.
   “Who’s this guy?” said one of them, looking at Divebomb. “He looks like he works in a circus!”
   “And, heh, what might your name be?” said another one flirtatiously to Saria.
   “Everyone, quiet!” shouted Lockjaw. “We have an emergency! Pikmin are coming this way! We have to fight them off, but it’s very important that we NOT ea--”
   “Pikmin? We’re ready, Lockjaw!” said one of the Bulborbs. “We’ve been training night and day just like you said!” The Bulborb then stepped out in front of Lockjaw and his friends.
   “C’mon, everyone!” he said. “Let’s show these Pikmin what we’re made of and make Lockjaw proud!” The Bulborbs then dispersed in all directions, all tensely awaiting the arrival of Red-Light and Blue-Light.

   A whistle was heard under ground, then faint footsteps. Then, in the blink of an eye, Red-Light and Blue-Light emerged from the Crawmad Railroad with their full army of 80 white Pikmin. Red-Light then gave a rallying whistle and started attacking the Bulborbs.
   “Chaaaarge!” said one of them as they all began running toward the horde of Pikmin. The Bulborbs were eating the Pikmin relentlessly, though with every Pikmin eaten, another Bulborb died from poisoning.
   “Divebomb, go tell everyone to NOT eat them!” said Lockjaw. Divebomb then flew over to where the battle was taking place. He was shortly interrupted by ten Bulborbs running his way. He followed the Bulborbs back to Lockjaw.
   “Lockjaw! Bulborbs are dropping dead left and right! We’re the last remaining Bulborbs!” said one of them. “Eating them only makes it worse! Oh, man, we didn’t train for this! We’re useless here!” the ten Bulborbs then ran to the far corner of the Dream Den, behind Lockjaw and his friends. Red-Light and Blue-Light then approached Lockjaw and his friends, followed by their reduced army of 40 White Pikmin.
   “Well, I hope you guys are ready…” said Lockjaw. “It’s time to send the Pikmin packing!”


  • Banned
« Reply #94 on: June 20, 2007, 05:33:50 PM »
so far, so good; this is a excellent story, keep up the good work
when it's reppin' time... DIPSET.
When it's reppin' time... DIPSET


  • Banned
« Reply #95 on: June 25, 2007, 06:32:33 PM »
something new please three days and counting
When it's reppin' time... DIPSET
