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Messages - CrzyFlmngMnkyHead

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Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: March 21, 2007, 08:35:38 PM »
I'm guessing people want me to leave because I hate gays, huh?

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: March 21, 2007, 08:33:53 PM »
What little whiners?
That introvert dosn't count. All I did was throw footballs at him while he was wearing his 1970's style roller skates.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: March 21, 2007, 08:25:58 PM »
If you would've read correctly, it was my mom that thinks a C is the worst grade you can get.
I'm short? So? At least I'm as tall or taller than some of my friends (Mike 2 for example, I'm about as tall as him).
I have no girlfriend? Who the dukar cares? Only one of my friends has had one (he broke up with her).

If everyone at your school truly is as you describe, I can see why.
This is how it started with Nintendo Bros. Look how it ended.
Uh, so? Whatever roasts your marshmallow.
See 3.
Well, if he's gay then that's fine. I never danced with a girl until the eighth grade myself, which didn't count, which makes the only official "I actually care" instance this year.
It's people who beat others up for no legitimate reason (actually, beating anything up at all is bad) that have caused this country to suck. What are you gaining from it? Don't say "A good laugh" because that's a really crappy response--like you're really going to look into old dusty yearbooks and say, "Hey, there's that gay guy I used to senselessly hurt," and show your grandchildren. And if you do... yours is truly a nasty story.

Don't know why I posted this, I doubt CTOAN is gonna read it.

I read it.
I'm gaining a lot from it. I'm gaining a lot of respect, for the most part (by "respect",  we mean "getting sent down to the Dean because you got in trouble"). And getting "respected" makes you a man (at least according to 99.9% of the school).
Yeah, go ahead, flame me for thinking differently. You don't control my mind, so there's nothing you can do about it.
This is going to bring on a lot of flames...

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: March 21, 2007, 08:20:09 PM »
Because having no friends, supposedly being homosexual, singing opera, dancing ballet and being pity danced in 6th grade doesn't warrant being physically harmed by moral standards. Does him doing any of those things have any sort of effect on you as a person?

He pity danced with the 6th grader when he (the weird guy) was in 7th grade.
Also, we have proof that he's gay. He went up to one of my friends (we'll just call him "Andrew") and said "...I like you." He also went up to another friend (we'll call him "Victor") and asked him if he (the introvert) could walk Victor home that day. Not gay? I don't think so.
Also, that has a big effect on me as a person. It makes me look: a) not gay (you have no idea how many times I've been accused of being gay), b) tall, and c) not weak.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: March 21, 2007, 07:50:58 PM »
1. That guy has no friends.
2. He's gay.
3. He likes to sing the opera.
4. He likes to dance Ballet.
5. The only time he's ever danced with a "girl" was when some 6th grader pity danced with him.

Why wouldn't I beat him up?

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: March 21, 2007, 06:04:18 PM »
No, he was referring to me.

Mike 1: (before argument in post) No, we don't have to. We already beat him up enough today.
Me/Mike 2: C'mon... you did it a ton, we barely did it...
Mike 1: What about when he was roller skating?
Me: You did that more than us.
Mike 1: No, you did it more than me!
Me: ...Ok. You have it all wrong. Me and Mike-
Mike 1: So you like physical contact with him? That's what you're saying?
Me: No, I'm just saying that-
Mike 1: Well, go along and play with him. We don't need you to gay out with him some more.
Me: You-
Mike 1: Go be gay with him. GO.
Me: Shut up. Let me-
Mike 1: I'm not gay. So you can just go.
Me: You have absolutely no proof that I'm gay.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: March 20, 2007, 08:26:37 PM »
That's the logic I choose the follow, and it's the logic that all of my peers choose to follow.
Simply going and telling an adult makes you look like you're weak and you can't stand up for yourself. And it's true. Just last year, I told my mom because of a bully problem (which, ironically, is Mike 2). Mike 2's dad talked to my mom, and Mike 2 promised it would never happen again. Guess what happened today.
And what if you're getting beat up in front of your girlfriend, and you just stand there and take it? When that happens, there's usually a 70% chance that you won't be seeing your girlfriend again (or maybe that's just my school).

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: March 20, 2007, 07:43:52 PM »
What else was I suppossed to do? Just sit there and take it? The way I was raised, I was taught that if somebody did something bad to you, you do something bad to them.
Also, Max, he was referring to me.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: March 20, 2007, 06:10:52 PM »
WARNING: Post contains material that may be offensive to some.

EDIT: Before all of this, Me and both Mikes get into an argument about weather or not we should throw rubber chickens and rubber pigs (I'm not joking) at this introvert who's only friend is his boyfriend. Mike 1 is tired of throwing stuff at him, and dosn't want to beat him up. However, me and Mike 2 think we should. Yeah, flame me with your insults on how not to beat up nerds and how not to gay bash, but everybody does it. I mean EVERYBODY. Even some of the girls do it too. If you havn't at least tripped him while he was running or stolen one of his books, you're considered to be one of his "boyfriends", and an introvert who deserves no friends.

Mike 1: ...Yeah, well, at least I'm not gay.
Me: You  have absolutely no proof that I'm gay.
Mike 1: Yeah, well I know that you think gays go to hell!
Mike 2: Hey, Chad, what if I said all short people are going to hell? Or if all Asians are going to hell?
Me: What if I said all hyperactive people that have a caffine addiction are going to hell?
Mike 1: Well, I'd take that as a compliment! It means I have more energy to beat you up with!
Me: Fine, then beat me up.
Mike 1: No.
Me: Beat me up. Beat me up like that girl you beat up yesterday.
Mike 1: Hey, [Mike 2], did I mention Chad thinks I'm not a gentleman?
Mike 2: Yeah you are! Chad's ****ing wrong.
Mike 1: Hey, Chad, I've had THREE girlfriends! How many have you had?
Me: Who gives a ****? I don't need one yet!
Mike 1: [lol]
Mike 2: [lol]
Me: **** you guys, I'll go somewhere where people don't treat me like a pile of crap!
Mike 1: And also, the only girl I beat up was you!
Me: At least I know how to be a gentleman!
Mike 1: I'm a gentleman! At least to girls that aren't ugly!
Me: Pssh. You don't know ANYTHING about being a gentleman.
Me: *walks out of gym*
Mike 2: Hey, you get back here!
Me: Why? I don't have a reason to.
Mike 2: Fine.
Mike 2: *runs to me*
Mike 2: *punches me in the stomach, then pushes me against the wall and runs away*

What's ironic about this is that Mike 1 and I used to be friends. I have absolutely no idea what I did to set him off.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: March 19, 2007, 06:16:53 PM »
ANGST because I get the Blue Screen of Death on every startup. I'm hoping that a series of things I did might help the problem... but I'm still not sure.

Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: March 19, 2007, 06:16:06 PM »

Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: March 18, 2007, 08:36:07 PM »
Me: Ocrap, Ubuntu installation messed up. Lol, power button
Computer: WHIRR
Me: ?
Computer: CRASH
Me: !!?
Computer: Mouse and keyboard no longer function. Have a nice day.
Me: @$#!&
Computer: RESTART
Me: !!!!
Computer: Mouse and keyboard funtion again.
Me: =D
Me: D=
Computer: RESTART
Me: ?!?
Computer: Mouse and keyboard function.
Me: =D
Computer: Safe mode?
Me: 'k.
Computer: ok.

General Chat / Re: The HOPEFUL thread: Be happy here!
« on: March 18, 2007, 03:44:49 PM »
I'm happy because I got WindowBlinds today! =D

Forum Games / Re: Endless Rock-Scissors-Paper
« on: March 18, 2007, 03:18:10 PM »
Chair implodes, yet Suffix somehow manages to stay alive.
(aka Suffix is freed from the chair.)

Forum Games / Re: The ^<v Game
« on: March 18, 2007, 03:15:59 PM »
^ No.
< Got WindowBlinds today.
v Agrees that WindowBlinds is totally awesome.

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