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Messages - Toad

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General Chat / Re: Randumb Garfield
« on: September 23, 2006, 09:06:06 AM »

What do the originals of these look like? I haven't been keeping up very well, but I did see Jon and Liz go on a date.. He offered her popcorn at a vet's seminiar.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: September 22, 2006, 07:57:03 PM »
More shopping ANGST!.. but, it's not related to Wal*mart this time..

My fiancee and I were at a local game trading shop a few days ago, and we both had questions about games we wanted to possibly purchase. The big guy behind the counter (one of those big fat people that breathes heavily, then acts like it's an impostion for you to ask for help *no offense to any fat people who may read this*) was the one who helped us, as the other guy sat there playing some football game on what appeared to be a Sega Saturn. The big guy "helped" my fiancee first by letting her use the Super NES to play a couple of basketball games that she wanted to get for her sisters, and he kept insisting that she get them both as they are only 95 cents each, but she didn't want to just get both of them, she wanted to get the one that she wanted.

Anyway, she found the one that she wanted, and I found a game that I wanted, but I had a question about the two copies of Metroid for the NES. Have you ever seen a copy of Metroid with a yellow label, and Samus is in a pose similar to that on the original Gameboy game Metroid 2? I asked the big guy what the differences between copies might be, and he picked them up, read the back of the cartridges (they were in the case), and then put them down on the glass counter rather harshly and told me that there was no difference, other than art on the game. I told him thank you, and he just kind of threw them back into their spots in the case, and almost slammed it shut.

Then, harshly put Kirby 64 (my game) and the basketball game (Nicky's game) on the counter, and got out the clipboard that they use to write an order out with. I get out my debit card and he rudely tells me that I can't use it. Nicky asks about checks, since my check book was in the car, and the skinny guy playing the football game (who was extremely nicer than the fat guy) said sorry, it's the same machine.

We left without saying another word to either of them.

Mario Chat / Re: Mario Cameos in Mario Games
« on: September 22, 2006, 05:52:39 PM »
The room in the Minigame Flip Out (I think that's the name..) from Mario Party 7 looks really similar to the room you had the final battle with Toad in in Mario Party 4.

In Paper Mario 64, the after you stop the Fuzzipede from jumping around inside the whale, the whale thanks you by saying "You're great! They should call you Dr Mario!"

Forum Games / Re: PaperLuigi the Psychic
« on: September 20, 2006, 02:05:53 PM »
Go to #tmk and do something enough. You're most likely to get noticed there.

I go there when I have time to chat. I think everybody thinks that I'm crazy, because I told Vidgmchtr that whenever I see his user name, I imagine this batlike character talking to people. I don't know why, but the image just popped into my head when I first saw his name.

Ok, Paper Luigi, predict something for me please. :)

Forum Games / Re: Things the Mario characters would never say
« on: September 20, 2006, 01:59:26 PM »
Luigi: *sings Ghostbusters theme* I ain't afraid of no ghosts!

Toad: Thank you! But the Princess is not in another castle.. She's right here! *steps aside to reveal Princess behind him*

Mario Chat / Re: The Toad Game
« on: September 20, 2006, 01:54:52 PM »
I had an idea pretty recently, where a sequel to Wario's Woods was made, but it was more of a WW remake, with Wario Ware characters.

I don't know, but I really don't care for the idea of an evil Toad, since Nintendo aleady has a backlog of Mario characters they haven't used in several years (Tatanga, Wart, bosses from SMB2).

Someone from the Wario Ware cast could be Toad's rival, since Nintendo thinks everybody needs an evil twin in the Mario-verse.. or actually, the evil Toad idea could work. They could call him the Nema-Toad, and he would have the look of a poison musrhoom gone bad (or actually, gone worse, since Posion Mushroom are already bad..)

Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: September 19, 2006, 07:18:34 PM »
Oh! You're brain!! Sorry, I found it earlier today. I just forgot to mail it to you. I'll get it in ASAP, so you can take your tests. :)

Forum Games / Re: Things the Mario characters would never say
« on: September 19, 2006, 07:16:44 PM »
Bowser: *listens to radio*

*Song "Wind Beneath my Wings" plays*

General Chat / Re: Wallpapers you have used
« on: September 19, 2006, 07:07:45 PM »
How did you do it? I have tried to copy screenshots before to make wallpaper, but it didn't go over so well..

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: September 19, 2006, 07:06:45 PM »
Wow!*  I think I'm responsible for The Chef's new CT. 

*Sarcasm implied.

Does that mean I'm responsible for yours, Luigison??

.. actually, maybe not, now that I think about it. Luigison and Daddy-san are pretty similar.

Mario Chat / The Toad Game
« on: September 19, 2006, 07:03:16 PM »
What if Toad had his own game? What would it be like? Would he stomp on things (like the Bros)? Would he have wild mood swings (like Peach)? or would it be something completely different (like.. something completely different)?

Thoughts?? (if this should be in another part of the FF, please tell me)

Mario Chat / Re: The General Mario/Nintendo/Prototype Video-Related Topic
« on: September 19, 2006, 04:48:08 PM »



The guy talking in that first video is wrong.. Mario is not 'president of the Mushroom Kingdom', but a 'resident of the Mushroom Kingdom.'

Video Game Chat / Re: What would you do if you had control of Nintendo?
« on: September 18, 2006, 07:57:46 PM »
If I had control over Nintendo, I would let them keep doing what they are doing, BUT!..

- I would ask Miyamoto-san to please make Toad a playable character in all Mario spinoffs, where applicable (There are a great many games where Toad isn't playable, but should be..)

- I would make a club Nintendo for American gamers, with all the same benefits and other such things that the Japanese get.

- I would make sure that all Mario merchandise relased over seas is relased here (whether Nintendo is in control of it or not).

- I would take Miyamoto-san with me to see my friends (as another poster said he would do). They'd be so jealous.. :D

- I would have Nintendo make a sequel another Mario movie, this time one that is accurate, and maybe a Zelda and Metroid movie too (yes, I do know a Metroid movie is already in the works..)

That's really all I can think of right now.

Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: September 18, 2006, 07:42:09 PM »
...? Did the board undergo a change, becuase everything seems to be... centered. WTD.

EDIT: There's two of the same advertisments insted of one...?

I only see one ad, at the top of the page.

I think you've lost your mind. I'll help you find it, as soon as I'm done procrastinating (tomorrow).

General Chat / Re: Bad TV shows, or show ideas
« on: September 18, 2006, 07:39:50 PM »
Survivor, Big Brother, celebrity versions of those shows.. are all a bad idea.

We live in reality. I know some people live infront of their tv's (I live beside mine, but anyway), but there has got to be something better coming along soon.

I also hate how every station (DIsney, Nick, Cartoon..) is coming out with their own origianl shows/movies. I know people are going to say that it's alwyas been like that, but not to this extent..

I have more I want to say, but feel it would be best said in the ANGST thread..

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