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Messages - Toddathon

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Mario Chat / Well, I know where Frostbite gets his stupidity!
« on: June 20, 2002, 04:59:31 PM »
I found out that the news on SMBHQ is dumb.  And Frostbite listened to it, and that's why he's dumb.  They said that the first Donkey Kong was released in 1982, and MB in 1994!  It's a great site, but the info is kinda cracked!

Mario Chat / What the hell happened?
« on: June 20, 2002, 11:32:02 AM »
What's wrong with Nintendo?  They're losing it badly.  At first, I thought that it was okay what they were doing, but now I realize that Nintendo is out of ideas.  It seems like it anyway, because we're seeing remakes of every Mario game.  Even GBDK!  I wish Nintendo would start trying harder, but there's like one major Mario game for N64, and one DK game.  What will become of them, I hope they stop being their lazy-remake-like selves and come up with some new dandy games like they used to, cause I don't wanna see them fail!

Mario Chat / Dragon High
« on: June 17, 2002, 09:19:36 AM »
Well, for those who haven't read my story, Dragon High, you can read it at

I finished the sequel yesterday, so I'll post it soon!


Mario Chat / Mario Master Questions
« on: June 17, 2002, 08:31:29 AM »
Here are some hard questions, that I'll be surprised that if anyone can answer one of them.  They are all facts, none made up!

1. Who is the famous Turtle Painter?
2. What is Mario's favourite magazine?
3. What is Princess Toadstool's fave magazine?
4. What does Bowser like to drink
5. What kind of personalities does Mario think salesemen have?
6. What is the name of the newspaper in the Mushroom kingdom?
7. What is the King of Mushroom Kingdom's crown shaped like?

Mario Chat / Countdown to Super Mario Sunshine.
« on: May 22, 2002, 01:54:54 PM »
Usually at important events, on a site I make a Countdown for stuff.  I made one for countdown to GBA, and NGC.  Well, now the newest important event is Super Mario Sunshine.  Everyday I will reply to this.  Oh man, that game looks so cool!  Seeing it makes we wanna get!  Riding Yoshi, spraying, rcoketing, with your backpack, dude dude dude!  Did you see the movies from E3 2002?  There's 11 new ones at IGN, 11 movies!  I'm about to watch my second!


97 days until we are hit with the brand new Mario game, Super Mario Sunshine!

Mario Chat / You get to ride Yoshi in SMS!
« on: May 21, 2002, 05:17:06 PM »
You probably already know, but you get to ride Yoshi in Super Mario Sunshine!  Whoopie!

Mario Chat / Ha! I was right!
« on: May 21, 2002, 04:55:30 PM »
Well, I remember a while ago saying that it would be more practical to release Yoshi's Island as SMA3.  Everyone else said it would be SMB3, so I then changed my mind.  Now I look at the TMK homepage and see "Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3", which is coming soon.  Also Mario Party 4, confirmed for Oct. 28, 2002, surprised me!  I thought it was so late because it had practically nothing!  Ah well, I'll probably get Game&Watch Gallery 4, cause those Mario G&W mini-games are incredibly fun!  Wario World will probably be a hit, and there's no doubt about SMS.  But SMB3 should come soon on its own cartridge.  It shouldn't be an SMA game though, just SMB3 with a "Classic" and "Modern".  I hope they have a good idea for SMA3, because MB wouldn't fit with that.  Perhaps Tetris Attack or something.

Anyway, I'm happy to hear this, and all those new games coming that are Mario related!  I'll get G&W 4 and Yoshi's Story for GBA cause I don't have YSt.  So, no Yoshi's Island remake for me!

As for SMS, that screenshot with Toad sinking is cool!  Wow, and I'm sure cleaning up the community will just be the first "task" in the game.  Perhaps the second will be collecting the Sunshine coins, which would explain why there's the Sunshine Coin accumulation bar in some screenshots and not others.  Ah well, as long as Bowser's in it!

Thank you TMK.  You have provided me with endless Mario information that I would not give up.  TMK is always the site that I go to "first" whenever I go on the internet. is cool, but it doesn't have good enough Mario information, unlike TMK!

« on: May 16, 2002, 05:17:25 PM »
Are you guys excited or what?  I am...even though I don't even have a cube, but I'll gladly rent it!  I had a dream and I could actually see SMS being played.  It was so slick.  Anyhoo, it'll come sooner than you think.  Just go through the summer, which will be fun outdoors with friends having parties, then August rolls around, and before you know it, you're holding a brand new copy of Super Mario Sunshine.  And the Winged Piranhas look cool!  The new advancement!

BTW: Deezer, this is the first site I go to all the time.  I get all my Mario info from you, and it is a better source than!

Mario Chat / Super Mario Advance 3
« on: May 15, 2002, 01:56:17 PM »
Everyone knows that SMA3 is coming, and they could improve from the mistakes of SMA and SMA2.

For one, they're obviously running out of ideas for Mario games.  Remakes with remakes.  Sounds exciting doesn't it?  They should make an SMB3 remake with other surprises...perhaps a bonus "Hard" world.  But I've gotta say one thing: If Mario Bros. is there again, I'm gonna shultz!  I'm sick of that game.  I made it to 99+, and I'm not gonna buy it AGAIN!  I prefer SMB3 on console, but 'twould be cool on a handheld!  But, they should have at least a 2 player mode, and Luigi should be normal, instead of that floppy-legged goon that we knew from SMB2.  In SMA2 he had floppy legs, and it made annoying sounds.  The MB Battle should be at the start screen along with 1P, 2P, or BG.

Since they`ve already got MB in the version, they better not include it along!  SMB3 was perfect in its 2P mode.  It would be good to have a `classic` and `modern` version of the game.  And the mini-game they should include should be Wrecking Crew.  That has 99 Phases, and they could probably mount it like SMB3, and maybe put a four player Battle Game.

Nintendo doesn`t know what they`re doing with these GBA Mario games.  They need help, and that`s why I need to contact them!

Mario Chat / NES deserves some respect!
« on: May 13, 2002, 02:02:06 PM »
Nintendo is in to the high tech businesses of GameCube and GameBoy Advance, but who can forget our classic games from the NES.  Getting from Point A to Point B?  In fact, these games deserve some respect, but they are getting harder to find as the days go by.

One thing that I notice, is that games I would not likely play on other systems, I play on the NES because of the cheesy comedy that only pixels can bring.  For instance, Jeopardy!  25th Anniversary Edition, on the NES is classic!  Me and my sis play it all the time.  Of course some to answer questions, but alot of it is funny.  When they lose or win, they do funny facials.  in newer editions, they don't throw a tantrum, get excited, or anything.  NES was more of a focus on that cheesy look that could make us laugh...hardly seen today!

Because of the NES's success, people want to get their hands on NES games, but are having a hard time, because copies are limited.  The only place to get an NES game would be at a second hand store, or a garage sale.  Never-opened NES games are incredibly rare.  I could've bought a brand new never opened original version of SMB for $8 last year, and now I'm kicking myself for not!

So with all the limited copies of these great games can't be found in normal spots, so why not get ROMs.  I know I know, they're illegal, but NES (and SNES, Genesis, and other early consoles) ROMs should be allowed.  Nintendo makes absolutely NO money off of these games.  So why are they desperate to close these sites down?

Two HOT NES ROM sites were closed down.  Tobbeo and EmuRoma.  These both offered all the NES ROMs and then some.  For instance, Tobbeo had every single NES game on ROM, even from other countries, and EmuROMA had all the ROMs, and even some prototypes, for instance an early version of SMW for the NES.

So why do they do it?  If no money is being made, why try to destroy it.  People want to see these games, but Nintendo is limiting their chances to ever seeing the early and AWSOME side of Nintendo that many children today have no chance of seeing.

I searched up NES ROMs on Google, and found very little sites that included working ROMs.  And even if I found some, they didn't have very many.   I found one really good one with a lot of working ROMs.  This site is gonna stay Anonymous for now, just in case Nintendo is listening in!  !!

But honestly people, we need these.  Pretty soon there'll be very little.  I myself own two NES Consoles, and 30 games.  However, the games aren't in 100% efficient condition, and often freeze and glitch up because of their age.  ROMs don't!

So what do you say?  Are you classic, modern, or both like me!

Some games such as SMB3, 3 Stooges, A Boy and His Blob, and other NES classics are seeing the day of light on GBA.  However, they are being updated out of their classic form, and being sold for prices that are way obnoxious for something you could get at a Flea Market for a buck!

Mario Chat / Wrecking Crew!
« on: May 07, 2002, 04:35:28 PM »
Wrecking Crew is awsome!  One of my favourite Mario games.  Its so fun that I shultz whenever I play it.  There's 99 Phases like in MB, and it's challenging.

If I could find a free way to contact Nintendo, I'd suggest to update wrecking crew and put it on as a mini-game for SMA3, cause if MB is there AGAIN, then they can kiss my @$$!  I won't buy it!

Mario Chat / Different Races in the Mushroom Kingdom.
« on: May 06, 2002, 04:38:01 PM »
There are different races (Species) in TMK:

Toad, Mole, Nimbus, Yoshi,

Then Bowser's troops and the families they originated from, and of course human!

Mario Chat / How themed are your games to Mario?
« on: May 04, 2002, 11:08:12 AM »
Do you add Mario stuff to games that aren't Mario related?  I do.  It's fun!  For example:

Chrono Trigger:
Crono = Mario
Lucca = Daisy
Marle = Peach
Frog = Yoshi
Robo = Toad
Ayla = Paul (Pauline)
Magus = Koopa

Or EarthBound?

Ness = Mario
Paula = Peach
Jeff = Toad
Poo = Luigi

And maybe even Drakkhen?
Fighter = Mario
Female Magician = Peach
Scout = Toad
Priest = Luigi

Mario Chat / What game are you anxiously awaiting?
« on: May 02, 2002, 04:51:06 PM »
Which upcoming Mario game are you salivating over?

Super Mario Advance 3
Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 4
Yoshi's Story: Super Mario Advance 5
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario Kart for NGC
Mario Party 4
Mario Tennis for NGC
Mario Golf for NGC
Wario World

I wanna see SMS, as well as the new Mario Party...even though I don't have NGC!

Mario Chat / What things can they not forget?
« on: April 24, 2002, 04:48:44 PM »
Many of you people are eagerly awaiting Super Mario Sunshine.  Now then, according to the people who viewed new footage, they said it slows down at some parts, and that SM64 looks better overall.  But they could tune up SMS a bit.  For instance, fire flowers.  Nintendo will probably make it identical to SM64, because it was so good, but it should be totally different.  Fire Flowers, Bricks, and P-Switches.  Nextly, I think you should be able to ride Yoshi.  If Yoshi is ridable, it will be more popular.  Next, there should be a flying item.  Possibly the same 3 caps from SM64, or something new.  I think the evil doer who controls the paint should be Bowser's minion, and Bowser must be the final boss.  Luigi should star in it, and be played for certain areas, and there should be a variety of courses, so that the game does not get boring.

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