
Author Topic: Super Mario Advance 3  (Read 2054 times)

« on: May 15, 2002, 01:56:17 PM »
Everyone knows that SMA3 is coming, and they could improve from the mistakes of SMA and SMA2.

For one, they're obviously running out of ideas for Mario games.  Remakes with remakes.  Sounds exciting doesn't it?  They should make an SMB3 remake with other surprises...perhaps a bonus "Hard" world.  But I've gotta say one thing: If Mario Bros. is there again, I'm gonna shultz!  I'm sick of that game.  I made it to 99+, and I'm not gonna buy it AGAIN!  I prefer SMB3 on console, but 'twould be cool on a handheld!  But, they should have at least a 2 player mode, and Luigi should be normal, instead of that floppy-legged goon that we knew from SMB2.  In SMA2 he had floppy legs, and it made annoying sounds.  The MB Battle should be at the start screen along with 1P, 2P, or BG.

Since they`ve already got MB in the version, they better not include it along!  SMB3 was perfect in its 2P mode.  It would be good to have a `classic` and `modern` version of the game.  And the mini-game they should include should be Wrecking Crew.  That has 99 Phases, and they could probably mount it like SMB3, and maybe put a four player Battle Game.

Nintendo doesn`t know what they`re doing with these GBA Mario games.  They need help, and that`s why I need to contact them!
And in this crazy world, we have to ask there anything more important than hockey?

« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2002, 02:43:20 PM »
How would 2 player SMB3 work on the GBA? On the console you take turns in levels, but you both have screens on GBA.

They should do something like the SMBDX Vs Mode again for SMB3. I liked that. I've played MB battle so many times but it never gets boring. It wouldn't happen so much if I didn't have 2 GBA's, but what I need are 2 more people with them.

The single player MB is nothing other than BORING. I played it for 3 hours getting to phase 77 and I never want to play it again! Nintendo, please do something else for a minigame like Tetris Attack, or Wrecking Crew, but LORD, NOT MARIO BROS!!
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2002, 07:23:43 PM »
What with all the confusion with the gamecube and such the Big N is probly too busy to try to make many new games. they take one worn classic(I mean Mario Bros, not SMB3) and one pretty nice game and slam em together and you have a new game! Or just give it a new title, kids nowadays aren't old enough to remember either of the games glory days. I say add Donkey Kong as a mini game! Heck! Have em put in the other two mini games from the original SMB3 as side games! Why I remember as a wee tot playing SMB3 with my brother, and we would all the time play battle mode while on the map till we got to the mini game where you kicked blocks and collected coins! I hope nintendo gets smart real soon!

By the supreme authority of wickedness, I command this particular drop of hot sauce to be realy, reealy hot!
He who fills his pockets with the rocks of misdeeds shall surely sink in the River of Good Fortune!

« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2002, 11:35:03 PM »
Dang it! My name didn't work so I lost my post! Ugh!

Anyway, I basically said I was curious as to why they skipped 3 and went to World this time? I hope 3 comes soon, though I much more enjoy playing on my TV or iMac at full screen than the teeny tiny GBA screen with it's limited two button layout and small (Could have been much better had it had a TV resolution and back lighting). But 3 is the best. Viva la SMB3!

I will not rest until Mario and Luigi get a REAL 3d Mario Bros. Game.
I will not rest until Mario and Luigi get a REAL 3d Mario Bros. Game.

« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2002, 08:36:32 AM »
If you people are just buying the Mario GBA games, I pity you. You're missing out on a lot of other great games, like Golden Sun. Or maybe you should whip out the old NES and take the original SMB3 for a spin. Or get out the SNES, find Mario All-Stars, and play the enhanced version of the game.

If none of these options seem appealing for you, I have thought of backup: Twiddle Your Thumbs! Either that or listen to me being cold. 'Cause I am.

The top 10 worst games for next-gen systems and GBA
10: Mortal Kombat Advance
9: Universal Studios Theme Park Adventure
8: UFC Tapout
7: Ecco the Dolphin
6: MIB: The Series
5: Shrek: Swamp Kart Speedway
4: X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse
3: Mario is Missi... wait, no... Collums Crown
2: Azurik: rise to Perithia
1: Navi''s World... wait, that''s fake? ****!

Hey! Listen!
Hey! Listen!

« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2002, 09:23:43 AM »
Wrecking Crew has 99 phases? I've only gotten up to level 12! Classic games sure are hard!
