
Author Topic: Crocodile Hunter, R.I.P.  (Read 1714 times)


  • Banned
« on: September 04, 2006, 09:28:52 AM »
Shortly after 11:00 AM this morning, Steve Irwin, a.k.a. The Crocodile Hunter, died. According to reports, a stingray's barb punctured his heart, killing him, while filming a documentary in a reef. Now, I've never been a big fan of The Crocodile Hunter, and myself have made many jokes about how he would get killed while doing a documentary, but I feel that this death hit a little close to home. Steve Irwin has entertained me and, I'm sure, lots of other people for quite a few years with his constant dangerous-animal-wrangling antics. Despite being the butt of several jokes concerning the baby incident a few years back, Steve Irwin will probably be remembered fondly from now on.


  • Bruised
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 09:35:11 AM »
Why is this in the General Video Game Chat?  I mean it does suck that he had to get killed, but I can't necessarily say, 'I didn't see that coming'.  I didn't think it'd happen so soon.  He was very entertaining, and will be missed.
Regards, Uncle Dolan


  • Banned
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2006, 09:50:45 AM »
Oh, whoops. I misread that as General Chat. And I thought I had stopped making that mistake months ago. Hope this is moved soon.
