
Author Topic: "Mushroom Kingdom Menace" fanfic series (Now Finished)  (Read 12921 times)

« on: October 13, 2007, 07:19:08 AM »
Hello, I've decided to bring my now finished Fan-Fic series to It's on the long side but I'll slowly update it. I'll be updating it daily and reply when posting a new chapter.

Also, you may say "this was done in SPM already" when you finish Part 1, but I actually wrote the original draft for this back in 2005 :). Keep that little detail in mind which is very interesting.

Here is the table of contents. I'll be linking each part for convenience later.

Part 1: Invasion
Part 2: The stars of light
Part 3: Journey through the battlefield and castle
Part 4: A wedding ruined
Part 5: The worst party ever
Part 6: Framed and tried for murder
Part 7: The Ghosts reveal all
Part 8: Aboard the Doomship
Part 9: Revelation on the Bridge
Part 10: A Fight of Madness
Part 11: The Paradoxical Forest
Part 12: A Friendly Town gone wrong
Part 13: Avoiding the Angry Mob
Part 14: The Origin of the Stars
Part 15 (A): Lost in the Misty Forest
Part 15 (B): Navigating the Underground Cavern
Part 16: The split in time
Part 17: The Truly Final End

Mushroom Kingdom Menace by WillBillXP


[It is a dark night outside the mushroom castle. The guards are assuming their position. After all, a night attack on the castle would be disastrous. That’s when the hammers struck their heads! Two elite hammer bros jumped the wall, and snuck into the castle.]

Elite one: Ok, we are in position; we are unlocking the main gate.

General: Excellent work men, the operation is now underway.

The hammer bros jumped into a window with a bag. After knocking out the guards, they bagged the princess, but there was more to the plan.

[Cut to the lower floor of the castle]

A small group of Koopa Troopas, accompanied by the typical goombas were sneaking through the castle corridors. Unfortunately for them, they were spotted! One of the Toads walking around the castle at the time yelled! He never saw the light of day again. No one heard him scream. Or so the Troopas thought.

Sergeant T: Red alert! Get all guards in here on the double!

The hall swarmed with Mushroom Guards. The koopas were outnumbered, but that didn’t stop them.

Hammer Bros: Need backup? Take this! (Threw several hammers)

Many guards fell, and others were injured. Darkness was overwhelmed to them.

General: That was a close one. Did you two get the stars?

Elite two: Oh you bet. Bowser is going to be very pleased here. Got the bob-bombs?

General: We also got those. MEN! INITIATE THE OPERATION!

Bob-bombs were set up in several corners. They were placed carefully but quickly. After getting out of the castle, it went up in black smoke. Everyone in the castle was crushed, and a Massive Power Failure went through the mushroom Kingdom. Toad Town was cut off from all communications. But where was Mario? Wouldn’t he do something?

Bowser was behind the scenes, waiting for “his” plan to be put into place. He had his own ideas

Bowser: Great work men. The mushroom Kingdom will be under my command soon. Let me see the Stars of Power.

He took the stars, and their power was his within one minute. Then he asked a question.

Bowser: Did you tie up Mario?

Elite Troopa: That is well, but what are you going to do? Kill him after all these years of failure?

Bowser: Worse….

Bowser walked into the Mario House, looked around to make sure Luigi wasn’t home. Then, he did what he was going to do. A magnificent but fearful beam of power came from Bower’s hands. It was as bright as the sun, but had a purplish color. Then, Mario was cold. Something terrible had happened to him. Bowser ran out of the Mario House laughing hysterically. Shortly after, the Koopa Army showed up to destroy Toad Town and the Nearby Mushroom City……….

Part One

[The screen fades to black, and then we see a dark castle on a volcanic Mountain. A strange and eerie, but luxurious room is zoomed into through a window. The room has red curtains and a red carpet. An iron bed is in the left hand corner. A cage sits near the window. On the stone walls of the room hang weapons such as crossbows, and torture devices such as stretchers.]

Princess Peach was in the room, but she was surrounded by bars. She was confused, and scared. “Where am I?” She said out loud. She was answered by voice from the door to the room.
?????: You are at my castle, in my room.

It was Bowser, but his voice was tweaked to sound more menacing. Peach sighed, knowing she had been kidnapped once again, knowing that Mario would save her once again.

Peach: You do realize this is getting old. You know Mario Will save like he always does. Couldn’t you think of a better scheme?

Bowser: But my lady, I have.

Peach: How dare you! A disgusting slob like yourself address me as your lady! –Shivers-

Bowser: You won’t think of me as disgusting for long. Perhaps some of the people have figured my scheme out, but before you do figure out, why don’t you look at your capital.

Bowser took a telescope and let peach out of her cell. She tried to run but was caught by guards.

Bowser: Look through it! I demand you do so!

So she did. It was a view of the mushroom city. It was on fire, and firebros were patrolling the abandoned streets. After anxiety built up after seeing the awful site, she looked at more things. It was shocking! Her people enslaved! Dead bodies in smashed cars and on the streets! Walls were covered in blood. It was as if the Koopa Kingdom had made “War of The Worlds” come to life in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Peach: NOOOOOooooo! This isn’t happening! It CAN’T!

Bowser: It has princess; no one is here to save you now.

Peach: Please tell me Mario survived this! He must have!

Bowser: Mario isn’t moving anytime soon. -Laughs-

Peach: You must have! No! It can’t be!

Bowser: He is alive, death will not touch him. But he will rot!

Peach: You are torturing him! Let him out of your blasted chambers NOW!

Bowser: But that isn’t happening. You see, I have tortured him in a different way, without touching him.

[As he says this line, the camera moves down and the Mario House is seen. All stuff in Bowser’s description is happening]

Bowser: You see princess; I was going to kill him after I had my army destroy your castle

Peach: WHAT!!!!!???!?!?!?!?! What did you do to that castle! It was built in honor of my 40th birthday! Why you……….

Bowser: LISTEN! But when the castle was destroyed, I thought of the smoke, as purple and black looking as a shadow. And I got this idea. I learned of this years ago. However only one with great power is capable of doing such a thing. It is the Curse of Dark Stone. It turns the victim to stone, and their mind is trapped in their deep sleep. A nightmare! They are in a world of Darkness! Spinning through immense torture and horrors! Oh, I had to do this to my all time enemy. The world is as black and purple as smoke against the night fires. And demons wrath this world! Screams come from it! And you know what else, you will never believe this!

Peach: NO! Don’t tell me anymore! I’m going to throw up! Please, I never intended any of this! Stop this invasion, I beg you!

Bowser: But it will not stop, my soon to be wife.

Peach:……….. Okay like I would REALLY marry you? Get a life! I wouldn’t marry you if you forced me. You aren’t having control of my kingdom ANY time.

Bowser [to a soldier out of the room] Soldier! Bring in the stars of power!

The stars were once brighter than brightest stars. But they were now dull, and blue. It appears that they lost all power to them. Peach started to cry

Peach: How could you do this?!

Bowser: I have my explanations. The power of the stars belongs to me! And if they are powerful enough to cast Mario into the Dark World, they are powerful enough for you to make yourself forget about your precious Mario, and fall for me!

He then put his hands in the air, and a pinkish, reddish swirl came from them. Then the princess was smiling at Bowser a minute later. She was falling for him! What? A hug? The kingdom of the mushrooms seems to officially be doomed. Bowser laughed, but not hysterically, but happily! What? No evil laugh? How could he not be happy? The princess would marry him in a few days, Mario was under a spell that would make his soul eventually rot, and his kingdom’s boundaries would be extended miles across! No flaws here. Since the stars didn’t have any energy in them anymore, they were disposed.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 08:50:34 AM by WillBillXP »

« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2007, 03:43:37 PM »
Awesome story! One problem: Ewww...Peach is 40????  ...or higher?

« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2007, 04:10:31 PM »
Well I do imagine the Mario Bros are between 40 and maybe even 60 years old due certain comments in the games. I have a theory with good evidence relating to their ages, though I will not get into it within this thread.

Thanks for the comment though. It's going to get even better from now on =D.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2007, 07:21:28 PM by WillBillXP »

« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2007, 05:59:44 PM »

How could you write such a gripping fanfic? ._. Now I'm going to be hanging out for the next installment, and... ACK!

In other words, nice fic so far, and I hope to see more. Good job. :)
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2007, 06:52:11 AM »
Thanks for the comment, suspense is my favorite type of style so I'm glad my story is gripping :)

Next part now up:

Part Two

But then something happened. The stars began to light up! They were thrown into an incinerator! But everything caught on fire when they lit up! They flew out with tremendous force! Soon the stars were soaring across the sky at a high speed. The stars then started to fly back into Mushroom kingdom territory. When seen by survivors, the brightness of the Mushroom Kingdom was indeed remembered by those who lost hope. Some even regained hope as they saw the stars.
The first to see the stars were some enslaved toads, and confusion was among them.
Slave One: Look at that!

Slave Two: Wow, something Bright and Cheery!

Slave One: Is this a sign of hope?

Slave three: This reminds me of an old legend, based on and even older prophecy.

Other slaves: What prophecy?

Slave three: It goes like this: Occupation, destruction, enslavement will doom a kingdom. When all hope is lost and the Psycho ruler’s plans are nearly complete, the true power of 7 stars of brightness and power will awake a sleeping hero.

Everyone: Wow!

The power stars soared through the sky until they reached the Mario House. A bright light surrounded Mario, who was fallen on the floor in a form of stone. It got brighter, then each star shot out a beam of pure light, and then the stone cracked. The stars were still there. Mario woke up, dazed and confused. Then he saw the stars. They were whispering to him. They began whispered the story to him. Mario, being super shocked ran outside before he heard the full story. Then he was seeing that it was true. However they did not tell him the entire story. An elite koopa was standing near the door, investigating what had happened.

Mario: Freeze! You aren’t letting going until you tell me what Bowser is up to!

The Koopa tried to attack Mario, but he jumped, and ripped the helmet off. The Koopa was then suddenly scared, something they were prohibited to do.

Elite Koopa: Oh great! NO! Don’t kill me!

Mario: You had better tell

Elite Koopa: OKAYOKAYOKAY! Bowser destroyed most of the mushroom kingdom stole the stars kidnapped the princess and cast a spell on her that’s going to force her to marry him! He announced that to the Generals an hour ago and I overheard it!

Mario had his mouth open. The full scoop was out to him. Angered by the information, the remarkable but extra scary lines came out of Mario’s Mouth

Mario: You and your pathetic army and coward ruler are going to die.

Suddenly the Koopa was shaking in fear. What the? No koopa that was in Bowser’s army quivered in Fear. But then something happened: a green light appeared around the koopa and he removed his armor. A green koopa was revealed under it

Koopa: Thank you!

Mario: Huh?

Koopa: You have lifted my curse. The curse of the army

Mario: What are you talking about? (Note: Mario is sparing this guy because he wants to hear his story)

Koopa: I don’t know why, but it seems that a few years ago, Bower’s intelligence rose for some reason. He got smarter! But what’s stranger is that he stole a book of spells from his retired Magikoopa advisor, Kamek. He placed a curse on all of us koopas just so we would follow orders better.

Mario: But you already followed orders?

Koopa: But we koopas were apparently didn’t follow orders “good enough.” I myself was completely aware what was going on even though I was under control. I don’t know why I was aware but one thing is for sure, I wasn’t happy about it.

Mario: How did it wear off?

Koopa: Wait! I was afraid when you said we were all going to die! Does fear cancel out the spell?

Mario: Maybe? You haven’t tried to kill me yet, so I’m going to believe you. But if you pull any fast ones, you will be off this planet before you can even get a chance to scream!

Koopa: Got it! By the way, my name is Ken. And about the princess incident, I think that what Bowser is doing is wrong and sick. I’ll do anything I can to help you Mario.

Mario: Thanks, I really could need it now. It seems that I would be on my own if it weren’t for you.

Ken: I think we can get going. You handled this rather well.

Mario: I think I did too. Now let’s save this kingdom!

And then the stars followed him and absorbed partially into Mario’s body.

[Cut to Toad Town’s Abandoned Center]

The Center of Toad town is completely abandoned. A black cloud of smoke blocks most of the sunlight. Buildings are in ruin and some are even in piles of rubble. Some dead bodies are quite visible. The buildings that stand are Bowser’s new castle being constructed in the castle, and a few houses with boarded windows.

Red: Hey? Where is Ken? He was supposed to help us clean up this mess!

Blue: Beats me? How should we know?

Yellow: We have a problem then. Cousin Ken made it to the tops in Bower’s army

Green: How did that brain box get into Bowser’s elite army? He is strong but way to smart to want to be in THAT section of the army.

Suddenly Red saw what he thought was unimaginable! It was Ken! He was seen with? No! It couldn’t be! Mario?!?!?!?!

Red: Hey! Ken! Is that you?

Ken: Shoot! Someone saw us!

Mario: This is not-a good!

Red: But! But you were one of the most loyal soldiers in the minor army! Oh, HEY GREEN! NOW YOU REMEMBER WHY HE WAS PROMOTED!

Ken: Sorry but Bowser’s idea of controlling the Elites and Minor units of the army is not my idea of a good ruler.

Red: You! Green! Yellow! Blue! Get here now! We’re gonna show Mario and this traitor the powa of cool!

Slam! Dunk! Hit! Run! Charge! It was like a maniac sports game in this battle! However it didn’t last long. The koopa bros tried their super cool final move. But it messed up, and a problem arose! They missed! And hit a wall! To bad for them. However Red got up. Of course, then Ken and Mario threw them under the mess that was made from earlier!

Red: WAKE UP! When we get out of here, they are going to pay…….

That was the last Mario sighting for a while. And that’s a good thing to since it wasn’t reported. To get to Bowser’s castle, they used sneaking to proceed. For example,

Mario: Another group of guards! These guys are everywhere!

Ken: Leave this to me.
Mind if I get through here?

City entrance Guard: Sure thing Koopa, just need to know your name so I can identify you

Ken: I’m Ken I. Koophius. Here is my ID.
Guard: Its genuine, you can pass (at this point, Mario sneaks to the gate when the guard’s backs are turned)

Along the way to Bowser’s castle, Mario and Ken stopped once in a while and helped some unfortunate enslaved people. However they could not help much because they could be seen. As mentioned previously, they relied on stealth in order to proceed. But then they saw someone, and that meant that they were seen by someone. They were seen a large, almost open field with washed out colored crab grass. There was a 3 story cliff that dropped off to a lake about 300 feet away. It looked like trouble! Luckily, it was one of the Toads, and he ran over to see them with a look that was surprised!

Mario: Shhhh! don’t say anything! We are trying to sneak through the deserted towns!

Toad: Are you crazy! That’s a koopa there

Ken: I’m helping Mario. And you are not by talking at a regular voice! Whisper!

Toad: Okay! I am James T. by the way. Think I could help? I’m very sneaky and almost got out of here once. Hey wait a minute, how did you get by the security?

Mario: Ken has been distracting the Guards while I sneak by them. He seems to enjoy being a Koopa right now.

Ken: Indeed I am.

Guard: Hey! What’s going on!

Mario: Crap! This isn’t good!


Guard: So, it seems we have a little traitor here! Oh you are going to get it

Ken: Not a chance! *Attacks guard with a shell attack

*James jumped on guard and threw him down

Guard: You are a strong little guy! But not strong enough! *Uses a hammer attack

Guard: Yeah that’s right! I was a hammer Bro for five years! You are going to have to shape up!

Mario: Used a hammer on the Guard’s head.

Guard: SooooooooDiiiiiiizzzieeeee (misspelled on purpose) wooooooooorrrrrdllllllllspppppiinnnneeeee *Falls of a cliff

Guard: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! *ploof*

Mario: That’s-a so nice!

James: Hey! He is still alive!

Guard: Please! I won’t do anymore harm to you! Get me up from here!

*Mario, James, and Ken jump climb down cliff

They noticed a light, this time Blue was appearing around the guard. His armor fell off revealing a Hammer Bro with a blue shell.

Hammer Bro: Uhhhhggg! What was Bowser thinking! This is NOT my idea of how to get your high ranked officials who disagree with you to agree! Hey, wait?! You are Mario! How did you get unfrozen from the stone? Everyone in the Army was talking about it.

Mario explained what happened.

Hammer Bro: My name is George, but people call me Hamm since I was cool with my hammers.

* Hamm and James joined the party.
Mario trusted Ken by after all his help, and knew that Hamm would be fine also. Mario asked Hamm what he thought of going to Bowser’s castle

Hamm: Penetrating it will not be easy. It is heavily guarded with several soldiers patrolling it. You have to be invited to get in. I don’t know how we can sneak to it.

James: Hey, I was in prison in that castle a long time ago! There are secret passages that lead to it! Nobody knows about them but me!

Mario: Where are they?

James: There seem to be a few. But I accidentally found it while one of the prison guards pulled a joke on me. I was in a bizarre looking dining hall, and was forced to clean the walls. I grabbed a ladder to clean the corners. It seems nobody ever paid attention to those tiny corners in the ceiling, because when cleaning it, I pressed a switch, and before I knew it, I was outside the castle!

Ken: What the? How in the heck did anyone not know about that?!

Hamm: Well, the castle is pretty old. I wouldn’t be surprised if some things about it were forgotten over time.

Mario: I’ve stumbled upon hidden rooms there before. Show us the way James.

James: You lead us off Mario

Mario: Let’s-a go!
« Last Edit: October 14, 2007, 07:05:57 PM by WillBillXP »

« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2007, 03:36:20 PM »
Part Three

When they got to the castle, James showed them a secret entrance behind a rock.

James: Looks like the old warp pipe still works. Come on.

????: Not so fast Mario Bros

Ken: Oh Brother, not you guys again.

The Koopa Bros had returned! They had perused the group for the sole purpose of jumping Mario and Ken. Now they had an even fight though, which would lead to problems.

Red: Nobody believed us when we said you and Mario were working together! They just laughed at us calling us squares?

Blue: Us? Squares?! As if punks!

Yellow: Now prepare to be owned!

Green: Come on! Let’s charge this up and get them! The special variation of the move always wins!

They charged their attack up once again, and then put a literal twist on it. Instead of an individual attack, their special move was a launch attack at the whole party. As first it nicked them, though it was a double edged sword for the koopa Bros. The attack was so hard that it knocked them around themselves.

Red: Oh! So Dizzy!

Blue: Shake! Shake dis off!

Ken: Now is our chance! Sorry cousins! –Shell spins Red, causing him to fly off into a nearby chasm-

James: Suck this blue! –Hits Blue with a Mushroom Slide, causing him to fly off into the chasm-

Hamm: Taste the real cool power of the hammers! –Smashes double hammers into Yellow, causing the same fate-

Mario: Hmmm, kind of ironic that I am taking out Green over here, -Super Punches Green, causing him to fall even faster than the others-

Ken: Nice little diversion there, now we don’t have to deal with those guys again.

They all jump in and land in a tunnel. After crawling through the tunnel, James pushes a button that turns the wall around. They land in a bizarre looking dining room.

The dining room had an old clock in it, a large table, and a large fireplace. But then Mario spotted something over by the fireplace.

Mario: What the? What’s-a that? Gross! It’s hideous green blood over there!

Ken: Hope this is not Chris’s blood

Mario: Enough cheesy Resident Evil references! Now split up and search for clues.

James: Have you been watching Scooby doo?

Mario: Shut up

While the penetration of Bower’s castle started out humorous, it soon turned into a nightmare. It was as if Resident Evil had come to life! Dry bones filled the hall. Oddly enough, a few of them dripped red. Zombies were filled in this hallway. Bowser obviously didn’t want anyone to get far. Mario had a plan.

Mario: If we are going to find the princess and Bowser, we will have to be stealthy later on. Maybe we should split up.

The team agreed with the plan, but things went even worse eventually. They split up to search around the dark and gray corridors of the castle. That is when a loud scream was heard from behind a door with the sound of squeaky gears turning.


It was Hamm! He was stuck behind a door!

Hamm: Get me out of here!

Ken walked down the hall and heard an ear shattering scream. A vibrant sound of wheels was heard from behind it. He busted the door down only to find the wall closed in. He presumed Hamm to be dead at first.

“Help! Help! I’m alive! Get me out of the room!”

Ken: Hamm? But I thought you were a Hamm sandwich now! How did you get out?

Hamm: The door suddenly opened. I ran out the other way but now the wall is closed and I can’t get out. I’m going to starve to death now and become one of those walking dry bones!

Ken: Can you break the wall with your hammer?

Hamm: I dropped it in that room

Ken: Great


Mario and James were in a strange situation. Rather than enemies surrounding them, they walked into a room filled with traps! The room had been filled with holes in the floor, had no windows, had a lit fireplace at the end of it, and had a wooden framing as the wall. One step could mean disaster. The traps ranged from swinging axes, to grenades. But what was really strange was a thing across the room. They couldn’t see the thing but they headed towards it now knowing about the traps.

Mario: Wait! Don’t take another step!

James: Huh?

Mario: Look!

James was standing on a trip mine. Then he took a better look around the room and saw TONS of hidden booby traps. He felt sick to his stomach. One step and both Mario and him would be blown to smithereens.

Mario: Stay there, I’ll be back

James: Wait! Don’t leave me!

Mario jumped across the traps, ran through fields of explosives, dodged the axes, and made it to the end. But James was still there.

Mario: Catch-a this!

Mario jumped onto one of the axes on the end and pulled the chain right off! Then swung it across the room and PULLED James off of the mine. Then BAM! It blew up and he whizzed past the axes, the other ground mines, the pitfalls, and the booby traps.

James: They don’t call you the Super Mario for nothing

Mario: Don’t-a worry, its-a no big deal. Booby traps are-a common thing-a here in the castle. But I’ve never seen this section of Bowser’s castle though.

James: Hey, what is that?

Mario: It’s a switch. Want to press it?

James: Uhhhhh, I don’t know if it’s a good idea.

Mario: Okay, lets-a press-a it together.

 They pressed and……….the Wall moved! Inward that is.

Mario: It’s a secret passage! Lets-a go!


Hamm: Hey! A red button! It’s…It’s a secret passage!

While in the secret passage, Hamm met up with James and Mario

Hamm: Mario! James! You’re here too?

Mario and James: Hamm? You’re here too! What are you doing here?

Hamm: I was locked in a room and saw a red button that opened a secret passage. Wait? How are you in this tunnel?

Mario: While we were looking around for some sort of clue, we stumbled into a booby trapped room. We got through and pulled a lever that took us through this tunnel.

James: Looks like perfect timing, we would have been stuck if you didn’t push that button and you would be stuck if we didn’t pull the lever.

Hamm: Hey, didn’t think of that. Let’s get back. Oh! And I found this while I was stuck in the room.

Mario: What is it?

Hamm: It’s a schedule. It was in the Room that I was in before I pressed the button. It seems Bowser is getting married at 4:50 PM MK-time on July 5, 2005.

Mario: Wait, I thought I heard church bells a while ago

James: Today must be July 5! Get Ken and we will have to follow the church bells

Hamm: I guess that also explains why there aren’t many guards in this hall. They just filled the room with Zombies and Dry Bones to keep intruders out since everyone would be at the wedding. Sounds logical, wouldn’t you say?

Mario: Peach Marrying Bowser? Of course every Koopa will be there!

LATER, after the whole party rejoined

Mario: I heard them around here. Wait! I hear shouting also! And bells too.

After following the crowd and bells, they see a large corridor leading to what appears to be a church door.

Mario: Phew! They haven’t married yet. Okay, listen up everyone, we can not blow this. If they get married, the two Kingdoms will be united and all War Crime charges on Bowser will be dropped! We can’t let this happen. Come on! We can do this. Lets-a Go!

Ken: How are we supposed to get in?

Mario: Looks like we are going to have to bust in.

Hamm: Are you crazy?!

Mario: No, it’s the only way. Look back there, if we are spotted by those armed guards, it will be blown. It’s the only way. We can do this if we try. There is no turning back. It is either bust or succeed.

They hid in the shadows and waited for the Bride to walk down. After the wedding Vows were made, they BUSTED into a cathedral that is painted blue with stain glass windows with random geometric shapes. Reversed stars hang on the ceiling.

Mario: Stop this! I can NOT let this happen anymore!

Bowser: WHAT!?!??!?!?!??!?! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! IT CAN’T BE!

Everyone was in shock! The only prisoner to ever escape Bowser’s castle alone, one of the highest ranked Hammer Bros in the army, and loyalist soldier ever were all there to assist….Mario? Okay, how the heck could this be? And of all the people to assist, it was Mario! Soon Bowser’s shock turned to rage and he let out a loud “KILL THEM!” order!

But it was unsuccessful! The lowlier troops failed to defeat the party. Bowser was furious and shouted “COWARDS!” to all the retreated troops. He called in a second wave, this time a large group of Hammer Bros. But ten hammer bros was equal to one George “Hamm” the elite Hammer bro. And with the others on his side, even the Bros. Squad failed.

Bowser: Humph! So those are weaklings? I’ll do this myself!

Peach: Do it please! Finish these….Peasant things!

Mario: Princess?

Peach: Who the heck are you?

Mario: Its-a me! I’ve known you for over forty years! What is wrong with you!

Bowser: The princess isn’t listening to you anytime soon Mario, she only likes me and only me now! And you will not stop me!

Then Bowser burned the party members with his flame breath. Mario jumped out of the way but the others weren’t so fortunate!

Mario: NO! Oh! Good, they are alive! But you will pay for that!

Suddenly Bowser put his arms in the air, and it made a large charging noise. And then BAM! A black beam, darker than the night sky blasted Mario! It was sucking the life out of him

Bowser: I should have killed you a while ago, but now I am going to do it slowly!

Mario: Hmmmph!!! Uhhhhhggggg….AAHHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!

Bowser: No mercy this time Mario!

Peach: Wait! That’s cruel! You shouldn’t do that!

Bowser: This guy has ruined my plans one after one. You will be happy we don’t have to deal with him later.

Peach: But if this is how you treat your enemies, you don’t deserve to be a King!

Suddenly, a pink light shined around the princess. Pictures of Mario and her filled her mind, and she remembered!

Peach: I am….Princess Peach Toadstool.

« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2007, 04:24:52 PM »
Part Four

Bowser was confused all of a sudden.

Peach: I may have been in your control deeply but I was aware of what was going on this whole time!

Bowser: No! How could the spell fail!

She distracted Bowser, allowing Mario to escape. Bowser was in a raging fit there. But then he noticed Mario was gone. Peach was gone too! “Where did everybody go?” he thought.

Bowser: I’ll get them! And I’ll kill them ALL!

He pressed a remote that locked down the castle


Mario: I feel so weak…

Ken: It burns!

James: Its 2nd degree!

Hamm: So hot! I’m never going near a fire again.

Peach: We will be fine eventually. But I have to be escorted to safety first. Then we can

But she was interrupted by a loud crash

Peach: No! The castle has been locked down

Bowser: You bet it has!

Mario: You followed us!

Bowser: What do you expect?!!! You intruded the castle and ruined the wedding! Now you will pay!

Bowser then muttered some weird stuff and grew to tremendous size! Everyone ran for their life. But he was too big, and soon approached the party with his threatening size.

Mario: Run! Run for your life!

Bowser started to chase them down into a hallway that looked like a dungeon filled with twists and turns. At his super size, he knocked down walls trying to reach them. The ceiling rose to over 400 feet, and Bowser was barely touching it. Just when the part made it to the ionic column exit, Bowser caused a tremor so huge, that it knocked everyone over. He mutters the phrase “It is your time to die.”

But then something miraculous happened. It was….the stars of Power! Everything went into slow motion except Mario and the stars and the room darkened. Then! They absorbed into Mario completely and everything went sky bright! Mario rose, and a tremendous power came from Mario into Bowser. Beams of pure white color shot out of Mario’s hands while he was incessantly flashing. It was shocking! And Bowser grew Smaller and smaller! Bowser first imploded, than his remains grew and blew up in a spectacular, loud, and electrical cracking sounding explosion! Bowser was defeated once and for all. Or was he?

Mario: Wow! What in the world was that?

James: Hey! I remembered an old story when witnessing that! It’s a continuation to a legend where 7 stars of power assist a hero in his quest. They didn’t assist much but when they did, it was more than a big help. Apparently, it is also based on some sort of prophecy about how a kingdom will fall and rise again.

Ken: I’ve heard that story too! I never thought about it here

Peach: Mario, thank you!

Suddenly, the hall filled with Guards and Army Troopas. They all thought that they were doomed! Bowser was gone but he could be replaced….this wasn’t good. Several soldiers started shouting out in astonishment to what had just happened. A general then whistled out a few signals to align the soldiers to their positions.

General: I’ve been waiting a long time for this! Get in positions men.

Mario: This isn’t over, get ready everyone.

In a bizarre change of action, the Crowd Cheered! And their positions from an overhead view spelt out a message.

“What? How could this be!” thought Mario and his party members in a shocked state of mind

Random Solider: By defeating the last of the Koopa family, that curse is finally gone!

Mario and his party Members: What?

A high ranked official: Years ago, Bowser’s Father, Morton Koopa SR had his best assistant, Kamek, put a curse on everyone within an 800 mile radius. It caused anyone in the army to be a slave, practically a zombie. That’s why every soldier that you, Mario, encountered just walked around. Not an ounce of intelligence. But it’s over now! Bowser was the only true descendant of the Kupa family. Now, it’s gone. The curse is broken. Look around you

Suddenly, light was pouring into the dark kingdom of the Koopa. It got brighter, and brighter. Then the sun came up and trees that were dead for years sprung back to life!

High Ranked Official: Its now truly over. The kingdom can be run by me and other High officials. Even though I had that curse in me, I had dreams of a democracy in this world. Maybe now it can be possible. Your Kingdom is a mess right now isn’t it?

Peach: Completely! People are dead and cities are horribly destroyed! I saw it myself.

High Ranked Official: If our two kingdoms work together, we can fix this mess forever.

Mario: Wait! Luigi! I forgot about Luigi in all this madness

High Ranked Official: he was dragged out of your house during the mission that occurred when the Main Castle in the Mushroom Kingdom was destroyed. He is being held prisoner. He is likely to have been set free by now.

Mario: Phew! Thank the stars!

Peach: No, thank you Mario. You have once again saved me from disaster.

Mario: No, thank the stars. They saved me.

Ken: It’s true! The 7 stars of Power awakened him! Oh and you better thank us! We all helped Mario

Peach: I was getting around to that. We have to do something special for all of you.

High Ranked Official: Throw a party and bake a cake!

Everyone laughed, including Mario and the official himself.

Mario: Well, it’s-a good that it’s all over. Lets-a go home everyone.

General: Oh wait, I almost forgot. Look above you Mario from that ladder.

Mario looked above and when he saw what the soldiers spelt out, a big smile came upon his face. The soldiers spelt out “Thank you Mario, the Princess is in this castle.”

It was a reliving moment. Everything would be normal again for the first time in over 80 years. Morton and his son Bowser may have been the worst kings in the history of the Koopa family but it was fine now. The mushroom Kingdom and Koopa kingdom could be friendly with each other again!

Or could they?

After everyone cleaned the castle up and left, several koopas heard voices of rage coming from below the ground. It was Bowser, and he had been condemned to eternal [darn]ation.

Bowser: He has sent me into pain and ridicule! This is even worse torture than what I placed upon my enemy! I will escape and vengeance will be mine!

« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2007, 04:57:11 PM »
Parts 5-10 take a slightly different approach to everything. This second part of the saga puts the story in traditional story format for a little while. But when I get into what is the third story (11-17), I'll shift back into the traditional format. Also, 5-10 is slightly shorter due to the story format but hey, it is also easier to read :).

Part 5

Not very long ago, Bowser was killed in an epic battle with Mario. His reign ended and it
was discovered that his children did not share the royal bloodline, for his deceased wife was not of nobility. The Koopa Kingdom united with Mushroom Kingdom and had become their greatest allies. After years of fighting, everything was at peace…..or so everyone thought.

Somewhere, in a distant realm, the spirit of Bowser lurks, plotting revenge against the one who destroyed his body. “And they will never suspect!” exclaimed Bowser’s ghost with excitement. “I must escape this world, and destroy the one who destroyed me!” He slowly built up strange power so he could escape from his eternal torture. Bowser plotted, and within the two years between his death, he broke through the gates and re-entered the world of light.

It was a lovely evening when the tragedy at the Mario house broke out. It was Mario’s birthday, and his friends who helped him overthrow Bowser those two years ago were coming to the party early. Mario and Luigi were both getting everything ready.

“Mario, we are out decorating ribbon! We can’t write Happy Birthday!” Luigi said with a strong worry.

“Don’t worry,” Mario started, “we can do without it, just make patterns.”

“Mario, you are the best. You even helped me get over the shock from two years ago when Bowser captured me and-”

But he was cut off when the lights went out.

“What in the world?” asked Mario.

Luigi, puzzled, decided to descend to the basement to check the circuit box. He ran back upstairs screaming his head off.

“LUIGI! What is it?” asked Mario with some shock.”

“G-g-g-ghost. Ghost of!”
Then the grey and black, yet bright ghost swept from the basement and revealed its face.

“No! It can’t be!” Exclaimed Mario with some fear.

“You killed me! And I will kill you! You and your stupid brother are going to die!”

The ghost was Bowser, as he had somehow escaped from his eternal torture. His eyes glared red, his face was distorted, and a strange purple outline surrounded him. He then entered Luigi’s body, and possessed him. Luigi’s eyes turned blood-red, and his voice deepened. “Your death will be near Mario! And everyone will think it was your brother who killed you!”

Mario punched the possessed Luigi and dashed for the door. The possessed Luigi grasped a butcher knife in his hand from the kitchen. Just as Mario opened the door, he found his friends and a group of early birds waiting at the door. They all yelled “Happy Birthday!” One person then told that someone thought it would be funny to scare Mario and Luigi by pulling a circuit and then screaming happy birthday when they step outside. The person who was claimed to suggest and execute the prank denied doing it and said he had no recollection of that, and that something had grabbed him and he woke up in the front part of the house.
Mario’s reply was “Happy birthday indeed, RUN! GET AWAY FROM HERE AS FAST AS YOU CAN!”
Ken, one of Mario’s friends was confused and thought “what in the world has gotten into Mario?” But before he could begin to talk about it to everyone, the possessed Luigi ran through the door and sliced Ken’s head open. Everyone screamed and ran away from the house as fast as they could.

Mario had reached Downtown Toadtown and was at the fountain when Luigi jumped upon him. Mario tried to plead with who was really Bowser and spare his life. Bowser laughed and sliced through Mario’s neck. It almost took his head right off. A huge crowd watched in astonishment, disbelief, and sorrow. The possessed Luigi then screamed, “He took my dignity away from me for all these years! And now he will take no more from me!” and then laughed hysterically. Hamm and James, Mario’s other two friends who had previously helped him defeat Bowser ran up trying to seize Luigi. However he jumped when they charged, and a terrible fate literally dropped onto their heads like a rock. The possessed Luigi cut their heads up and pulled their brains out. He then shouted “Does anyone else want to challenge me?!!!”

Bowser then left Luigi’s body. The real Luigi appeared to have no recollection of what had just happened. He started to speak,

“Wow, I just had the craziest dream I ever-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!”

He looked at his red hands and the half beheaded Mario. Luigi screamed louder. Heavily armed Policemen, a swat team, and even a few castle guards surrounded Luigi and told him to put his hands up and drop the butcher knife. Luigi having no idea what was going on just went along. They arrested him and brought him immediately to a high security cell. His trial would be held within 24 hours, and with all the witnesses and “confession at the scene of the crime” there would be no doubt that Luigi would be executed.

« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2007, 05:04:12 PM »
Since I didn't post any new parts yesterday, I am doing a double update today.

Part 6

Luigi had been arrested, and was thrown into gloomy holding cell with security equivalent to a high security prison. His trial was about to begin shortly. He tried to get a lawyer but no defense attorney, even the ones provided by the government, refused to take Luigi as a client. Only one day after Mario was horribly killed, the trial began.

Luigi was marched down into the Mushroom Courthouse. It was a 2 story, classical styled building with Ionic Columns in the front. Its appearance was almost glaring angrily at Luigi like everyone else watching him. Then he entered a massive building that seemed to have a misty atmosphere within it. All types of intelligent species from the Mushroom Kingdom, and even former Koopa Kingdom citizens, were watching Luigi angrily. He walked down a red carpet to the dark colored defendant’s stand. And then the Judge came in.

“Luigi Mario, you have been accused of 4 homicides. How do you plead?” The judge asked with a serious look on his face.
Of course, Luigi’s reply was not guilty.

The Prosecutor however ended up calling in every witness that could possibly be imagined to take the stand. Comments ranged to “He cut out their hearts brutally!” to “He slit Mario’s throat in front of my eyes and others!”

Luigi could not give a defense that convinced anyone. He claimed he had lost his memory. All he remembered was being knocked unconscious after helping putting up some decorations from Mario’s Birthday. It was a lousy testimony and was all that could be said. Nobody believed him.

When the Jury came to make the verdict, every single person in the courtroom stoop up and shouted “GUILTY” in unison. The Judge then sentenced Luigi to death by the Guillotine.

However Luigi knew this would happen. He was placed temporarily in a cold, damp, and dark gray chamber in solitary confinement. He knew that he would sentence to death for something knew he didn’t do. He had to escape and find the one who had framed him, for that was his plan. There wasn’t any bathroom in his cell so asked the guards if he could use it.

“Guards, I need to go BAD!”

“Just go in there!”

“I like my privacy”

“You are going to die anyways”

“Ummmm….make it my last request!”

“Oh fine Luigi.”

So he was taken to a restroom in the prison. But the first chance he got, he jumped into the vent. Luigi then thought to himself.
   “This is madness! Whoever was cold enough to kill my brother is truly a Menace to all of the Mushroom Kingdom! I will find out who did this!”

He crawled through the dusty vent, but he wasn’t very quiet. On more than one occasion, guards heard something in the vent. Oddly enough, they weren’t checking it. Except for one occasion where a Guard shot into the ventilation above him (and missed Luigi by 2 inches)

“Why doesn’t anyone realize what is going on! There is someone in the vent!”
Then another jail guard walked up to him and

Nobody paid any attention! Luigi thought he was sneaking out without detection, so when he got to the right place, he jumped out the vent.

“Hello Luigi,” said a guard, who was standing in front of about of 20 other guards. They
had been waiting for him to ambush him!

“YAHHHHHHH!!” screamed Luigi, and he ran as fast as he could outside the jail cell.
Then one of the guards shouted, “wait Luigi! This isn’t what you think is going on!”

Luigi started to sprint faster than he ever sprinted from the guards. They all chased after him with their own speed as well. They ran down 3 corridors. The first one was filled with jail cells on all sides of the wall, the second was very long and narrow with only about 4 or 5 lights that weren’t even bright, and the 3rd corridor felt less claustrophobic. It was the hallway to the new addition on the building, so it looked much more finished with its whitewashed walls and fluorescent lights. However it was also much less narrow than the older part of the building. The guards tried to take advantage of this by cutting Luigi off there but he jumped over the surprise attackers and flew out the building through the nearest door.

However the moment Luigi ran outside the Jail building, he was greeted by a person he did not expect. And then he remembered what he saw on that terrible night before he became “unconscious.” He immediately recalled everything that happened.

“Hello Luigi,” said a ghostly figure.

Part 7

It was the ghost of Bowser, and he looked even scarier than ever. His ghost was dark gray with purplish glow, and his eyes were blood red. The spikes on his back waved back and forth like gasoline, and his teeth were as black as the night sky.

At first, Luigi ran all the way down the street. But the ghost chased him for the entire half mile that was run.

Luigi remembered seeing the same ghastly figure only 6 nights before and demanded answers to what happened. His voice however was terribly shaky, and worry was clearly in Luigi’s eyes.

Bowser’s reply was “So you want answers? Well I will give them all to you!”

He then started to talk about what occurred.

“Mario is dead because of me! But most of all thanks to you! And not only that but he is going to help me be revived! And the curse will return and both kingdoms will be under my control.

I possessed you Luigi, and the moment I possessed you, I took a knife and tried to stab Mario in his head. But he squirmed away, and I had to deal with those two traitors and that stupid Toad that helped Mario put me in my current state.

But I need his spirit to revive myself! And when I will both send the two of you into the vacuum of the Underworld! But for that to work, you need to die too, so I must take you back to your jail. I would just stab you while you were possessed but that would send me right back to the underworld!”

Luigi ran right by Bowser and ran all the way back to the jail building without thinking. Bowser was following him at full speed, but right when Luigi realized what direction he was running in, bright headlights coming from the Mushroom Kingdom Detention Center filled the dark night. Bowser quickly fled away.

The guard that had said ‘Hello Luigi’ earlier ran up to Luigi and told him, “I told you! This isn’t what you think it is! You are free Luigi!”

“Free?!” exclaimed Luigi with some baffled tone in his voice.

“Yes, you are free Luigi, but thanks to me,” said a voice even more familiar.

“Mario?!” shouted Luigi.

“Yes, it is.”

A ghostly figure of Mario walked out from the crowd. Unlike Bowser, Mario resembled more of a translucent version of him, and had a yellow outline around him.
Luigi then asked “What in the world? How did this come to be! Oh I am so confused about everything!”

“Did Bowser tell you that he possessed you and killed me?” Mario asked.
“Yep,” replied Luigi.

“Well here is what he is planning to do.”

[Everything that Mario is describing is happening on screen at the same time]

“Okay Luigi, after he possessed you and killed me, he took my spirit, which I am in now, and trapped it into some sort of laboratory. I was placed next to a strange machine. Bowser then explained to me that I still contained the power of the stars, and it would require an extraction process from me to take it away. The machine was designed to extract any type of strange power or energy from any type of material.

He then went on to tell me that the star power would be used to revive himself. Their magic is powerful enough to perform such an act. It will create a new body for the harnesser that is even greater than their previous. It can even give them new abilities too!

However I escaped right when opened the lid on the container I was imprisoned in. He had not anticipated it and I caught him off guard. I fled and knew that you were going to be executed very soon. So I came here to the Mushroom Kingdom Detention Center to tell the guards. Everyone here knows you are innocent and you have been pardoned by the princess. But it seems you tried to escape before you were given a chance to be told.

So does that explain everything Luigi?”

Luigi fainted after hearing everything.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2007, 05:12:11 PM by WillBillXP »

« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2007, 07:31:09 AM »
Part 8

Luigi woke up about and hour later or so. He had finally understood everything that had happened. Many people had surrounded him. But they weren’t there to call everyone crazy, there were there to apologize. Unfortunately, the crowd drew attention. And the more attention they drew, the more it spread. And it spread until a Magickoopa on Broom had found out what was going on…

Only half an hour later, a Doom Ship swept over the Mushroom City and traveled into Toad Town. People were confused, as any remaining Doom Ship remaining from the Bug Splatter War (as the incident from the event of the previous year) was supposed to be grounded. However this Doom Ship had a vacuum on it, and outside the Mushroom Detention Center, it sucked up Both Luigi and Mario’s ghost.

As they were being sucked up, they tried to grasp the sides and climb down, but it was too powerful. However they did manage to rip the side of it when they were more than halfway up the tube. They grabbed onto the ripped cloth of the vacuum, and kept pulling it. Luigi was solid and able to push himself up through part of the giant hole. Mario however continued upward.

Luigi went flying, but thankfully landed on the deck because of the tremendous force that caused him to fly. He noticed that that the Doom Ship was longer than the usual, and was a red Orange Color for this particular model. It was lighted by Dim lights, and filled with gaps, holes, and stairways that led to 20 foot high platforms. It was a night shift so not too many people were on it. But what was strange that there even people working for Bowser’s ghost! Luigi was all alone, and had confusion in his head greater than puzzle with pieces that don’t seem to fit.

“What in the world could these guards be doing here?” Luigi asked. But then he realized he thought out loud.

“Hey look! Its that coward Luigi! Let’s get him!” a guard yelled.

“WAAAAAA,” shouted Luigi.

He tried fighting but he miss-jumped, fell through the floor, and finally punched with his fist open.

“Wow, it is true, you really are a freaking coward,” said one guard, and then they all started laughing.

But Luigi got ticked off at that. He then snapped hard. His face turned red and he beat the oblivion out of the guards.

“Luigi! Wait!” shouted one guard before he was about to punch his lights out completely.

“Goodness! What am I doing?” Luigi said with embarrassed tone, “I never thought I had that in me.”

“No, that isn’t important,” and then the guard that said that had electrical beams run over him. “Listen, Bowser found his old advisor Kamek, and he is going to help Bowser revive himself. They are together redoing the old curse of the army, and have [cough] place it back. Look below you!”

Luigi took at a look off the side of the doom ship, and looked below to areas where the Koopa Kingdom was. He saw that the blackness that plagued it once a long time ago was beginning to return in certain areas. The castle had turned completely black and all plants growing in that area had died. The moat had turned back into lava, and it was happening slowly within the old kingdom. But it didn’t stop there.

“Luigi, Bowser plans to combine powers with Kamek when he is revived. He will take over the entire Mushroom World at this rate. The curse is wearing off because I am just a big coward myself. I’ll be fine. Go on, you don’t need me. The fate of the two kingdoms is up to you.”

Luigi didn’t like hearing those words, but at the same time, he felt glamorous that he might get some attention from people for once. He knew that it was up to him. He didn’t want to do what he had to do but carried on anyways.

He crept over the platforms, jumped over the holes, and snuck by the guards when he had to. It was a game of Metal Gear Solid, only real. He had to be very careful, if the guards detected him, he would be swarmed. Most of the guards were brave and would fight to the death. However there are alternatives to breaking the curse.

Though he did get detected once, this was all that was needed for an alarm.

“It is Luigi! Well look who decided to show up finally.”

“Get him”

“Smash Him”

“Let’s go everyone.”

Luigi had to fight but was overwhelmed. Then a friendly face from earlier showed up. It was the guard that the curse wore off from earlier.

“Need Backup? No problem!”

And the friendly soldier shell spun the koopas like a bowling pin.

“My name is Mike, and I was the champ in the Koopa Bowling Tournament. But now that Bowser is trying to return, Kamek has cursed us all. I will help you get to the bridge.”

It was a brief partner uniting but not as great as it was with Mario’s friends. However Luigi was comforted by the fact that he wasn’t alone.
They traveled through more of the doom ship, and avoiding its death traps until they reached the bridge. Similarly to how Ken helped Mario sneak through the cities last year by distracting the guards, Mike helped Luigi in the same way. They then reached the bridge.

“I can’t get in here myself, I am not granted access to the bridge area. You will have to sneak in yourself through that ventilation shaft,” explained Mike.

“I don’t know, I have had enough sneaking around in vents for a while,” replied Luigi.

“Oh I want to help you, I really do. Do you have any idea who I am?”
Luigi said no, and then Mike revealed who he really was, “My name in Michel M. Koophius; the brother of Ken.”

« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2007, 07:22:35 PM »
Part 9

Luigi was stunned for about a moment, realizing who this person was. The Koopa then continued on,

“When I found out what had happened to Ken, I was shocked. I knew it couldn’t have been you though Luigi. However as soon as I walked into the cursed area where my house is, I came under Bowser’s control. I knew what I had to do but I couldn’t resist the powerful curse. Do you realize why I must get into the bridge with you?”

Luigi was just cowardly hesitant at first, but then took a good look under the dim light. Mike had green skin like his brother, a color rare for koopas. He knew that he had to have been Ken’s brother.

“So, I now know that it is true,” said Luigi with hand on his chin.

Mike then replied, “Heh, it is almost as if we were meant to be partners. We are green and both a couple of cowards.”

Luigi thought to himself, “I guess two negatives make a positive. I felt braver when working with him.”

Mike felt the same way.

Luigi then went on, “We really should try teaming up to take Bowser down.”

Mike’s reply was, “We need to, and we are both in the same situation here! So what is your plan?”

“Okay Mike, I have an idea,” and then Luigi whispered it to Mike.

“Oh I love it!”

So Luigi then snuck through ANOTHER vent feeling uneasy from what happened last time. He then heard two koopas in captains uniforms speaking from outside the vent.

“Hey, you know there is more to this job than steering!”

The other one then said, “well you know I am new at this.”

“You have to keep the ship up and stabilized. Those stabilizers there are mechanical and need someone to reset them ever hour. Without them, this ship would fall within an hour and a half!”

Luigi jumped into the bridge and beat up the captain and his trainee by surprise.

“Were you expecting me?” said Luigi with sarcastic questioning.

He then looked on the control deck for the button that opened the door. He let Mike into the bridge area.

“Well that takes care of phase one, why didn’t you think of this before!”

“Well, ummm…I was….afraid…you would stab me in the back or something….hehe.”

“Luigi, you know the curse is cancelled out by fear. You would think Bowser and Kamek would have fixed that glitch? Anyways, we need to get to the laboratory area. That is undeniably where Mario’s soul is being held.

The lab was located right after the bridge control area. The lab seemed a little clichéd with glass tubes, flasks containing liquids of all colors that smelt like rotten eggs and tasted poisonously bitter. However there was a large mechanism in the center of the room. The machine was very spooky looking with blue glowing from everywhere. On the left half of it was the control board with dozens of switches and small buttons around 1 or half an inch diameter. On the right half was a horrifyingly creepy glass tube that stood about 2 feet high and was connected by wires at the top of it. A bluish-greenish glow came from it as if the tube contained some plasma-like substance. In the very center of this tube, there stood a familiar figure crying out for help.

Luigi peered in through a standard-sized, steel door. He saw the machine containing the faint figure of his brother standing in the center of the dark room. He took a deep breath and gasped at what he saw. However Luigi then saw a shadow and another odd glow walk toward him. He recognized the glowing figure at Bowser, but the shadowy figure wasn’t visible. It then began to spoke. The voice was raspy and old but had a nerdy tone to it. And it also sounded like an odd synthesizer speaking at the same time.

“You didn’t think I would retire forever? You didn’t really think that of all the people, I would just waste my days and grow really old? I’m in my late 80s now, and my time is drawing near. I needed to help the one I served all those years ago again. After all, I would know more about Bowser, you, and your brother as children than anyone else Luigi.”

Luigi kind of recognized the voice as someone he hadn’t seen for years. With curiosity and some anger, he flung the door open all the way. Light rushed into the laboratory, and standing off center to the right of the machine was none other than the only Kamek.

He was wearing an outfit not unlike his classic blue Magikoopa outfit. However it was off-white rather than blue.

“Are you surprised to see me?” Kamek asked with a sarcastic tone. “You see, when I heard that Bowser died, I was ever so devastated. Not only was he responsible for reviving the curse a long time ago when you and Mario unintentionally broke it by
Defeating me, but I cared on him until the time I retired 20 years ago. You and your brother almost ruined me 25 years ago when you nearly killed me and nearly ruined the curse. Had I not taught him my ways of magic everyone would have betrayed him.”

Luigi wanted to back away after hearing that, but at the same time he wanted to save his brother.

“All I want is my brother,” Luigi said in a quiet voice.

“Heh, he is essential to reviving me,” said Bowser, “I wouldn’t give him up if it were the last thing I did.”

Bowser then pointed to the odd machine, “You see, I need that star power that Mario absorbed in order to revive myself. It seems that the 7 stars’ power absorbed into Mario when they caused me to implode. If I can reverse the power they gave off, I can revive myself and destroy my nemesis twice!”

The ghostly Mario knew what Bowser was truly doing now. He started to bang on the glass, even though it was electrically sealed.

“You can’t escape Mario; this glass is ghost-proof. Soon your Star Power will belong to me, and you will be no more!”


  • is FUNdamental
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2007, 04:07:02 PM »
...Wow. This is undoubtedly one of the best fanfics I've seen. The suspense is keeping me on the edge of my seat! Will Mario escape? Will Bowser revive himself? Hurry, post the next chapter!

My only complaint so far is the amount of violence in the fanfic; the scene where Bowser destroys Toad Town could've done just as well without blood everywhere, and the Bowser-possesed Luigi could've killed Mario in a less violent manner. It's a matter of opinion, though, and I always like fanfics that are darker than the games, so I'd say you're doing a great job with the fanfic.

So...hurry, post the next chapter! :P
We went to see them for the first time in 5 years because they were going away for 3 years.

« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2007, 05:04:30 PM »
Right away reading :)

Part 10

 “Hey Bowser, need a hand?” asked a voice from outside the door.

“Oh! Mike how are you doing! Thank you for coming” replied Bowser

Luigi was shocked; he could have sworn the curse wasn’t affecting Mike. But Mike walked over to the machine and pulled the plug. Mario then sprung out the top of the capsule, and floating swiftly to the ground. The star power in his soul lit up the room. Everyone simultaneously shouted “WHAT!?”

“Now is your chance Luigi!” and Luigi jumped Kamek and took his wand. Then he pinned Kamek to the ground

“No! I thought we fixed that bug in the curse! How….how could it have failed?!” Kamek said with Luigi standing on him.

 “Do you think I would let you two consume me after what your tyrannical ruler did to my brother?! You will both pay!” But suddenly Bowser possessed Mike when he least expected it. But Mike was strong and could partially resist it. As a result, a strange internal battle raged on.

“You can’t fight for anything mike!” Shouted the Bowser side.

“What are you going to do? Kidnap the princess you stupid copycat?” Mike said with a sarcastic reply.

Mike then hit himself twice, once for each side. Kamek meanwhile tried to get up and snatched the wand away from Luigi.

“Oh no you don’t!” Mario shouted. And he jumped inside of Kamek as well.

“Oh my! More possessed confusion!” Luigi said with a worried and confused tone of voice.

Kamek was also strong and able to partially resist what Mario did.

“Ha! You can’t keep this body forever you dead good-for-nothing!”

“You kidnapped me years ago and got beaten by a baby and a Yoshi!” and then Mario had Kamek hit himself.

“Bah! You did nothing, and you are still a pathetic cry-baby!” and Kamek struck back.

“Shut up and help me out Kamek!” said Mike, who was really Bowser.

“Yesir,” said Kamek. And they both punched each other out. A very awkward brawl ensued among all 4 of the participants, and in reality, there were technically 2.

   Luigi couldn’t take it anymore. He was more confused than a tired slump at a computer. He shouted out, “This madness must end! Must it continue!? You are all fighting amongst yourselves!” And still confused, he unwittingly plugged the machine back in. But without a host in the capsule, the machine became disoriented and began to malfunction. It sent two beams of electricity out from the capsule’s wired section, and it struck Mike and Kamek. Yellow light formed around them, and then it traveled through the electrical waves at the speed of light and overloaded the machine. It continued to malfunction and then sucked up Mario and Bowser who were possessing Kamek and Mike as well.
   They twisted up, and the star power became separated. The 7 stars reformed above the capsule. The two souls that were mashed together practically now, floated to the top of the capsule and flung out into the air. The stars revived both Bowser and Mario simultaneously.

“I’m back!” Bowser and Mario exclaimed at the same time. But then they realized something strange. They looked down, only to find that while the two bodies were reincarnated, the souls in each of them were wrong.

“You are not telling me that you are Bowser and Bowser is you!” Luigi said with his hand on his eyes.
Kamek said the same thing as well. And they just started crying because it was so pathetic.

It wasn’t long until Bowser and Mario, who were swapped in bodies began to fight again.

“You are tough as me,” said Mario. “Heh, no wonder you keep losing, you are slow as heck!”

Bowser then said, “Ha! How pathetic you are in my body! But how are you supposed to handle yourself! You run way too fast and slip around in these shoes way too much!”

But after a few claw swipes and head bonks, Bowser, who was in Mario’s body, went for the tail.

“Ha! Revenge is sweet!”

But Kamek regained sanity all of a sudden and volunteered to help. Unfortunately, his idea wasn’t about to go right.

“I’ll help Lord Bowser!” And Kamek grabbed his wand and switched the bodies’ souls around. Unfortunately, at the same time he did this, Bowser’s Body was about to go flying.

Bowser flew into the wall, and was now back to his regular self. “Could you have picked a worse time to switch?”

“Oh well, better late then never,” spoke Kamek, “now let’s get both of them! Combine your powers with me!”

And Kamek and Bowser combined their powers to form a giant ball of black magical energy. It formed a glossy-black and grey ball that was about to come toward Mario and Luigi. But the 7 stars still had their power. They shielded the Mario Brothers and gave their Power back to the Mario Bros again.

“Bah! I’m not going to let this event happen again!” exclaimed Bowser. He then tried to combine his Powers again. And the Mario Bros countered again. but instead of pushing back and imploding Bowser and Kamek again, the black ball and white light of energy combined, and flew toward the control panel in the next room. It destroyed the control room and the ship began to lose altitude. The Doomship started to lose its power, and caught fire. The ceiling caved in on Kamek and Bowser. The Mario Bros and Mike managed to get off the draw bridge but when they exited, they found the ship in vertical freefall. Even worse, the Stars’ power had temporarily faded and would need to recharge by resting.

“Now what!? We are going to DIE!” Luigi screamed frightfully.

Mike hastily replied, “There are escape pods at the bottom of the ship. We can get out there!”

They rushed through the floors of the Doom Ship. The altitude began to decrease more and more. They flew down stairs, skipped steps, jumped down an elevator shaft, and swung across a huge gap on a chandelier.

But by the time they reached the basement where the escape pods were, they all found them to have been launched already. They were too late.

"A Crap!! We are too late!” Shouted Mike, “well, we are going to die. Do you have any cigarettes?”

“Neither of us smoke,” said Mario.

Suddenly the ship’s bridge area exploded, but not in a typical way. Instead, it lit up the ship in purple and yellow light, and warped the ship, and anyone else on it, into a portal.

Mario: Well everything certainly is back to normal!

Luigi: Yeah, normal is right. Now we have more madness to deal with!

Mike: This isn’t over yet guys! We have just beGUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!

And they all were sucked into the warp hole.

Yes, this is an indication that I am going back to the old script format. Hope you guys don't mind.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2007, 05:18:05 PM by WillBillXP »

« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2007, 04:17:01 PM »
Part 11
Bowser was dead, and he should have stayed dead. However, with the help of an assistant named Kamek, he managed to revive himself. The starpower that Mario had possessed was required, and so Bowser had murdered his arch-nemesis and drained the 7 stars out of him. It seemed perfect; a curse that ensured his army was to obey him and him only was being cast again, and Bowser was about to get his body back. Things went wrong when Luigi showed up and infiltrated the doom ship where the revival was to be taken place; and with the help of a koopa traitor named Mike, Mario was also able to be revived and Bowser’s plan was nearly foiled. Unfortunately, Bowser and Mario fought with black and white power. It opened a vortex and sucked everyone present into it like a vacuum cleaner. The troubles were not over, they were about to begin, and not just begin literally, they were to begin at the beginning of the problems.

 [The scene opens up from Mario’s perspective. At first his eyes are shut and all that is seen is black. A faint but familiar voice is heard and calls out “Mario…..Mario….Wake up Mario!” He opens his eyes and sees a blurred image of Luigi and Mike the koopa]

Mario {sighing}: What….what in the world happened? Weren’t we all sucked into a vortex a few moments ago?

Luigi: Yes, and look around! Everything looks…different but also similar at the same time.

Mike: I’m not geography expert but {his eyes widen} this is definitely the forest that we flew over. I used to hike here all the time with my brother. Oddly enough a lot of the trees like….younger.

[Mario takes a look at them and notices while the trees resemble Mushroom Kingdom trees, there are some subtle differences that make the trees look a little more realistic]

Mario: And there aren’t any expressions on them! They kind of look the same as before but don’t at the same time. I feel like I am in a half and half world! It is as if the Mushroom Kingdom got mixed with one of those RPGs that I play in my spare time!

Luigi: Questioning and speculating won’t get us anywhere. Mike, do you know if there is any populated area close to these woods?

Mike: Oh sure, there is a large town at the edge of a path.

Mario: Hmmmm…but we are on no path. Finding it may not be easy.

Mike: Don’t sweat it, I spent so much time with Ken exploring this forest that it was like a backyard adventure. The path is right down there.

Mario, Luigi, and Mike all walked down a few feet. Mike mentioned on how the layout of the trees was the same but that the trees looked oddly smaller and younger again and again. Shock though, bestowed upon Mike when they reached the area where the path was supposed to be.

Luigi: Gah! There isn’t any path here! We are lost! This isn’t any woods you know about Mike!

Mario: Are you sure you know where you are going

Mike: But….but there should be a path here! It is a mile long path that goes through the wood’s shorter area! I mean this has to be the area, I recognize a few sights like that rock over there….wait, that boulder! Me and Ken took pieces of it out as a souvenir 10 years ago, but the boulder looks completely in tact!

Mario: What? What in the name of the stars could this mean?! I’m confused!

Mike: Hmmmm, young trees, a boulder that is still in tact, no path. I have a huge hunch. There is only one thing I can think of: That vortex sent us back in time.

Mario: Whaaa!!!! I don’t believe it! How…how far!

Mike: I don’t have a clue. I have no idea how old any of those trees were or how thick the forest would be now. But I can say we must have gone back at least a century, most of the trees now are very young.

Luigi: A hundred years lost in the past woods! This is unheard of!

Mike: We aren’t lost; the whole layout of the trees and landmarks like boulders are the same. Come on and go!

Luigi: I have a really bad feeling about this!

Most of the way through the mysterious forest to the town was quiet. Mike knew where he was going and they all got through the forest without too much trouble. It wasn’t until they reached the edge of the woods until trouble began to brew. It started with a strange old man with a bald head and white eyebrows and black eyes, walking around in circles and pacing back and fourth.

Mario: Excuse me sir? Could I ask you something?


Mario: Ummmmm….never mind, I forgot my question. We will be moving on.

No violence was committed, but the strange old man was an indicator of the horrors to come.

« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2007, 05:40:17 PM »
More Menace goodness here, and this is probably the second best part after the part 16 in my opinion. Oh I made this and the next part ultra suspenseful, heh heh heh.

Part 12

[The scene opens up with the image of a slightly small but medieval town. Currently it is dusk or close to dusk. In front of the troupe, there is a stone arch gate with the letters engraved reading “Ortho Town.” The site has a very old fashion appearance, as most of the houses are made of simple boards and stones with thatched roofs. Yet they retain a mushroom shape not unlike the Mushroom Kingdom and the designs of the roofs are black with white spots on them. Mario, Luigi, and Mike are on the outskirts of town but there are still a few people running about]

Luigi {yawning}: It is about dusk by now. But that red and blue sunset is so pretty!

Mike: Yeah, and those dark clouds over there look just as pretty {Cough}, sarcasm

Mario: Oh what is a little rain going to hurt….he, he

[Inside the town, all kinds of people are running about. There are mainly MK Toads but many of them are more human looking as well. A few other intelligent species roam about with slightly more archaic appearances. The Toads for example, have black hats and white spots rather than white hats and red spots. And while there aren’t many koopas, if there are, the majority has silver shells and green skin]

Mike: Ha-ha! What did I tell you guys, we are in the past! And based on this entire late medieval atmosphere, we have gone back about 600 years I would say.

Luigi: Wah! And I thought a century was bad enough! 600 FREAKING YEARS?!

Mario was just plain speechless at the thought. Some sweat ran down his cheek, and his face turned red. Then he yelled out while banging his feel, “LOST LOST LOST LOST LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” A few people suddenly looked over in their direction. A town gates person dressed in brown came running toward them and said….

Gatekeeper: Why, noticed I did not thee three. Welcome to Ortho Town! Where art thou strangers’ part of?

Mario: We are from Toad Town

Luigi: Hello, it’s nice to meet you.

Gatekeeper: Ha-ha, noticed have I. It can be told by thy speech. A friendly emissary of this here town of ours is here to show people around!

Mario thought to himself, “Oh great, I hated Shakespeare when studying it and here I am pour the reality! Wait, why art I talking this way!”

Emissary: I see thou art from Toad Town, site of the original kingdom of this land. It seemeth that speech of the land has changed. But if thou want vernacular of that land, it can be arranged.

Mario: Please just speak English

Emissary/Tour Guide: Well I will be your tour guide for the time being. After all, we want to be hospitable to guests as long as they are just. Well let me lead you into downtown.

[The downtown area of Ortho Town was bustling with all types of artisans and merchants. A few people with triangular relics were seen by the troupe. Mario and Luigi were confused, but Mike being a History student lightly chuckled at the thought of going back in time. At the same time, he seemed slightly worried]

Tour Guide: Oh this is our lovely downtown area. Right there, you will see the crossroad area where all kinds of roads intersect! That is our town hall, isn’t the red bell tower and school-house crossed with an office wonderful?

Mario: (I’d feel like I was in a classroom if I attended a meeting in that building]

Tour Guide: Oh yes, and there is the fountain in front of it.

[Mario looks at it with an odd look, seeing the same triangular relic on top of it]

Luigi: I see many merchants running around here

Tour Guide: All these citizens never abhor! Or else you would be out of our town’s door.

Luigi: What about what the gatekeeper said about unjust people?

Tour Guide: Bah, the unjust will be punished for their crimes appalled. And those who go against the gods’ will, they are the worst of all.

[Mike almost breaks a sweat hearing that and stays silent for the next parts of the tour]

While touring the town, many landmarks were noted. Many roads and side roads ran about. There were several alleys in many ways. Even on the west side there was a field. The guide explained while it was normally for farming, there was a carnival in town. It was a very populated town but not as busy as its centre. But while walking near the Eastern part of town where the clouds came from, the Mario’s and Mike noticed a slightly darker feel to it. A jail and an area for executing prisoners was spotted, and the houses were a bit rundown.

Tour Guide: Oh I shouldn’t be here; this is such a gloomy part of our wonderful town. Cometh let us go to the inn of the town!

At the inn, Mario paid a small tip to the guide and muttered out:

Mario: Thank you good sir, may the….

Mike: Shut up Mario!

He was cutting Mario off for some odd reason, and Mario didn’t know why.

Mario: What? All I was saying was “May the stars be with you.”

Mike: Mario! You fool! Do you realize what you have just done?!

Tour Guide: St-stars?! THOU JUST SLIPPED UP THEE BEAST OF HUMANITY! All the whole time thou were all a façade. And thou shalt be punished unjust deniers of the creators of this land! HEAR YE! HEAR YE! THESE GUESTS OF THIS TOWN ART IN REALITY GUESTS OF EVIL! THEY DENY THE GODS AND HATH BEEN SENT TO BE PUNISHED BY THIS TOWN!

Mario: Wha-what?!?!

Mike: you have done it now Mario. In this day and age, people took their religious beliefs very seriously, and now thanks to you, we are all going to be ripped into pieces and burnt alive! Run! RUN!

Suddenly a hoard of townsfolk ran in anger toward the Mario Bros and the koopa. It was like an angry bull heard being teased by thousands of red capes, and they were headed right toward the heroes.

Townsman: Ye monsters shalt be slain!

Woman: Will thee survive? NAY! Will thee be burnt alive? YAY!


Townsman: These art the boots of mine! Shoes nay!

Mike: Shut up and run you idiot!
[They run down a few streets behind an angry crowd of various people, all yelling. Mario notices an open door on one of the houses and it appears to be empty. The group runs into it.]

The house’s interior was a little run down and shack like. There were only two windows, one small one in the front not even large enough to fit a child, and another in the back that was fairly big. Some generic furniture lied around the muddy floor, including a table, chairs, a double bed, and dresser. The group pushed the larger furniture into any place where there could be an opening.

Mario: What is with these people? One moment they are hospitable and the next moment they are a blood thirsty mob.

Mike: I’m a bit of a historian and can explain this, you see….

He was cut off by a loud bang on the door. The mob was closing in on the house, and had already started to chop through the front door. Mario ran up to hold it and an axe chopped through the dresser holding the door back; missing his face by 2 centimeters.

Mike: Yikes! I don’t know about you guys but I’m getting out of here. Follow me out the back window. {Jumps through the back window}

Luigi: Oh come on! Wait for me! {Runs out the back too}

Mario: Am I the only one here?!

Then the Mob chopped through the door and front window. Someone threw a torch threw the window and the door was about to be swung wide open.

Mario: [dukar]! I’m getting out of here myself! {Runs out the back} Wait, where did those guys go?

[Cut to Mike, and he is alone in a back alley]

Mike: Great, that was close guys…..guys?

[Cut to Luigi, and he is somewhere far away from the mob on a random road]

Luigi: [darn]it! Where did they go! WAAAAAAAAAAH!

[Cut to Mario, who is still running from the mob]

Mario: Please tell me this is a dream! Please tell me! Dieing once is enough!

All three were temporarily separated; and while Mario was huffing the whole time to get away from that mob, Luigi and Mike were sneaking around trying to find each other. However the sneakiness wasn’t stealthy at all; as they were both caught.

[Mike’s situation]

Townsman: Those heretics escaped our grasp. Pay they will when we spot them!

*Footsteps are heard

Townsman 2: Hath you heard that? {They look down the alley}

Mike: Oh crap!

Townsman: And he is an unbearable man of foul language too! UNJUST ART THOU! THEE SHALT BE PUNISHED!

Mike ran down the alley and climbed over a back wall. The townsmen followed him. Unfortunately for Mike, he ran into a huge crowd who was fully aware of what was going on. He ran back, over the fence, seeing that the two men cornered him. He bowled them over with his shell shock move, and ran. He headed towards the crossroads of the town

[Luigi’s situation]

Luigi was in the wide open, and was lucky that no one was around when he ran to where he was. The streets were wide, and he caught a breath. Luigi was merely walking to the crossroads. He was the only one who wasn’t grasping gasps for his life. That is, until he bumped into a lone person walking about the street.

Person: Who art thou!

Luigi: Oh, just a traveler, I’ll…erm, be going now, you see?

Person: YOU?! Thee art one of three monsters! Thee art the green monster that hath cometh with three travelers of doom! HEAR YE! ONE OF THREE IS HERE!

Luigi: Oh crap!

Person: A swear! A vulgarity thou art! Thou shalt be punished for thy deeds of evil!

And Luigi ran for his life faster than he ever ran…

[Mario’s situation]

Poor Mario was running the entire time. Fortunately, he had great stamina and only five people were chasing him by this time. In his situation, he ran to the fair area that the tour guide has shown him.

Mob: Off with his head! Off with his head!

Mario: Your heads are loose enough to fall off!

Mob: Thee shouldeth giveth up and go stand in the attraction of dummies! Thou could stand still and maketh our axes easier!

Mario: I have no idea what you said but I’m running until you all drop-a!

Mario ran onto a table to avoid the small crowd, and since the table was long, the crowd tilted it over with Mario still on it. He got back up and ran into a medium sized circular tent with orange stripes on it. The mobsters ran into it with Mario, but it was part of a quick getaway plan Mario thought up of at the last minute. As the mobsters charge into the tent, Mario back flipped over them, ran out the exit, and then pulled a few tent spikes out of the ground. The tent collapsed and trapped the 5 people in it. They scrambled around under the cloth and by the time they escaped, Mario was gone, heading toward the crossroads.

[Mario, Luigi, and Mike are headed toward the crossroads, Mario on the east, Luigi on the west, and Mike in the north. Soon they run down them only to crash into each other]

All: nice of you to drop in.

[A few screams of the mobsters are heard in the distance]

Mike: We need to hide guys…..look, it is that ladder the house builder was using earlier! Up there!

[They climb up and knock the ladder down at the last second right before the townspeople come into the crossroad]

Mario: Okay, Mike, about that explanation about what the heck is going on here
