
Author Topic: YKYPMGTMW...  (Read 16680 times)

« Reply #60 on: September 22, 2001, 05:40:45 PM »
336b: Here's the use for the bazooka: Shoot purple crocodiles with it. Note: crocodile MUST (and this is important) be wearing a top hat and have a sack of loot. (SM-RPG)

 ~Just another pisanno.
 ~Just another pisanno.

« Reply #61 on: November 21, 2001, 06:27:58 PM »
i know this topic is finished but i found a few good ones in a nintendo power meg ok here the are

1. You find out your younger brother is married and has kids

2. Mario tells you tp get a life

3. instead of the start button your controler says "someone please shoot me"

4. Bowser lets you win to get you out of his hair.

5. you find a dear John letter were your snes used to be

i forget the rest but t hey werent that good

there was also this thing of why you should play Saga not nintendo but instead of Saga i will make it Sony

1. um....
2. let me think...
3. one moment...
4.i cant think of anything!
5. oh nuts Sony Sucks play nintendo!!!!

P.S. and guys please dont get mad at me for starting an old topic again

Yoshi cool
You not cool!!! :)
CANADA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

« Reply #62 on: November 21, 2001, 08:52:33 PM »
8. You revive YKYPMGTMW topics!

When your fingers and hands turn blue, you''ll now that I am there, watching you.

« Reply #63 on: December 01, 2001, 07:49:46 AM »
342. You rename Yugi-Oh "Luigi-Oh"!
343. You think Dr. Mario is worthless in SSBM.
344. You're a kiddy lover and dare to play Paper Lame-io.
345. Otherwise, you kill Miyamoto for making such ugly Zelda game (even the CD-i games seem to be a lot much better!).
346. You help someone named Señor Pollo make a Marioized Zelda parody named "The Legend Of Peach:  Warp Whistle Of Time."
347. You think again about selling your sister, and decide to sell her by the pound to gain more money for your Gamecubized christmas.
348. You wish Mario Sunshine to be cel-shaded (to make it look like anime) instead of the crappy GC Zelda.
349. You suspect Zelda is an avid Mario fan (how can you explain the Mario pictures in her castle?).
350. You suspect Bowser has invaded Hyrule (how can you explain the Bowser brooches in Lon Lon Ranch?)
351. You rename Lon Lon Ranch "Hei-Ho Ranch" (explain ya later).

Agustín, The Sage Of Fungus.

''Nuff Said.
Agustín, The Sage Of Fungus.

''Nuff Said.

« Reply #64 on: December 03, 2001, 02:53:44 PM »
352.You Demand Nintendo Makes Super Mario  Collectible Cards.
 If Someone Typed This I Don't Care, I didn't Bother Reading 351 replies!!

« Reply #65 on: December 24, 2001, 03:32:35 PM »
353-U cut Your Bushes in the shapes of Mario Characters.

« Reply #66 on: December 29, 2001, 12:49:05 AM »
354-You port SMB3 toall the current systems
355-You sell them andget arrested-
356-You get your ass kicked in jail for singing mario theme songs
357-When you get out you apply for ajob at nintendo

It is amazing what bordom does to you.
What has it done to you?
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Loyal Member since

« Reply #67 on: December 29, 2001, 07:44:14 AM »
358. When you walk down a 45º slope, you duck (WL4)

359. You find Waluigi in Warioland 4

361. You play so much, you can't count.

362. You get scared when thunder strikes while racing go-karts.

363. You think if you fall off a ledge wile racing go-karts, lakitu will save you.

364. When you play a whistle you look for a tornado.

365. You play Mario 365 days a year.

366. and 366 on leap years.

367. You race apes with go-karts.

368. You think the 2 Fs on your report card stand for Fire Flower.

369. You find a Mario cameo in LEGO Island 2.

370. You create a big website with forums and radio- all about Mario.

371. When you fall off a cliff, you yell "WAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" hoping you'll just lose a life.

372. You feed your cat a green mushroom so she'll have 10 lives.

373. You wonder if when your cat has zero lives left, will she continue or get a game over?

374. You find a mario refrence in Duck Hunt.

375. You look into the sun hoping you can fly.

376. You throw vegetables at short people wearing masks.

377. You realize that Shigeru Miyamoto has the same initials as Super Mario (oops!)

378. You post 20 YKYPMGTMW . . . in a forum.

Groucho: . . . and then you''ll come to a viaduct.
Chico: Vy a duck? Vy not a chicken?
Groucho: Forget it. They''re going to tear down the viaduct and build a tunnel.

« Reply #68 on: December 29, 2001, 04:43:45 PM »
YKYPP(Puzzle)GTMW. . .

1. There is no such thing as too many puzzle games. Guess this one bombed.


379. You go to a mountain, build a snowball, and knock your friends off with it. (MP3's Snowball Summit)

380. When you watch Wheel of Fortune, you are surprised that Pat and Vanna are people, you have yet to see Baby Bowser pop up when the wheel lands bankrupt, and you search for the button the contestants press to stop the wheel. (Winner's Wheel)

381. You toss a turtle shell into a roulette wheel, but there's no strobe light following the shell, and the music doesn't change. (Game Guy's Roulette)

382. You notice that 382= Bits in GBA + Stars to be had in Game & Watch Galleries 1-3 combined.

383. You try to use math to figure out just how how a Triple Jump is, rounded to the nearest centimeter, but fail. (SM64)

384. You go back to doing your math, and discover that 384= Bits in GBA x Gems to be had in Yoshi's S****i.

385. You notice that 385= (Gems in Yoshi's S****i)-1 x Coins in Mario Party after starting, landing in Mini-Game space, getting three Hats in Slot Machine, then winning as one of the three players in Tug o' War. (Check the math!)

386. You notice that 386= (Number of odd numbered Yoshi's S****i stages that aren't in the Dark World) x (Goals in SMW)

387. You have a browser that thinks S-a-f-a-r-i is a cussword.

388. You notice that 388= Games you can play in Game & Watch Gallery 1 x Stars you have in SM64 if you have only 23 left.

389. You get creative and say that 389= (Coins you start out with in Mario Party 3)² + (Coins you's have if you land on Red, then win the next Mini-Game)². (Check it yourself!)

390. You realize that you're beginning to show signs that you do too much math, but nevertheless observe that 390 is the total number of turns in 3 Lite Play games of Mario Party, 8 Standard Play games, and one Full Play game.

391. You test people's knowledge of exponents by noting that 391= The number of turns in all those Mario Party Games + e^(number of games you'd have time for after all those).

392. You don't know what 392 equals, but you find it rather curious that the number of letters in the name of the GameCube launch title is 13, which is an unlucky number --- strange. . .

393. Keeping with the GameCube theme in the last symptom, you notice that Super Smash Bros. Melee is the only Mario game that doesn't have its ESRB rating letter in the title and challenge other people to identify another game like that.

394. You look at the number 394 and find a curious relationship with SSB(N64, NOT M!)'s release year: The middle digit is the most common digit in the year, the first digit is how many times that digit occurs, and the last digit is how many digits are in the year.

395. You notice that 395= (Number of stars you can get in SM64 without leaving Course 1)x (Star you have in SM64 if you collect just enough to end the "never ending staircase" and then get nine more)

396. You play SMB3 and realize that 396= (Number of Lemmy's world) x (Number of Fortresses in Lemmy's world) x (Number of worlds after Lemmy's world) x (Number that your coin count must be divisible by to get the treasure ship in Lemmy's world).

397. You can't think of anything for 397, but you notice that The number in puzzles in Tetris Attack is the same as the number of stars in SM64 or in Game & Watch Gallery 2 -- all three are the same, weird. . .

398. You warp to the old days and notice that 398 = (Points for smashing a barrel in Donkey Kong) - (points for jumping over a barrel in DK) - (Number of stages in DK than involve trying to reach Pauline) [Check it out! Note: I didn't count the cake factory, since it's not in the NES DK.)

399. You like Mario puzzle games and say that 399 = (Points for a row of 7 in Yoshi's Cookie) + (Viruses in Level 20 in Dr. Mario) - (Number of points for matching the enemies in Yoshi)

400. SYMPTOM 400!!!!!!!! You notice that 400 = (Largest time limit in seconds you can have in Super Mario Bros.) + (Number of people at TMK besides AMF himself that think that AMF doesn't need to shut up ;))

Buzz (counting the kids in the car): 11, 92, 12, . . .
Mom: Buzz, stop being a moron.
Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo, Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, MARIO, Jan, Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden, Noel, and Ellen sinned. [Mario sinned!]

« Reply #69 on: January 21, 2002, 06:08:06 PM »
401. You buy a lizard and name it yoshi
402. When you point your finger at someone, a fireball comes out of your hand, giving the person a 3rd degree burn.
403. You put a wart remover on the right side of your screen when you play smb2, thinking that it'll help you defeat wart.

 peeling fun off a tree!
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #70 on: January 23, 2002, 03:06:09 PM »
404. you realize you just read 403 symptoms of playing too many mario games
405. you seriously think mario is on mt. rushmor
406. you take no guilt in jumping on people or stealing their coins
407. you think everybody else took everything
408. you think of something else
409. in art class everything you draw is mario related
410. you make up your own mario story lines
411. you think doctor mario looks more evil than mario
412. you think you can defeat your enemies by jumping over them and grabing an ax
413. you walk in a room and say "it's-a me, mario"
414. you want to grow a mario mustache
415. you get emotionaly involved with the game you are playing
416. you lean in the direction you are going in (especially mariokart 64)
417. you feel guilty if you don't play a mario game one day
418. toilet
419. you realize you're out of ideas and can only think of "toilet"
420. toilet

THE EVIL MIDNIGHT BOMBER WHAT BOMBS AT MIDNIGHT: surfs up, space ponies! i''m makin'' gravy without the lumps!!!>>laughs<<

« Reply #71 on: January 23, 2002, 04:51:05 PM »
You know, axes ARE pretty deadly..

« Reply #72 on: January 23, 2002, 10:18:32 PM »
421.  You toss your over-grown pet turtle into three bombs...

422.  ...You then revive it somehow and it starts using a little stick with a star on it to attack you...

423.  ...You throw it out the window and have no more pets...

Welcome to Wariokart!!!!  Hey, give me that Blue Shell back, you thief!
Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.

« Reply #73 on: January 25, 2002, 02:46:43 PM »
424.whenever you jump you say "hah"
425.if you jump after that you say "hup"
426.if you jump a third time, you fly
427.whenever you fall you move your arms in little circles

when you cross the line between sanity and madness..i''ll be the one surfing on it

« Reply #74 on: January 25, 2002, 08:28:13 PM »
428:U know every right note to every mario song

Dear God! Im flat!
