
Author Topic: Top Five Franchises  (Read 2295 times)

« on: June 13, 2001, 08:12:19 PM »
List what you think are the top five Nintendo franchises. I've listed some of them below as well as details to help you choose. But I'm sure there's more of them.

Mario's everywhere. So chances are the Mario franchise will either be #1 or #2.

Zelda is another way popular franchise. So it will either be #1 or #2. Where Mario excels in action and adventure, Zelda excels in more adventure and mystery. Oh, and action.

Come on, who hasn't heard of Metroid? And besides, Kraid and Ridley are some of the best bosses out there.

Referring to the Donkey Kong Country series, that is, as well as anything else Donkey Kong related. One thing that it had going for it, besides spot-on gameplay, sound, and adventure, were the top-notch graphics.

It's fun blasting stuff out of the sky with a mobile light aircraft. Plus, you have teammates that actually help you this time around. Coupled with challenging levels and bosses, it's another franchise that's hard to beat.

Okay, we KNOW this will be in every Poke-lovers list. About 50% of people on Earth might see it as a godsend of a franchise. It's one of the biggest franchises in the history of video gaming. But for the other 50% of us, it's the incarnation of the devil.

Not quite as well known as the other franchises, but Kirby is the master of copying abilities. One minute he has the ability of Sir Kibble, the next he has the ability of the Poppy Bros. Plus, he's small, round, can't be identified as anything, and his nemesis is a big clown-looking guy with a mallet.

The king of fast racers. Always is, always was, and always will be the top franchise of racing. Well, assuming that racers are keen on speed.

The other king of a certain genre. It may not be the best of RPGs, but it's pretty darn close! You gotta admit, weird RPGs are instant SMAAAASSHH hits.

Rare's other first person shooter masterpiece. But is it better than Goldeneye? That's a big debate.

Yet another king of shooters. Turok is da king of cool weapons, no question about it. Remember your face when you used the Cerebral Bore on an enemy? But is it enough to be a top franchise?

Now this will likely be on the list, because it also doubles as one of the coolest movie licenses of all.

Farming is good. But is it so good as to a top five franchise?

Both excellent RPGs. It's hard to turn these down.

The next fastest racer there is. There's also Wipeout, and again there's a debate over which two games are better. But anyway, Extreme-G has a lot going for it.

Okay, what about the top biking game? Is it good enough?

Aside from fast racers, there's also racers that are just unique enough (with a sarcastic manual, which is a first), as well as focus on stunts, which Uniracers excels in.

Okay, you're right, this shouldn't be here.

This does not list all the franchises you can pick from. But it should probably be limited to Nintendo franchises only, or at least, any franchises that have appeared on the Nintendo console, which would mean Tony Hawk and Marble Madness and others can also be chosen.

Which ones do you think are the top five franchises? Here's mine:

1. Mario
2. Zelda
3. Metroid
4. Turok
5. Star Fox

To be a Koopa, you must become a Koopa.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2001, 08:57:29 PM »
1. Mario
2. Donkey Kong
3. Pokemon
4. Zelda
5. Kirby

« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2001, 09:54:01 PM »
1) Mario. A popular poll shows that more people recognize Mario than Mickey Mouse.

2) Pokemon. Yes, I hate it too.

3) Zelda. Pretty much everyone knows about Zelda.

4) Tony Hawk. In my view, one of the best sports games around, next to Kobe Bryants NBA Courtside. Very popular too.

5) Donkey Kong. Though it seems sad that a giant ape wearing a tie is an international franchise, in my view, it's one of the best.

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|\ amek2K
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|\ amek2K
| \   -"Who wants lottery tickets!?"

« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2001, 10:46:21 AM »
1. Metroid

2. Super Mario series

3. Legend of Zelda series

4. Wario Land series

5. Donkey Kong- Both the Rare series, and the original Nintendo series.  I was pretty disappointed with Donkey Kong 64 though. . .

Perfect Dark, Castlevania, F-Zero, and the original Mega Man series were (very) close runners-up.


-==bï//¥ ©hî//ÿ==-
Have a nice end of the world.

Edited by - billy chilly on 6/14/2001 9:49:28 AM
Haters gonna hate

« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2001, 12:17:27 PM »
1)Zelda 1)Mario
4)Chrono trigger
5)Star Fox

Here we go!
Anyone remember me?Roy Koopa''s brother?Theory-Guy?You know,don''t you?Ah,screw it.
