
Author Topic: The Best Video Games You've Never Heard Of  (Read 42534 times)


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #75 on: September 15, 2008, 04:29:02 PM »
hat's funny is I consider Sonic CD OVERrated.
Yeah, kind of.

...How funny is your hat, anyway?
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

N64 Chick

  • one ticked chick
« Reply #76 on: September 15, 2008, 05:52:32 PM »
Is the Sonic 3D Blast on Saturn differed in any sense from the Genesis port? Also majorly agree with Ristar.

The music is different and I believe the bonus stages are as well, but I'm not positive on that.
Fangirling over Luigi since 1999.


  • He's serious
« Reply #77 on: September 15, 2008, 06:09:17 PM »
Hooray for N64 Chick!
Probably likes Sonic games better than anyone else on the fungi forums.


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #78 on: September 15, 2008, 09:22:45 PM »
The music is different and I believe the bonus stages are as well, but I'm not positive on that.
On the topic of that game's multiple portings, I actually played the PC version before I semi-knew the original(s) even existed. I eventually procured the original when I got Sonic Mega Collection, and the only difference I could discern from that version was that it was raining in level 2 (I think).
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

« Reply #79 on: October 14, 2008, 10:30:48 PM »
The discussion on this thread reminded me that I have a copy of "Wario's Woods."  I bought it online about 8 years ago, then put it away after a couple weeks.  The furthest I got was to round 26, and toward the end of my playing it it was really frustrating.  Anyway, I found my cartridge a couple weeks ago.  On my first game I played for 2½ hours and got to round 67 before I got a game over, despite not having played it in years and being increasingly tired while I played it.  So yeah, that games a lot easier (and thus more fun) than I remembered it.  Or rather, I got a lot better at it somehow.
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #80 on: October 15, 2008, 12:12:26 PM »
The discussion on this thread reminded me that I have a copy of "Wario's Woods."  I bought it online about 8 years ago, then put it away after a couple weeks.  The furthest I got was to round 26, and toward the end of my playing it it was really frustrating.  Anyway, I found my cartridge a couple weeks ago.  On my first game I played for 2½ hours and got to round 67 before I got a game over, despite not having played it in years and being increasingly tired while I played it.  So yeah, that games a lot easier (and thus more fun) than I remembered it.  Or rather, I got a lot better at it somehow.
For the SNES version, I got to level 80-something before quitting in frustration, because by then you're blasting those annoying mushroom guys that need to be bombed two times in quick succession. And I managed to get through the 1-P mode... eventually... I think that mode just takes a lot of combos to clear successfully.

But when playing the NES version, I quit after about level 20 because it was so boring. Maybe the visual stimulation wasn't there, or they just weren't throwing in new monsters quickly enough (I don't recall seeing any nifty cutscenes after the 20th level). I remember the SNES game being somewhat tedious after a while too... I probably got through the 1-P mode because of all the neat characters... but surely it must be something, because I don't find Tetris Attack boring at all (but then, that game moves at a faster pace).
You didn't say wot wot.


  • Paid by the word
« Reply #81 on: October 15, 2008, 03:22:43 PM »
My parents regularly play through the round game in SNES Wario's Woods just to see how far they can get starting from 1.


  • Tortuga
« Reply #82 on: October 15, 2008, 03:59:39 PM »
I'm sure you've all heard of this one, but in a negative way, so I'm posting it here: Shadow the Hedgehog.  Now, before you all say "lolz ur crazi n00b Shadow is a n00b lolz", let me say that you have to play this game through twice (like I'm being forced to do after accidentally deleting my save data for it) to appreciate the story, controls, and gameplay.  It really improves the second time around, IMO.
"It'll say life is sacred and so is death
but death is life and so we move on"

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #83 on: October 15, 2008, 04:21:55 PM »
No, but I will say "you're crazy".
That was a joke.

« Reply #84 on: October 16, 2008, 11:45:45 PM »
For the SNES version, I got to level 80-something before quitting in frustration, because by then you're blasting those annoying mushroom guys that need to be bombed two times in quick succession. And I managed to get through the 1-P mode... eventually... I think that mode just takes a lot of combos to clear successfully.

Yeah, the furthest I've gotten is round 83.  The bad guys shouldn't be allowed to throw down waves of those double-kill mushrooms.  That's just sadistic.  The 2-P mode isn't bad, but I don't find it as fun s 1-P (even when 1-P is being ridiculous).  I'm also disappointed that the pumpkinhead guy isn't named "Pumpkinhead" in honor of the "classic" horror film.  : )
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project


  • Paid by the word
« Reply #85 on: October 17, 2008, 12:15:44 AM »
I probably should've mentioned that my parents have no trouble passing 100 with eight or nine lives remaining. When I feel like sitting down and playing the game, I can easily do so as well. Also, I finished the VS COM mode back when we had our first SNES, before either of my parents finished the round game, and I don't remember the AI ever being too ridiculous to my eleven-year-old self.

Neither variety of double-bomb monster is really that bad - the diagonal guys are the ones you need to watch out for.

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #86 on: October 17, 2008, 03:54:11 PM »
Christ, is your family like some kind of race of super gamers or something?


  • Paid by the word
« Reply #87 on: October 17, 2008, 04:15:44 PM »
Pretty much just my parents (less my mom than my dad, although I blame her for my shmup obsession - she spent a lot of time playing Galaga while pregnant), myself, and, to a lesser extent, my younger sister (although my youngest brother can get insane scores in Crazy Taxi). My other brother does play games, but he mainly plays the same JRPGs and driving games repeatedly, and thinks co-op gaming and puzzle games are plagues on humanity.

« Reply #88 on: October 17, 2008, 04:26:53 PM »
I'm also disappointed that the pumpkinhead guy isn't named "Pumpkinhead" in honor of the "classic" horror film.  : )

He kind of looks like Wario wearing a pumpkin on his head.
Kinopio is the ultimate video game character! Who else can drive a kart, host parties, play tennis, give good advice and items, and is almost always happy??

« Reply #89 on: March 18, 2009, 06:19:57 PM »
Sorry to double post AND bump an old topic, but it is related!..

I don't know if this is the right thread for it, but I can't find the other thread about old games (it might be one that I started, but I don't remember what I called it..)

I was thinking of this old PC game the other day: You piloted this hovercar (In first person perspective) and you had to capture flags before a team of three other hovercars did. The flags would appear in random places on the field, and often there would be one of the enemy cars that was a seeker (that would find the flags for them) and the other two would get the items and try to trip you up with them.

If an enemy car did get a flag, you could still beat it out of them with one of the offensive weapons (I want to say there were missiles, but I could be wrong..) There was a jumping item that allowed you to reach areas that were floating over the main area (often a flag would be on one of these when I played). There were also these magnetic floor panels that you would get stuck to for a short time if you drove over one of them.

Your car was blue, maybe, and the enemy cars were red.

Anybody have any idea what game this is? I want to play it again. :D
Kinopio is the ultimate video game character! Who else can drive a kart, host parties, play tennis, give good advice and items, and is almost always happy??
