Update on my Join Avenue: Three Rank 10 Dojos, one Rank 10 Cafe, one Rank 5 Cafe. 45 buyable level-ups a day. I'm wanting to replace my Berry Shop (also Rank 10) with a new Cafe because I had it developed to gain access to Salac Berries and now I have plenty of them, but I'd prefer a female NPC to run it so I'd have somewhere to send the NPCs who ask to visit any shop run by a girl, while I can send the ones asking to visit one run by a male can go to the Rank 5 one. No women wanting to open a cafe has appeared in my game for a long time.
But maybe I'd better not even bother. I've got three Pokémon left in White 2 who aren't level 100, one of whom wasn't in the original calculations, and was just a few days ago EV trained entirely from 0 to 510 using only Join Avenue services and Irons/HP Ups bought there. It's only going to take four more days to get them all there, and then... it'll just be there as a tool for other Pokémon I want later.
Everything's been made so simple by this that I feel liberated somehow. For the last couple of years I haven't wanted to even play through a game's story without making sure my party pokémon have the right natures, won't be locked out of the best movesets, and have at least average IVs because I wanted to be able to use them competitively later. Having them leveled up as high as a playthrough would get them eliminates a lot of the work. In short, I'm hugely opposed to wasted effort of all kinds. But now, there's so little work I actually have to do, I could more readily just play through a storyline for the heck of it.
Update on my awesome personal stats DB: My HDD is breaking! I just recently backed a lot of things up to DVD-Rs, can get all my movies and TV shows back from my friends and all my art is online, so that DB is the file I'm most concerned about. It's the only one I'm currently actively trying to find with DiskDigger. The only luck I've had so far is finding the earliest version of the file, just testing the hovering and changing table. I'd put
a lot more work into it, highlighting the table cells for nature-boosted and -nerfed stats in green and red, coloring the cells for moves according to type and adding move details.
I didn't upload it or back it up anywhere so I'm really hoping DiskDigger turns it up. Not sure how far into the disk it could be. I've scanned most of the first 25% and not found it, it could be earlier or later depending on what may have or have not been deleted and left holes for the file to fill. It could even be fragmented or corrupted, or in a sliver of a percent that I haven't checked.