That article didn't make me rage. The woman was pretty respectful for meeting his honesty with her own: that she wasn't looking to build a relationship out of their encounter, and that she would feel uncomfortable taking his virginity when the sex wouldn't have mattered to her as much as it would to him. That's assuming that the man was looking to build a relationship out of their encounter. He could have been looking to have (relatively) casual sex, but the author doesn't make it clear how serious the man was about seeing her. I kind of wish they had at least communicated what the sex would have meant to each of them, since "virginity" doesn't automatically mean "doesn't want to casually do it." Oh well.
What's interesting about that "top comment" quote is that the second clause describes what's wrong about rape. When you force someone to have sex with you, you're taking away their agency and thinking for them and not letting them make decisions on their own. Kind of ironic.
If anything, this article is reassuring because it didn't end with anyone coercing anyone else into doing something against their will/better judgment. And 27 isn't that old, right?