
Author Topic: SSB Versus Records & Fighter's Tactics  (Read 3184 times)

« on: July 29, 2001, 12:38:15 PM »
Hey, I bet most of you own a copy of Super Smash Brothers for the N64.

I know each game has seperate versus records. I'd just like to know how the different game records differ.

Here are the top three spots for my game.

1st Luigi
2nd Mario
3rd Kirby

I play mainly as Luigi, and my brother is usually Mario or Kirby. Luigi has a win percentage of 19.7, which is almost one fifth of all fights.

I have gotten pretty good with Luigi. I use my special moves sparingly, and try to win with air tactics and good item usage. I know how to dodge a lot of attacks, so I usually stay on the defense, until I think it's time to put my opponent away and grab the win.

I use the Fireball a lot, to drive opponents back or defend against oncoming stars or turtle shells. I use the Luigi Cyclone every once and a while, not only to inflict damage but so I can "float" in the air for a split second, long enough to avoid my opponent's attack and then to hit him/her with a flailing fury of gloved fists. I rarely use the Super Jump, but am quite good at it, and I can execute it in almost any situation. I'll only use it to even up lives (considering it takes out some people on less than 60% damage), or if an opponent ticked me off... hee... anyway.
I kinda would like to know what strategies you all use and the different characters you play with and how you win with them.

I think it's a good time to talk about this, to celebrate the upcoming release of Super Smash Brothers Melee!


« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2001, 12:51:26 PM »
Ahh yes, that's a good idea.

As my brother said in the post before mine, I am usually Mario or Kirby.

With Mario, I like to pull off lots of combo moves like my Super Jump Punch (Spare Change), or my downward drill kick, until I rack up enough damage to knock my opponent out with a Smash Headbutt or the "Super Mario" grab/throw.

I like to roll/dodge more than just block, and often it gets me hit, but more than likely it gives me the extra time to get in a few combo'd hits on my opponent. I throw fireballs from a safe distance when I'm hurt a lot to try and get some damage in but avoid it myself.

As Kirby, who is, as you all know, a mostly air-borne character, I like to fly around while my opponents are busy fighting and use my Stone Drop technique. If I'm in a needy situation, and in need of a projetile, I can inhale Mario or Luigi or Link or Fox to copy their ability and use their projectile.

I use mostly A Button moves, like my Jumping Whirlwind attack or my Smash Kick. I use my throws only at the chance of tossing my opponent into an explosive item... even if it means destroying myself in the process.

I win with Mario more often than Kirby only because I've been him longer. I've also tried to at least get good with every other character so if I sometime just -have- to be that character, I'll be alright.

- Marrrrro-ness (Yes, there's no i on PURPOSE!)

''Ey! Name''s Mario! I''m your main man! Your "rame-a-dame", Your can of "spaim"! *Gets punched.*
Kickin' it since 2000.


  • Quadruped
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2001, 02:55:23 PM »
I always use Yoshi.

His normal A button attacks and smash attacks seem stronger/more effective than most other characters' (though not as strong as Link's.)  His double jump is very nice, as it geos a long way and can even resist attacks on occasion (helpful when your "freind" is waiting for you on the ledge.)
And the down-A move in the air as powerful; a rapid attack, like Mario's punch or Samus's twirl, but does 6% per hit instead of 1%.  I think some other characters (like Kirby) have a similar move, though a bit harder to hit with..

Move-wise, I think Yoshi is one of the more versatile characters of the game.  The simple swallow attack, while not particularly useful, is quite annoying to the oppontent.  Plus it's perfect for delaying an enemy who's also going for the falling heart/whatnot.  And the inexperienced always fall into the "cheap" trap of sending them off a ledge in an egg.
Yoshi's "throw egg" move does little damage, but a good arc can send a barage of eggs into a remote squable, keep an opponent away with perfectly-timed explosions, or deliver that final blow that knocks someone too far off to triple jump.
The "butt-stomp" move is simple and easy to dodge (most of the time,) but it's the best way to enter a fray, and a great means of easily taking out that player who's at 200+%.
Slow, long-distance throw.  Not much to say there...

As far as my tactics go, I usually rely on Yoshi's unusual reseliance and go for smash attacks.  Hit 'em if they're near, block if they attack, use a move when appropriate.  If an enemy's trying to jump back to the mainland, wait for 'em on the edge.  If he falls, do a victory stance (just for the sake of it.)  Oh yeah, and items.  I always love items, even if it's just picking up a sword or something and flinging at my opponent's head from across the screen, in what I call a "happy vector."
I never use throw, though.  I always consider throwing another character a "low" move.
I guess the best tactic is probably not to rely on any one thing too much.  It becomes predictable, and easy to overcome.

One more thing:  what's everybody's favorite item?  Mine would have to be the home run bat, as one can rack up so many simple one-hit kills.  Also why everybody I play against hates it.

Go Moon!
Go Moon!

« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2001, 03:43:56 PM »
This may sound a bit weird, but my favorite item is the Fan.

Not only can it annihilate an opponent's shield, and leave them vulnerable to heavy damage, it's also just fun to use because it's so annoying. Complete with a cheesy "thwap" sound as it hits, even. It also probably swings the fastest out of all swing-able items. I can land five hits with it while someone else tries to get one with the sword.

It may not be the most powerful item, but if used right it can disrupt the sanity of any fight, and everyone loves doing that.


« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2001, 05:18:49 PM »
I use Kirby the most. Pikachu is in frist becasue i used to use him the most but my friend came over a couple times and used him a million times! My faveourite item is either the bomb or Hammer. I love hitting everyone in the sky.

I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon

« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2001, 09:35:37 PM »
-Favorite Characters to use:  Samus, Link, Mario, and Donkey Kong
-Favorite Items:  Bob-omb, Proximity Mine, Hammer, and the Home-run Bat.
-Favorite Levels:  Planet Zebes and The Mushroom Kingdom (old school, of course ;)

Here's how the scoreboard looks:

1. Samus- 4,406 (Knock-offs)
2. Link- 3,811
3. Pikachu (my little bro got him here)- 3,561
4. Captain Falcon (my dad's favorite character)- 3,408
5. Mario- 1,729
6. Donkey Kong- 1,546
7. Fox- 1,395
8. Luigi- 1,383
9. Kirby- 1,322
10. Ness- 851
11. Yoshi- 773
12. Jigglypuff- 293

Show us *your* scoreboard! :D


-==bï||¥ ©hî||ÿ==-
Have a nice end of the world.
Haters gonna hate

« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2001, 06:08:08 AM »
My top 5

1.Ness with thirdy somthing loses and 2623 kills
2.Kirby With 429 Loses by ness and 1644 kills
3.Link with 443 loses by ness and 1550 kills
4.Yoshi with 520 loses by ness and 1107
5.Pikachu 899 kills

Ness broke triple digits on everybody!

y'know,Ness was actually fourth,Link first,Kirby second,Yoshi third,but I like Ness,SO......

so with a little help from my frinds five year old bro,We told him toPick link.he sucked,so he lost.that helped somewhat.
than,I went to Item switch(Roy,don't read this,cause I know you want to get link back.)and swithed every thing off exept the home run bat,(EDITATION:and put Item appearance on high,)and turned it on infinant time,and pluged all the controllers in.You can guess what happens next.POWI'm in first.

(Meets the heart)"Oh no!You must have figured out I am Tubba Blubba!
"Have you figured out that if you defeat me,you deafeat Tubba Bubba?"
Mario and Tubba Blubba''s heart:Paper Mario.

"Don''t tell my father about this,Please."-Princess Ruto,OOT,after beating Jabu Jabu.

Edited by - MarioandLink on 8/2/2001 6:31:52 AM
Anyone remember me?Roy Koopa''s brother?Theory-Guy?You know,don''t you?Ah,screw it.

« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2001, 06:30:48 PM »
CHEATER!!!  I knew there was no way you could legitimately beat Link!  Why you little...I'll prove that Link is better than Ness!  I shall play LEGIT and return Link to the number one spot, since it was my awesome playing that got him there in the first place.

I oughta smack you.  >:P

--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2001, 06:44:54 AM »
Doh! I told you not to read that!anyway...

I use ness,Samus,Mario,Luigi,Kirby,and Link.
At the beginning,I always use pk thunder,and send my self flying into other people.
When i'm fighting,I throw,throw,trow.(I usally get 'Judo Warrior')I use him if everyones on land,and cannot fly.
let me just say this one thing.
Rock,and throw.(I use him when every one's on land)
I use him if kirby's fighting because of those awsome Z2 moves.Up trust can take him out any day,and down thrust usally sends him toward the edge.Then I throw.
           Luigi and Mario
Uppercut,tornado,throw.end of post.


Mario and Zelda BOTH rule!

Vote Marionut#1 and Link!

Edited by - MarioandLink on 8/3/2001 5:56:17 AM
Anyone remember me?Roy Koopa''s brother?Theory-Guy?You know,don''t you?Ah,screw it.

« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2001, 07:14:53 PM »
Oh, my VS records and tactics for SSB. . .

1st Place: Pikachu, because I'm a master at the yellow rodent. With Pikachu, I'm almost undefeatable with him. (2500 or so wins, 700 or so KO's). My Tactics: I utilize Pikachu's great speed and throwing power to juggle my opponents around the screen. Occasionally, I'll use Pikachu's smash attacks and thunder, but I mainly use Pikachu's superior Thunder toss to terrorize my opponent. As for defense, I'll use the Emergency shield and roll attack very often to get around my opponent for a toss or attack, and if I fall, I'll use a double quick attack to get up. Pikachu's item using is also superior because when Pikachu uses a smash with the HR Bat or the Lightsaber, it goes both ways, thus causing a deadly attack on both sides, so if I have an item, I'll use smashes very often. My Pikachu tactics are deadly and almost unbeatable.

2nd Place: Ness, because I'm also great with Ness, and use him often as well (900 or so wins, 600 or so KO's) My tactics: With Ness, I'll use my smash techniques much more (You got to love the yo-yo and bat). Occasionally, I'll use Ness's special techniques to gather damage to my opponent or to get up from falling. I'll then finish off the opponent with a good throw. As for defense, I'll also use the shield and roll often to confuse and get behind the opponent for an attack, and when I have an item with Ness, I'll usually try to use the roll to confuse the enemy while I use the item.

3rd Place: Captain Falcon, because my friend always plays as him, and gets destroyed by me, but he still manages to get KO's. I'm also pretty good with Falcon. (400 or so wins, 1000 or so losses) My Tactics: Well, this is really my friends tactics, but I use them too. I'll utilize Captain Falcon's unbeatable speed to my best advantage as I confuse the enemy. I'll tend to use Captain Falcon's special moves because they are really good, and I wont use smashes that much, and I'll use throws occasionally. I'll also use the shield and roll to confuse the enemy while powering up a Falcon Punch, and when I have an item, I'll use my speed and shield and roll to confuse the enemy so that I could use the item.

If you're wondering, Luigi and Mario are 4th and 5th, and have good statistics because I'm very good with them. In fact the only character I'm horrible at is Link (who has like 200 wins and like 2000 losses), and I'm very skilled in most characters fighting techniques, making me a well rounded battler and a deadly one as well.

My Favorite Stages: Mushroom Kingdom (because its great nostalgia of the old days) and Saffron City (because I'm a master there)

My Favorite Weapons: Lightsaber (really powerful clobbering item), Home Run Bat (I love sending my opponents into the stratosphere with this), the Pokeball (a random effect item - great for even more insanity), and the Star Rod (A long range and clobbering item all in one. . .)

This message was written by davidcoolestguy, master of anime and video games (actually he''s just a guy who''s got too much free time)

Founder of the Mario Game idea: Super Mario Bros 4: Sibling Rivalry. If you wish to see this game idea, e-mail me at, and I''ll see if I can get it to you. I''m also planning on updating it, and possibly converting it into an RPG. . .

Edited by - davidcoolestguy on 8/27/2001 6:28:49 PM
This message was written by davidcoolestguy, master of anime and video games (actually he''s just a guy who''s got too much free time)

Founder of the Mario Game idea: Super Mario Bros 4: Sibling Rivalry. If you wish to see this game idea, e-mail me at, and I''ll see if I can get it to you. I''m also planning on updating it, and possibly converting it into an RPG. . .

« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2001, 05:09:37 AM »
Kirby then Yoshi for me.
While Yoshi lacks the maneuverability and firepower that the others have, he's the only one that seems to be the right size in comparison the the Ray Gun. Plus he has enourmous cheap potential if you eat someone (B-attack) and eject the egg over a cliff.

...not that I'd ever to that or anything...

I like Kirby because...
Well, what's not to like?!
Use the final cutter to swat people out of he air and down giant pits, like wise is drill kick. Useful against pikachu's zap recovery and Ness's B-Recovery too.

Favorite Items: Fan and MSB (Motion Sensor Bomb)

Fans, because of their shield-buster potential, and MSBs because they're so annoying, plus yo ucan do some cool stuff with 'em! Knock people out of the air, throw people into them... Ehh, hit people with 'em...

Well whatever.

 ~Just another pisanno.

Edited by - Mauser on 8/31/2001 4:11:48 AM
 ~Just another pisanno.
