
Author Topic: The Legend of Stafy's Mom: A Link to the Past  (Read 4855 times)


  • Unstoppable News Machine
« on: July 20, 2013, 05:28:15 AM »
Courtesy of our friend, Mr. Melee, let's relive a classic SJ moment...

<Super-Jesse> because i got a picture of my son with his very own wiimote on there
* PrezofClub is now known as PaperMario
<Super-Jesse> PM, you gotta register that name if you want it
<PaperMario> huh
* Starfy has joined #tmk
<PaperMario> how do i register? i'm just a lowly java user
<Super-Jesse> type /nickserv register [makeup a password] [type your email here] ( do that without the brackets)
<Starfy> hey guys
<Starfy> what's up
<Starfy> Oh cool, Super-Jesse is in here
<Starfy> dude, your blog posts are awesome
<Super-Jesse> uh, thanks
<Lizard_Dude> :)
<Starfy> np.
<Starfy> Oh man, LD, that video you made
<Starfy> it's hilarious
<Lizard_Dude> I like this guy
<Starfy> and good
<Starfy> but i hate that review of MSC
<BirdPerson> Hahahahaha...
<Starfy> it copied the one from nintendoworldrepert
<Starfy> dezer should fire that guy
<Lizard_Dude> MB just puts them on both
<Lizard_Dude> He is staff of both sites
<Super-Jesse> uh, you do know that MB writes on both sites, right?
<Starfy> no he doesnt
<PaperMario> where do i type that stuff, Jesse?
<Starfy> ones writeen by my friend aaron
<Starfy> the other by the megabite
<BirdPerson> PM: Everywhere
<BirdPerson> I'd say something now, but this is actually pretty funny.
<PaperMario> done
<Starfy> neway
<Starfy> so what does dezer do on the site?
<Lizard_Dude> You know Aaron?
<Lizard_Dude> like in RL?
<Starfy> I always see he steals SuperJessie's news post
<Starfy> ya dude
<PaperMario> whos dezer?
* n-fani has joined #tmk
* Mushroom_Boy sets mode: +h n-fani
<Starfy> he's like totally a loser
<BirdPerson> wheres dezzer
<Lizard_Dude> rofl
<Lizard_Dude> Tell me more
<Starfy> did you know about his wii?
<PaperMario> i only know deezer and dezzer, but no dezer. is he nice?
<Starfy> he like broke it on purpose
<Starfy> ya dud dezer
<Starfy> the owner of this site, hellloooo?
<Super-Jesse> it's deezer dude
<Super-Jesse> and he doesn't steal my posts
<PaperMario> dezer???
<BirdPerson> I'd say something now, but this is actually pretty hilarious.
<Super-Jesse> I just can't post on the main site, but I do the other stuff
<Starfy> oh i c
<Lizard_Dude> Do you play Wii with Aaron?
<Starfy> he plays with his Wii i just watch
<Super-Jesse> ...
<PaperMario> haha
<Starfy> wit?
<Starfy> wut?
<Lizard_Dude> Tell us embarrasing stories of Aaron
<Starfy> k
<Starfy> leme think
<Super-Jesse> how long have you been visiting TMK Stafy?
<PaperMario> and dont say "k"
<Starfy> it's STARFY dude
<Super-Jesse> oh sorry
<PaperMario> you should be
<Starfy> its ok
<Starfy> ur cool anyway
<Lizard_Dude> shh, I want stories
<Starfy> hey dont tell SJ stuff, hes cool, just like LD and dezer
<Starfy> anyway, ya, stroy
<Starfy> ok, so one time, Mb was playing with wiiplay, and he totally dropped his wiimote in his coffee
<Starfy> and i was lik, LOL! dude, no way
<Lizard_Dude> Hahaha
<Starfy> so i bought him a new wii remote since it was my coffe
<BirdPerson> In his Java?
<Starfy> no, it was like starbuks
* Ronald has joined #tmk
<Lizard_Dude> It broke the wiimote?
<Ronald> Whoa. Looks like I got here in the middle of a story.
<Starfy> dud ya
<Starfy> and MB was all mad 2
<Starfy> but i tld him don't sweat it
<Starfy> hes such a baby sometimes
<PaperMario> lol
<Super-Jesse> wait wait wait
<Ronald> MB? MEGA撺TE?
<Super-Jesse> you said earlier you didnt know MB and aaron were the same
<Super-Jesse> now your saying MB is aaron?
<Ronald> You know MEGA撺TE?
<Starfy> well u guys claim it
<Starfy> ya dude
<Starfy> man, ur so late
<Ronald> Well big deal, I know the alt codes for his name.
<Starfy> he lives in calif, like next door to me
<Ronald> So heh.
<BirdPerson> I'm Californian.
<Starfy> anyway, so i guess Aaron is MB
<BirdPerson> It sucks.
<Starfy> he never told me
<Starfy> naw dude calif rox
<WarpRattler> I'm Californian, but it doesn't suck.
<Starfy> i mean, all the hawt chicks
<BirdPerson> Nooooooooo it doesn't.
<Starfy> imagine living someplace like TEXAS
<BirdPerson> Yeah, all the chicks out here are hot.
<Starfy> that place stinks, it's always so hawt there
<Super-Jesse> hey, watch it buddy
<Super-Jesse> i live in texas
<BirdPerson> Everyone's hot--it't 100 freaking degrees, daily.
<Super-Jesse> did you even read my profile?
<Starfy> no...
<Starfy> wait, let me go now
<Ronald> And, oh! It's BirdPerson!
<BirdPerson> ...Yes?
<Ronald> I see your posts in the FF.
<Starfy> k
<Starfy> i c texas
<Starfy> neway
<Starfy> birdperon, ur on the fungee forums, right?
<Ronald> I love your love for proper grammar.
<BirdPerson> Starfy: Yes. Ronald: Uh, thanks.
<BirdPerson> Who are you?
<Ronald> Just some lurker.
<Starfy> dude, i dont have an email
<Starfy> so i cant register
<BirdPerson> ...
<Super-Jesse> you dont have an email?
<BirdPerson> What kind of Internet user doesn't have an e-mail address?
<BirdPerson> Is that POSSIBLE?
<Starfy> im mom said no little steve no email
<Starfy> so i cant
<Ronald> Get Gmail.
<Starfy> but she lets me com on her
<WarpRattler> You're mom? Whose mom are you?
<BirdPerson> Errrr...
<BirdPerson> Instant-message mom, perhaps?
<Ronald> Heh.
<Ronald> I neeeeed sleeeeeep.
<Starfy> baby
<Starfy> only babies sleep
<Super-Jesse> i wish mine did
* Ronald has quit IRC (Quit: Did somebody say "McRonald's?" )
<Starfy> ?!
<Super-Jesse> said you read my blog posts, right?
<Starfy> sorry dud, sometimes they suck
<BirdPerson> Man.
<BirdPerson> Weirdos.
<Starfy> like the one about the mario moviw
<Super-Jesse> uh, what?
<Starfy> ya dud
<Starfy> the one about the guy not wanting to paly him
<BirdPerson> Is your keyboard totally broken, or what?
<Super-Jesse> OH, i see
<Super-Jesse> no, that was done by your friend
<Starfy> LOL! No burdpersn i just type relz fast
<Starfy> so i dnt spell rite all teh time
<PaperMario> annoying
<BirdPerson> Exaggeration.
<Super-Jesse> Think he's doing it on purpose?
<WarpRattler> "burdpersn"
<BirdPerson> Think y'are, yeah...
<PaperMario> honestly, i do
<BirdPerson> I mean, he is, yeah.
<Starfy> watevr, you all are just jealous
<BirdPerson> Of?
<Starfy> Fine, I'll type like this, see how gud i am?
<BirdPerson> Oh, M�
<Starfy> wat?
<BirdPerson> MB?
<Starfy> whos dat?
<BirdPerson> Aaron.
<Super-Jesse> dude, aaron, c'mon
<Starfy> OH! A-rod
<Starfy> ya
<Starfy> i call gim arod
<PaperMario> no, it's BM with the letters switched
<Starfy> because once he was playing wiitennis and he made a player nnamed rod and i was like "DUD, UR AROD!"
<BirdPerson> A rod? Old, good, or super?
<WarpRattler> If you really know Aaron, what kind of Internet service does he have?
<Starfy> ..i dnt get u burdperso
* BirdPerson is now known as burdperso
<Starfy> cumcast i think
<Super-Jesse> what?!
<Starfy> what?
<WarpRattler> Wow, maybe he's telling the truth.
<burdperso> >_<
<Super-Jesse> wait, what did he just say?
<burdperso> cumcast, eh?
<Starfy> neway
* burdperso is now known as BirdPerson
<Starfy> burdperona why is your little under ur nam in ur forums "siney piudey"?
<BirdPerson> You set it that way, remember?
<BirdPerson> I mean, uh, SJ did.
<BirdPerson> Sorry, the S's, I got confused.
<Starfy> who?
<BirdPerson> At a glance, you know.
<Super-Jesse> Me
<Super-Jesse> I made it that
<Starfy> y?
<Starfy> wait
<PaperMario> SJ has yet to give me a CT
<BirdPerson> It's totally irrelevant and all.
<PaperMario> not fair,man
<Super-Jesse> i shall
<Super-Jesse> what's ur UN?
<Super-Jesse> PaperMario :P?
<Starfy> waz a ct?
<Starfy> conneticut
<Starfy> ?
<Starfy> LOL
<PaperMario> of course
<Super-Jesse> k, lemme think bout it
<Starfy> guys gotta go back 2 skoll next week
<Starfy> that sux dont it?
<BirdPerson> Nope.
<BirdPerson> Pick up an English book when you're there. ;D
<PaperMario> not for me
<PaperMario> but for you
<Starfy> wateve bidoerson
<WarpRattler> Bydo, you say?
<Starfy> man y is every1 so mean
<SolidShroom> im fyne i dun hav skool til agust 27
<Starfy> excepy SuperJesse
<BirdPerson> Man... have you yet spelled my username right?
<BirdPerson> Even once?
<Super-Jesse> yet he gets mine perfectly
<WarpRattler> I'm the wrong ship to use the wave cannon...
<BirdPerson> I'm not mean, just critical.
<BirdPerson> And super effective.
<BirdPerson> So you die immediately.
<PaperMario> we're mean because we believe in the exploitation of the stupid
<Starfy> wat w/ the pokman jokes?
<BirdPerson> I don't know, been playing a lot lately.
<Starfy> lay off budperson its not even funny
<SolidShroom> we lyke mudkips
<Starfy> LOL!
<PaperMario> LOL
<WarpRattler> Mudkips rule.
<BirdPerson> C'mon, I think you're hilarious.
<Starfy> that shld be bideperns little undernma
<Starfy> e
<PaperMario> bidoof is terrible
<Super-Jesse> undername?
<Super-Jesse> Oh, CT
<Starfy> CT?
<Starfy> whaever
<Starfy> neway
<Starfy> so u guys lik mario?
<SolidShroom> no
<Starfy> did u get stuckers yet?
<BirdPerson> Nope.
<SolidShroom> we h8 him
<Super-Jesse> I like Mario, and I got strikers, you got it?
<Starfy> ya
<Starfy> wnt my friend code?
<BirdPerson> Stuckers haha
<Starfy> its 4098243803248954908906483
<BirdPerson> You're trying too hard.
<Super-Jesse> cool, i'll add it
<Super-Jesse> wait, thats too many numbers
<Starfy> thats wut ur mom said last night burdperson
<Starfy> LOL!
<BirdPerson> What would happen if in a strange twist of oddness you added yourself, thinking it was somebody else?
<Super-Jesse> I dunno
<Super-Jesse> alright dude, lay off of BP, he's cool
* PaperMario has quit IRC (Quit: Ciao! )
<BirdPerson> I've said, he's hilarious!
<Starfy> so ya, struckers is awesome
* PaperMario has joined #tmk
<Super-Jesse> Hvae you gotten to diddy kong yet?
<Super-Jesse> Have*
<Starfy> dud, i already BEAT it
<Starfy> I beat it for aaron realz
<Starfy> he said he wii was broke
<PaperMario> dud?
<Starfy> so i took it and beat it
<Starfy> ya dude
<Starfy> sorry
<Super-Jesse> oh, so you must know MB
<Super-Jesse> since you know about his wii being broken
<Starfy> MB?
<Starfy> oh aaron
<Starfy> ya
<BirdPerson> Or you could have access to that secret chatroom of theirs.
<BirdPerson> But only staff know that.
<Starfy> WHAT?!
<Starfy> sercet
<Starfy> that reminds me
<Starfy> wats the sercret page guys?
<BirdPerson> It's secret. I don't know it exists.
<Super-Jesse> i'd tell you, but i'd have to kill you
<PaperMario> u should know if MB is your friend
<BirdPerson> I'm sure Super-Jesse can tell you.
<Starfy> he wouldnt tell me
<BirdPerson> Telepathically or something.
<Super-Jesse> I don't even know what it is BP
<Super-Jesse> honestly
<BirdPerson> Wha-?
<Starfy> well, is it minus world?
<BirdPerson> Man, that's lame.
<SolidShroom> The secret page is in DUMBLEDORE'S GRAVE
<Starfy> is it tmknet/minuswworld
<Starfy> thats it
<Starfy> COOL
<Starfy> wat? no..
<Starfy> main, ill never gind it
<BirdPerson> I figured it out after severe hints from SolidShroom.
<Starfy> thought u all wuld know
<Starfy> oh wait
<Starfy> solidsnake?
<Starfy> oh shroom
<Starfy> nvm
<WarpRattler> It's combat amphibians.
<Starfy> i was lik thats my other friend from
<SolidShroom> Solid Snake?
<Starfy> no dud
<Starfy> solidsnake
<SolidShroom> Oh
<Starfy> its fr mgg
<Starfy> i pwn that site
<SolidShroom> Okay
<Starfy> i set it up on geocitez
<BirdPerson> I own a couple of sites myself.
<Starfy> really? i bet they all sux
<Starfy> LOL
<PaperMario> give me a hint solidshroom
<BirdPerson> Hahahahaha
<BirdPerson> You're funny man
<PaperMario> LOLZ ur so awesome and funny!
<PaperMario> u so fit in, starfy!
<Starfy> thanks pariomario
<Starfy> dud, u play superpariomario?
<Super-Jesse> My room is so messy...
<PaperMario> there's no such game
<Starfy> ya dude
<Starfy> for wii
<Starfy> supermariopaper
<Starfy> duh
<Starfy> id think ur'd knew
<BirdPerson> Oh right, you've been around since David said that
<Starfy> ya
<Starfy> he gave that name
<Starfy> i was like nintendo spell it wrung
<Starfy> david's never wrong
<Starfy> no one on the site is
<Starfy> except that chup guy
<BirdPerson> Heh heh heh heh
<BirdPerson> Especially Mr. Face
<BirdPerson> Yeah, Chup's wrong about everything.
<SolidShroom> If no one on the site is ever wrong
<SolidShroom> That means Lizard Dude right about more than everything
<Starfy> he luks like a gurl
<BirdPerson> So does Sapphira, what's up with that?
<Starfy> i tld ma friends @ scool that his name should be chupette
<Starfy> i wanna marry her
<Super-Jesse> What?
<PaperMario> uhh...
<Starfy> ya why? got a problem?
<Super-Jesse> uh, no...just pretty weird....
<Starfy> no its not
<BirdPerson> Why don't I just shut up and watch quietly...
<Starfy> ur just like my burther
<PaperMario> this'll be my new sig
<PaperMario> it just reeks of awesome
<Starfy> hes aways lik "stevie u cant like fake gurls" and im like "SAPH IS REALZ DUD LUK" and hes like "no shes a drawing on the site" and i go NUH-HUH
<Super-Jesse> so your name is steve?
<Starfy> DUDE YA!
<Starfy> how'd u know?
<Super-Jesse> Uh...I took a guess...
<SolidShroom> I can see Sapph in this conversation going >_<
<Super-Jesse> Yeah, is she in here?
<BirdPerson> I'm mostly XDing, myself.
<Super-Jesse> oh yeah she is
<SolidShroom> Away
<SolidShroom> Idling
<Starfy> and ive been typing all wrong
<Starfy> i probaly look like a LOSER now
<Starfy> oh well
<Starfy> this is me
<Starfy> she has gotta lik me 4 me
<PaperMario> maybe shes...flattered?.....or not
<Starfy> wat does she work on the site?
<Super-Jesse> Um, I think she does the artwork
<Starfy> oh
<Starfy> thats boring
<Starfy> she should do the blog
<Starfy> u should do art jessie
<BirdPerson> More than what LD does, heh.
<PaperMario> please leave
<Super-Jesse> it's JESSE
<Super-Jesse> firstly
<Super-Jesse> and secondly
<Super-Jesse> why?
<SolidShroom> LD is so awesome
<Starfy> cuz ur so much more awesome
<SolidShroom> And so is SJ
<Starfy> ya
<Starfy> and dezer
<Starfy> and aaron
<Starfy> but not chupette
<Starfy> LOL1
<BirdPerson> We need a Super-Jesse fan club
<PaperMario> who is dezer?????
<SolidShroom> dezer: the new dezzer?
<BirdPerson> I'll be president.
<SolidShroom> And I'll write a song about impeaching you.
<Super-Jesse> Haha, yeah a fan club for me
<Super-Jesse> that's be awesome
<Starfy> oh sorri
<Starfy> i was in the rr
<Starfy> duds, dezer is the ownor of mushrom kindum
<Starfy> c'mon
<Starfy> u know dat
* Br26 has joined #tmk
<SolidShroom> What are you talking about?
<Starfy> so neway
<Starfy> ya
* Br26 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving )
<Starfy> dud dezer
<Starfy> nvm
<SolidShroom> Gurepito is.
<Starfy> u dnt know
<Starfy> who
<SolidShroom> Deezer just took it from him.
<SolidShroom> And then chained him up.
<SolidShroom> To feed him bread.
<Super-Jesse> Where had Deezer been all day anyway?
<Super-Jesse> I wonder...
<BirdPerson> Away.
<Starfy> DUd whats ur alls real name?
<Starfy> mines steve
<Starfy> dnt tell my mom i told u
<SolidShroom> I can't tell you. I'd have to kill everyone.
<Starfy> she says steve dont be telling peopl ur name online they will rape you
<Starfy> andi sya no mum im a man they cant
<Super-Jesse> ..Your mom and you have a very open relationship
<SolidShroom> there are a LOT of Steves in the world.
<PaperMario> gross
<Starfy> dats my pointe
<WarpRattler> We even have an Insane Steve here.
<BirdPerson> We need a normal Steve.
<Starfy> aw thats why i couldnt use that name
<Starfy> i b him
<Super-Jesse> I actually like starfy better
<BirdPerson> We need a  normal  Steve.
<Starfy> gud, i like stafy too
<PaperMario> is this an elaborate joke i'm not getting?
<Starfy> i mean starfy
<Super-Jesse> Okay guys, im heading to bed
<Super-Jesse> night night
<Super-Jesse> Oh and PM i'll give you a CT tomorrow
<SolidShroom> night
* Super-Jesse is now known as SJ|Z_Z
<Starfy> Bi my friend!
<WarpRattler> 'Night...STARFY!
<Starfy> man that jessie is awesome
<Starfy> im not leving
<Starfy> im still here
<Starfy> LOL
<BirdPerson> Ruined.
<Starfy> wat?
<Starfy> dude runscape
<Starfy> neway play that?
<BirdPerson> You know.
<BirdPerson> The Twin Towers.
<BirdPerson> They're ruined.
<Starfy> forget that
<Starfy> its so old
<Starfy> i was like 10 when it happens
<Starfy> and i was wathing pokemans
<BirdPerson> Oh, did I say the Twin Towers?
<Starfy> they interuppted my POKEMANs for that?!
<Starfy> i was so mad
<BirdPerson> I meant the old Wal-Mart in my town.
<SolidShroom> Oh man
<SolidShroom> Runescape
<Starfy> i luv that game
<Starfy> but its for NERDS
<SolidShroom> I was like 12 when I played it.
<WarpRattler> RUN AND ESCAPE!
<Starfy> and LOSERS
<Starfy> i bet chupette plays that
<Starfy> hes prob on ther all night
<WarpRattler> Hey, don't lump us nerds in with the Runescape-playing losers.
<Starfy> and it lik "IM COOL"
<SolidShroom> How dare you insult Nerds and Losers like that.
<Starfy> i can do watever i want
<Starfy> jk guys
<Starfy> i cant
<Starfy> my mom saus im being too mean
<Starfy> she wants to know u alls names
<Starfy> Hi, this is Steven's mother
<PaperMario> is she hot?
<WarpRattler> My name is Heavy Lobster.
<Starfy> I need to you know all your names, now
<BirdPerson> I'm Max Vance.
<Starfy> He shared his, and I want to make sure no one on here is going to harm him
<Starfy> Okay, thank you Mr. Vance
<Starfy> Look, I will report you to the police
<Starfy> I need everyone's name, now.
<BirdPerson> Hey, c'mon.
<WarpRattler> No, wait. My real name is Sam Sammerson Laser.
<BirdPerson> A few ROMs. I didn't kill anyone.
<PaperMario> i'll go to the ends of the earth to remove your son from your grasp
<Starfy> Okay, look, your parents may have not raised you right, but I'm doing my best to protect my boy
<BirdPerson> Shut up lady
<PaperMario> Ms. Starfy, are you hot?
<WarpRattler> No, PaperMario means adoption.
<SolidShroom> hahaha we're not going to kill him. Honestly we don't care.
<BirdPerson> My parents make you look PATHETIC
<Starfy> That's not a proper question
<Starfy> What? Mr. Vance, I thought you were the only good one here
<BirdPerson> Sizzle.
<PaperMario> haha
<BirdPerson> Oh. You didn't specify whose parents didn't raise who correctly.
<Starfy> Don't tell me anything, how old are you all? 12? I can't believe your parents gave you a computer
<BirdPerson> whom*
<BirdPerson> 15.
<PaperMario> your son cant spell
<BirdPerson> I've had my own computer since about 11...
<WarpRattler> Unless you can take driver's ed at twelve, I think not...
<Starfy> I bet you all even buy those Mature games. Well, my son doesn;t, just the other day he walked into Best Buy and he wanted to get a Mario game, but it was rated T so I told him NO Steven
<Starfy> and He listened
<BirdPerson> I miss that old 3-D maze screensaver.
<Starfy> My son can spell however he wants
<Starfy> This is NOT school
<Starfy> He has to start school next week, so I allowed him to come here
<BirdPerson> This...
<Starfy> What?
<PaperMario> This...
<Starfy> You stupid kids and your 300
<BirdPerson> Want a mushroom?
<Starfy> Look, I need named
<SolidShroom> Hahahaha wow
<PaperMario> IS SPARTA!
<Starfy> I already called 911
<Starfy> They want me to get everyone's name
<Starfy> and IP
<BirdPerson> The police don't arrest pirates.
<SolidShroom> Wahahaha
<Starfy> I don't know what that IP is
<PaperMario> as if
<SolidShroom> What did we do?
<BirdPerson> Especially not 15-year-old ones.
<Starfy> so I need someone to help me
<SolidShroom> Okay ma'am
<Starfy> You all violated my right to know your name
<SolidShroom> To find out our IPs
<WarpRattler> You want my IP?
<SolidShroom> You have to say
<BirdPerson> I can help you arrest me, really quickly.
<Starfy> Look, my husband is a computer programmer at Dell
<SolidShroom> /part SolidShroom
<BirdPerson> WHAT THE DELL
<Starfy> he can probably buy all your computers and tell me your names
<BirdPerson> Compaq.
<Starfy> Don't lie
<WarpRattler> Compaq.
<Starfy> I know that an IP isn't a number
<Starfy> It's like a internet protector
<Starfy> I don't know
<BirdPerson> IP stands for Internet Pornography. I'm never involved.
<Starfy> What?!
<Starfy> Look, give me your names
<BirdPerson> Warp can give you IP though.
<Starfy> and I will leave
<BirdPerson> Max Vance!
<Starfy> Thank you, I know your Mr. Vance
<Starfy> what I need everyone's name
<WarpRattler> I already told you mine. I'm Sam S. Laser.
<BirdPerson> Chup's name is, really, Chupperson Weird.
<Starfy> Some are obvious, like Mario, but the rest aren;t
<BirdPerson> Deezer is Deezer W. That's all.
<Starfy> I have all those
<BirdPerson> LD is Matt Warioerson.
<Starfy> I already emailed your little site's owner.
<SolidShroom> My name is Albert Cohol
<WarpRattler> SolidShroom is C. Ombat Amphibian.
<SolidShroom> Call me al for short.
<BirdPerson> Mushroom Boy is Jordan Shroomy.
<Starfy> This isn't funny
<BirdPerson> Sapphira is Julia Roberts.
<SolidShroom> No, I disagree
<BirdPerson> I'm giving them all to you.
<SolidShroom> This is really funny
<BirdPerson> If I don't type quiockly enough for you, leave.
<Starfy> Now tell me your names
<WarpRattler> Fine, we won't tell you our names.
<BirdPerson> n-fani is Fynn Lander
<n-fani> Right
<BirdPerson> Suffix is Ian Ing
<Starfy> I said to be quiet
<Starfy> Now listen
<BirdPerson> Make me, granny.
<Starfy> where are your parents?
<BirdPerson> In a room down a hall, and... Nevada?
<Starfy> Well, they should be watching how you talk to people
<WarpRattler> My mom just left for work.
<SolidShroom> Mine too
<BirdPerson> With the highest respect to grannies.
<BirdPerson> They know how I am.
<WarpRattler> And my dad gets home from work in a few hours.
<Starfy> Your parents leave you at the computer?
<Starfy> I can't believe that
<Starfy> What bad parents
<BirdPerson> Super-Jesse is Nott Awaik
<SolidShroom> Hahaha
<SolidShroom> HAHAHA
<Starfy> I watch my Steven all the time
<SolidShroom> Really
<SolidShroom> If you don't like us
<BirdPerson> Floyd is Floyd Barber.
<SolidShroom> Why don't you just leave
<Starfy> Because I NEED NAMES
<Starfy> NOW
<SolidShroom> WHY?
<Starfy> No more games
<Starfy> The cops needs your names
<Starfy> I already called them
<BirdPerson> Lakitu7 is Adorkznett Ahperater
<Starfy> Those aren't real names
<Starfy> Look, I need everyone to email me your IDs
<BirdPerson> Uhhh, yes they are.
* Br26 has joined #tmk
<BirdPerson> Lakitu7 is Swiss.
<PaperMario> My name is Daniel Cook
<Starfy> my email is
<Starfy> so email me them
<SolidShroom> Br56 please help
<Starfy> I need them all
<SolidShroom> br26*
<Starfy> No, NO MORE NAMES
<Br26> zuh
<Starfy> Just your IDs
* PaperMario e-mails pr0n
<BirdPerson> 1337.
<Starfy> and your Social Security cards please
<n-fani> I thought he didn't have an e-mail
<WarpRattler> Br26 is P. Ing Timote.
<BirdPerson> 'Cause we all have those.
<SolidShroom> I don't have one
<SolidShroom> I'm an illegal immigrant.
<Starfy> You don't have an email?
<Starfy> Good, maybe your parents did something right
<Starfy> I don't let my son have one
<Starfy> They only lead to trouble
<SolidShroom> IRC is way worse than an email.
<Starfy> What?
<Starfy> You all talking your nerd talk now?
<BirdPerson> Max|Death is Stocker somthing.
<Starfy> Look, don't expose my son to that
<SolidShroom> IRC
<Starfy> Just talk like normal people
<SolidShroom> YOU'RE ON IT NOW
<Starfy> I'm on what?!
<Starfy> No sir, I do NOT do drugs!
<BirdPerson> Duuuuude
<BirdPerson> Solid
<BirdPerson> Pass the IRC
<Starfy> Don't make up things, why must you kids always make up things
<SolidShroom> WHAT
<BirdPerson> Oh man that's goooooood
<Starfy> See, this is what I get
<SolidShroom> I'm not making up anything
<Starfy> Look, I need to go to work in 3 hours
<Starfy> So I need IDS ASAP
<BirdPerson> Way to teach values
<Starfy> whose in charge here?
<Starfy> I need the name of the person in charge
<BirdPerson> "Early to bed, early to rise, son"
<SolidShroom> Deezer
<SolidShroom> Chupperson
<Starfy> and I need them to be in here now
<SolidShroom> Lizard_Dude
<SolidShroom> Sapphira
<BirdPerson> What kind of business hired you, lady?
<Starfy> What do these plus and a signs mean?
<Starfy> I don't understand this
<BirdPerson> A line of beggars outside of 7-11?
<BirdPerson> You could be CEO in an instant
<Starfy> Look sir, I don't need to tell you anything
<BirdPerson> Your sone, vice president.
<Starfy> I need your ids
<BirdPerson> -e
<WarpRattler> The @ signs mean that they have slaves. The + signs mean that they're spellcasters. The % signs mean that they carry stairs around.
<Starfy> What?!
<BirdPerson> My ID is 1337.
<Starfy> IS THIS some sort of CULT?!
<Starfy> THIS IS!
<Starfy> I knew it
<SolidShroom> Okay
<BirdPerson> Yeah
<Starfy> I told Steven it was
<Starfy> that's it
<BirdPerson> We're happy-happyists
<Starfy> Okay, I need everyone's names now
<WarpRattler> HAPPY HAPPY!
<SolidShroom> We all worship Stan and drink cow blood
<Starfy> I'm calling my uncle at the FBI
<BirdPerson> We paint things blue under Mr. Carpatiner's command.
<Starfy> there some letters for you nerds
<Starfy> FBI
<BirdPerson> Carpainter*
<Starfy> they will ban your IRC for good
<Starfy> Just like they should all these Mature games
<BirdPerson> !teleport Starfy's mother
<Mushroom_Boy> The Mushroom Teleporter sends Starfy's mother to McDonald's
<Starfy> I HAT those
<WarpRattler> Holy crap, I'm scared.
<BirdPerson> Stay there
<Starfy> hate^
<Starfy> What is that?
<Starfy> Some sort of spell?
<Starfy> You can't play that in REAL life
<BirdPerson> Muschokoloauho
<Starfy> when will you losers realize all this Mario, all this Nintendo is FAKE. GET A LIFE!
<WarpRattler> FIRAJA!
<BirdPerson> Yehelomonolulzo
<Starfy> Stop that!
<SolidShroom> If the FBI leaves /b/ alone then they don't care about this. Yes, I know I broke Rule #1 and #2
<WarpRattler> DEMIJA!
* BirdPerson is reciting an angry mother-killing incantation
<Starfy> WHAT?!
<WarpRattler> BLIZZAJA!
<Starfy> Oh, I see
<BirdPerson> Lulzalulzavanexplode
<Starfy> Look, I need the name of someone who's here right now who is in charge
<Starfy> Will someone get me the perosn in charge NOW!
<BirdPerson> I'm in charge.
<Starfy> Okay then
<SolidShroom> n-fani
<BirdPerson> The voices all are.
<Starfy> What?
<Starfy> voices?
<BirdPerson> That's us with the +'s
<SolidShroom> Is the highest ranked in charge.
<Starfy> Okay
<SolidShroom> Awake
<SolidShroom> consult n-fani
<Starfy> So you and this...SJ person..Who's that
<Starfy> I need to know that person's name
<SolidShroom> He's asleep
<Starfy> I need everyone's name
<BirdPerson> Solid, n-fani was demoted to halfop.
<Starfy> No he's not, stop protecting your nerd people
<SolidShroom> But he's higher than a voice
<BirdPerson> I'm voiced and SJ's asleep.
<SolidShroom> oh yeah
<Starfy> Okay, well, Im done talking to you
<BirdPerson> Sssh!!!
<SolidShroom> Everyone's at the computer
<n-fani> BirdPerson, I've never been an op
<BirdPerson> You're LOUD!
<Starfy> So someone better get me this SJ or else
<n-fani> So I was never demoted
<BirdPerson> Man, way to ruin it.
<Starfy> Look, I need these other names too
<BirdPerson> SJ is Mr. Carpainter.
<Starfy> I can't believe this is to hard for you kids to understand
<Starfy> What?
<Starfy> No, stop with the fake names already
<BirdPerson> The one who instructs us to paint things blue.
<BirdPerson> ...
<BirdPerson> You think I'm lying to you?
<Starfy> I said I NEED IDS
<BirdPerson> Look into my eyes.
<Starfy> I don't care anymore
<BirdPerson> ._.
<Starfy> I need names
<Starfy> all of you
<BirdPerson> Do I look like a liar?
<n-fani> My ID is in my wallet
<Starfy> get it out, and scan it
<Starfy> You nerds should know how to do that
<n-fani> Make me
<BirdPerson> A bear ate my wallet.
<Starfy> I already called the cops
<n-fani> Oh no, cops
<BirdPerson> California is dangerous.
<SolidShroom> Lady, I'm gonna urinate on myself because you're so funny.
<Starfy> What?!
<Starfy> How...disgusting
<SolidShroom> BRB
<Starfy> Look, let's make a deal
<BirdPerson> Lady. People excrete.
<Starfy> I'll let my son back on
<BirdPerson> What, have you advanced beyond the need?
<Starfy> but I need everyone's name first
<Starfy> he's bugging me to get back on
<Starfy> Please, just tell me names
<Starfy> Hold On, the cops just got here
<BirdPerson> I'd kill you if I were your kid.
<Starfy> Wait until I come back
<Starfy> when they read that
<BirdPerson> I might kill you for the heck of it! I've tracked your location.
<Starfy> they'll arrest you
<BirdPerson> I'll kill the cops too.
<Lizard_Dude> My name is Seymoure
<BirdPerson> I know all sorts of battle techniques.
<WarpRattler> BirdPerson and I are both masters of PSI techniques.
<BirdPerson> And, when you're all dead, I'll burn your son alive! ^_^
<SolidShroom> Lizard_Dude: Seymoure Butts?
<Starfy> dud, just give my mom ur names
<WarpRattler> Actually, I think it's spell "Butz," Solid.
<Starfy> please, i want to chil w/ u
<SolidShroom> I said it
<Starfy> shes downstaifs wit the cops
<SolidShroom> My name is Frnak
<SolidShroom> Frank
<Starfy> k good
<BirdPerson> Sorry Starfy.
<SolidShroom> How will you benefit
<Starfy> thx dude
<SolidShroom> There are a lot of Franks
<BirdPerson> I made a promise, I have to burn you alive.
<SolidShroom> in the world.
<Starfy> no, ill mak up names
<Starfy> hold on
<Starfy> im gonna go tell her u gave me ur names
<BirdPerson> I'm really sorry. I only wanted to kill your witch of a mother, but I have to burn you. There's no way around it.
<SolidShroom> I see something wrong here
<PaperMario> can i be mario mario?
<SolidShroom> Starfy is a MGS fan
<SolidShroom> But that's rated M
<BirdPerson> I'm on my IRC-enabled watch right now.
<BirdPerson> I'm very close to the house...
<BirdPerson> Aw snap, should've brought my camera.
<Starfy> k i think it wrok guys
<BirdPerson> SolidShroom, make an OBJECTION!
<Starfy> i make a list
<BirdPerson> Got it. This is the place.
<Starfy> and she gave it to the cops
<Starfy> so i think im gud now
<Starfy> og man shes coming back
<PaperMario> is your mom hot
<Starfy> ioashag
<BirdPerson> This won't be hard... I'll go in, kill the cops and evil lady, then burn Starfy.
<Starfy> Okay look people
<Starfy> I can't believe you all won't give me your names
<Starfy> But my son was nice enough to give me your names
<PaperMario> these are our real names
<SolidShroom> Lady
<SolidShroom> Look
<Starfy> so I apologize for being so rude
<SolidShroom> I must make an objection
<PaperMario> why else would we use these handles?
<Starfy> I gave them to the cops, and they said they will be notifying your parents
<Starfy> so Mr. Garcia, I'm sorry
<Starfy> And let me make sure this list is right
<SolidShroom> Your kid has no M rated games, yet he claims to be fan of Metal Gear Solid, an M rated game.
<Starfy> Okay, which one is Ike Myers?
<Starfy> Which one is Gilbert Gotfied?
<Lizard_Dude> me
<Lizard_Dude> er
<Lizard_Dude>  ME
<Starfy> Ok
<Starfy> thank you
<Starfy> and...
<Lizard_Dude>  YOU'RE WELCOME
<Starfy> Frank Uvla?
<SolidShroom> Me
<Starfy> Okay then thank you
<Starfy> Let me see what else
<BirdPerson> You're taking looooooooooong, lady. Get it over with so I can kill you with PK Thunder.
<Starfy> Well, I'm sorry Mr. Vance my son is a bit more important than you
<Starfy> he just had an accident
<Starfy> And I cannot do two things at once
<Starfy> I just cannot!
<BirdPerson> Oh suuuuuure
<BirdPerson> He won't be, after I've burned him alive.
<Starfy> I'm done with everyone
<BirdPerson> You can die and scream simultaneously.
<Starfy> I already got ur names
<Starfy> I don't need anything else
<Starfy> My son and I must leave for work now
<Starfy> So good day SIRS
<BirdPerson> I'm a madam
<Starfy> k guys bye
<Starfy> im sorry about my mom
<BirdPerson> Max is short for Maximina
<Starfy> My son has nothing to be sorry about
<Starfy> You ALL are TRASH!
* Starfy has quit IRC (Quit: Ciao! )
<SolidShroom> SJ
<SolidShroom> Wow
<SolidShroom> You're amazing
<SolidShroom> I've never seen such an awesome act.
<SolidShroom> I was fooled.
<WarpRattler> Man, I was going to try to get a CT out of this.
<BirdPerson> That was entertaining role-playing, if anything ever was.
<SJ|Z_Z> Bp was ruining it for everyone
* SJ|Z_Z is now known as Super-Jesse
<BirdPerson> Only in the beginning.
<Super-Jesse> with his innuendos
<PaperMario> i was fooled for a while
<BirdPerson> What?
<Super-Jesse> Good, well, that was fun
<Super-Jesse> I dunno what started it
<PaperMario> till warprattler told me the truth
<SolidShroom> I had a feeling that was a fake.
<Super-Jesse> lol, see, I wish no one told anyone
<Super-Jesse> it was hilarious
<Super-Jesse> I even got LD
<BirdPerson> I knew immediately, /whois is good.
<SolidShroom> It was great
<WarpRattler> /whois rocks.
<SolidShroom> I didn't /whois till real late
<SolidShroom> It was much better if you were fooled.
<Super-Jesse> [04:34] <Super-Jesse> this Starfy is sure funny
<Super-Jesse> [04:34] <Super-Jesse> i wonder who he is ;)
<Super-Jesse> [04:35] <Lizard_Dude> Oh that was you
<Super-Jesse> [04:35] <Super-Jesse> ...
<Super-Jesse> [04:35] <Super-Jesse> you had no idea?
<Super-Jesse> [04:35] <Lizard_Dude> I believed it
<SolidShroom> Trust me
<Super-Jesse> Yeah, the mom thing was actually real though
<SolidShroom> haha
<Super-Jesse> it happened in warcraft
<WarpRattler> Suuure.
<Super-Jesse> let me find the video
<Lizard_Dude> I don't slam /whois within seconds like the rest of these kids
<SolidShroom> Hahaha
<SolidShroom> I don't do that either LD
<n-fani> Oh wow
<PaperMario> some kid's mom really did that in warcraft?
<Super-Jesse> ANyway
<Super-Jesse> Yeah
<Super-Jesse> I gotta find the video
<Lizard_Dude> My favorite part of the whole thing was Bird instantly saying his name was Max Vance.
<Super-Jesse> My favorite line:
<Super-Jesse>  <Starfy> he plays with his Wii i just watch
<BirdPerson> Max Vance is supposedly MaxVance's real name.
<WarpRattler> Yes, that was hilarious.
<Lizard_Dude> Well duh
<Lizard_Dude> Although I have a friend, username of John Denbee
<Lizard_Dude> but his real name is Kyle Nelson
<PaperMario> the innuendo in that line was hilarious
<SolidShroom> so
<SolidShroom> How is this going to classic quotes?
<Super-Jesse> Sorry I'm looking for the video
<Super-Jesse> i know it's here somewhere
<BirdPerson> Link to a txt if anything
<SolidShroom> I suggest uploading a .txt and picking out good points.
<Lizard_Dude> Paste the whole thing and just post it
<BirdPerson> [02:40] <Ronald> I neeeeed sleeeeeep.
* BirdPerson is now known as Bird|Sleep
<Bird|Sleep> G'night, all.
<WarpRattler> Yeah, it's now almost 6 am. Good morning, #tmk!
<SolidShroom> :/
<SolidShroom> Lucky guys
<Lizard_Dude> Dude I have to drive 5 hours in... 5 hours
<SolidShroom> You get sleep
<SolidShroom> I get lawn mowing
<Lizard_Dude> Why does this happen every time
<WarpRattler> I leave for Chicago in probably less than 24 hours.
* WarpRattler has quit IRC (Quit: See ya, people. )
<PaperMario> i'm hungry...
* PaperMario has quit IRC (Quit: Night. Er...morning....whatever. )
<Lizard_Dude> I'm too young to die
* Lizard_Dude has quit IRC (Quit: Don't shoot! I'm with the science team! )
<Super-Jesse> hahaha
<Super-Jesse> I FINDS IT
<Super-Jesse> Another bright day...
<Kojinka> When I saw this thread back on top, I was afraid this was gonna be another pointless bump by a new member, but when I saw Super-Jesse's username, my fears were laid to rest.


  • Old Person™
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2013, 07:40:35 AM »
I love your nostalgia kick, but honestly...

Maybe later.
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2013, 10:41:18 AM »
Gee when was I this unfunny, I

<BirdPerson> 15.

All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!


  • Luck of the Irish
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2013, 03:32:31 PM »
I think I remember this happening while I was sleeping. Or rather, I remember waking up and looking at my computer, and finding that there. It's familiar somehow, even if that's not how I saw it.
Know the most important contribution of the organ Fund science girls type. It's true!

« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2013, 04:05:36 PM »
What is this nonsense?

« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2013, 04:10:11 PM »
Super-Jesse thought it would be funny to sign in under another alias and mess with the chat room. I wasn't there for it, but I did find it kind of funny upon reading afterward.
Kinopio is the ultimate video game character! Who else can drive a kart, host parties, play tennis, give good advice and items, and is almost always happy??


  • Unstoppable News Machine
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2013, 12:58:32 PM »
Super-Jesse thought it would be funny to sign in under another alias and mess with the chat room. I wasn't there for it, but I did find it kind of funny upon reading afterward.

Yep, and I can't believe how hilarious I thought it was when I originally did it. Reading back, it has it's moments but overall it was just one big waste of time.

Still a moment that sticks out to me, as silly and dumb as it is :P
<Kojinka> When I saw this thread back on top, I was afraid this was gonna be another pointless bump by a new member, but when I saw Super-Jesse's username, my fears were laid to rest.
