
Author Topic: Help me out here guys!  (Read 1747 times)

« on: September 08, 2001, 04:11:00 AM »
I've gotta' ask: Do my posts irritate people? It is my understanding that they do and I'll stop if someone is bothered by them. I wanted to ask some things but wasn't sure where or how so I started a new thread rather than risk going off topic in an old one, if a smirelevant old one existed.

Seeing as how the board-list is getting kinda long this will be my last new thread for a while, and if I have anything to ask or say, I'll post it here; starting right now.

1> In Paper Mario: Why didn't bowser just push/blow/blast mario off of the flying platform (final battle)? If he did that then dispatched some Koopatrols to where he landed, he would probably be able to beat him. THen again I suppose he never thought he's lose, so nevermind.

To conclude: I'm sorry if I have irritated anyone; expect no new threads from me for a while.

I'm kinda new here, although I have had experiances with these Infopop-style boards before, I'm kind of getting used to the feel of this one.

»Thank you for your patience :)

 ~Just another pisanno.
 ~Just another pisanno.

« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2001, 12:48:59 PM »
Don't worry about it. At least you don't go around with the caps lock on, using poorly-spelled profanity...
