
Author Topic: Why are Video Games not a sport?????  (Read 5355 times)

« on: September 22, 2001, 06:37:35 AM »
Sadly enough, I have noticed that it dosn't seem like most people consider video games to be a sport. I on the outherhand think that multiplayer games like, James Bond 007 The World is not enough, and Mario Party 1-3 and Mario Tenis,ect, should be considered a sport. I meen chess is considered to be a sport why not video games????? You use stradagy in video games. And chess is a stradagy game. But yet raly do we see a after school Video Game Club. Or a video game sports chanel. Not very often do we? But...Pok'emon has had a tour where you could compete in.I just think more people should consider Video Games as a sport.Please reply with your thoughts on the subject..... Thanks For your time.

 I love Video Games! (Bye the way, Does anyone realy know how to change Mario''s cloths green in Super Mario 64, so he looks like Luigi.Thanks.)

Bye the way, Does anyone realy know how to change Mario''s cloths green in Super Mario 64, so he looks like Luigi.If so please tell me. Thanks.

Edited by - ZimStar on 10/17/2001 8:04:04 PM

« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2001, 12:52:15 PM »
Have you ever seen the wizard? You know how stupid and boring that movie was? that's why video games aren't televised.

It's not a matter of optimism or pessimism, it's a matter of common sense! (half empty or half full?)

« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2001, 01:23:20 PM »
I think that the reason why video games aren't considered sports is because of the fact that the term "sports" has been stretched a little too far already. Hardcore sports fans don't even really consider Golf a sport, let alone Chess.  The only reason Chess is considered a sport is so that people won't consider the "sports" to be associated with "idiot."  Yes, video games take alot of skill (some of them at least) but the concept of sports is associated mostly with activity other than just moving your hands.  With the exception of Dance Dance Revolution, video games don't provide that much exercise.

Of course, just because it's not officially a sport doesn't mean you can't play them at school.  My friends and I organize regular Super Smash Brothers tournaments at lunch at our high school.  Just find a teacher who has access to a TV (or digital projector) and ask if you can play during lunch.

So video games aren't considered sports. At least now we can't be called "dumb jocks" for playing them :?).

« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2001, 05:43:47 PM »
You can get someything like excersize from playing a video game. If youu play a game with a lot of action or suspense, your metabolism increases. That's why some people get sweaty or tired after faster paced games like 007. BUT: that doesn't make it  sport.

 ~Just another pisanno.
 ~Just another pisanno.

« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2001, 06:40:48 PM »
(If you like sports please don't get ofended)
I know Video Games don't provide exersize. Thats why I brought up chess. You don't get much exercice from that either. But I guess like some one informed me, some people don't consider chess a sport. Anyway..... Like chess Video Games are mentil more than than phisical. I still think they should be a sport because I'm (At least I think I am) good at them. And I'm not what you would call "sport" material because I don't know all the rules for the more popular sports, Am not very muscular. I guess "Sports" are good for some people. And if thats what they enjoy thats good for them:)I love video games.I think some games like Super Smash Brothers :) for example are very good multi player games. I think more places should reconize that video games may  not be good for your body. But they are a good mind sport. I just think more people should reconize that you can have fun outher ways than just exersizing sports. O bye the way, I think I saw some of the Wizard but I don't think I saw all of it. It was a wile ago and I may not rememer it clearly.Thanks for your opinion:) Please keep the responses comeing, and thanks to those who have already responded:) Please exuse my spelling thanks.
(I hope I haven't afended any sports lovers out there just expresing my opinions:)

Bye the way, Does anyone realy know how to change Mario''s cloths green in Super Mario 64, so he looks like Luigi.If so please tell me. Thanks.

Edited by - ZimStar on 10/17/2001 8:04:53 PM

« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2001, 05:17:32 AM »
They already televise people playing multiplayer games. I forget the name but it's like 4 people go anginst each other on SNES or N64

I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon

« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2001, 08:06:12 AM »
I also feel games should be a sport. Everyday I fantasize about video games being a sport or even a subject in school. Imagine getting a grade in school for playing games! I would without a doubt get an "A" in that class. Video Games 101. Anyone else feel games should be a subject in school? Games can use your mind just as much as anything else can.

"Fate has no forgiveness for those who dare stand against it"
"Fate has no forgiveness for those who dare stand against it"

« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2001, 07:01:50 PM »
although i spend most of my time playing video games, i'm actually quite bad

It's not a matter of optimism or pessimism, it's a matter of common sense! (half empty or half full?)


  • Quadruped
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2001, 12:04:34 PM »
The college I go to has many subjects about video game DESIGN...
Does that count?

Go Moon!
Go Moon!

« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2001, 06:04:35 PM »
Heh. . .I remember the good old days when Blockbuster hosted tournaments for video games. . .the last time I competed was when I was five, and most of the games were for NES/SNES. . .of course I did bad due to my youth, but I still dominated for a 5 year old. Think of the damage I could do now, 9 years later. . .but now there's no tournaments at all. . .sad really. . .

This message was written by davidcoolestguy, master of anime and video games (actually he''s just a guy who''s got too much free time)

Founder of the Mario Game idea: Super Mario Bros 4: Sibling Rivalry. If you wish to see this game idea, e-mail me at, and I''ll see if I can get it to you. I''m also planning on updating it, and possibly converting it into an RPG. . .
This message was written by davidcoolestguy, master of anime and video games (actually he''s just a guy who''s got too much free time)

Founder of the Mario Game idea: Super Mario Bros 4: Sibling Rivalry. If you wish to see this game idea, e-mail me at, and I''ll see if I can get it to you. I''m also planning on updating it, and possibly converting it into an RPG. . .

« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2001, 02:00:14 PM »
i would love to play games like super smash brothers and goldeneye and mario tennis and stuff against 5 year olds.
"Hey Mr., let me have a point. That's no fair. I had to pick, i mean scratch my nose, so i should be able to get a point and so..."
and the whole time he was saying this i go and win against him 4 more times... heh heh heh.. that would be sweet

It's not a matter of optimism or pessimism, it's a matter of common sense! (half empty or half full?)

« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2001, 08:04:10 PM »
Could you imagine the olympics with video games

"a fat guy with his custom gba connected to his black game cube as he burps taking attention away from skinny white guy killing him in SSB:M and dose his tubby victory dance" actually quote that will be on my page!

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« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2001, 08:42:24 PM »
Let me first say that I am happy about all the opinions. I did not know that Block Busters had tournements. Thanks for the fact.(By the way, does anyone know a Game Shark Code to turn Mario's clothes Green On Super Mario 64. That way he looks like Luigi. I'm still woundering how you do that.) Keep the opinions coming.

Bye the way, Does anyone realy know how to change Mario''s cloths green in Super Mario 64, so he looks like Luigi.If so please tell me. Thanks.

Edited by - ZimStar on 10/17/2001 8:05:35 PM

« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2002, 04:16:16 PM »
     Why did this topic die? Don't people care about this subject any more?

 (My two favorite worlds in Super Mario Brothers 3 are PipeLand and DarkLand. PipeLand is chalenging. It''s for experinced players. DarkLand is the final world. There is two Tanks, one LavaShip, and one DoomShip to go through before you get to Bowser''s Castle. Them two worlds are the most changing.) (Please join Mario Survivor in the Story Board)

« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2002, 04:56:13 PM »
hey Red_Ninja_Koopa i think that tv show you were thinking of is "Video and Arcade" I love that show. Besides the dumb music or movie questions they have tones of game codes and tell you how to do stuff. There awsome! They even have a wall coverd with fan art that has a bunch of Mario pictures on it.

Man 1: I must say we have a very exiting proposal.

Man 2: A video game bassed on your many adventures.

Man 1: What would you call it?

Iggy and Spike:..... "The Super Koopa Cousins!"
CANADA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
