
Author Topic: Paper Wario RPG 2:The plan's revenge  (Read 6517 times)


« on: September 29, 2001, 11:01:14 PM »
Wario woke up in the middle of the night
To make sure his socks were still there.
He screamed like- uh, heck when he found that they were missing. He saw a note lying on his bed. He read it:

(UN)Dear Wario,
We have stolen your socks again, because we need them for Bum Bum Bum-The Plan #2. You'll
never find out who wrote this, because we didn't sign it.
                      Sincerly and with love,
                      The Koopalings

Wario didn't know who could have done this devilish thing, but he would get revenge, but first he needed Mario's help...

CHAPTER 1:The dumber and the plumber

Edited 734 years ago by Bow

« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2001, 10:30:00 AM »
Mario was in his mansion, because he was soooo rich, unlike Wario who lived in a tiny shanty near Cleveland, Ohio.

Wario ran in.

"Mario! I need your help!"

"What's in it for me?"

"I won't badger you for another 5 games."

"You haven't badgered me since 1994."

"And I would've won, if it wasn't for that stupid Toad."

Toad winked, being that is all he does since Mario Party 3.

"How about, I help you on your next quest?" said Wario.

"OK, but we'll need our friends."

Next chapter: Luigi and the Pea

Somebody set up us the bomb-omb.
Somebody set up us the bomb-omb.


« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2001, 09:58:55 PM »
Mario didn't really want Luigi to be in here since he's so unfamous, so instead they headed to the Castle of Koopa...

But when they got there the world behind them dissapeared...

The door that lead to the next room was locked, all they saw was a pile of letter magnets on a refrigerater.


"What do we do now?" Wario asked blankly.
Edited 734 years ago by Bow

« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2001, 11:44:58 AM »
now mario (being a master-puzzle-figure-outer since Mario's Picross) figured out this much of the Puzzle: TO MAKE THE DOOR OPEN something THE something. HMMM What-a-do-a-we-a-have-a-to-a-do-a-next?

It''s a me Marionut#1

Edited by - marionut#1 on 10/13/2001 10:46:31 AM
It's-a me, Marionut#1!


« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2001, 09:07:34 PM »
Wario decided that since he was the star
of this story, he would find out the rest.
He was only able to figure out that the last word was "magnets".
Mario realized that the remaining word was rearrange,he rearranged the magnets and the door opened.
"Let's a' go!" he said.
They walked through the door and saw a number sequence written on the wall:
Edited 734 years ago by Bow

« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2001, 01:22:50 PM »
Mario thought that it would help if them screamed them in numarical order. So the did. They sreamed 1,2,2,3,4,7, suddenly the floor fell through and they where in a dongeion. They where trapped. All around them where boboms.

« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2001, 04:52:57 PM »
Then a small blue Bobom came out of the crowd. "Hello, my name is Boomy," he said. "You have tell help us get out of here," Mario pleaded. "Shure," replied Boomy. He lit his fuse and all the boboms ran. Then Mario douced the flame with water. (Witch a bucket of it was convinently sitting around)"Thanks, I realy didn't whant to explode, But they know I'm a speacial moddle Bobom, I knew they would run," replied Boomy. "Have you seen any socks?" asked Wario. "Yes, thier in the laundry room, I'll take you there," said Boomy. "Ok," said Mario.

Edited by - ZimStar on 10/18/2001 4:21:47 PM

« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2001, 05:17:44 PM »
When they arived they found Peach.(Who was strangly ungarded) "O Maaaaario," sobbed Peach. "They stole my sooooocks," she continued. "Don't wory Prensice I'll find them," replied Mario. "Wait a second, whe're looking for my socks," said Wario. "Come on they're probably in the same place," said Mario. The three followed Boomy to the laundry room. When they got there a cage fell from above on Mairo and Wario. "Boomy, Peach you have to save us," pleeded Mario. Boomy let out a maniacal laugh, Hahaha, did you realy think a BOBOM would help you two, Ha. I am the general of Bowsers Bobom army. "And Peach?" asked Wario. "She's a robot," said Boomy. Now I will light the fuse. SSSSSSsssssssss--------..............."Nothing HA!," shouted Wario. Wario ramed through the cage. Boomy still woundering if he would  explode, started to run. They ran all the way to the top of the castle. They chased Boomy to a plank the looked over the edge of the castle. "Push me off and we'll all die!!!!!" Shouted Boomy. "I'm an impact bomb. I just forgot the fuse was a decoy," Boomy said. Suddenly he jumped off the ledge. Then a Fly Guy named Breezer came swooping down to catch him. Then he brought him back to the plank. "You have to trust me I'm not like him, I'm on your side," said Breezer. " Please let me help," he pleeded. "Fine," said Wario. Breezer threw Boomy far away. After a huge bang the continued there jurney. "I told you looking for her sokes was a bad ideal," said Wario. "O give me a brake I was just trying to be helpful," said Mario. "The Socks must not be in the laundry room," said Mario. "WOW you just figured that out," said Wario. "Now where do we go?" asked Wario.

Edited by - ZimStar on 10/19/2001 6:49:25 AM

« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2001, 08:15:19 AM »
(At the Thrown Room in Koopa's Castle.) "The bum Bum BUM plan is going perfectly," anounced Cheatsy. "Mario and Wario have ben lured into our trap by Boomy," said Ludwig. "And by now they should have gone kamboom Hahaha," Bowser evily replied. "And we still have Wario's socks so now we will have plenty of time to get the rest of the items for bum Bum Bum the plan # 2," said Big Mouth. "And the best part is no one can stand in our way," Said Cheatsy. Suddenly the doors to the thrown room where ramed open. It was Wario, Breezer, and Mario. "How can this be???," asked Ludwig. "Your little bubom was no match for Breezer," said Wario. "Breezer?, who's he," asked Cuty Pie. "He was a traiter, I banished him long ago," said Bowser. "But why," asked Cheatsy. "He tried to take over my castle," replied Bowser. "O," all the koopa kids said. "Hey! where's the socks," asked Ludwig. "Their gone," said Bowser. "A likely story," said Wario. "I remember, Mouser was running aout of hear earlier with a laundry basket that realt stank," said Hip. "Then I saw a space ship launch two minutes ago," said Hop. Mario, Bowser, Wario, Breezer, and all the koopa kids ran out of the castle and saw a space ship heading to the Moon Cheese planet. "Hurry to the space ship!!!!!," shouted Bowser. Our hero's grabed a space ship next to the koopa's. The both blasted off. "We're under fire," shouted Mario. The koopa's ship was fireing at them. Then they herd clanking sounds in the back of the ship. "Who's that?" asked Mario.

« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2001, 01:05:56 PM »
Mario went back to check. When he went into the room that was making noise, he found Peach. "O Mario you have to help me," she said. "I know your realy a robot," said Mario. Then he took her up front. "Thats the real Peach, I saw her get put back hear before I came to help you, sorry I forgot to menchen it," said Breezer. "My apologies Prencise," apoligiezed Mario. (On bord the Koopa's ship.) "I can't beleave my must trusted folower has betraid me," said Bowser. "Cheer up kind dad," said Cheetsy. "We've got a surprise for you," said Big Mouth. Ludwig pushed a button and beemed aboared .....

Edited by - ZimStar on 10/19/2001 12:09:10 PM


« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2001, 07:33:29 PM »
"That wasn't supposed to happen!"
Bowser yelled.
Then TINSTAR'S head exploded to reveal...

Edited 734 years ago by Bow.
Edited 734 years ago by Bow

« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2001, 05:05:39 PM »
a cow

Signature under construction! Watch out, you may get hit by a mind bulldozer!

« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2001, 07:45:48 PM »
The cow rampaged through the Koopa's ship. It destroyed the controls. "EEE EEE EEE," sounded the allarm. (Abord Mario's Ship) Mario, Peach, Wario, and Breezer watched as the Koopa's ship was ingulped by flames. It crashed onto a small moon that was under the ship, with one final moo. Mario and Wario took off  their caps and gave a moment of sileance. Their ship jolted. They where still under fire. "It's comeing from Mousers ship," anounced Mario. Suddenly a cow was beemed into the back of the ship. "Seel the door!," screemed Wario. Peach pushed the button. The door seperating the the ship was closed. "EEE EEE EEE," the alarm sounded. Mario, Peach, Wario, And Breezer put on their space suites and opened the door. Once out they contined the persuit with Jet packs. (On a small blue moon) Layed the Koopa's ship. The Koopa Kids, and Bowser rose out of the ruble. Bowser grabed Big Mouth and held him up. "Why did you destroy the ship!" Bowser demanded. "We didn't beem that abourd," pleeded Big Mouth. Bowser tosed him aside. "It must have ben Mouser," said Iggy. "We have to stick together," said Ludwig.........."It's our only hope," said Lemmy. The Koopa's began exploring the moon. It seemed much biger up close. Like a blue jungle. The split in to four groups. Bowser and Cheatsy, Wendy and Ludwig, Iggy and Lemmy, and Roy and Morton. After about five minutes thir was a horible screem by Wendy's group. They all rushed to see what it was. When they got their they found a..........

« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2001, 07:52:19 PM »

Signature under construction! Watch out, you may get hit by a mind bulldozer!

« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2001, 12:51:59 PM »
But the cow was actually Luigi!

"Why did you not help me with my pea incident?"

Somebody set up us the bomb-omb.
Somebody set up us the bomb-omb.
