
Author Topic: Kweehing with Excitement!  (Read 1971 times)

« on: November 16, 2001, 09:56:04 PM »
I'm so psyched! My town's sorta small and intrest in the Gamecube is rather low, so I'll most likely get one....Cause I'm going tomorrow at Four to Wal Mart and I'm staying all night! Kweeh! Lol, so hyper, so hyper...I don't know how I'm going to sleep...Well, best of luck to ya'l fellow GC Campers. I'll be sure to tell ya the outcome!

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!
Kweeh! Kweeh! Yes, Kweeh forever!

« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2001, 04:26:03 PM »
Well, I was the first in line at my Wal Mart...In fact nobody else even showed up to wait in line until 6:00 PM, so my freind (Who was just accompanying me-he didn't want a Gamecube) and I were the only ones there for two hours.
It was very, very, enjoyable. The People waiting line were some of the most pleasent I've seen in ages (Well..Expect for the guy in the leather jacket, but I'll get to that.). About a third of the people were devoted parents, and one was a husband/wife team that took shifts (and lawn chairs....grr....Why didn't I think of that?)Alot of them were about middle school kids, who came a tad earlier. Lots of late teenagers came about eight, and the rest of the people fit into those catagories.
I was quite bored. I stayed there the longest of the peoples and I must admit I was sort of antsy. I needed something to do, so I took out Luigi's Mansion's Instruction Manual and went and got everybody's autograph in line (It got harder to do-I'd have to have the people help me spot newcomers from way down the line). I even kept a journal. I'll retype it here, for the heck of it.
8:07 PM, 11-17-01
I've been at wal-mart since 4 Pm and my mind is slowly melting away.
8:36 PM 11-17-01
My mind is now a very fine product similar to Campbell's Tomatoe Soup
9:01 Pm 11-17-01
All wait and no play makes Chocobo a dull guy
9:47 PM 11-17-01
12:04 AM 011-18-01 (Yes, I said 011...)
It's over.
It was very nifty. I kept the little slip of paper that said one (So proud, I am!) and taped it onto the corner of the GC near the 'open' button. *sniffles* I'll always remeber that day.
But, anyway, I hinted at a darker moment. There was this punk in a leather jacket that had this weird sort of walk-a strut, if you will. A guy in the line was making fun of him behind his back, and the guy to left of me said "Oooh, him? I see now". The guy came over to us and said "Has onna' you been talking dirty 'bout me?"
The guy to my left said "No, we were just admiring your leather jacket. It's very nifty." The guy's ego was fed, he gave us a thumbs up, and left. I was worried...A riot in line is a very bad thing.
Luigi's mansion is amazing. I was worried that maybe I should've chose Super Monkey Ball over Luigi, but I don't have any doubts anymore. So much detail, so many little things to see, the graphics gorgeous, Luigi's hilarious, and Catching ghosts is very entertaining.
This is Chocobo.
I'm Kweehing...away

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!
Kweeh! Kweeh! Yes, Kweeh forever!
