
Author Topic: The Nintendo 64, was it good or bad?  (Read 2931 times)

Mario Maniac

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« on: December 10, 2001, 10:15:49 AM »
What do you think of the (now-deceased) Nintendo 64? I think it was one of the best systems Nintendo has ever created (along with Game Boy Advance)! It not only revolutionized the world of 3D games, it also brought many of our favorite Nintendo characters (Mario! Link!) to glorious 3D!

'Super Mario 64' has to be the greatest 3D platform game of all time!

'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time' is one of the best Zelda games ever! The intricate story, the amazing graphics, the wonderous music... Ahhh, the glory of Nintendo!

What are your opinions?

Mama mia! It''s-a me, Mario Maniac!
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2001, 11:33:19 AM »
Of course, N64 wasn't bad! It may not be the best Nintendo system in the world, but don't start calling it bad.

Buzz (counting the kids in the car): 11, 92, 12, . . .
Mom: Buzz, stop being a moron.
Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo, Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, MARIO, Jan, Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden, Noel, and Ellen sinned. [Mario sinned!]

« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2001, 02:07:39 PM »
N64 was a good system - Honestly if it wasnt for N64 GameCube would be a lot differant than it is now.  If it wasn't for N64's mistakes GameCube would never have improved over it.  Remember the 64DD?  That technology has been built into the console using the SD memory card.  Also they fixed problems like pricing, cartridge problems and developing problems.  I love my 64 but it's flaws made our GameCube's better.


I ignored the rules about signatures, therefore I am most likely a spam account.

« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2001, 03:35:04 PM »
right nintendo's learned from their mistakes therefor the next system better.

Edited by - superdude on 12/10/2001 1:36:22 PM
People are who they are and thats that!!!!!!

« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2001, 04:07:46 PM »
Great music is right! Boy I just love the Lon Lon Ranch song!

Don''t quote me on this, but I''m betting that pipe goes somewhere. ---Goombario

Mario Maniac

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« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2001, 07:01:01 AM »
You're missing the point frostbite... What do you think of the N64?

Mama mia! It''s-a me, Mario Maniac!
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2001, 04:05:31 PM »
Well now, the 64 not only revolutionized the 3D world of video entertainment, it also brought out some awsome multi-player games. My favroite so far has to be Super Smash Brothers for multi-player fun, but, for sheer love of the game, Link and Mario are at tie for 2nd. The music was great and the games were also not bad, now they did have some mitakes though (ie: the diddy kong game =P). But, like they; say you learn from you mistakes. Without the 64 the Game-Cube woulda been strange =D. I lubb nintendo!

I know a game were you put one dollar in and you get four quaters! I win every time!
I know a game were you put one dollar in and you get four quaters! I win every time!

« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2001, 06:11:33 PM »
Well, I definatly loved it! It changed my whole Video gaming life!

I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon

« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2001, 08:39:20 PM »
The N64 was an outstanding console. It was much better than the PS1 - the PS1 only did well because of "Quantity over Quality" and the unwashed masses were stupid enough to think that more games = better system. Even though they probably didn't get that many games for it anyway.

I know this is a Mario site, but even so I'd still say that the Banjo series just pipped Mario at the post for being best 3D platformers ever. Banjo-Tooie is outstanding.



Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? Oh, I can''t take it any more!
You got a toilet in there? "No, toilet in tower. Tower!"


Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? Oh, I can''t take it any more!
You got a toilet in there? "No, toilet in tower. Tower!"

Mario Maniac

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« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2001, 10:07:49 AM »
avengah, I completely agree with you! The PlayStation (both 1 and 2) only did well because they have more (but lesser quality) games... More games doesn't necessarly mean a better system. Nintendo has plenty of good quality games; and hardly any of their systems have had more than 10 games made by Nintendo...

PlayStation does take the "Quantity over Quality" into effect... That's why they did so well, because so many stupid Nintendo haters wanted a system with more games, but they didn't care if they were good or not!

What about the Xbox? It hardly has any games for it right now, and yet more gamers want the GameCube (well obviously, because it's Nintendo!) But the Xbox seems like a very superior system compared to the PS2, so why don't gamers take that into consideration and just burn all of their PlayStation stuff and just stick with good ol' Nintendo and Microsoft?

What I just said probably doesn't make any sense, but I'm just tired and bored at my school lunch time!

Oh well, I'll add some other opinions later...

Mama mia! It''s-a me, Mario Maniac!
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2001, 03:58:51 PM »
I thought the Nintendo 64 was one of the greatest systems ever. Sure, I was still playing SMB 1, 2, and 3 when I first got it, but it was the coolest thing opening it up for Christmas. I opened a red controller first, and my father convinced me that my mother had picked out the wrong one. Then, opening up the Nintendo 64 and seeing a 3-D Mario on the cover made my heart skip a beat!

I obviously enjoyed the Mario portion of the 64, considering I have every Mario-type game for it except Dr. Mario, which I plan on getting sometime.

The 64 revolutionized gaming and Mario for me. I mean, where would I be without it?

I love my GameCube to the bottoms of my shoes! But my 64 will never be put away in some dusty old cardboard box! It will sit proudly on my shelf, while calling my GCN a "whipper snapper", hobbling around on it's cane, and taking lotsa prescription drugs like the elderly system that it is. Heh, heh, heh, uh... yeah.


Super Mario

Born To Play:

"What if everything you see is more than what you see– the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn''t? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than you think. Perhaps it really is a doorway, and if you choose to go inside, you''ll find many unexpected things."

-Shigeru Miyamoto
Kickin' it since 2000.
