
Author Topic: News for avengah  (Read 1895 times)

« on: January 30, 2002, 07:16:15 PM »
I was looking at a site from Germany, I know English, Spanish and French but not German, however i could makeout something stating that the GameCube comes out the '3 Mai' (I guess that's May) I believe its about 200 something Euros, sorry I don't know how much it is in Pounds.  I hope this is useful for you!

« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2002, 09:52:55 AM »
OK thanks. I believe it will be out at the beginning of May, at a price of £149. This means the X-Box will probably have trouble selling at £299.

I still say May's too late really, and Nintendo have probably let Sony have too much of a headstart. Good planning etc. could have prevented this, but have Nintendo ever been any good at planning? No. Never mind.

By the way, on a completely unrelated topic, to the person who e-mailed me with an abusive message, I know who you are, I know what your username is (and it has an L in it), and it's so sad it's not even funny. Grow up, realise I am probably about twice your age and know a lot more (about life) than you, and be aware I could quite easily have your posting rights revoked.



Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? Oh, I can''t take it any more!
You got a toilet in there? "No, toilet in tower. Tower!"

Edited by - avengah on 1/31/2002 8:01:34 AM


Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? Oh, I can''t take it any more!
You got a toilet in there? "No, toilet in tower. Tower!"

« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2002, 02:40:35 PM »
Tu connais le français?
Est-ce que tu comprends ce que j'écris en ce moment?

Mario: I think it's TIME to kill Bowser. Who's agree?!Homer Simpson: Me! I hate that frog. But...not when mix with some horses carrots.  Mario: Who are you?!
Yes, I am F-Man from TUNMB.
I like this site by the way,
can I?
