
Author Topic: New Idea  (Read 2854 times)

« on: February 24, 2002, 07:57:09 PM »
okay, I'm*gasp* gonna try something new(you know, one of those things nobody replies to).

Mario ran through forever forest, breathing heavily as he went. He stopped suddenly, and turned around."Get away! no! Noooo!"

Luigi felt a tug on his fishing rod. he reeled it in and found an old boot at the end. he placed in in a pile with a tire, some, big peices of wood, jimmy hofa, and a long peice of wire that had gotten tangled up in the line. "Just one more cast," he sighed "there's got to be something here."
he cast the rod once more, and waited. soon, he had snagged an object of irregular shape, with an inscription on it. he cleaned it off. He couldn't seem to read the writing on it. It was a shiny piece of silver, about as big as ones palm. very pretty. he figured that only one person could read this; Merlin.
he went to the kindly fortune teller's house and went inside.
"You must take the train to mt. rugg-oh! I'm sorry,luigi. I thought it was another person asking what to do in "Paper Mario." he said."what can I help you with?" Luigi showed him the object. "oh! this is a tool, used by the ancient inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom. It was used to kill a werewolf. to freeze a werewolf in it's tracks, they would recite these words 'Mumra kabul zandel taigu'. Luigi was scared stiff he had stopped listening. "w-w-werewolf?!" he shouted. "Don't worry, the werewolves are extinct. They died out in the koopa invasion hundreds of yoears ago. If you're interested in werewolves. I have a freind who knows all about them. goes by the name of Elvin Gadd.
To be continued...

Who am I!
I'll give you a clue!
I already know most all of you
I come here often! yes indeed!
I've to much time. a life, I need
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2002, 06:30:55 PM »
I knew it! nobody replied. nobody ever replies. and when they do it's usually to correct me about something. But I'll show them. I'll show them all! Hahahahaha!
By the way, anyone seen Greg or johnbob? they disapeared around the same time as grimsack...

Can''t hold on much longe. But I will never let go.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2002, 06:56:09 PM »
good story!

Mario and Yoshi rule! is a great Place for Yoshi! Ps.Visit the message board!
Should I put something here?

« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2002, 10:50:23 AM »
This idea seems to have slightly more potential than my other(yoshi's island) post. so I'll continue this one.

Luigi knew who E. Gadd was. and so should you if you call yourself a mario fan. he was a scientist that seemed only to study stuff that gave people the creeps. Luigi was definitely NOT interested. he threw the peice of metal into the the bay."And stay there." he called causing several toads to stare at him. Luigi went to the pipe house and microwaved some ravioli. He then sat down and watched "Chuck Quizmo" on television. He slowly drifted to sleep. it was a couple of hours later when he awoke. he looked at his clock. "Mario should be back by now." he said. He went outside and waited for him. the sky was made up of many colors. the sun set. Luigi began to worry. He went back inside. He paced back and forth. suddenly, there were three sharp raps on the door. Luigi began to open it when it slammed into him. And Mario busted in. Luigi pushed the door away from himself. "Mario! Where ya been?" Mario ignored him. "Mario?" Mario plopped himself onto the couch. Luigi waved his hand in front of mario's face, "woohoo. mario? wierd!" he went to his room and tried to sleep. he awoke to a funny noise. He crept to the living room and peered in. Mario was on the floor... scratching himself? he raced out the door! Mario looked up and chased after him. he ran into town, a scary place at night. Mario was hot on his heels. They ran for hours before Luigi finally lost him. the first thing he did was to check the Toad Town library. He poured through the books. Medical journals,Encyclopedias, and other books noone would even know existed, much less have info on strange doglike behavior. Then, he got an idea. The library had installed a computer, complete with internet. he quickly accessed it and found what he was looking for. unfortunately, it was exactly what he didn't want to hear.
To be continued...

A feild sat in place. Peacefully minding its own feildish ways. when suddenly, it ceased to be a field. It was no longer what it was and was what it was not.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2002, 03:15:19 PM »
Mario was, what Luigi had feared, a werewolf. He then knew what he had to do. Day broke and when luigi peeked out of the library, Toad town was active and relatively normal(You can rarely call it normal because it is a very strange place). Luigi set out for a part of the mushroom kindom known as Dark land. It was a long journey across the hills of grass land, the fierce heat of desert land, the thin air and high peaks of sky land, and the large monsters of giant land. Finally, he arrived at the small cottage in the middle of dark land.
He knocked on the door. A small shuffling sound was heard and the door was opened."Luigi! What brings you out here in this mudhole of a place?" said the little man.
Luigi explained to the doctor, the events that had happened. "... and that's when I came here." he finished. "Well, I'll say one thing, your brother gets into a lot of trouble. Let's see. I've got lots of books on the subject. Ah! here's a good one." he pulled a book from  the shelf titled "What to do if your brother has been turned into a werewolf and you end up seeing an old guy with this book." "Uncanny." said Luigi. he read the first page. all of a sudden , one of the pictures caught his eye. "that's the thing I threw into the bay! Maybe I can use that on mario!" "No!" said the professor. "you can't use it on him! only on the werewolf that got 'im!" Luigi jumped back, surprised. "why not?" he asked. "because, it would kill him!" he warned. Luigi shuddered at the thought. "but how are we s'posed to find this wolf? Up till now, everyone thought they were extinct." "that's what I'm worried about, my boy. If they aren't extinct, they must be endangered. there can't be many left. and that means they'll be harder to find."
To be continued...

A feild sat in place. Peacefully minding its own feildish ways. when suddenly, it ceased to be a field. It was no longer what it was and was what it was not.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2002, 05:59:16 PM »
Luigi didn't know what to do. Some little man in the back of his head kept saying"Go find the werewolf!" while another slightly larger little man kept saying "NO! Don't listen to him! he got you into the whole haunted house business!" Luigi finally, with every ounce of courage in him, volunteered to go find the wolf and kill it, to save his brother. "I'll do it." he said weakly. "I've got to try. if I'm not back in two days, send a search party." he said, about to leave. "Hold on Luigi!" said the professor."You don't think I'm gonna let you go out there without some kind of help, do you?" Luigi looked confused. "I helped you out last time and I'm gonna help out now. I've made a few adjustments to my Game Boy Horror(trademark, pat pending). It can now locate any wherewolves in a 20 yard radius. good luck!"
Armed with his new device, Luigi set off for toad town. And the tool that could save his brother.
When he reached toad town, Something strange had happened. "mmaaaaarrriiioooo!" he called. noone answered. He knew it wasn't a good idea to leave mario there. "Mario?" he called again. no answer. he scoured the town. noone seemed to be outside. he came across some kids playing. he tapped one of them on the shoulder. the child turned around."ah! Oh I thought it was Mario. You're his brother right?"
He nodded.
"well, then you you probably already know."
"Know what?" he asked worriedly.
"Mario trashed a butcher shop, ran away and almost got killed by an angry toad with a meat cleaver!"
Luigi's mouth hung open. he quickly dived into the bay and looked for the peice of silver. He almost gave up. then something shiny caught his eye. he picked it up, and rubbed it off. It was what he was looking for. He swam to the surface and got out. There was nothing else to do. But find THe wolf that bit him. A lot of things worried him, like, even if he found the wolves. how would he know which one? And what if he got lost? He approached the entrance to forever forest...
To be continued...

A feild sat in place. Peacefully minding its own feildish ways. when suddenly, it ceased to be a field. It was no longer what it was and was what it was not.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2002, 11:05:27 PM »
Hmmm. Maybe the reason I never get replies is cause I'm mean to everyone. oh well.

Luigi entered the forest warily. he looked around. "gulp." he swallowed and went deeper into it. It all looked almost exactly the same. he first turned left. No different. but then he noticed something. the area right in front of one of the passages was different. he couldn't put his finger on it, but it was definitely not the same. he acted on instinct and went through. soon he was in a similar place. but again something was different. he continued on like this for some time. The bushes rattled. All of a sudden three fuzzy yellow shapes were visible. there was no mistaking it. "Forest Fuzzies!" Luigi shouted. "Another plumber! Meeeork!" said one. "This one's bigger too! Meeork!" said another. The third one said to the others, "I dunno, guys. Meeoork. Ma said never eat anything green." the others looked confused. "Whatever." they said in unison. Luigi stepped on one, making it extremely mad. "Meeeork!!!" It grabbed luigi and began to drain the life out of him. "uhhh!" Luigi threw him off into the others, who toppled over. they got up, dizzy but for the most part, unharmed. seeing that they were about to atack as a group, he threw a fireball right in their direction. eliminating the one he had stepped on. he continued to fight until they were all gone. "whew!" he sighed. all of a sudden his GB horror, started to flash an eerie blue color, and an annoying cell phone tune played. he pressed start. "Hello?" he said. "Luigi!" It was the proffessor. "that was good. you showed them. but there's something a lot stronger ahead. I detect a strong werewolf reading. this could be the one you're looking for." with that, he hung up. Luigi, was scared. I mean reeaaally scared! his knees were shaking, his teeth were chattering, and his overralls were wet! But he went ahead.
To be continued...

A feild sat in place. Peacefully minding its own feildish ways. when suddenly, it ceased to be a field. It was no longer what it was and was what it was not.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2002, 06:18:24 PM »
The wolf came forward. It was a large doglike animal with fangs. It had a hunched back, red eyes and a long snout. It's hind legs were thick and muscular, probably used for pouncing. It's forelegs were thinner and had long claws. It had big pointed ears, that stood up. It was almost completely black.
"ahhh!" Luigi screamed. he fingered around in his pockets until he found the silver peice. He raised it high above his head and said the words. the werewolf stopped, dazed. Luigi pounded and kicked the werewolf but it just stood there. then, the wolf snapped out of it and leapt on top of luigi. he was almost a goner. but something stopped the wolf. it looked up in the sky. although mostly hidden by the trees, a shaft of light shot through. the wolf ran away. the tune began to play again. "Luigi! You've got to work faster. if a werewolf gets in the sunlight, they go nuts. some of them transform back into thier former selves. you're bound to meet another person along the way, so heres how to tell a person who is a werewolf from a normal person. A werewolf will always have a monobrow. hear me out. if you see a person with a large hairy eyebrow that thins on the bridge of the nose, there's a good chance that he or she is a wolf. also, they will usually have a long hairy middle finger on each hand. be on the look out for unusual cuts or bruises as well." "I can't fight a wolf without some kind of weapon!" said luigi."no weapon eh? that won't do. come back to the lab." "Lab?" asked luigi. "I have one near forever forest." he explained.
Back at the lab, Luigi looked at a long spear with a silver tip. "This m'boy, is the weapon you'll use to kill the werewolf. ain't she a beaute?" luigi nodded. he had new info and now knew how to accomplish his goal. "Um... Luigi? would it be too much to ask you to tell me anything you learn about the wolves? I need it for my research and I'm sure you'll learn something not even I know." "okay." said luigi. "allright." the proffesor said."I think you could use a little training. you could poke an eye out with that thing if you don't know haw to use it." and so a rigorous training program began. Finally on a clear night where the moon was visible, luigi went off again, this time much more prepared, to save his brother.
to be continued...

A feild sat in place. Peacefully minding its own feildish ways. when suddenly, it ceased to be a field. It was no longer what it was and was what it was not.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2002, 09:03:02 AM »
Luigi entered again, at first seeming confident but in an hours time he was back to his old scared self. he had figured out the secret of the forest, and had little trouble, except for the occasional group of forest fuzzies. he pressed on for hours, it seemed. he looked up into the half hidden sky. the moon was full. "you'd think werewolves would be easy to find in a scary place at night, on a full moon!" he carelessly said aloud. Before Luigi could take a breath, a huge werewolf was on top of him. His silver tool rolled out of his pocket just out of reach. he tried to stab the spear into the werewolf without it but  it was near impossble. he took a gamble and smacked it on the side of its face. that seemed to stop it for enough time for him to push it off. He reached for the peice of silver, and said the words quickly but clearly. The wolf stopped and stared into space. Luigi clased his eyes and stabbed the spear into the werewolf, instantly killing it. He was breathing heavily. he turned around and what he saw amazed him! the werewolf was toppled over on its side, and all of a sudden an extremely bright light flashed and in the werewololf's place was lying, a beautiful girl! Luigi ran up to her. he checked the pulse. she was dead. a tear rolled down his cheek. the gameboy rang again. "What!?" he yelled. "oh! sorry." "It's all right luigi. I know what happened.*sniff* You don't suppose you could carry her back to the lab, do you? so I can have a look at her." "But... she's... dead! I can't drag a dead person, or any person for that matter, all the way through forever forest, back to your lab!" "alright. good job. you're that much closer to finding your brother."
To be continued...

A feild sat in place. Peacefully minding its own feildish ways. when suddenly, it ceased to be a field. It was no longer what it was and was what it was not.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2002, 12:12:22 PM »
Two posts in one day. you may have noticed I am back to using my old screen name. ****Mystery**** was annoying. Screech is back! The reason I'm posting twice is that, I looked at my last post and it was horrible. It was supposed to be sad, but my inability to capture emotion(especialy when I'm barely thinking about what I'm doing), made it bad.
Luigi wandered further into the forest. He wasn't so sure about killing werewolves anymore. before they had seemed like beasts with no soul. But seeing that girl put things in the proper perspective. He was actually killing people. people that could live perfectly normal, innocent lives, in the day at least. Luigi stopped. It was daytime. He didn't know what to do during the day. It had never come up. He decided that since he had to look work during the night, it was best to sleep during the day, but still, he would have to be extremely careful, not to disturb other things that might get mad and,well, eat him in his sleep.
 He discovered a cave and, after making sure, nothing lived in it, he curled up and went to sleep.
 He awoke to a strange sound. it sounded like some sort of music. He checked it out. there, a few yards from the cave, though he hadn't seen it in the daytime, was a huge mansion. A ghost house! thought luigi as he walked up to the door. he normally wouldn't have got that far but something inside of him made him go, but what he did next surprised him most of all! He looked up, and went in. The inside was dark and at first seemed empty, but then the lights flashed on and there were hundreds upon hundreds of Boos! Lugi felt the impulse to scream, but held it in, in hopes that if he kept quiet the boos wouldn't notice him. No chance!

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2002, 08:34:01 PM »
The boos turned to luigi. they were about to attack, when a voice was heard. "Luigi?" it said. Luigi saw a boo of a bluish tint, with a flower on her head. "W-who are you? how d-do you know me?" he managed to say.
"well, I don't really know you." said the boo, "But I know your brother. Mario told me about you. You really do look like him. My name's bow."
Luigi calmed down a little. "Boos on my side." he mused. "Do you know what happened?"
He asked.
"Mario was bitten by a werewolf!"
"oh dear! Is that why you're out here?"
"I'm sure we'll be able to help out."
All of a sudden Luigi's gameboy began to ring."y'ello." said luigi. "Look out! I'm detecting strong boo signals! Can you see any of them?!"
"It's okay. They're on my side. On my side!"
"oh. okay then. By the way, I found out that silver dust will hide you from a werewolf's scent. just sprinkle a little on you."
He hung up.
Bow was curious. "what exactly IS that thing?"
"It's a communications terminal. it lets me track werewolves and talk to the proffessor.

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2002, 10:43:24 AM »
"Professor?" she asked.
"Proffesor E. Gadd." said Luigi. "Maybe you know him."
"I certainly do know him!" bow said angrily! "He once came in here with his 'Poltergust 3000' and annoyed us all to death. pardon the pun. You didn't bring that thing in here did you?"
"Good. now what can we help you with?"
"Well... do you have anything to eat?" Luigi said. "I'm kinda hungry."
"I'll see."
she went off through a wall leaving luigi to explore the strange house. In the big foyer, it seemed as though most of the boos were having a party. they were singing, dancing, and some of them even had lampshades on their heads. Luigi even started to dance a little.
There were lots of rooms. in one he found an old phonograph. he cranked it and heard one of his favorite classic tunes. In one room he found a store with a boo selling all kinds of goods. The strangest room of all, though, was a room with a large vase. He hopped into it and came out feeling younger, but a little fat and somewhat stiff. when he jumped in and out again, he was his old 128 bit self again.
He made his way back to the foyer just as bow was coming back. "Here." she said, handing him a paper bag. "These are sandwiches. it's the only thing we have that you could eat. there are a lot of them so you won't go hungry on your way to save mario."
"Thanks a lot!" said Luigi gratefully, scarfing down one of the sandwiches. "Hey! these are good."
The boos said goodbye, and luigi went on his way.
to be continued...

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.
