
Author Topic: Luigi in SM64? Don't flame me!  (Read 7102 times)

« on: March 08, 2002, 10:28:29 PM »
     I know, I know Luigi is not suposed to be in SM64. But there is alot of things that went unansered. I'm still a little cerious on the subject. What does that star statue do, in the Back Curt Yard? What does that plaqe say? The wrighting in scratched, and smerry looking. Could it be a hint on how to get Luigi? The first litter does look a little like an L, or I. There is one or two green towers , and one or two red towers, in the Wing Cap Switch World. Does this link to Luigi? What about the water levle? World 3. Doesn't it spark you a little curios that one black shadow passage leads you to a room with a hidden star, and the other just gives you a 1-Up Mushroom? Could this meen that Luigi was edited out at the last moment. Instead of fuly develiping the levle...maybe the just cut it out to get it done on time to make this the first N64 game. Who knows? Why did they make that cloud levle? All you get is one star? Could this be where Luigi was intended to be? Why does Mips come back twice... Why not Luigi one of the times? Why are there so many coins outside the paintings? Why are some placed so hard to get, under the bridge? Could this be used in a code to get Luigi? There is probably question after question that goes unansered. I herd Nintendo's reason was time restrainsts. How can Mr. Myiamoto, and his team of Video game designers, not alter a few Mario graphics, and or just through together a few polygons, to make a quike little Luigi. They could have made him give you the 121st star, and then fly off into the wild blue yander. Or something like that. It sounds a little too suspisious. Where they rideing on the edge of the realease date so closely that they couldn't have taken a few minutes, or hours, to do that? Just to be the first game? Couldn't they have done that and still be on time? It just sounds a little too fisshy. There isn't much of an excuse. You can't forget Luigi! He's Mario's brother! Did the put him in it? Is he hid deep in the coding of the game? Do you realy have to do an outstanding code to get him? Or is it an abvious code....and nobodys cracked it yet? Does Mr. Myomoto want to keep him a secret forever? What if he realy isn't in it? Why are there so many refrences, and or unexplained stuf? Is this just some prank...and where all humering Nintendo by trying to find it? Or are we missing the obvios? Is it so simple that we apear humerous by not finding him? Or did they realy not put him in, and are woundering why we are making sutch a fuss about this? Who knows? Who delvered the oficail exuse? Mr. Myomoto, or some other person? Did he sound shure of himself...or wishy washy about it? Is that the only reason they have? Where and when did this anouncment take place? Will this forever be one of the many mysteries of Nintendo? Or will it someday be solved? By the way. Please don't flame me for brinning this up. Again. Just use cool, calm, reasoning. Not how childish you can be. Lets have an intelegent debate on the subject. Shall we?

(MagiKoopa+spelling change to Magic+The 120 Power Stars from SM64=MagicKoopa120!)

« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2002, 10:50:39 PM »
Grrrr...*shakily picks up flamethrower* have a quirk that makes you post topics about things peolpe wish were forgotten...Grrrrr you're this close:ll,to being flamed into fiery ashes...and I would have already done it to if you hadn't asked so nicely...hurrrrrrr...

Mario:It''s a-me Mario!
Crash:Crash Rules!!!!
Mario: Huh,Crash?You''''re in the wrong sig!!
Crash:Huh? I am?
Mario:Ya,you need to be in Bandicoot Buddy''s sig!
Crash:Whoops!* Runs off to find Bandicoot Buddy
Sonic: The need for Speed!!!!!!!!
Mario: MamaMia!!
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2002, 10:59:08 PM »
Yeah, you're right! They could just take a model of Mario, streth a few of the polygons, and them recolor them to make a simple Luigi! Wherever they put the ...ahem... *Better* half of the Mario Bros., it'd better be somewhere in the castle!

An extremly rare and valuable Yoshi!
"Who want''s to buy a gold Yoshi? Selling Price, $999,999,999,999,999!"
(This is GoldenYoshi)
"How much does the $1.99 Popcorn Chicken cost?" ~ Classic Stupidity.

« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2002, 11:04:25 PM »
Did I hear you say "better half of the Mario Bros."?!?!?!?!?!!??!! That's IT!!!!!!! Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mario:It''s a-me Mario!
Crash:Crash Rules!!!!
Mario: Huh,Crash?You''''re in the wrong sig!!
Crash:Huh? I am?
Mario:Ya,you need to be in Bandicoot Buddy''s sig!
Crash:Whoops!* Runs off to find Bandicoot Buddy
Sonic: The need for Speed!!!!!!!!
Mario: MamaMia!!
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2002, 11:08:21 PM »
Pant,pant...alright I've calmed down now...but actually peolpe have made Luigi and put them in screenshots claiming they found him. I think TMK has a section on it with a couple of doctored screenshots.

Mario:It''s a-me Mario!
Crash:Crash Rules!!!!
Mario: Huh,Crash?You''''re in the wrong sig!!
Crash:Huh? I am?
Mario:Ya,you need to be in Bandicoot Buddy''s sig!
Crash:Whoops!* Runs off to find Bandicoot Buddy
Sonic: The need for Speed!!!!!!!!
Mario: MamaMia!!
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2002, 07:10:27 AM »
     Do you know what the sign says on the Star statue? It's in the Back Cort Yard. I can't exactly reed the top...but I got some. I can't even reed the butom text. Do you know what it says? It looks like
"I to Star" Or "L to star" I think it has some other words to. Any clue?

(MagiKoopa+spelling change to Magic+The 120 Power Stars from SM64=MagicKoopa120!)

« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2002, 10:43:08 AM »
There is a way to get Luigi in SM64..... Sort of anyway. It's a gameshark code. Sorry I don't remember the code. But it makes Mario's clothes change to Luigi's color clothes.

Mario and the gang are the best and will always be the best.
Loyal member since 1/6/02
ATM Machine-
 Place 5 gold coins for a Mushroom.
(Formally known as marioaddict)

« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2002, 10:54:02 AM »
     I tried it before. It's not Luigi. It just filters the redish and orgish colers to a greenish. I could be wrong.....but I think it does everything else too. Not Just Mario. I'm talking about the real Luigi. If he is, or is not, in SM64.

(MagiKoopa+spelling change to Magic+The 120 Power Stars from SM64=MagicKoopa120!)

« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2002, 12:53:03 PM »
The plaque says, "An eternal star for happiness." Or something to that effect.

« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2002, 07:45:54 PM »
guess what? it's been confirmed that luigi is not in the game, and its been confirmed that the writing on the star, isn't writing, it's jiberish, SO SHUT UP!!!
stop your grinnin'' and drop your linen!

« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2002, 07:50:09 PM »
Well find a jibersh translator to read it.

Mario and Yoshi rule! is a great Place for Yoshi! Ps.Visit the message board! note:Im also Ludwig Von Koopa as well as SuperYoshi7175.
Should I put something here?

« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2002, 09:08:18 PM »
     Hey P-Switch, Who confermed it? Mr. Miamoto himself? Or Nintendo of America. It it was NOA. Are you going o beleave the same people who told us that Birdo was realy Ostro. That she was a he that whore a bow and spit eggs. A while later we finaly got told the obvious...he is a she. Birdo! So if they lied to us then...who says there not lying to us now? I think their excuse (Time restraints) seems too fishy. Don't you think Mr. Miamoto, and a team of video game designers, could have made Luigi and still be on time. How long could it have take? Minutes,hours, a day? I think it is strange that that's their only excuse. Don't you think they could have thrown him in, like they did with Yoshi. All you have to do is morph a few Mario Graphics. I think their exuce is very poor. Where they ridding on the realease date so closely that they couldn't spare one day, if that, to put in Mario's brother? If so...that's sad. It just seems too strange.

(MagiKoopa+spelling change to Magic+The 120 Power Stars from SM64=MagicKoopa120!)

« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2002, 10:13:12 PM »
no luigi isnt in the game and im glad he isnt. i mean dont get me wrong i love luigi. but it just wouldnt make sense storyline wise. i mean at the beginning of the game peach sent a letter asking for mario to come. not mario and luigi. i mean thats like getting a phone call from your girlfriend asking you to come over and then bringing your brother along. so im geussing nintendo came to this conclusion as well.
"The bigger they are, the harder I fight."

« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2002, 12:21:40 AM »
If I got a phone call from my girlfriend I sure wouldn't bring my my brother along...considering there're all in there late 20s'... MagicKoopa,you spelled Master Shigeru Miyamoto's name wrong!!!!! and for that you must DIE!!!!!!!!! Rrrrrooooaaaarrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2002, 07:09:42 AM »
     Don't over react! It's so childish! It's Japaneese! I don't know how to spell the Japaneese language! I did the best I could at the time. I guess I could have went into TMK and copy his name.....but that would take too much time. As for your explination, kamikaze koopa, it's very good. I was starting to consider that too last night. I was trying to think of a logical reason Luigi wouldn't be in the game..... So I tried to use that leter and tie it to Luigi's Manshion. Can I make a Story on the Story board about that? Please reply soon.

(MagiKoopa+spelling change to Magic+The 120 Power Stars from SM64=MagicKoopa120!)

Edited by - MagicKoopa120 on 3/10/2002 5:17:28 AM
