I don't know about anyone else, but over the course of the summer, I've been looking all over for gaming music [namely, Modules, and SPC->IT Conversion Soundtracks.] And I found several nice final fantasy6 ones, and I was listening to them and a few tracks just began to sound so famaliar..Owzer's house sounds like Nimbus land castle[and I know squaresoft worked on this game, but just give me a sec here...] Serpent trench sounds alot like the opening to smw2: yoshi's island, Thamasa sounds like gerudo valley, [ya I know Legend of zelda isn't *really* part of the Mario universe, but still..] The Veldt sounds like it's from one of the caves from smw...The opera dance sounds like the water theme to mario*think frog suit, annoying cheep cheeps,* The opera finale sounds kinda like booster hill, Spinach rag reminds me of smb3 and Zozo...don't ask why, but it just sounds like it's from mario~~maybe one of the cartoons...something like bowser, or another cave theme...
^_^; if anyone has ANY clue as to what I'm talking about--a reply would be apperciated ;)