
Author Topic: Say Uncle!  (Read 2756 times)

« on: March 20, 2002, 05:53:54 PM »
Good news...sort of...for me!

At 9:30 tonight I will be Uncle Todd!  My brother and his girlfriend's baby is born.  And when I'm babysitting it's gonna be conversations about Mario with the baby who can't talk, Mario diagrams, books, stories, theories, and I'm gonna make sure he's a Mario fan just like me!

Frostbite is NOT the theory master.  He may make theories, but they're not good.  Come on, he thinks Mario characters are like people and age.  They don't.  That's just like saying in twenty years Bowser will have gray hair, and Mario will walk with a cane!
And in this crazy world, we have to ask there anything more important than hockey?

« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2002, 05:58:07 PM »
I've been an Uncle.

The Midnight Reviver Revives Old Topics At Midnight!!!

Skate: 0-/<):

What? you don''t want to skate? Well then snowboard: 0-\<\
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2002, 08:43:30 PM »
put a Red cap that says "M" on him and show him a picture of yoshi saying"LOOK!!!ITS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!!!!!!"

Dear God! Im flat!

Edited by - Paper Mario on 3/20/2002 6:44:05 PM

« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2002, 10:43:48 AM »
     Good luck. Bye the way.....what is the age that most people started playing the Nes? I know I was young...but I'm not exactly shure what age. My Mom said I used to pretend to be Mario. I have veg memeries of sticking my tung out like Yoshi. I also remember jumping on yellowy oargesh colered rubber tiles. I used to be a very hiper kid. I'd jump around alot at school and home. Of course since I became too nervious my parents limit me on my Nintendo. I get ssssssssoooooooooooooo board. Expesialy on times like this...Spring Break. I'm alowd to play on my computer though. It's just not the same :'( I can't play very big 3D games, because I got a handme down computer with an old Video Card. I can play flying Star Wars games because they don't have alot of 3D. I can also play Doom, because it's 2D monsters in a 3D world. But when I finaly got Alins V.S. Predator Gold Edition I was totaly disapointed. My computer would get all jerky once in a while. Expesialy when I hit a switch. I couldn't see the aliens. So I would get beaten very badly. Some of the other graphics where scrambled too. Or missplaced. So now I'm depressed about that. I'm stuck playing 2D or miled 3D on my computer. Where's the logic in that...if I can play games on my computer all the time...why not my Nintendo? I know there are roms...but they aren't quite the same either. Plus there is this big controverrsy on wether the're legal or not. So now I'm incredably!!!!! board. Any way I hope the baby enjoys the Mario talks. Have fun you two, and congraduations. I hope he will be a Mario fan...but remember it's his choice too. When he gets older he'll have to pick for himself. But showing him the wounders of Nintendo at a young age may help he choose it. Good Luck and have fun.

(MagiKoopa+spelling change to Magic+The 120 Power Stars from SM64=MagicKoopa120!)

« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2002, 10:52:30 AM »

The Midnight Reviver Revives Old Topics At Midnight!!!

Skate: 0-/<):

What? you don''t want to skate? Well then snowboard: 0-\<\

Edited by - MamaMia Mario on 3/21/2002 8:54:16 AM
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2002, 10:52:40 AM »
I was playing Nintendo the moment I  could THINK. I probably wasn't very good though...but my brother taught me the ways of the Nintendo! And Now I'm the BEST!!!! I wish they had something where you could play Mario over the Internet...

The Midnight Reviver Revives Old Topics At Midnight!!!

Skate: 0-/<):

What? you don''t want to skate? Well then snowboard: 0-\<\
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2002, 12:21:55 PM »
Thank you all!  He was born March 20, 2002 at 11:24PM.  His name is Thiago, and he's a boy. They will be coming home tomorrow, because the baby needs to gain weight before they can come home, so their starting him on formula.
And in this crazy world, we have to ask there anything more important than hockey?

« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2002, 03:06:13 PM »
U can play Mario on the internet, well at least the SNES games. Use ZSNES' Netplay function! both ends must ahve the rom and have it with the same filename. Most of all, it must be 2-player! DUH! Meet ya there! MY ZSNES Ip address is Kay? See ya there!

An extremly rare and valuable Yoshi!
"Who want''s to buy a gold Yoshi? Selling Price, $999,999,999,999,999!"
(This is GoldenYoshi)
"How much does the $1.99 Popcorn Chicken cost?" ~ Classic Stupidity.

« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2002, 07:10:13 PM »
Wahoo!  A baby!  Another Game Boy Advance, another GameCube, for the baby.  Stat!
Do your best to make him a Nintendo fan.  It's what's best for him.  Being a fan of Mario is good for the blood!  It helps the digestion!  It builds strong bones and teeth!  It puts hair on your chest and shine in your eyes!  I became a Mrio fan (as did many others) without help from anyone, though, so your coaxing may be unnecessary.
I'm not questioning your family's tastes or anything, but "Thiago"?  He's sure to get picked on for that.  I guess it's no stranger than "Shigeru Miyamoto", though, or even "Skylar", my own name.  I too, know the pain of a funny name!  Join me, my friend, and we'll conquer the 7-Eleven!
So, I'm lookin' for the Wienermobile over Spring Break, what're you doin'?

Blue Yoshi!

Sniff sniff... do I smell a Lucky Fruit?  Wahoo!
Sniff sniff... do I smell a Lucky Fruit?  Wahoo!

« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2002, 03:51:16 PM »
I've been playing mario games ever since i started going to daycare. I believe the first video game i played was SMB3 on the SMAS cartridge. I used to think the coins were pancakes :)

welcome to destiny land.
Your goal this time is to kill bill gates and his evil minions spawned from that naughty place downstairs.
Hurry though, the doom star is aiming at nintendia so get your @$$''es in gear.
Help wanted:
Please e-mail me scans of the enemy charecter pages of the following game manuals:Sml1,Wl1,2,3 and official YI blargg art.
Email address is
