
Author Topic: Classic Nintendo Characters That Need to Make a Comeback  (Read 19508 times)

« on: June 04, 2002, 07:22:14 PM »
First off I think Kirby needs to make a triumphant return to the scene of gaming. All my gameboy memories are with Kirby's Dream Land, Mario Land, and Mario Land 2. He is one of the few characters besides Mario that has had a major impact on my gaming tastes, Kirby 64 just did not do him justice. Then, there is Samus Aran, sure there will be Metroid Prime, but what I want is a classic Metroid game, I guess the one on GBA will do for now. Donkey Kong hasn't been good in my mind since Donkey Kong Country, and that was an excellent game, I mean WOW! From the gameplay and the original scores (music) it was more than a game, it was an experience, Donkey Kong 64 sucked, for lack of a better word. On a sidenote, I don't think the new Legend of Zelda game will rival Ocarina. Perhaps one of the most popular characters who has kept a long record of absenteeism is Pit from Kid Icarus. He is a classic character who hasn't graced our TV screens in anything other than 8-bit. Next, the beloved Ness, he starred in arguably the greatest RPG ever on a Nintendo system, Earthbound (Mother 2). For a while it looked as if he would come back for another adventure on the N64 in Earthbound 64 (Mother 3). Enough with Pokèmon we want Star Fox (Dinosaur Planet looks goooood) to engage in those classically nostalgic battles with Andross and Wolf O'Donnell.One suggestion I have would be to bring Japan only series on the SNES to the US as ports on GBA. I think I would rather enjoy Fire Emblem, Card Hero, and many other games. While perusing the trophies in Super Smash Bros. Meleè, the Japan Only characters intrigue me with their appearance and information about them. Maybe I speak for the majority when I say screw the water gun, Mario. Perhaps the greatest thing about Mario Sunshine is that Yoshi returns to Mario's side after being gone since Super Mario World (I don't think Yoshi's Island counts). The Mean Green Machine Luigi hasn't exactly been absent, but I believe he needs an adventure to rival the excellence Mario's past exploits. Waluigi can't have a comeback until he makes a debut. I can hardly wait to see if he will become to Wario what Luigi is to Mario, or if like Wario he will star in adventures completely different to that of his Nintendo brethren. Let's face it, the reason the Wario Land series is popular and fresh is because it isn't Mario and chose a different path from his good alter ego's series. When I first discovered the thrill of hording all the gems and coins in sight, it brought tears to this classic gamer's eyes. The premise though simple was something not seen for an era. While Mario got caught up with graphics and innovation, Wario remained enjoyable to me because of the sheer fun factor and simplistic gameplay. Let's hope three-dimensional rendering and the funny mushrooms Miyamoto has been eating from his Pikmin-inspiring garden don't ruin yet another series. This brings me to another point. I agree that Miyamoto has been genius in the past, but there seems to be a fine line between genius and insanity. The Gamecube is forever changing things, there's no doubt about that, whether it is for better or worse has yet to be seen. He had once said something along the lines of "you couldn't put Mario in a Zelda game, they are two distinct gaming worlds," or something like that. Yes, they are distinct gaming worlds, so why change that by giving Mario advanced watering technology, cel-shading Zelda, and making Metroid a first person shooter. This decision can lead one of two ways; 1) The series will continue unsuccessfully, or 2) These games will become forgotten chapters in the logs of their respective series (like Yoshi's Safari, although I liked that game). Please, don't sacrifice your dignity for evolution, innovation, and technological advances. And so concludes the rantings of an old-school gamer. This has been TanookiMario for a better gaming America. What's your opinion?

While Mario aligns with the Rainbow Coalition in Super Mario Sunshine, and Luigi joins the Ghostbusters in Luigi''s Mansion, we must look for salvation in the unlikely faces of Wario and Waluigi. Can they be the messiac saviors we''ve been searching for all these years? Only time will tell.
While Mario aligns with the Rainbow Coalition in Super Mario Sunshine, and Luigi joins the Ghostbusters in Luigi''''s Mansion, we must look for salvation in the unlikely faces of Wario and Waluigi. Can they be the messiac saviors we''''ve been searching for all these years? Only time will tell.

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2002, 07:15:02 AM »
On the contrary the new cel-shaded look of the Zelda games is a very good change. It gives the characters more expression, and Shigeru Miyamoto himself said that the characters are able to express emotion more easily...

Metriod Prime is going to be a great game, nomatter if it's a 1st-person shooter or a traditional 2D sidescroller! All of the previous Metroid games have been successful, so why have doubts about this new version?

Super Mario Sunshine is going to [hopefully] be number one when it's released this August. Sure the change in gameplay and the fact that Mario has a new water pump device may turn some players away from it...but keep in mind that videogames [especially Nintendo ones] are about change, evolutions in gameplay...that's what makes Nintendo so innovative in the videogame field; that they are always open to new ideas and are never afraid to take that extra step.

Kirby is coming back on GameBoy. At the E3 2002 Expo, Nintendo unvieled a new GameBoy Advance Kirby game called Kirby GBA [NOT Kirby's Tilt'n'Tumble...]. The footage I saw seemed to recapture the original style and spirit of the classic GameBoy games! Kirby can still swallow enemies and copy their attack powers, and it seems there are even more combinations to the types of powers you accquire. The graphics were very bright and detailed! Kirby never looked cuter in this latest GameBoy installment!

Anyway, I am very excited about these upcoming GameCube games...especially the new Zelda, Metroid Prime, and Super Mario Sunshine titles. These are the types of games that Nintendo is all about!

Edited by - Mario Maniac on 6/5/2002 6:20:06 AM
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2002, 01:54:43 PM »
No doubt that they will be successful, but will they be as good as the originals? Doubtful. Although I plan to buy all those games I don't think they will have the same level of enjoyment or replay value as their predecessors. Hopefully Metroid Prime's redeeming quality will be some sort of multiplayer. Sunshine will be good because it is mario, but it won't be able to hold it's own with Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, 3, and Super Mario World. Zelda will be able to show more cartoonish emotion. If they would have left the character designs on that game the way they initially had them (Link and Ganondorf looked like they do in Meleè except better) they could show human emotion. the new Kirby platformer sounds great, I really think the GBA will be able to capture the vibrant colors of Pop Star.

While Mario aligns with the Rainbow Coalition in Super Mario Sunshine, and Luigi joins the Ghostbusters in Luigi''s Mansion, we must look for salvation in the unlikely faces of Wario and Waluigi. Can they be the messiac saviors we''ve been searching for all these years? Only time will tell.
While Mario aligns with the Rainbow Coalition in Super Mario Sunshine, and Luigi joins the Ghostbusters in Luigi''''s Mansion, we must look for salvation in the unlikely faces of Wario and Waluigi. Can they be the messiac saviors we''''ve been searching for all these years? Only time will tell.

« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2002, 06:13:56 PM »
the old classics are better then the new games. is change that good if the new game in inferior to the old? if you find a winning gameplay style why change it?

i think that nintendo should make zelda more ralistic and not mario, how can mario look real? not that mario's look is bad but it's in no way real.

and about mario sunshine will u still jump on enemies or will you shoot them? i dont want mario to become a water gun fight...

Are people around you aware that Mario is a touchy subject?
Are people around you aware that Mario is a touchy subject?

« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2002, 08:21:11 PM »
I agree, Zelda games are much more suited to be realistic. I don't think it was wise of Miyamoto carry out his plans for a mature Mario, but I guess we'll have to wait and see if the realistic village setting clashes with the characters.

While Mario aligns with the Rainbow Coalition in Super Mario Sunshine, and Luigi joins the Ghostbusters in Luigi''s Mansion, we must look for salvation in the unlikely faces of Wario and Waluigi. Can they be the messiac saviors we''ve been searching for all these years? Only time will tell.
While Mario aligns with the Rainbow Coalition in Super Mario Sunshine, and Luigi joins the Ghostbusters in Luigi''''s Mansion, we must look for salvation in the unlikely faces of Wario and Waluigi. Can they be the messiac saviors we''''ve been searching for all these years? Only time will tell.


  • Guess who's banned!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2010, 11:38:37 PM »
I dont totally agree with all of your ideas, but i do love starfox and its characters, so i agree with you there.
They really need to make a starfox wii, or something! I've been waiting since 2006 for a new starfox adventure to come out, and i want it soon!
Guess who's back!!!

« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2010, 12:31:52 AM »
A bump from eight years ago. You just broke the limits of stupidity. Now the universe will implode.


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2010, 12:33:04 AM »
It's always kinda confusing reading old posts where the sig is in the body. I keep thinking this one

While Mario aligns with the Rainbow Coalition in Super Mario Sunshine, and Luigi joins the Ghostbusters in Luigi''s Mansion, we must look for salvation in the unlikely faces of Wario and Waluigi. Can they be the messiac saviors we''ve been searching for all these years? Only time will tell.
has something to do with what he's saying. And what the heck does the Rainbow Coalition thing mean? Which Rainbow Coalition is he referring to? The ruling Kenyan political party? The 24th Government of Ireland, formed after the previous coalition fell apart? A combination of several political parties in Finland, in power between 1995 to 2003? The Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Coalition in Israel? The Green-Rainbow Party, a US political party, originally separate entities named the Green Party and the Rainbow Coalition of Boston? Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, a US political organization, originally separate entities named PUSH and the National Rainbow Coalition? Rainbow Coalition (Fred Hampton), an alliance of various US political organizations, including the Young Lords? A group of political parties in Belgium, formed in 1999 under the premiership of Guy Verhofstadt? Any Minority Government composed of a coalition of several ideologically unrelated political parties united only by opposition to one or more dominant parties? Or is he just saying that SMS is gay?

Yes, I did copy those from Wikipedia's disambiguation page, by the way.

What was Miyamoto's original quote for that "more mature Mario" thing, anyway? I remember back when that was a huge controversy. I think I had a dream about it once, where being "more mature" ended up translating into Mario wearing a white shirt and jeans instead of overalls, and the hills didn't have eyes anymore or something. I was actually kind of worried about it for a while.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse

« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2010, 11:45:57 AM »
I remember when Nintendojo gave its own interpretation of a "more mature Mario" by having an article picture that was a pinup of Mario with text strategically covering up below the belt.

This Neogaf post mentions a couple Miyamoto responses to the more mature Mario thing. Basically that he didn't mean an older violent Mario, but just a Mario that appeals to a broader audience. Miyamoto was worried that Mario was becoming too cutesy and appealing too much to a young audience.

Well, Charles Martinet's whoops of joy for Mario certainly don't help. What I always found particularly cutesy about Mario was that voice.

Okay, characters that need a comeback, because as far as I'm concerned, an eight-year bump looks the same as a new topic and I don't recall there being too many new topics in here recently.

...I've got nothing. Koopalings would have been an obvious choice, but New Super Mario Bros. Wii has taken care of that. I'd just be naming off characters who I haven't seen in a while, like Kamek or the Zelda N64 design of the Zoras. A lot of characters I would have listed are actually not Nintendo characters, like Banjo-Kazooie or Rayman (it's like the Rayman franchise is now associated with Rabbids. I'd like a 3D Rayman game that isn't insanely difficult, please).
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2010, 11:50:15 AM »
NSMBW took care of Kamek too. ;)

Banjo and Kazooie appear in the upcoming Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing. How weird is that?

« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2010, 02:51:29 PM »
Just as strange as Pac-Man in Mario Kart GP.

We haven't seen much of Pit in a while, without counting Brawl.
ROM hacking with a slice of life.


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2010, 04:20:04 PM »
It's not really a character, but I want to see Sarasaland again. Maybe a remake of SML1 and 2 in a NSMB style, but with Luigi as the main character. Or maybe a whole new art style. Something kinda Okami-ish might work nicely.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse

« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2010, 05:34:21 PM »
I would like to see Captain N the game master and princess lana return. maybe they could be in the next smash bros. game? I can't be the only one who likes that show
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 07:28:53 PM by pacmancdi »


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2010, 10:44:10 PM »
It bugs me that a lot of the characters that have barely (if at all) shown up again since their debut--like Geno--are often met with cries of "overrated" or "he doesn't deserve to be be brought back" or, in the most retarded response: "He doesn't have enough of a personality". Well, of course he's not going to have any effing personality if you don't put him in more games and expand on it.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2010, 11:33:52 AM »
Careful, you're about to start up another Koopaling personality debate. Though I suppose the risk is significantly lessened with British Petroleum and Captain Jim gone.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse
