
Author Topic: I want the PC Engine of Dracula X for GBA  (Read 1887 times)

« on: July 29, 2002, 06:53:18 AM »
Hi! I want Konami to put out the PC Engine version of Dracula X it's a great game what i saw of the graphics were great I still don't see why they can't put it if its the beginning why don't they just switch it is that so hard to do. I know Dracula X was out for Super Nintendo but how many people have it not many plus the SNES version skipped out a couple of levels and Bosses and switched the last boss why? they could of made the creature who is the same as my favorite RPG Symphony of the night for playstation iv'e seen effects like that in other games like Actraiser and super GhoulsnGhosts theres no reason they can't bring it over here.Come On Konami give the fans what they want If you agree please let me know

King Bowser Koopa
King Bowser Koopa
