
Author Topic: The super mario sunshine commercial is for babies  (Read 10436 times)

« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2002, 10:39:14 AM »
About Chupperson Weird's Topic:
When you said the current commercial-making fad is making it imitate something else and make a joke out of it, it reminds me of that new Juicyfruit commercial. You know the one that goes like:
"Caring and Sharing, it can be fun.
When you have none, I'll give you some.
Caring and sharing, it can be.
It's the most important thing under the sun".
They're making a mock of Barney, but towards the end, that yellow thing looks at the lady's Juicy fruit and they start to fight while singing the song. They change the screen to a picture of Juicyfruit and at the end, the lady tore off one of the yellow fish's fins.
The SMS Commercial fits this category. They imitate some sort of kiddie thing, and them make a joke from it.

An extremly rare and valuable Yoshi!
"Who want''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s to buy a gold Yoshi? Selling Price, $99,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999!" (almost 10 Googols!)
(This is GoldenYoshi)
"How much does the $1.99 Popcorn Chicken cost?" ~ Classic Stupidity.

« Reply #31 on: August 15, 2002, 10:51:10 AM »
"Happyville Junction"

La taille de sein n`importe pas. Aussi longtemps que vous n`êtes pas dégoûter gros, et votre face n`est pas laide, vous êtes bon avec moi. A moins que vous planifiez sur le nourrir vos enfants avec votre propre lait, vous n`avez pas besoin des grands seins.

« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2002, 12:02:43 PM »
aright, so i was being a pain in the ass the first time a posted, i already said i over reacted. i was in a bad mood or something, and i like insulting people :P. j/k (but StarMan's signature is still retarded). anyway sorry, but you don't have to have a spaz. god. i forget to check this topic for a while, and i have no idea what people are talking about anymore. it's hard to tell if Nintendo is really going for much younger kids or if it's a bit of a misunderstanding. the MARIO games have always been a LITTLE immature, i mean, when you compare our pasta eating, koops stomping hero to some of the ones from shoot-the-*******s-to-death games from Micrsoft, Sony, and other Nintendo games. but it's that kind of in between kids and killing kind of game that i like, and it's why i like mario. i've forgotten what i'm talking about, so i'll shut up now.

Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...
Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...

« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2002, 04:53:06 PM »
Yeah, that Juicy Fruit commercial was crazy. Although it makes you think about what really goes on behind the scenes at kid's shows. Just makes you wonder....

Super Saiyan Vegeta
Super Saiyan Vegeta

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2002, 10:27:34 PM »
Yeah, sockpuppet, I think the misunderstanding about Nintendo being "immature" is that they don't have all the evil violent games that all the other systems have. Nintendo makes games that everyone can actually play without fear of inaproppriate imagery and such. As a result, people criticize them for not having all the idiotic useless games that everybody seems to like, and as far as I can tell, for no good reason.

It sure gets boring having the same signature all the time. See what I mean?
That was a joke.

« Reply #35 on: August 16, 2002, 11:26:28 AM »
i know, i really don't care for the hardcore violent games. but it's not like Nintendo doesn't have ANY games that are like that. Goldeneye (for 64) isn't too graphic, but you still have to shoot the other guy to death. but even though some people claim the mario games to be immature, you can't really that all the puzzles are easy. some of the SuperMario 64 worlds took me forever to beat. you might be able to say they look immature, you can't critize Mario (and other games like Banjo-Kazooie, Zelda and DonkeyKong) of being too simplistic. some of them are pretty challenging at the end.

Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...
Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2002, 07:41:43 PM »
Anybody who knows anything of what they're talking about knows that Mario and most of the other Nintendo stuff is the best, and everyting else pales in comparison. Oh, and Goldeneye wasn't developed by Nintendo... so it doesn't count anyway.

"Tonight, I`ll make an old family recipe. Pickled dandelions with barnacles in a diesel marinade!" - Prof. E. Gadd
That was a joke.

« Reply #37 on: August 17, 2002, 12:40:35 PM »
i wasn't sure if Nintendo developed it or not, but I made the reference because you play it on the Nintendo 64 (though you probably figured that). a nintendo system was my first video game system (a black Gameboy Pocket) and nintendo will alwasy be my favourite.

Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...
Can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...can`t sleep, clowns will eat me...

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2002, 11:06:57 PM »
When I was little, the only systems were Nintendo and Sega. Nintendo clearly being the superior...

"Tonight, I`ll make an old family recipe. Pickled dandelions with barnacles in a diesel marinade!" - Prof. E. Gadd
That was a joke.

« Reply #39 on: August 20, 2002, 01:16:39 PM »
its not gay its stupid...i mean it starts where mario is picking up litter and then a bunch of people run  around and mario uses his special nozzle too fly into the sky...heh...
Except the preview movie on the net is awsome...

« Reply #40 on: August 20, 2002, 05:54:01 PM »
Never saw it, so I remain on the neutral side....I think.

And also, will there EVER be a day in which I enter the forum and there will NOT be profanity?  And Deezer...tsk tsk...I have a very little message board with only three members, but even I edit, close and delete profanity.  In fact, I fine...oh wait you don't know anything about the Super Mario Fan Club do you (that's my website).  Nevermind.

EDIT: Deezer please don't keel me.

Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.

Edited by - LieutenantEagle on 8/20/2002 4:54:47 PM
Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #41 on: August 20, 2002, 10:20:19 PM »
Do not keel moose.
It's not umm... that ...or stupid, it's just a parody of stuff, and besides, it's funny. My slogan now is "everyone's entitled to their own opinion..." but I still can't help disagreeing with people who are wrong. Heh...

"Tonight, I`ll make an old family recipe. Pickled dandelions with barnacles in a diesel marinade!" - Prof. E. Gadd
That was a joke.

« Reply #42 on: August 21, 2002, 03:45:24 PM »
****, i missed a lot!

Mario:Ive quit my job as a plumber and i''ve become a sleasy pizzaman
Snifit:Id like a large with double mushrooms please.
Mario:here you go.
Snifit:This pizza tastes like @$$ and i feel funny now.
Mario:Well i didnt want to go and pick fresh grade A mushrooms case i''d have to drive a few miles to the supermarket Instead I bought the red ones from some drug dealin kid, and i picked the white ones from the little spot in my backyard where yoshi does his business.

« Reply #43 on: August 21, 2002, 03:47:13 PM »
they bleeped ****?
all i said was ****,
its not one of those really bad 4 letter words
D@MN is not a bad word

Mario:Ive quit my job as a plumber and i''ve become a sleasy pizzaman
Snifit:Id like a large with double mushrooms please.
Mario:here you go.
Snifit:This pizza tastes like @$$ and i feel funny now.
Mario:Well i didnt want to go and pick fresh grade A mushrooms case i''d have to drive a few miles to the supermarket Instead I bought the red ones from some drug dealin kid, and i picked the white ones from the little spot in my backyard where yoshi does his business.

« Reply #44 on: August 21, 2002, 05:20:37 PM »
They bleeped out dam­n? Not for me...

The Vatican rules can not be changed. So sayeth the spider.
-Queen Spider
