
Author Topic: Nintendo cartoons...  (Read 5934 times)

Mario Maniac

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« on: November 15, 2002, 12:42:16 PM »
How many of you have seen the new Kirby cartoon on the FoxBox Network (used to be called Fox Kids Network)? If so, then what did you think of it?

I saw a couple of episodes - this cartoon is MADE FOR BABIES! Well, yes it is Kirby, and yes Kirby is cute and puffy...but they could've made the cartoon to appeal to all ages instead of making it so friggin' cute!

Oh well...maybe Nintendo will make a new Zelda cartoon based on The Legend of Zelda for GameCube! Or even make a cartoon based on Metroid Prime/Metroid Fusion!

A Metroid cartoon would be AWESOME!
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2002, 10:31:36 PM »
Uhh... I haven't seen it... but I've heard good things about it... the NP Kirby comics are pretty good, for magazine comics, I'd have to say...
I suppose a Metroid cartoon would be good, if they did it right.

Ooh Heh
Ooh Heh
That was a joke.

« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2002, 09:17:48 PM »
They did do a Metroid cartoon. Sort of. Samus wasn't on the show, but her enemies were, along with the characters from Kid Icarus, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!, Mega Man, and CastleVania.

Super Mario Bros. are cool like sunglasses!
Super Mario Bros. are cool like sunglasses!

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2002, 09:26:47 PM »
Dean Quigley.

Ooh Heh
Ooh Heh
That was a joke.

« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2002, 09:43:34 PM »
I love the Kirby anime! In fact, I'm downright obsessed with it. Besides the obviously adorable Kirby, Meta Knight kicks more butt than a butt-kicking machine locked in a roomful of butts! That's a lot of butt-kicking! And Dyna Blade looks pretty kewl, she's completely computer-animated, but I'm disappointed at how stiffly she moves.

And the show may seem sickeningly cute at first, but it's got a really angsty premise. Kirby's going to grow up to save the universe against seemingly impossible odds, where Meta Knight and many other talented fighters failed. What kind of burden is that to place on a young creampuff? And he'll probably lose a lot of friends along the way; the robot dog and Chilly have already been destroyed, and we're only about 10 or 12 episodes into the series. I got all emotional at the Chilly ep...

"Like the moon over
 the day, my genius and brawn
 are lost on these fools."
       -Bowser, SMRPG

Sometimes I dream about being carried off by a giant squirrel...Does that make me a nut?
Sometimes I dream about being carried off by a giant squirrel...Does that make me a nut?

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2002, 09:47:44 PM »
Your first paragraph: Blech. ...??????

Dyna Blade's a metallic thing. What do you expect?
That was a joke.

« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2002, 05:25:26 PM »
The Kirby Toons are OK, but Tiff and Tuff are like the stars, Kirby being a secondary charcter.  And Kirby gets beat up too much.  Besides, that, it's cool.

I know (and saw)about the Mario Cartoons, but how about the DK ones that were on FoxFamily, anyone see them?

And new cartoons:
1) A new Mario one
2) A Metroid one
3) Maybe Star Fox

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2002, 10:02:32 PM »
A Star Fox cartoon might be good, but they'd have to stick with the story and character relationships laid down in the actual games, not like the Mario and Mega Man cartoons. And I personally don't think that the characters (especially Fox and Krystal) would translate well into a cartoon. It'd need to be CG. Like SFA.

As for the DK cartoons, I think they were computer animated... I'm not sure.

Ooh Heh
Ooh Heh
That was a joke.

« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2002, 11:03:46 PM »
 ok heres the names of all nintendo
anime/cartoons:fire emblem(yeah baby! finally
a good series!:) .super mario bros.super show(doo do do do da do!do da doo da doo do doo
da doo doo doo do do! da do da doo da do do doo do da doo da doo doo do da do)catchy tune isnt it?(heh heh stupid me):)
the ledgened of zelda:the series (good show)
pokemon( used to be very popular)
NEWBIE: kirby:right back at ya!(names ok but
anime is great!) ok there you have it.


Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2002, 11:48:33 PM »
Are you trying to call me a "newbie" again?
That was a joke.

« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2002, 03:21:38 PM »
The Donkey Kong Country cartoon is fighting with the Kirby Anime on the status of my favorite Nintendo cartoon. The DK Country show premiered on Teletoon (the Canadian Cartoon Network) in 1997, and aired on the FOX Family Channel from September 1998 through May 2001. The show didn't do a good job of adaptating the DKC games, but that was probably because only the first two DKCs were out when Nelvana worked on the show. The guys at hated it, but I've always like the DKC show better than the DKC games, and I think the only thing that can make the DKC show better is that they could have included more of the Kongs from the games (S****y, Kiddy, Chunky, Tiny, Lanky, and Bumpkin; but their games weren't out yet, except for S****y), and the Animal Buddies. Here's some of my favorite quotes from the show.

"Aye aye, nose nose, throat throat, ablast me hardies, and shiver me tree trunks!" ~DK thinking he's a pirate
"Ohh... feels like I got the stuffing knocked out of me... Oh no! I did get the stuffing knocked out of me! Where's my stuffing?!" ~DK
"Help, Diddy! I've fallen, and I can't get up! Can you pass me a banana, little buddy?" ~DK in a robot's body
"Ah, never fear, Diddy's here. Just show a hors d'evoures plate in front of me and I can find a crab with my eyes closed. HERE, CRAPPY! CRAPPY! Here, Crappy, Crappy..." ~Diddy helping Dixie look for her pet crab
"You just lost my lucky ball!" ~Diddy as an evil ruler in an alternate dimension
(at least that's what I think; I never saw this episode)
"That sounded like a zebra having his stripes removed." ~Diddy hearing Bluster lose his hair
"Aliens are taking over Kongo Bongo and all anyone's doing about it is getting their hair done!" ~Diddy
"What am I doing here? I could ask you what you're doing here, all of you! But I know - wrecking my vacation, that's what! First bees, then ants, now you and those overstuffed alligators are the icing on the cake!" ~Cranky after DK, Diddy, Funky, Candy, Dixie, Bluster, K. Rool, and Krusha crash his vacation
"I'd rather go on the picnic with your stupid robot than with you!" ~Candy to Bluster
"There, how could Candy possibly resist me now? (looks at his comb) What's this? Hair? My hair?? AAH! My hair's falling out!!" ~Bluster
"I can't use this. So what if I've lost a bit of hair? ...AAH! MORE HAIR!! I'm shedding!" ~Bluster
"Marry me, Candy, and everything that's mine is yours... except for what's in this prenuptual agreement." ~Bluster
"Whoa! Check it out, dudes! Never saw green clouds before... well, maybe once. Hey! Where'd all that water come from?!" ~Funky flying upside-down
"Klump! Krusha! Back to the mine. By the time we get there I'll have thought of some way that I can blame all of this on you two home-spun idiots!" ~K. Rool
"Those clueless chimps may know their way around the island up there, but no one knows the underground like King K. Rool! Left, Krusha! (The mine cart crashes.) I meant, right!" ~K. Rool
"The only enemies at a wedding, Klump, are the in-laws." ~K. Rool
"Very well, then. Da da da da da. There, I danced, I win, now GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE!" ~K. Rool trying to win the Orangutango dance contest
"They didn't invite me?! That's so unfair! What's wrong with me?! Haven't I always tried to be a good enemy to Donkey Kong??" ~K. Rool after his invitation to DK's wedding gets lost
"You call this a body?! I eat pretzels fatter than this!" ~Klump in Candy's body
"Hey, robot-monkey! Bring me somethin' to eat! (The robot gets some bananas.) I'm waitin', soldier! Now step on it! (The robot does so.) HEY!" ~Klump in Candy's body
"Who goes there? A furball? What're you doing in K. Rool's kitchen? What's this jungle doing in K. Rool's kitchen?" ~Klump
"Uh, permission to invite you as my date, your party-poopieness?" ~Klump acting gay
"Lunkhead! Once I have the Coconut... Ooh, sorry. I thought you meant you, your mightiness." ~Krusha imitating K. Rool (he's very good at vocal imitations)

"With Donkey Kong incommisioned, grabbin' the Coconut will be a piece of cake."
"We get cake too?"
"Aw, nevermind..."
~Klump and Krusha

"Let's see, what do I want? To be ruler of all of Kongo Bongo Island? That sounds good..."
"It's not your fault, Donkey Kong."
"Hahahahaha! Looks like you got your one wish, K. Rool!"
~K. Rool, Cranky, and Klump

"Hey, what about you, Dixie? Little Dixie doodle, you are mine!"
"Huh? What is up with you, DK?"
"What? I didn't say anything!"
"C'mon! Put a lip lock on me, Dixie! That chump chimp Diddy will never know!"
"Why you lousy double crossin' two timin'... wait till Diddy gets a load of this!!!"
~Krusha imitating DK's voice, Dixie, and DK

"I will go on national television!"
"...On the 'Sing Along With Uncle Swampy' show?"
"No, you lunkhead!"
~K. Rool and Klump

(K. Rool is playing a video game on his computer.)
"Only 500 more points to beat your record, your croc-ship."
"Come on, come on, come on!!!"
(Klump appears on the computer, erasing the game.)
"General Klump, King K. Rool sir! Y'read me, your high 'n mightyness? ...Looking a little pale there, cheif!"
(K. Rool smashes the computer and takes deep breaths. Klump calls on the cell phone.)
"Chief? You there, chief?"
"For you, your highness."
"Seems we had some sort of interference."
~Krusha, K. Rool, and Klump

"Why does we bury the treasure, captain?"
"Why does we bury the treasure? WHY DOES WE BURY THE TREASURE?! Kutlass, tell Mr. Green Kroc here why we be buryin' treasure!"
"Ahem. According to Section D, Paragraph 4 of The Pirate-a-Handbook-a, any and all-a-treasure acquired by ill-gotten means shall and will be systematically buried... sir."
"So there be your answer, Mr. Green Kroc-smarty boots! Now, not another word."
"But if we just be digging it up again..."
~Green Kroc, Skurvy, and Kutlass

"Now what be we doin', lads?"
"Section D, Paragraph 4, Captain-a-Skurvy, sir!"
"Gift-wrap it?"
~Skurvy, Kutlass, and Green Kroc

"I can't stands having any more of that monkey stuff on my ship."
"Easy for you to say! You just hold the map; you don't have to dig!"
"What be that, third mate?!"
~Skurvy and Kutlass

"Now that I have the Crystal Coconut in my possesion, maybe it's time I thought about settling down with a wife!"
"Sorry, sir, but I can't volunteer for that mission! Thank you for askin', though."
~K. Rool and Klump

"Think of the possibilites, Klump. Do you realize the things I could do with the Crystal Coconut in one hand and the Golden Banana in the other?"
"Um... juggle?"
~K. Rool and Klump

"It's a 'Dear John' letter!"
"Ah, thank you. For a second there I thought this was meant for me."
~Diddy and DK

"Behold! The plans for my latest Donkey Kong Doomsday machine! I call it: the KCCBM!"
"Kccbm? I think you need to recruit more vowels."
~K. Rool and Klump

"With my KCCBM, we'll be up to our tails in Coconut Chills before you can say 'Blast off'! (Klump pushes a big red button that launches the KCCBM. Kritters cheer.) I wanted to push the big red button!"
"But you said 'blast off', and I didn't get to say anything!"
~K. Rool and Klump

"It's so obvious that the treasure they're looking for is some kind of Doomsday Device capable of destroying an entire island! Do you know what that means?"
"Duh, the apes will have supreme domination over Kongo Bongo Island and probably turn us into matching luggage."
"He does have his moments."
~K. Rool and Krusha

"I am a remarkable specimen! Sound mind with the body of a Greek god!"
"Yeah. Blimpo, god of the fatheads."
~Bluster and Diddy

"I know exactly how to keep Donkey Kong running in circles until the proverbial cows come home. Krusha!"
(enters behind K. Rool) "When did the cows leave?"
"How many times have I told you not to sneak up behind me like that?!"
~K. Rool and Krusha

"I got that zombie stuff from a movie I saw on the late, late, late, late show!"
"You see? There's no such thing as interplanetary visitor dudes!"
"Not ones that turn people into zombies, anyway. The ones I've met have always been real mellow... in an alternate life-form kind of way."
~Funky and Candy

And now here's some of my favorite lines from Kirby.

"Well, the King and Escargoon did make Kirby mess up, but I can't fire the King!" ~Chef Kawasaki
"Find the receipt for this thing, 'cause I want my money back!" ~King Dedede, after Octacon grows to full size
"What 'm I supposed to do, drop [Blocky] in the road an' wait for Kirby t'trip over it?" ~King Dedede
"Why don't you predict what's gonna happen when I push this here button?" ~King Dedede taunting Kabu
"Get back in your tank, ya overgrown appetizer!" ~Escargoon to Octacon

Super Mario Bros. are cool like sunglasses!
Super Mario Bros. are cool like sunglasses!

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2002, 10:44:01 PM »
Why can DK talk?
And who is this Kong with asterisks for part of his name?

...And WHY did they change Cook Kawasaki's name?????

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 11/22/2002 8:45:12 PM
That was a joke.

« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2002, 09:18:25 PM »
DK can talk because all the other apes CAN. Why not allow him to talk when his friends and family can?
The asteriks ape is the one who hosts the mini-games in DKC2 & 3.
Chef Kawasaki was originally named Cook Kawasaki?

Super Mario Bros. are cool like sunglasses!
Super Mario Bros. are cool like sunglasses!

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2002, 12:00:05 AM »
In Kirby Super Star his name is Cook Kawasaki. Play Samurai Kirby.
That was a joke.

« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2002, 09:11:04 PM »
On the topic of Metroid, a movie would be better than a cartoon series. But, as said before, if they did it right. Plus a metroid movie couldn't be for a younger age group.

I'm the New Guy! (Signed up DEc. 07, 2002)
I'm the New Guy! (Signed up DEc. 07, 2002)
