
Author Topic: into the real world  (Read 15779 times)

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #45 on: April 19, 2003, 11:59:11 PM »
Gwahaha. Staple gun. Heh.

CW woke up with a bruise on his head. He couldn't see anything. He wandered around and eventually, after several more bumps on the head, he found the outer side of the room, and began searching for a way out...
That was a joke.

« Reply #46 on: April 28, 2003, 05:57:50 PM »
Then there was a smell coming from under the bed.

No, my sister never says anything to me, except: "I'm going to kill you."

« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2003, 05:57:54 PM »
Then there was a smell coming from under the bed.

No, my sister never says anything to me, except: "I'm going to kill you."


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« Reply #48 on: May 09, 2003, 01:24:04 PM »
It was Luigi's secret stash of catnip. He had been sneeking and eating cat food when no one was home.

Sapphira came by the house and shrieked like a banshee just to wake everybody within a 20-mile radius up. With a mischievous grin, she glanced at her watch. 4:18 AM.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #49 on: May 11, 2003, 11:42:03 PM »
Then CW yelled HEY PETE! at the top of his lungs. Fun.
That was a joke.

« Reply #50 on: May 12, 2003, 06:16:38 AM »
Mario Master leaned out his window.  "My, what a strange world we live in!  Everything keeps changing!"  As if by cue, Mario Master's mailbox moves to the other side of the house.  "See what I mean?  Well, I guess that wasn't too wierd..."  Again, as if by cue, the mailbox vomits all over his front lawn.  It then goes after Saphira!

Everybody has the right to stupidity, but you''re abusing the privilage.
Yoshi likes to dance in his backwards saddle!


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« Reply #51 on: May 12, 2003, 07:30:20 AM »
That's 'Sapphira.'

She shrieked even louder than before, running away from the house carrying a pinapple (which she stole while on Isle Delfino). The pinapple (those things were HUGE in SMS--either that or Mario's REALLY tiny) started weighing her down, so she quickly chucked it behind her, hoping that it would hit a window. As she ran, she screamed, "This is all your fault, PETE!!!"

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #52 on: May 12, 2003, 05:14:04 PM »
But though Sapphira hoped with all her might, Geno was angry since she was always screaming.  He "forgot" to grant her wish, and instead of breaking a window, the pineapple landed on a dynomite plunger and blew up Pete (whoever that is, i forget).

Everybody has the right to stupidity, but you''re abusing the privilage.
Yoshi likes to dance in his backwards saddle!

« Reply #53 on: May 12, 2003, 06:46:39 PM »
I secretly watched all this out my window at the second floor of my home, silently staring out into the darkness: waiting... and watching...

Another moment and it would have been... later.


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« Reply #54 on: May 12, 2003, 06:59:03 PM »
Then I, who had not said anything since a long time ago in the story, Suddenly yelled out:  "Link! Get us out of here!"  But then I took a swing at the door and it fell over.
Everyone was freed. "Never mind Link!  Just keep killing Bowser with the master sword until we get there!  They ran toward the castle while the song we will rock you started playing.

Long live the Mario Brothers!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #55 on: May 12, 2003, 07:13:10 PM »
"Look," said Toad, "A chain chomp!"

Another moment and it would have been... later.


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« Reply #56 on: May 19, 2003, 06:55:22 PM »
Then Freddie Mercury (lead singer of Queen) killed toad and then he started singing all of his hit songs at once. Suddenly, all the instruments were stolen and he checked into the Mushroom hotel in the MK.  But Toad wasn't dead.  He woke up and said, " Look, another chain chomp!"  Jman said "Shut up toad or I'll be having fried Mushroom retainer for supper!"  Then, something happened, but I've been spinning in a circle making myself sick.  So I forgot.

Long live the Mario Brothers!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.


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« Reply #57 on: May 19, 2003, 06:59:28 PM »
Oh wait.  Freddie Mercury is dead.  Oh well, I double posted for a reason.  Bill the extra guy and Fred the spanyard were on the scene.  Fred was using the deathly deathray of deathly deathness to kill off hundreds of Bowser's forces.
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #58 on: May 24, 2003, 03:03:01 PM »
I then woke up from the coma I was in after Sapphira pulverized me. I then realized that I was in a cardboard box out side of Peach's castle. I wondered around until I realized that evil chickens had taken overthe world.

The good- Gamecube. The bad- PS2. The ugly- X Box


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« Reply #59 on: May 24, 2003, 07:24:24 PM »
Then I wondered to myself, "Poor pete."
Then Sapphira came along. She was beating the crud out of a koopa troopa.

"You can''t kill a real American hero, you rube!
--Zok the Alien, my original character.
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.
