
Author Topic: Let's design the best Mario game ever.  (Read 13433 times)

« Reply #45 on: August 05, 2003, 02:52:36 PM »
i hope nintendo makes the first bloody and sick mario game ever i like my idea

« Reply #46 on: August 11, 2003, 12:56:51 AM »
I think it should be a 4 or more disc set with 10 chapters on each disc to make it really long and each disc's world would have a theme like ocean,desert or whatever.

As for what kind of game it should be, it should have the look and control of SMS with role playing elements but fights should be like the ones in Wind Waker.
Suicide:The answer to all life''s problems!

« Reply #47 on: August 14, 2003, 04:05:00 AM »
I won't be so bold to call it the best Mario game ever, but I'm still working on the "Toad's Adventure: The Return of Wart" game which I announced here a long long time ago. It's an RPG, sort of in the vein of the two existing Mario RPGs, but with a more mature battle system.

The story centers around Toad (naturally), who has just returned to the Mushroom Kingdom shortly after the events in Paper Mario. The game opens up in the Koopahari desert to show Malek, grandson of Kamek and successor to the now-outcast Kammy, raising a mysterious ancient temple from the sands.

Bowser attacks the Mushroom Kingdom with a force of unprecendented size in anticipation of claiming the powers in that temple. Part way through the story, you also learn that Wart has escaped from exile in the Land of Dreams, and has joined with Bowser.

There's a few cool plot twists, and there's elements from and allusions to almost every existing Mario game, as well as a few in-jokes from the net (including a couple from this site).

Among the eight plus party members you'll get are the Princess, and much later on, Luigi. Also starring will be Toad's fabled long-lost cousin, who was rumored to be a playable character in the never-confirmed Mario game for SNES CD, who is expert at handling poisonous and carnivorous plants.

Some of the locations in the game will be drawn from both Mario RPG and Paper Mario.

As for legality, well, this is a private project. I have no intention to distribute this en masse or make any webpages for it. I can make sure it gets to anyone who wants to play it once it's done though ;)  The game engine is really coming along, but most of the content remains to be done.


  • Old Person™
« Reply #48 on: August 14, 2003, 08:41:46 PM »
I am working on a Mario game with an overworld similiar to Super Mario RPG and levels like SMB thru SMW.

Quasar, what are you using to make your games?  I am using DarkBASIC.  That is also what Cash Crazed used to make his Mario Bros. Arcade clone.
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

« Reply #49 on: August 14, 2003, 11:31:33 PM »
I'm writing a reusable game engine from scratch in VC++ with the SDL library, mostly for use as a portfolio item. Toad's Adventure is just a side project that will use that engine :->


  • Mr. Manure
« Reply #50 on: August 15, 2003, 09:20:09 AM »
I think it should it should be in 3D, but should also be a side-scroller, like Capcom's Viewtiful Joe.

Edited by - Lonic the Elfinhog on 8/15/2003 8:22:37 AM
Professional Paisano here

« Reply #51 on: August 16, 2003, 05:34:09 PM »
hmmm... err... How about a game called SUPER MARIO REMIX for the Gamecube. Basic story is, Mario is brought a book from the Boo's. In the book contains flash backs of Mario's greatest adventures. You can choose which ones to accomplish, with added special effects like, for example, in Super Mario Bros., the graphics can remain classic 8-bit, but when you hit a question block, it has sparkles. Things like that. Plus, it could have an Extras section, like mini-games, or extra quests somewhat similar to the challenge mode on Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, and trophys. There can be a shop held by Toad on the corner too! You can buy items, to "help along the way" (HA!). For example, you can buy Fire-Flowers so when you activate them, you start out Fiery Mario when you begin one of the games of your choosing. You can sell items also, to collect coins. When you collect enough coins, you can pay the Boo's, to let you into their Mansion, where they show you their treasure room. That's when you unlock the SECRET box! The Secret Box contains Secret facts, mini-games, pictures, and more extra quests determining how many coins you put in the Secret Box's slot. The best games could go all the way up to Paper Mario maybe, (excluding Super Mario All-Stars) then stop. This game would be a two-disc set. Whatta ya' think?? I dunno about the idea of the Boo's giving him the Book or the Boo's letting you into their Mansion yet, but for now, it's all of I can think of.

It''s-a-me! NeoMario!

Edited by - NeoMario on 8/16/2003 4:35:00 PM
It''s-a-me! NeoMario!

« Reply #52 on: August 17, 2003, 09:05:25 AM »
3D, 2D, 1D, who cares, there all good

~Once again, keepin' the peace. ~Sapph

Edited by - Sapphira on 8/17/2003 11:31:54 AM
"I hate people who quote themselves in there signatures"-Me

« Reply #53 on: August 17, 2003, 09:14:43 AM »
EXCUSE ME?!?! SPONGEBOB ROCKS!!!!!!!!! WHAT YOU TALKIN' ABOUT?!?! Oops. I caps. Sorry. Oh wait. Now it's not all caps! Yay! *ahem*

It''s-a-me! NeoMario!
It''s-a-me! NeoMario!

« Reply #54 on: August 17, 2003, 09:15:59 AM »
Whoopsie. I gotta really watch what I'm doin. Sorry for the triple post.

It''s-a-me! NeoMario!
It''s-a-me! NeoMario!

« Reply #55 on: August 17, 2003, 09:28:41 AM »
~Dude, what's your problem? You're upsetting others. Quit disturbing the peace on these forums. Thank you.

Edited by - Sapphira on 8/17/2003 3:09:09 PM
"I hate people who quote themselves in there signatures"-Me

« Reply #56 on: August 17, 2003, 02:45:19 PM »
It''s-a-me! NeoMario!

« Reply #57 on: August 21, 2003, 07:29:22 AM »
OK, so anyway... are we gonna continue this topic?

It''s-a-me! NeoMario!
It''s-a-me! NeoMario!


« Reply #58 on: August 21, 2003, 11:53:06 AM »
How about someone gets a midi on here that plays "Juke Box Hero" by Foreigner.
I would but I don't speak Html or Java or whatever.

Time slowed and Reality bent.
But on and on the Eggman went.


  • Old Person™
« Reply #59 on: August 22, 2003, 10:05:30 AM »
I don't know what this has to do with the topic, but here you go.

Continue to page 5

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