
Author Topic: Yoshi's Island and Warioland4 = Disappointment  (Read 5429 times)

« on: April 26, 2003, 08:03:45 PM »
I took both of them back to the store today..   There was nothing wrong with the games themselves, I just felt a little underwhelmed.  I need something more complex with a storyline that instills a sense of purpose and forges an attachment between you and your character.  Not that I can't relate to Wario; I too get enjoyment out of life by spreading misery and hording plundered treasure in my basement..but..  I don't know.  It's just not the same anymore.   I've gone through a whole host of GBA titles* and the only three I'm still holding on to are Metroid Fusion, Zelda: A Link to the Past, and Tactics Ogre(my favorite).  I want something more engaging.
Has anyone heard anything about the new Lufia game?  What about Breath of Fire?  I've still yet to play Advance Wars though I've heard it's a lot of fun..  Any feedback and\or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

*Doom, Golden Sun, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons\Ages, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, Castlevania:  Harmony of Dissonance, Mario Advance 2, Broken Sword, and a few more I'm probably forgeting..

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2003, 08:34:50 PM »
Hmmmmmmm, and on the contrary, I can't attach myself to people in the real world, so how do you expect me to attach myself to a fictional character? I feel no compasion. Well, almost no compasion.

Thus, I really don't care about getting "Involved" in a game. And in fact, Yoshi's Island is one of my favorite games of all time! The reason for that is because the levels themselves require a bit more though than a standard platformer. I like games that require thought. Of course, it appear you prefer games that are TRULY involving.

About Advance Wars, normally I'd recommend that game to anyone, as it is another one of my favorites... But .... the storyline is a bit ... corny? I mean, the game has some of the most ingenious gameplay I have ever seen... but I don't really know if you'd like it. Of course, I'm basing this assumption on the list of games you've taken back...

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2003, 09:38:15 PM »
 Heh, I thought you were going to be blasted for disliking Yoshi's Island. Good thing it was Steve who found this topic first, I only hope others follow his lead.

 I can understand how you feel, being quite the avid RPGer myself. The Tactics Ogre series is quite well done, in the genre of RPG/Strategy games. Very nice story line as well.

 As for the Breath of Fire series, I can honestly tell you they're quite good. However, the first one, lacks a bit in the story department, mainly because of the time of it's release. If the GBA version is anything like the SNES version, which I know is the exact same, it's only because it is dated. Breath of Fire II, on the other hand, is very well done, I think you'd enjoy it.

 On Advance Wars, I've heard good things about it, but I cannot confirm it, for I haven't played it myself.

 Also, I couldn't help but notice that you maked Golden Sun down on games that seem to uninterest you. Golden Sun is very well done, and it's story, as well as character development, are pretty good too. But, hey, to each their own, I guess.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2003, 10:10:38 PM »
Yep, the reason being is because I know EXACTLY what's it is like to be blasted for disliking something a lot of people like. It's terrible, actually. I mean, considering my classmates are so ... critical of what you like and dislike... it makes me sick. I've expressed discontent for several things liked by most; basketball and Destiny's Child (The "music" group) are a few examples.

So... when someone expresses dislike for something I personally enjoy, I can't insult this person for his/her likes/dislikes! I'd be acting just like the classmates I've been looking down at for so long! I mean, do I want to take an action that leaves someone else with that strange, empty feeling of nonacceptance that I get every time I personally show discontent for something "popular"? Of course not! I mean, I understand the point... I mean, I don't think Yoshi's Island's storyline, plot, or character involvment is that ... involved, either. I like the game strictly for its play value.

I mean, if I'd give the RPG genre more of a chance than I have in the past (I only own the 2 Mario RPG games. And those are remarkably easy) ... I'd probably really like them. But some strange emotion prevents me from playing them.... I don't wish to have to face ridicule from my peers (Who essentially insults anyone who doesn't like FPSs or GTA: Vice City.) so I don't play them! I mean, it's the same thing that's prevented me from posting my fanfic... but, now I'm veering off-topic.

Anyways, What I am trying to say is, it takes a lot of ... something ... to say that you genuinely disliked so many games that a lot of people here liked. And I greatly admire that. I mean, yes, I can speak what I feel to my classmates somehow. But I can't DO "controversial" things... like buying a GameCube (Yes, in my high school, the NGC is considered "childish" and "gay") ... and that is something I WANT to do.

PS: It's a bit fortunate I changed my signature a while back. My last one probably could have offended... especially on a thread like this.

PPS: This is the most thought for others' feelings I will EVER show anywhere. Ever. Don't get used to it.

PPPS: If I offended you with anything from the other two posts, I apologize. Again, I rarely apologize for something I've said.

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.

« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2003, 10:38:03 PM »
"Breath of Fire II, on the other hand, is very well done, I think you'd enjoy it."

Does it relate to the first one at all?  I'm very anal about details and can't stand cutting in halfway without a proper introduction.  You seem like a fellow of good taste though.  If you wholeheartedly recommend it, I'll pick it up tomorrow afternoon.

"Also, I couldn't help but notice that you maked Golden Sun down on games that seem to uninterest you. Golden Sun is very well done, and it's story, as well as character development, are pretty good too."

I thought it was generic and contrived.  Too many RPG cliches - I felt like I'd already played the same game numerous times.  Tactics Ogre was a breath of fresh air in that regard.  I hope there's a sequel in the works..  Actually, wasn't Atlus bought up by Squaresoft to aid in the development of their upcoming Final Fantasy Tactics game?

Edited by - Cabbog on 4/26/2003 9:45:30 PM

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2003, 10:54:44 PM »
Well, Breath of Fire II is slightly related to Breath of Fire, however, it's not related to the plot, and I believe the only direct connection is that of a hidden character that is from the first. None the less, it is a good game, however, I do believe it's a bit high priced. Rather, it used to be. I'm unaware of it's current price, but I remember, even after playing through the game, I was weary of purchasing it. I may suggest reading a review of sorts for the game, as I'm not sure I'd trust my own recommendations. It's completely up to you.

 As for Golden Sun, yes, I can see where you're comming from. However,there were, at the time of it's release, limited supply of RPGs on the GBA, and I thought it was worth the play through. But, it's personal opinion.

 Concerning Atlus, I'm not sure.I hadn't heard such a thing, but I haven't looked for information either. The original Final Fantasy Tactics was a marvelous game, one of my favorites, and the GBA Tactics didn't look much to my taste. Mainly due to the lack of different Class-changing abilities. However, I don't know how the game will be, so I cannot say it is bad.

Edited by - Black Mage on 4/26/2003 9:58:45 PM

« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2003, 11:09:36 PM »
"I mean, do I want to take an action that leaves someone else with that strange, empty feeling of nonacceptance that I get every time I personally show discontent for something 'popular'?"

If you think I'm a halfwit for not being able to comprehend and appreciate the gameplay of Yoshi's Island I encourage you to express that.  Just please be articulate and precise in your response - none of this "Dewd, u  doN't like Yoshi's Islanb?!! duh U succk dude!!?" nonsense.  If I moderated this joint, anyone that used said lingo would be immediately banned - No mercy.  There's nothing more irritating than a lack of penmanship.

"But I can't DO 'controversial' things... like buying a GameCube (Yes, in my high school, the NGC is considered 'childish' and 'gay') ... and that is something I WANT to do."

So?  Start brandishing that pink triangle with pride!  Who cares what a bunch of snot-nosed goons think anyway?  Nothing comes between a man and his Nintendo.

Edited by - Cabbog on 4/26/2003 10:20:12 PM

« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2003, 11:57:11 PM »
"I'm unaware of it's current price, but I remember, even after playing through the game, I was weary of purchasing it. I may suggest reading a review of sorts for the game, as I'm not sure I'd trust my own recommendations."

The price tag is $30 at my shop - standard fare for GBA games here.  The reviews are generally pretty good; most of them varying between 77-89%.  The game itself doesn't sound like anything special though..  Hmph.  I'll probably end up buying it out of desperation anyway.

« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2003, 09:54:26 AM »
Listen to your conscience:

It's saying: Get Golden Sun: The Lost Age Get Golden Sun: The Lost Age Get Golden Sun: The Lost Age Get Golden Sun: The Lost Age Get Golden Sun: The Lost Age Get Golden Sun: The Lost Age Get Golden Sun: The Lost Age.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2003, 10:43:30 AM »
"Start brandishing that pink triangle with pride! Who cares what a bunch of snot-nosed goons think anyway? Nothing comes between a man and his Nintendo."

Woooooooooo!! You said it, Cabbog! That's how I view things. If I like something others don't or dislike something others love, I won't be veered.
Honestly, although I want people to think well of me, when it really boils down to it, I really don't care what they think of me. If they don't like it, that's their own problem. But it's not gonna sway me for fear of being "different" or "uncool."  Most people like me anyway, regardless.

...Although I don't mention that sort of stuff unless the topic's brought up. But once I get going, I REALLY get going. With a passion.

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2003, 05:15:04 PM »
The clerk at Electronics Boutique told me he thought Lunar: Legend was much better than Breath of Fire II and since Golden Sun: Lost Age was definately out of the question, he recommended I pick it up.  So I did.  But I haven't played it yet.  But when I do, I'll tell you what I think.  Is the venerable Black Mage familiar with this game?

« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2003, 10:25:17 PM »
I also picked up Super Puzzle Fighter II for my mommy - seems Tetris Worlds was a bad egg and this is the next best thing.
It's actually pretty entertaining considering I bought it for my mom...  I like the way you can play 2-player on the same GBA - the button setup is accomodating and works suprisingly well.  It's also a lot of fun watching two Street Fighter midgets squeal in Japanese as they beat each other's faces in.

Edited by - Cabbog on 4/27/2003 10:08:15 PM

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2003, 11:32:12 PM »
Lunar: Legends, that would be the GBA remake of Lunar Silver Star Story for the Playstation, right? If my understanding is correct, it lacks the Anime cutscenes and possibly even the voice acting which was found in the Playstation version. Both of which, are understandable, of course.

 Also, I must agree with that store clerk. Lunar: Silver Star Story was a much more enjoyable game than Breath of Fire II, not to belittle BoF II. The Lunar series is very well done, and I suggest, if they do release a remake of Lunar 2: Eternal Blue for the GBA, that you pick that version up as well. I'd say you made the correct choice, yet you may still want to check out Breath of Fire II in the future.

Edited by - Black Mage on 4/27/2003 10:33:03 PM

« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2003, 04:00:50 PM »
Lunar Legend is good old-fashioned RPG madness. There's a handful of grammatical errors every sentence and random battles pop up at 7 second intervals.
"They call them Dragon Diamonds but they are my turd" They call them translators but they are my ass. How the hell does something like this slip by? How hard is it to make a decent translation? Also: Why do Japanese people make such horribly uninspiring music? They always ruin the most poignant moments in their videogames\movies with something that sounds like an excerpt from "The Gay Man's
Guide to Safer ***" *.  Those synths sound like they're slathered in hot velveeta.

*Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are the exception.  That hybrid Celtic stuff makes my heart flutter..  Has anyone heard the composer Yasunori Mitsuda's original work 'Sailing to the World'?

Edited by - Cabbog on 4/29/2003 9:48:32 PM

« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2003, 09:45:57 PM »
I agreed with everything you just said, but, that last remark came off a bit rascist.
