
Author Topic: The Third Attempt  (Read 13173 times)

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« on: April 27, 2003, 03:55:17 PM »
Ok, this is the third fanfic I've written (Although the first I've posted) and the title is NOT simply because this is my third fanfic. It's because... well, read and you'll eventually find out!

If you take the time to read this, please comment on it. Good, bad, indifferent, I don't care. Be as complimentary and/or blunt as you'd like. Speak what you TRULY feel about this story.

It starts a bit ... cliché... but it gets more original as it goes on. Trust me.

Enough chat. I now present, for the first time EVER in legible handwriting, "The Third Attempt".

(This chapter took an hour and a half to type! Wow.)

Chapter 1: Bowser's Plan

It was a beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Actually, it had been raining for the last 3 days on end, and everyone was bored, but what exactly defines a "beautiful" day, anyways?

Among those people who had been affected negatively by the rain were the Mushroom Kingdom's popular heroes, Mario and Luigi.
"Do you think this rain will EVER stop?" Luigi asked his brother. The two had been running out of ideas for what they could do during the deluge and were obviously very bored.
"Do you honestly think I can control the weather?" Mario replied. "Besides, look! It's kind of starting to clear up! I think."
"You know, I kind of wish something interesting would happen." Luigi commented. "I mean, Bowser hasn't kidnapped the princess in ages, and it would certainly help curve this boredom..."
"Luigi, you HONESTLY want the princess to be kidnapped?" Mario replied with disgust. "You really want things to change? Rain is one thing, and the boredom will someday pass, but the consequences of such an event may be irreversible!"
Luigi almost laughed at this idea, showing a certain bravado that he rarely showed before. "Seriously, when was the last time Bowser did something that's actually WORKED?! We have nothing to worry about."
The famous brothers continued like this for hours. In fact, the rains had given everyone in the kingdom a bad mood. Well, almost everyone...
Bowser paced back and forth in the grand hall of his castle. The constant rains enabled him to spend a great deal of time ruminating past events. His face showed an air of determination and anger.
"AAARGHH!" Bowser punched a wall in frustration. He put a rather large hole in it. "Why am I having such a hard time taking over the world? Why can't I ever succeed? I mean, every time I come up with this great idea, those meddling Mario brothers swoop in and ruin it for me! I've tried EVERYTHING!" Bowser was about to hit the wall again, but after seeing the vast damage he did with his last punch, he decided against it. "Why must I fail so miserably?"

Bowser was straining for ideas. The stress of falling flat on his face every time he tried to take over the Mushroom Kingdom had finally gotten to him. A MagiKoopa passed by the great hall after hearing the loud thud that came from Bowser punching the wall.

"MAGIKOOPA! GET OVER HERE!" Bowser's voice was quite vehement and authoritative. The MagiKoopa was rather frightened. He had been stealing coins from Bowser's personal vault while he wasn't looking and thought he had finally been caught.
"Yes?" The MagiKoopa came to Bowser. His voice was quivering and unconfident. He was quite scared.
"I have a dilemma." Bowser calmly explained his problem. He saw how frightened the MagiKoopa was, and not knowing about the stolen funds, thought it was due to his harsh tone. "You see, I have it all. Brute strength, total authority, a massive army of troops, charming good looks (The MagiKoopa strained to not laugh after this one), a stunning personality... and yet every time I try to take over the world, I fail miserably! It seems perfectly logical that with all the major strengths I have, it should be VERY easy for an enterprising  tyrant like me to take over. But alas, no. I'm sure I'm missing something... do you have any advice?"

The MagiKoopa was taken aback by Bowser's inquiry. It seemed not at all like the King to ask for anyone's advice. He hesitated for a moment, cleared his throat, and began.
"While those are all VERY desirable traits you have *gulp*, I noticed that you failed to mention something VERY important. Something that, if you learned how to use, would provide a great deal of help for you in your conquest."
Bowser was curious. "I'm ... missing ..something? WHAT IS IT?" His question seemed to have an almost desperate feel.
"You didn't say anything about your intelligence," The MagiKoopa explained, "And if you'd just use that more often than mere force, you'd be go much more successful! More importantly, you need to form a PLAN!"
"Here, I'll show you what I mean by this." The MagiKoopa handed Bowser a sheet of paper. "Write down what you think a good plan to take over the world would be at this very instant."

Bowser seemed puzzled. He truly felt that a "plan" was quite unnecessary, and his strength should eventually triumph. However, he consented, and hastily scribbled something down on the paper.

Plan to take over the Mushroom Kingdom:

1. Capture/Kill the Mario brothers
2. Take over the world

The MagiKoopa looked at this with a certain inexpressible discontent. "See, sir, THAT'S your problem. You just go along and hope that you can solve all your problems when they come up. Then a force that you COULD have prevented comes in and ruins everything for you! What you need to do is take steps to prevent these unseen forces from interfering what your assaults. For example, Part 1. 'Capture/Kill the Mario Brothers'. How are you going to do this? You aren't just going to go to their house and say 'I'm here to Capture -slash- Kill you, ok?', are you? You need to lure them to your castle and deal with them there! How can you do that?"

Bowser had no problem answering that question. "Well, I'll kidnap the princess! I have no problem with that. I've done it many a time!"
"There we are!" The MagiKoopa seemed pleased that Bowser was finally thinking for himself. "First, you kidnap the princess. Then, when the Mario brothers inevitably come, we..." The MagiKoopa's voice trailed off. Bowser let out an evil gloat upon hearing the plan.
Princess Peach paced nervously back and forth in her bedroom. She had a very worried look on her face. Toad saw this.
"What's wrong? You look ... upset." Toad saw the obvious despair the princess showed.
"I'm worried," The princess explained, "Bowser should have been here to kidnap me over 20 minutes ago! I fear that this time, he's plotting something evil, something truly devious..." She shuddered at the thought. "No one can imagine what Bowser could do if he only THOUGHT about how he wanted to take over the world!" She shuddered again.
"Maybe Bowser's given up on his dreams of world conquest?" Toad suggested. "In that case, we have nothing to fear!"
"No... Bowser's not the type to just give up..." The princess appeared a bit less worried that she had someone to talk with, but she was still uptight.
"Besides, we always have Mario in case the worst DID happen..." Toad said, "And he can do almost ANYTHING!"
"Yes.... I guess so... but still..."

All of a sudden, Bowser and his troops crashed (Quite literally; he went right through the ceiling) into the princess's bedroom. Bowser quite easily scooped up the princess and left rather hastily.
Toad shrieked. "Oh, dear! Princess..." Toad ran through the halls of the castle shouting "The princess has been kidnapped!" in a state of panic quite different than the mood he showed just minutes previous. The residents of the castle went into the bedroom to see the site of the kidnapping.
A chambermaid shrieked. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Look at that hole in the ceiling! How will we ever fix it?!?!?!"
"We have bigger problems now." Toad went off to inform the Mario brothers of the happening.
The Mario brothers were STILL bickering about how the day could be more interesting. They failed to notice that, for the first time in three days, the rain had stopped. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise outside. The rushed to the window and saw Bowser in his Clown Copter flying rather closely to their house. They heard the princess shrieking "MARIOHALPME!!!!!!!" in a very high-pitched voice.
Bowser gloated and replied quite simply, "You want her back? You have to take ME down!" He flew off towards his castle.
"Come on, we've got no time to waste!" Mario stated the obvious. "Let's go!"
Luigi went along, thinking to himself. "Why does she only mention MARIO? It's always Mario, Mario, Mario. Mario help me. Mario save me. Mario do this. Mario do that. I'm SICK of being ignored." He didn't show this discontent, though.

The brothers got to Bowser's castle rather easily, for the kidnapping of the princess had become rather routine, and they'd practically memorized the route to the castle. They got to the castle. After entering, and easily taking out some of Bowser's forces positioned to attack the brothers after they had gotten to the castle, they saw Bowser alone in the great hall.
"WHERE IS SHE?" Mario demanded.
"Ha. Haha. HA!" Bowser gloated. "I hate to disappoint you... but... *Heh* (I've wanted to say this for so long now) The princess is in another castle!"
"WHERE IS SHE?" Mario repeated his demand in a similar tone.
"Heh. I gave her to one of my generals... I don't even know where she is now! Of course... you can go ahead and look throughout the castle for her all you want. Go on, check the dungeons. Check all you want. She's not here! I won't stop you, either!" Bowser showed a good deal of confidence in his statement.
"Mario... this sounds a bit... like a trick? Don't you think he's trying to deceive us?"
"Nonsense!" Mario discredited his brother's claim. "Bowser just isn't that smart..."

The two went (Despite Luigi's advice against it) down into Bowser's dungeons. They were dark, cold, and also ... rather empty. They saw nothing. There was no one in the cells.
"Maybe Bowser wasn't bluffing?" Mario proposed. "Maybe the princess really isn't here. Where would she be? I honestly wouldn't know--"

Suddenly, a horde of Bowser's troops stormed into the narrow halls of the dungeon. Mario and Luigi soon realized they were vastly outnumbered. They had little chance for escape, and their options were quickly dwindling.

They had fallen into Bowser's cleverly prepared trap.

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.

« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2003, 04:22:34 PM »
WHOA! What a great opening! I can't wait until the next chapter comes out!

Can anyone else wait, either?

If there is one Nintendo fan that doesn`t have Nintendo`s newest gaming systems, it`s me.
The pen is mightier than the sword, unless the sword is in the hands of Lu Bu.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2003, 04:57:50 PM »
WOW. This is GREAT! I'm glad you decided to post it! Please continue. :)

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2003, 05:05:02 PM »
Wow!! What a beginning! I love it thus far! Steve, you certainly have a talent for writing. I can't wait to find out what happens next!

I am poetry in motion. You are gibberish in neutral.
More shtick than you can shake a stick at.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2003, 06:39:00 PM »
Wow. Three positive reactions. I'm amazed.

Anyways, I'm only posting a single chapter a day. This thing is only 7 chapters long! If I post 2 chapters a day, it'll only take some 4 days to finish it! And we wouldn't want that, now would we... (^_^)"

That, and I have to (very) minorly refine Chapter 2 a bit. Mainly the end part.

And I want to leave you in suspense as to what will happen with the Mario brothers. XD

Thanks for your output thus far... and I can't wait to see what the rest of the members here who read this have to say!

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2003, 07:22:55 PM »
This story is awesome!  No offense intended to the other writers on this site, but this is the best fan-fic I have seen on this message board so far.  I love how it is predictable yet still insane, exciting yet still comical.

« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2003, 07:57:58 PM »
WOW! This is one of the greatest stories I've ever read.

What is wrong with this guy?
...Besides everything!

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2003, 09:08:54 PM »
Ag... after reading all these comments, I'm almost afraid to post Chapter 2. (Na, not really. But still, this is a lot better than I'd ever imagined)

Of course, I'm really rolling the dice with Chapter 3. In that Chapter, my original character is introduced and becomes the central focus of the story. How well-received this character is will determine if the story is brilliant or another one of my infamous chokes.

Still.... wow. I'm shocked at all the good I'm getting from this. Keep up the comments! (Remember: I don't mind criticism...)

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.

« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2003, 07:01:27 PM »
Umm...... I really can't critisize your writing...yet..

I am poetry in motion. You are gibberish in neutral.
More shtick than you can shake a stick at.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2003, 09:22:45 PM »
Chapter 2: Initial Conquest

The Mario brothers were considering their options, which, given the situation they were in, were quite limited. First, there was the rather unlikely chance that they could run off, down the halls and out of the castle. Of course, seeing how narrow the hall was, they'd really have no chance fighting through the throngs of Bowser's guards. The idea of actually fighting the guards was absurd considering how outnumbered the brothers were. After realizing they had no other options, Mario and Luigi took the only viable way out; they surrendered.

The bitter irony was that the princess really wasn't in another castle; in fact, she was in the farthest cell from the door Mario and Luigi entered. They hadn't gotten to that point, as Bowser had practically made sure that they entered the door farthest from that given cell by confronting them in the great hall.

To explain it better, the door closest to the hall was purposefully made the door farthest from the cell the princess was kept in to deceive the brothers into thinking that she was not there. And soon enough, Mario and Luigi found themselves in the exact cell that the princess was in.

The two were too shocked to say much of anything. They found it impossible that someone whom they had originally deemed rather stupid had just tricked them into such a blatant trap.
The princess finally spoke up. "Wow. So you guys are in here too? That's great. Now what are we going to do?" She paced nervously back and forth in the cell in a similar manner to her pacing back at the castle hours ago.
"Don't worry," Luigi said, trying to console her. "Things will be fine. I'm sure we can figure out something..."

Suddenly, a loud booming noise was heard. Bowser had come down into the corridor and stopped to survey Mario and Luigi's predicament.
"Hahaha! My arch-nemeses... right where I want them!" Bowser commented.
"You just wait," Mario retaliated, "Your plan won't work. Just like the rest of them didn't!" Deep down inside, however, even Mario felt that Bowser had something truly devious up his figurative sleeve.
"No, YOU just wait!" Bowser gloated yet again. "This time, things will be different. This time, I will be successful!" Bowser's comments became more determined as they went on. "And with YOU out of my way for good, NO ONE WILL STOP ME! I have a feeling this will finally be the plan that brings the world under my control!!"
"Plan?" Mario wondered in a sarcastic tone. "Bowser actually has a PLAN? That's a first!"
"HAHAHA! And wasn't it you who just said, and I quote, 'Bowser just isn't that smart'? Well, it appears I'm smarter then any of you could ever have imagined! And combined with my raw, unstoppable power, I am invincible! I will not be beaten as I've been so often in the past..." Bowser left the corridor to go back to the great hall. Now that Mario and Luigi were finally out of the way, Bowser could begin the true purpose of his plan: taking over the world.
Back at the princess's castle, Toad was becoming more and more worried. There was no one there when he went to inform the Mario brothers about Bowser's doing, so he had naturally assumed that they'd gone already to take care of the task. Mario and Luigi had gone now for hours, and it normally didn't take them that long to bring the princess back home safely. And even if the rescue would take several days, normally Mario would return to the castle to inform the Chancellor.
Toad finally decided to explain his worries to the Chancellor. "Sir, I'm worried about the princess. Mario and Luigi have been gone for awfully long now, and it seems they'd be back to at least tell us what has happened. I'm worried that something has gone terribly wrong..."
The Chancellor seemed a bit startled at Toad's worries. "Relax... It hasn't been that long. Maybe they're coming back victorious right now!"
"Yes... I sure hope so..." Toad still appeared worried. "Although this time... something tells me that there truly is something wrong... Although normally things turn out ok in the end... I have my doubts..."
Toad left the Chancellor's throne room, although he was actually more afraid for the welfare of the kingdom than before.
Bowser went back to the great hall to confirm his success. "Ok... now that those meddling plumbers are out of my way, we can finally get down to some serious business!" Bowser took out the sheet of paper with his 2-step plan for world domination on it. "Let's see... I've captured the Mario brothers... and I've completed step 1... now all I have to do is..." He read step 2. "Take over the world! That's it! All I have to do now is take over the world and the Mushroom Kingdom will be mine!!! I'm halfway there!" Bowser seemed ecstatic over his triumph.
The MagiKoopa heard everything. "No, sir, you're getting it all wrong. I mean, yes, the Mario brothers are not a problem at this moment... and I must commend you for the stunning ease with which you captured them... but they can STILL a problem in the future."
Bowser was puzzled. "Huh?? How is that? They're locked up in my dungeon, they won't be leaving anytime soon ... (Or, if I have my way.... ever) how can they still be a problem?"
"Let me explain. See, eventually, someone is going to find out about Mario and Luigi. After they fail to return for a couple days, the people will realize that something's wrong. Then, a rescue party will be set up for both the princess and the plumbers, they might be successful, and then you'll be right back to where you started! We can't allow these previously unseen forces to interfere with this plan. We just can't allow that, can we?"
Bowser thought about this for a while. "Well, how can we prevent this?"
The MagiKoopa smiled. "Well, this is where all those spies you've had observing Mario in an attempt to pinpoint a weakness pay off. See, our spies have taken down a list of every potential threat to your power that has SOME connection with Mario. Now, what we need to do is go through this list and prevent any of these foes from ruining us. We can do this by---"
"Capturing them all!!!!!!!" Bowser interrupted the idea. "Man, I really am smarter than I thought."
"Yes... I guess we very well can do this. I'll go get the list, then." The MagiKoopa left the hall temporarily, and then returned with a long list of everyone who was deemed a threat to Bowser's enterprise.
"That's a lot of captives..."
"And we have a lot of forces!" The MagiKoopa showed the next step to the plan. "See, all we need to do is send out your forces and capture or kill everyone on this list in a methodical matter... and NO ONE ELSE. This is important. We want the world to wonder what's going on. After this, then---"
"Then we attack!" Bowser interrupted again with great enthusiasm. "When do we start?"
"Well, the earlier the better. The faster we get through these preparatory stages, the faster you'll be the undisputed ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom and all it encompasses!"

Bowser's plan to capture or kill anyone who was deemed a conspirator with Mario was taken into action. Essentially, anyone who had even so much as waved to Mario as he walked down the street in front of their house ten years ago was targeted. This part of the plan was expected to only take a couple days.
Meanwhile, Mario and Luigi were racking their brains for ideas to escape the cell. Oddly, them noticed that the dungeons were becoming less and less empty by the hour. They especially took note that the cell immediately across from them was empty when they arrived, and then gradually increased in captives. First, there were 2. Then 4. 7. 12. And now, just about one day later, there were 20 prisoners in the overcrowded cell. Of course, for some reason, Mario, Luigi, and Peach were STILL kept in their own cell, while all the others had ten or fifteen or as many as thirty prisoners in a cramped ten by twelve foot cell. Some of the captives the brothers vaguely recognized. Others they had never even seen before. Not even they knew what Bowser had in store for them.
Meanwhile, the once calm Chancellor was now in a frenzied panic. The Mario brothers had been gone for over 2 days now. He went to see Toad, who was still wondering about the recent occurrences.
"I'm afraid you're fears may have been very well founded..." the Chancellor confessed in a dire tone. "There's been no sign of the princess, and what's worse; my subjects seem to be disappearing by the minute. It's a bit odd, wouldn't you say?"
Before Toad could answer, a loud thud was heard by the front door. One of Bowser's massive armies forcefully swooped through the castle. "I am under strict orders to take over all occupants of this castle. Dissenters shall be executed." A general warned any would be escapees of the consequences of trying anything to prevent their fates. Massively overwhelmed, the castle's occupants (Including Toad and the Chancellor) were captured, although for some reason, the castle was abandoned by Bowser's troops after the takeover.
Bowser saw that the number of people left to incapacitate from his list was getting very small, and he and the MagiKoopa agreed that it was finally time to begin the takeover.
"Where should we begin?" Bowser asked. He assumed that the princess's castle would make an ideal base, but he said nothing about it, as many of his initial assumptions were proved quite wrong.
"Well... First, we need to take over a base." The MagiKoopa reached into his pocket. "Now, before I show you this, where do you think we should attack first?"
"Well," Bowser spoke his thoughts. "I think we should attack Princess Peach's castle! We've pretty much taken it over anyways..."
"Yes, and this would be a mistake." The MagiKoopa explained his logic. "See, if you made that your headquarters... it could be attacked from all sides! See, you want something... a bit farther from the mainland. Get my drift?"
"Ah!" Bowser thought he knew what was being explained. "So, we should first attack a coastal area?"
"Well... that's better... but... You can STILL be attacked from so many directions there... and I know of a place that would be almost IMPOSSIBLE to get to!" The MagiKoopa pulled out a map. It was a complete map of the world, marked with about thirty or forty black squares. Two of the squares were numbered. "See... If you REALLY want to control a place that cannot be regained, you want to take over an ISLAND. An area entirely surrounded by water. Now, do you see it?"
"Wait..." Bowser looked at the map. "So, you recommend taking over the base marked '1' and naming that our headquarters? And this is on... Yoshi's Island!"
"YES! EXACTLY!" The MagiKoopa showed signs of approval. "See, the first place you should take over is the palace of Caj, the largest city on Yoshi's Island. See... It would serve as a perfect base of operations. It's close to the ocean, too, so we would have full control of the oceans. Next, we go to the mainland afterwards and attack base '2'. This will be our mainland headquarters. From there, we capture the bases you see fit for the success of our campaign."
"Yes..." Bowser finally began to see the point of the plot. "So, we take over the world from the island and go north until we've taken over everything? When do we begin?"
"The sooner the better! Call back all the troops and we'll begin our assault ASAP."
"Wait... ALL OF THEM?" Bowser was again puzzled. "Wouldn't that be ... inefficient? We could easily take over several places at once."
"Well.... it also becomes more efficient too."
Bowser was confused.
"See, we must make the conquest of the island as fast as possible. Then, we'll have our base before anyone can realize our attack, and the earlier mainland towns we attack won't stand a chance!"
"Hmmmmmm..." Bowser appeared to see the MagiKoopa standpoint. "So, we begin now, correct?"
"Of course! They won't know what hit them... You know, with your strength and my intelligence (compounded with yours, of course) ... we can easily take over the world!" The MagiKoopa's voice had an exuberant and zealous tone.
Bowser seemed a bit shocked by the comment. "Yes...." He walked into a corner... "We..." He was a bit discouraged that he had to work with someone else to achieve his goals, but he was quite sick of failing. "Call in our troops! The attack will begin IMMEDIATELY!"
Meanwhile, The Yoshies on Yoshi's Island were rather content with their lives. The rain had also reached their lands, and after being cooped up inside for some three days, were overjoyed that they were finally able to once again roam their island as do as they pleased without getting wet.
The town of Caj was bustling. It was midday, and everyone was out on their daily runs, most of which had to be put off for the last three days. The alleys of the town were packed.
Suddenly, Bowser's warships were sighted at the nearby port. Now, there weren't one or two or even a few ships there, more so the entire armada. Bowser wasn't messing around here.
When the Yoshies finally came to their senses and saw that their homelands were in trouble, Bowser had already mobilized his troops, which were on the move towards Caj. The Yoshies put up a valiant defense, but unfortunately, it wasn't very successful at all. Caj was taken over in mere minutes, and was swarming with Bowser's forces. The Palace of Caj was immediately taken over and converted into a headquarters for Bowser's operations. The alleys of Caj were empty, except for a few of Bowser's troops who were looking to capture the last few citizens that were missed during the rout, a stark contrast to the activities that were occurring minutes prior. Within an hour, the entire island was teeming with Bowser's troops. Anyone who wasn't killed in the utter domination of the island was capture and enslaved. Bowser's initial conquest was a resounding success.

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2003, 10:26:28 PM »
Yay! You posted it after all! This story's getting better and better...!

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2003, 07:03:42 PM »
Wow. Ermmmmm. I'm glad you like it... Though I'd appriciate your comments after EVERY chapter... (That is, eveyone who is still reading it...)

Unfortunatly, I won't be able to post Chapter 3 till at least tomorrow... maybe even Thursday. 2 reasons why:

1: Chapter 3 has somewhat of a dicey ending. I want to smooth it out just a bit.
2 (The more important reason): Today I took a four and a half hour long nationwide math contest. There were 3 questions. In fact, I ran out of time! I only had decent answers for 2 of the questions! And seeing how the 2 questions I had answers for required 4 and 5 page jandwritten proofs respectively... I really don't feel like writing ANY more original material today. And guess what? It get to do it again tomorrow! Joy!

Ah well. I guess good old Marty is going to have to wait for a while...

And all your comments are appreciated after EVERY chapter. Thank you.

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2003, 07:11:24 PM »
HOLY SHAZBIT!  Are you telling me that you are a USAMO QUALIFIER??!??!  My respect for you just grew one-hundred-fold.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2003, 07:18:19 PM »
*Ah, yes, the USAMO. Seriously, how did you know about that test? Did you take the AIME or something? I mean, my index wasn't THAT high, 196.0, but me being a 10th grader who scored 8/15 on the AIME was enough to qualify me.

Actually, I'm seriously thinking about posting Chapter 3 today. That is, if I have the time. CH. 2 took me a good 2 hours yesterday to post.

Congratulations! You have just been blessed by the wisdom of Steve.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2003, 09:05:43 PM »
Wow. I'm glad I already edited/revised and put up Part 1 on Word a long time ago. 2 hours? Man, and I'm REALLY, REALLY thorough on my revising. It's gonna literally take forever to finish the rest of my story... sigh...

Sorry, went off topic. Anyway, I'll try to respond after every chapter, since I'd want the same *hint hint*.

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."
