
Author Topic: Role Play begins! (everyone in the RPG read)  (Read 31836 times)

« on: July 28, 2000, 12:34:20 PM »
It was a beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. The sun was shining, the grass was green, and the water sparkled a frosty blue.

Walking through the Mushroom Wood, Luigi saw and took in all of this. Smiling to himself, he walked down a trail which led off a slope. Suddenly he tripped over a large rock.


Luigi landed flat on his face. Getting up, he looked up from where he had fallen. "Whoa...that was a doozy", he exclaimed.

Then, turning, he walked on, towards the Mushroom Village where he hoped to find all his friends.


OOC: ok if you want to respond to my message, just reply. remember, it has to make sense, according to where I am and stuff.
Do my funky dance, Oy Oy Oy!

*does victory dance after SSB fight*

« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2000, 12:57:25 PM »

I watched as Luigi walked away toward the village. Little did he know that that was no rock he had tripped on. 'Slow-witted Luigi,' I thought to myself, 'never even saw me.'

I, or course, was a Koopa Troopa. Upon seeing Luigi coming, I hid in my shell. Luigi, with his head in the clouds, tripped right over me. King Koopa is gonna love to hear all that I have seen. Diguised in my shell, I have seen the location of fatso Mario and his pals. Mwa ha ha ha.

Meanwhile, Luigi walked on ot the village.
*Looks inside of a candy bar wraper. Reads:* You have just won a Sony Plays.... Oh it`s crap!!

« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2000, 01:30:19 PM »
Toad is on top of the castle,deciding to jump onto a few blocks to get down, and hits one where a coin popped out.  He grabs the coin, and walks to the village, crossing the woods also not aware of the rock being a goomba, he walks on it until he heard mumbling.  He turned back, seeing it was a goomba, so he finds himself in a short RPG-like battle.

OOC: Just remember, I haven't played Super Mario RPG because I've gotten my SNES in 97, but my N64 in 96. -_- Well at least i know what an RPG is.

Tanooki 5  ^_^

Edited by - Tanooki 5 on 7/28/00 1:18:57 PM

« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2000, 01:31:53 PM »
Toad is on top of the castle,deciding to jump onto a few blocks to get down, and hits one where a coin popped out.  He grabs the coin, and walks to the village, crossing the woods, also not aware of the rock being a goomba, he walks on it until he heard mumbling.  He turned back, seeing it was a goomba, so he finds himself in a short RPG-like battle.

OOC: Just remember, I haven't played Super Mario RPG because I've gotten my SNES in 97, but my N64 in 96. -_- Well at least i know what an RPG is.

Tanooki 5  ^_^

Edited by - Tanooki 5 on 7/28/00 1:20:28 PM

« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2000, 02:15:22 PM »
Ack! Double posted!  I hate it when they gave me error messages and not let me know I posted...

Tanooki 5  ^_^

Edited by - Tanooki 5 on 7/28/00 1:21:58 PM

« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2000, 02:56:08 PM »
Blue Yoshi waddled down the path happily, as he was going to Chef Torte's place. He could just imagine the taste of his famous cake, or maybe even the oft rumored spam flavored cookie dough.
He waved to the approahching Luigi, and then walked inside, and ordered a salad bar. The little Toadstoolian took the looming dinosaur to his seat.
Blue Yoshi then got up and got his plate, and head straigt towards the-what else? the cookie,s of course. He walked slowly and pleastly at first, but then he saw something horrifing- there was somebody there, eating the cookies!
He broke out into a sprint, and met up with the figure. The small creampuff stopped stuffing his face for a minute, and looked up. Then, they both glanced over to the plate...And there was only one left.
"Yoshi yoshi yoshi yoshi! (I challenge you to a food race. Fatest person in a minute wins the cookie.)
Kirby, who knew that Yoshi's were notouirs eaters, nodded in agreement.
Kirby started inhaling the entire aisle of food, while Yoshi dashed over to a very crowded (and very pudgey) group of Toadstoolians. There, he gulped up each of the section's plates, and then moved onto the desserts, while Kirby was working on the Fish N Chicken section. Of course, this didn't take long, and then Yoshi was off to the fruits, while Kirby took to the salad sections.
They both ate the pasta section, and realized that there was still 10 seconds left. They new that there was just one thing they could do. THey rushed into Chef Torte's "special" room and saw his grandest cake yet, and each ate half.
"Yoshi yoshi yoshi..."(Ugh, off to the scale.)
After they tried to get through the door, chef torte came in and began weeping.
"Vee cake of mee dreams! Eet ees eaten by U Baffoons! Eef Aye Ver see yu agon, Aye EAT VOU!"
And the two chubby eaters were kicked out.
As they sat there in a depressed state of mind, and a stomach filled with indigetion, Kirby got up and turned to his new found freind.
"I know a place in the forest near hear with the most delicous fruits and berries you can imagine!" Kirby squealed with delight as he said it.
Yoshi!(There!) Blue Yoshi responded.
However as the two left the town, they couldn't help but feel like a storm was approaching.....

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!
Kweeh! Kweeh! Yes, Kweeh forever!

« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2000, 04:02:11 PM »


« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2000, 04:09:06 PM »
Luigi walked through the Mushroom Village. He glanced over and saw Chef Torte weeping over some crumbs. "Hmm...", Luigi thought. He then walked past him, towards Peach's castle. He needed to talk to Mario, and he was guessing Mario was in there eating a cake or something.

Luigi thought about the rock he had tripped over. It didn't look much like a rock...

Within a few minutes, Luigi stood before the grand structure that was Peach's Castle. He walked across the drawbridge, and knocked politely on the door.


OOC: Chocobo...Kirby is no longer in the RPG. He quit...

Peach and/or Mario need to respond to this.


I''m-a Luigi, number-a one!
Do my funky dance, Oy Oy Oy!

*does victory dance after SSB fight*

« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2000, 04:09:15 PM »
Luigi walked through the Mushroom Village. He glanced over and saw Chef Torte weeping over some crumbs. "Hmm...", Luigi thought. He then walked past him, towards Peach's castle. He needed to talk to Mario, and he was guessing Mario was in there eating a cake or something.

Luigi thought about the rock he had tripped over. It didn't look much like a rock...

Within a few minutes, Luigi stood before the grand structure that was Peach's Castle. He walked across the drawbridge, and knocked politely on the door.


OOC: Chocobo...Kirby is no longer in the RPG. He quit...

Peach and/or Mario need to respond to this.


Do my funky dance, Oy Oy Oy!

*does victory dance after SSB fight*

« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2000, 04:21:23 PM »
Mario suddenly heard a knock at the door."I wonder who that could be?" he said aloud as he stood from his chair. He strolled to the two wooden doors of Peach's castle, while humming a lively tune. Mario grabbed one golden door knob, turned and opened it to see his brother Luigi standing before him. "Hey-a Luigi! Come on in and have-a some cake!", Mario said. "Oh, why are you here anyway?", asked Mario as he led Luigi to a chair at the table and sat back down.

OOC: Well...why are you here?


Here we gooo!!!
Kickin' it since 2000.

« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2000, 04:32:08 PM »
Luigi looked at Mario as he ate cake. Taking his hat off, he cleared his throat.

"Mario...I think something bad is going to happen..," he said, breaking the silence save Mario's loud eating.

Mario looked up at him with an arched eyebrow.

"I know it seems weird...but I can feel it. Something bad is coming...and I don't know what yet," Luigi responded.

"Uh...I don't think so Luigi. You've probably just been eating too much parmesean cheese," Mario said cooly.

"Mario you might of felt it IF YOU WEREN'T EATING CAKE ALL THE TIME!," Luigi said angrily. "Anyways..I don't like parmesean cheese," he added. Mario stopped and looked at him, "Oh fine. I'll...check things," he said with a wide grin.

Luigi sighed to himself. "Okay..," the green-clad plumber trailed. "Oh come on Luigi! We're the Super Mario Brothers! We've taken on the worst of things, and came out fine! Cheer up!," Mario said, pushing his now empty plate away and standing up, adjusting his hat.

Luigi pushed out of his chair, and walked to the door. "I guess I'll go...see ya," Luigi said as he walked out, still deep in worried thought...


OOC: ok...we have some sort of plot now..

I''m-a Luigi, number-a one!
Do my funky dance, Oy Oy Oy!

*does victory dance after SSB fight*

« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2000, 05:14:23 PM »
OOC- I am a Koopa Troopa, my UserName is Goomba.

IC- Meanwhile, Koopa Troopa stood with his fists up toward Toad. 'Hmm,' he thought, 'This one is smarter than that tall, green fool.' Without warning, Toad rushed at him. Koopa Troopa dodged to the side, opened his mouth around Toad`s giant, mushroom head and took a bite.

Then, with a mouthful of mushroom, Koopa ran away yelling, "See ya in hell, sucker."

Toad stood, moving his hand around the bite-mark in his head.

Then, the hallucinagen properties of the Mushroom Retainer`s head kicked in...

Hail Koopa!
*Looks inside of a candy bar wraper. Reads:* You have just won a Sony Plays.... Oh it`s crap!!

« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2000, 05:16:22 PM »
mario finishes his cake and goes to find out where luigi is. He wonders helplessly in the woods not Knowing whats going to happen. All of a sudden a koopa troopa comes out. He tricks mario into eating a poisonous mushroom, and soon mario faints"ooooohhhhhh nnnnnooooo" he says.

   he soon awakes in bowsers castle where bowser is telling him his master plan. With mario stuck, its all up to luigi!!!

« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2000, 05:43:42 PM »
Princess Peach was standing in front the full-length mirror in her bedroom trying to decide which shoes looked best with her new diamond necklace (it was an exceedingly brain-wracking decision to make). Suddenly, she noticed that it was very quiet in the castle, she could no longer hear Mario stuffing his mustached face. Curiously, she exited the palace and walked into the garden.
"Mario! Mario!" she called, "Where did you go?" Then, she looked a few feet in front of her and screamed!
OOC: This should be interesting!
~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~

« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2000, 06:01:53 PM »
Green Yoshi stood in front of her, eating her entire garden. After eating all her flowers, he let out a giant burp.

"Excuse me," he said.

"What did you do?!?," the princess exclaimed.

"Well," said Yoshi, "Mario finished off all the food in the castle and then wouldn`t let me eat any of that cake. It felt like forever since I had any food."

A vein stood out on Peach`s forehead. She had worked on that garden for hours.

"I`m really sorry," said Yoshi, "but you know how Yoshis have to eat at least twenty times a day, when we`re not hungry."

Peach looked like she was about to explode, when Toad, her most respectable retainer, ran up to her. He seemed to be rambling on about something.

"Koopa....woods......bite....Bowser...ouch....head...looked like a.... rock... and," was all that Toad could make out.

Peach also noticed that Toad had a huge bite mark in his head. Yoshi grabbed Toad and put him on his back. Yoshi carried him into the castle. Peach put Toad onto a couch. After Toad had rested enough, he could finally talk:

"I was walking through the forest and I tripped on a rock. I turned to see that the rock was realled a Koopa Troopa. I got in a fight with him and he bit a hole in my head. Then I ran to you."

Peach started to laugh.

"What`s so funny?" asked a confused Yoshi.

"All the Mushroom People`s head have hallucinagenic properties."


"Where ever that Koopa Troopa is, he`s hallucinating."

That made all three of them laugh.
*Looks inside of a candy bar wraper. Reads:* You have just won a Sony Plays.... Oh it`s crap!!
