
Author Topic: Stars Above, Stars Below  (Read 1894 times)

« on: August 11, 2003, 05:07:44 PM »
It was a beautiful day. The sun shone as brightly in the sky as Kirby had ever seen it shine. The sparse clouds were perfectly bubbly and white, and birds sang as serene choirs in the gently swaying trees. The breeze was warm and caressing, and Kirby whistled as he walked along.

His destination? Well, he didn't know. He had simply woken up, and felt inclined to walk upon a never-traveled path. Kirby's distinctly oval footsteps were the only on the path, quite possibly the only to ever touch the soil he now tread upon, though Dreamland's Savior was curious as to why no one would have taken this path before now.

It was quite nearby his house, in fact, he could see it from the doorway. The appearance of this path is what had prompted him to take this adventure-seeking stroll in the first place. Light drifted over the path in a dusty haze, and most of the previously described beauty of the day was shut out by the thickening trees on either side of the path. So Kirby whistled to keep himself company.

Just out of curiousity, Kirby turned around in his tracks, to see how far he had gone. The path he had been traversing was overladen with shadows, so that it appeared as though he had simply stepped out of a black void. Before being able to react, a gravelly voice spoke up from behind the pink Dreampuff...

"Ahem... little one... ya' want to continue on this path, it'll cost yeh'."

Kirby turned around, setting his curious and bewildered gaze upon the hunched form of an old man, whose wide-brimmed hat slanted down over his face, concealing it in darkness. He was short, only a little taller than Kirby, and very thin.

Kirby lifted his stubby arms to his sides to indicate that he had no money, and stepped back from the old man a little.

The old man simply chuckled, sneering beneath the obscurity of his wide-brimmed cap...

"That's too bad, little one... too bad, yes... you'll have to come with me!"

The man lunged at Kirby, quite weakly, and the agile Dreampuff jumped nimbly out of his path, landing to the side, alarmed and confused.

The man turned, swinging his hand out to grab at Kirby's pretty-much ungraspable form. Kirby tilted backi a little, frowning at this unwanted attack, and skipping back onto the path, away from the old man. As the hunched form of the man rushed Kirby, the pink Dreampuff reacted in his usual manner: he opened his mouth, inhaling the man easily, and, more out of curiousity than need, copied the old man's powers.

As he spit him out onto the path, the old man landed on his feet. He turned to face Kirby, who was now equipped with the old man's wide-brimmed hat.

The old man sneered, "Yes! You've done it now! A new Dimension Walker is born, and I am freed from my curse! You little fool! Ahahahaha!!"

With a strong gust of wind and the black plumage of smoke, the old man disappeared, leaving a bewildered and slightly frightened Kirby on the dark path...


Any good? I want comments before I continue it. This popped into my head just now ^_^;

See how the mustache hides the slightly sad smile... and the sideburns, portraying his simple, blue-collar roots... and his legs, thick, wide, the legs of the masses!
Kickin' it since 2000.

« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2003, 05:43:07 PM »
cool! I wanna know what happens next!

The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2003, 09:08:18 AM »
Kirby blinked, looking around for a moment longer. He shut his eyes to think, breathing out slowly, feeling the feathery weight of the wide-brimmed hat upon his round head...

As Kirby's eyes opened, they took in a scene that betrayed possibility. The Savior or Dreamland no longer stood upon the dark and shadowy path, but was suspended upon a trail of white, shimmering dust, which in itself was suspended, no strings attached, within the middle of space...

Stars burned brightly around him, an oceanic vision of glittering light, like a billion supercharged fireflies in the night. Kirby gasped, astonished at this view of things, things he only glimpsed during the quick travel upon a Warp Star. Stars shot by him almost playfully, lighting him in white and yellow auroras as they passed, reflecting in his wide and surprised eyes.

Kirby shook himself, as if expecting to wake up from some strange dream... but nothing around him changed.

Kirby turned in the direction of the path, as it seemed to begin where he stood. It wound up betwixt stars and black matter, towards a temple-liike building, which sat suspended far above the Starlit Staircase.

Gentle, choirific music eminated from the building, faintly touching upon whatever Kirby heard things with, beckoning to him. Kirby, deciding this was the only path he had now, began up the Starlit Staircase, his mind aflame with questions about what 'Dimension Walker' meant...

Travel up the Starlir Staircase was easy. Kirby felt more weightless than usual, it was as though he merely had to think about progressing up the winding starry road, and it was done. As he neared the brilliantly shimmering temple, the gentle, beckoning music grew stronger, and he sped up his pace to more quickly reach it.

Upon reaching the top of the Starlit Staircase, Kirby was met with an astonishing sight. A suspended plateau of white, sparkling material was layed out before him, harboring on either side of it a majestic flowing fountain, where the hues of magnificant crimson reds and powerful yellows, mixings of purple and blue and shadings of green all glinted and traversed through the falling droplets of water, a splendor which may have been subtly represented by the Dream Fountain. And between these two majestic towers of ethereal water, layed the massive door of the Starlit Staircase's temple...

...but what was within?

See how the mustache hides the slightly sad smile... and the sideburns, portraying his simple, blue-collar roots... and his legs, thick, wide, the legs of the masses!
Kickin' it since 2000.

« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2003, 11:34:13 AM »
Without taking his time to stop and marvel at the glorious fountains which marked this temple as the important place it was, as Kirby might have done on any other day, he proceeded directly to the large, silveresque door. Upon it was a heavy golden bar, to keep it tightly shut.

Despite the obvious strength this door was barred with, Kirby lifted both of his short, stubby arms, and pressed hard against the door. As was expected, nothing happened... in fact, Kirby only pushed himself back a little, away from the door.

Frowning in puzzlement and disappointment, he studied the massive portal for a moment longer, narrowing his wide black eyes in wonder as to what he would find beyond this stable barrier. After a moment's observation, Kirby noticed a strange, heiroglyphic-like set of carvings upon the door... nothing he had ever seen before.


Kirby studied this for a moment... and, suddenly, it was clear to him! His attainmewnt of the old man's power had enabled him to know this strange and distant cuneform. He opened his mouth, breathed out, and stepped forward...

The glyphic markings on the door shone a noticeable red, shining and then dulling, shining, and then dulling, before luminating brightly and permanently. Kirby stepped forward into the red light, and it encased him in it, tugging him forward through the silveresque door to transport him inside.

Dreamland's estranged Savior gazed at nothing but darkness. The only thing to chase it away were occasional fireflies, drifting here and there down the dark hall, giving enough light so that Kirby could proceed down the hall rather safely.

Soundlessly he did progress, the only sound the light shifting in the air as he breathed it in. To Kirby's surprise, the air was clean and easy to breathe, not as musty or dank as one would expect in such a tomb-like place.

Kirby's form was lit in an eerie greenish yellow by the coexistant fireflies as he walked. The walls were of an earthen stone, much like one might see in one of Planet Earth's Egyptian pyramids, and upon them, continually, was the same symbol Kirby had seen on the door. While he understood it, he could not put it into rational thought, that is, what it really meant. But he continued anyway. Kirby began to whistle as he walked, the timbre of his whistling bouncing lightly off of the earthen walls and drifting in the air around him, verberating smoothly.

Kirby began to see a stronger light than that which had lit him previously. He stepped into a small, open doorway, lifting one stubby arm to guard his eyes as he took in what was before him...

See how the mustache hides the slightly sad smile... and the sideburns, portraying his simple, blue-collar roots... and his legs, thick, wide, the legs of the masses!
Kickin' it since 2000.
