
Author Topic: Grand Story  (Read 2442 times)

« on: August 22, 2003, 11:39:49 PM »
Sorry they may be some swearing I hope you understand

The Grand Story
It was a peaceful morning in toad town . Bird's were singing , happy children playing all about out side and the sweet smell of pancakes brought Luigi up to the kitchen.
Luigi: Mario what are we having for breakfa............... ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daisy was in the kitchen
Luigi was wearing his boxer's
Daisy: Pancakes
Luigi bolted back to his room and put some pants on
Luigi: Good morning Daisy
Daisy: Good morning Luigi
Luigi: Where's Mario?
Daisy: Oh he had to go across the other side of the country it was an emergency
Luigi: Oh
Daisy was making pancakes
Daisy: Luigi how many do you want?
Luigi: 2
Daisy: Only 2 you usually have 5 what's wrong?
Luigi: Well I'm not feeling well I bumped my head yesterday when I was coming home from the store.
Daisy: How?
Luigi: Some giant Goomba's were'nt paying attention where they were going and they knocked me over , you know how big those things are about 7 foot tall and im only about 5,6.
Daisy: Where did you fall
Luigi: I fell on the pavement and hit my head they didnt even offer to help me up , darn goomba's.
Daisy: Let me see that
Daisy looked at Luigi's head
there was this huge goosebump on the top of his head
Daisy: That's huge!
Luigi: I know
Daisy: You should get that checked out
Luigi: Well Mario is out of town so I cant get him to be my doctor
Daisy: Just go down there today there might be some doctor's in there
Luigi: Yeah your right ill go there today
Daisy: Well it's 12:30 right now and the doctor's office close's at 5:00pm cuz it's Saturday
Luigi: Ok ill go at 2:00pm
Daisy: Ok
Luigi ate his pancakes and went over to Koopa's
Koopa's house is just a place where Luigi hang's out when he's bored , Koopa is a house potato all he does is sit on his couch and and ether watch Tv or play Gamecube and eat marshmellow's Koopa loves marshmellow's.
Knock Knock
Koopa came to the door
Koopa: Hey Luigi come in man
Luigi: Hey Koopa
Koopa: Yo Luigi are you going to stick around and watch the Jerry Spinger Uncensored marathon?
Luigi: The what? No i got a doctor's appointment
Koopa: Come on Luigi Doctor's office closes at 5:00 on Saturday's
Luigi: How did you know that?
Koopa: I read
Luigi: No you dont
Koopa: Anyways it starts at 1:00pm and ends at 4:00pm you got time to go after
Luigi: Look Koopa I dont even know what Jerry Springer is
It was 1:03pm
Koopa: Holy poop im missing it
Luigi: Look Koopa im not watching another one of your dum cartoons
Koopa: Jerry Springer aint no cartoon watch
Luigi started watching
A girl flashed the crowd
Luigi: wow
Koopa: Satisfied
Luigi: Yep
They watched all of it
Luigi: Look it's 4:08pm i got to go
Koopa: Bye man
Luigi raced to the doctor's office
It was 4:37pm when he got there
He waited there for 15 minutes
It was 4:53 when they called him in
Luigi went and sat on the patient's bed
Secretary: Your doctor will be in in a moment
Luigi: K
Luigi waited 3 minutes till the doctor came in he had his head down reading his papers
He wore a white uniform just like Dr. Mario
Dr. Wario: Oh hi Luigi
he said with a smile on his face
Luigi: Wario!?!?!?!?
Dr. Wario: Yep there's a new doctor in town.......... Wario!
Luigi: What do you mean?
Dr. Wario: Well how do I put this?..............Um well I set Dr. Mario/Mario up!
Luigi: How?
Dr. Wario: Well I phoned Mario and discuissed my voice and said that there was a problem across the country then Mario left then they hired me as the new doctor because I told them that Mario had moved , right.
Luigi: Yea
Dr. Wario: So then Mario went across the country
Luigi: Yeah so
Dr. Wario: Bowser is over there he is going to kill Mario when Mario get's over there then when the mushroom hero Mario get's killed Bowser is coming over to the mushroom kingdoom and rule the mushroom world, So we both win I get a job as a doctor poisening all my patients and he rules the world.
Luigi: No that cant be!
Dr. Wario: Oh it is the hospital is closeing have a nice day, hahahahahahahaha!!!!
Luigi walke dout of the hospital with fear running up his spine
Pt 2
Luigi quickly ran home to tell Peach
Luigi busted threw the front door
Luigi: Princess Peach! Princess Peach!
Toad: Yes Luigi what is it?
Luigi: Emergency tell Peach
Toad: What about?
Luigi: No time to explain get Peach
Toad: No
Luigi: Why
Toad: Peach doesnt want to be disturbed
Luigi: But it's about Mario!
Toad: Mario! is he in trouble?
Luigi: More then you think
Toad: Oh man , Princess Peach! Princess Peach!
Peach: What Toad I didnt want to be disturbed
Toad: Mario's in trouble
Peach: What!?
Luigi: Mario is in trouble
Peach: Why what happened
Luigi: You know that phone call that Mario received this morning?
Peach: Yea he told me all about it before he left they needed him across the country or something
Luigi: Yea well that was a fake call
Peach: What?
Luigi: Today I went to the doctor's and Wario was my doctor!
Toad: Wario yea right
Peach: Wario , Why would he be a doctor , He doesnt help people he hurt's people
Luigi: Exactually Wario phoned Mario this morning and disquiessed his voice and pretended that there was a problem across the country right , Then Mario left and Wario said that Mario moved away right , So then they hired him , But now Bowser is across the country and is going to kill Mario when he arrives there.
Peach: Oh my god!
Toad: We have to do something
Luigi: But what?
Peach: l'll phone Mario on his cellphone!
Luigi: Mario doesnt have a cellphone
Toad: Yes he does
Luigi: Why didnt I get the number then?
Peach: Beat's me
Luigi: Oh my that suck's I could have got this problem cleared up half hour ago
Toad: Shhhhh she's on the phone
Peach: Hi Mario
Mario (on phone) : hey Peach
Peach: Listen we got a problem
Mario: A problem?
Peach: Yea
Mario: What kind of problem?
Peach: Here talk to your brother
Luigi: Hey Mario
Mario: Hi what's the problem?
Luigi: Ok listen Wario phoned you this morning and disquiessed his voice and pretended that there was a problem across the country right , Then you left and Wario said that you moved away right , So then they hired him as the new doctor , But now Bowser is across the country and is going to kill you when you arrive there.
Mario: Ok that has to be the biggest bunch of bullcrap I have ever heard
Luigi: What?
Mario: I know what your doing
Luigi: Im not doing anything
Mario: Yes you are your going to call me home so you can go across the country and pretend your me so you could get the 20 grand no way pal not today.
Luigi: I dont want to be a doctor like you are you nuts
Mario: No but you are trying to steal your brother's job
Luigi: I dont want your job
Mario: Yes you do you have been jelous of me for 8 years when we and you applied for this job in 1995 you were jelious because I got the job and you didnt so now your trying to steal my job now you low life ideot.
Mario hung up the phone
Luigi: ****
Peach: What
Toad: What did he say Luigi?
Luigi: Well he said im a low life ideot and he hates me
Toad: Why?
Luigi: He think's im trying to steal his job
Peach: What why man what an ideot
Luigi: I know eh
Toad: Well What are we going to do
Peach: Well you two and a couple of my friend's are going to save Mario
Toad: What?
Peach: You and Luigi are going to save Mario
Toad: What no way I cant fight
Luigi: Well it looks like you are
Peach: Dont worry a couple of my friend's are coing with you
Toad: Who?
Peach: Ill call em up right now
Toad: Ok
Peach: Go wait on the front porch
Luigi & Toad went to wait on the front porch
Toad: Luigi , who do you think she's calling?
Luigi: Idonno Waluigi , Twink , Ice climber's
Toad: Oh
Luigi: Who do you think she might call?
Toad: Uhh maybe Fox , Link , Samus
Luigi: Oh right maybe
Peach came out on the front porch
Peach: I phoned them
Toad: Who is it?
Koopa: Hey guy's
Luigi whispering to Peach : You phoned him!
Peach whispering back : It's the best I could think of
Koopa: Hey Luigi
Luigi: Hi
Koopa: Hi Toad
Toad: Hey
Koopa: Oh my god Princess Peach your just gorgeus
Peach: I have a boyfriend Koopa you would'nt want me to tell Mario would you?
Koopa: No not at all im sorry Peach
Peach: That's more like it
Then DK drove up on his skateboard
DK: Yo man wut's up
Luigi: Hey you got DK
Toad: Dk cool
Luigi & Toad slapped Dk's hand
Dk: Yo man
Luigi: Hey man
Toad: Hi buddy long time no see
Dk: Yea it's been tough having to fight King Karule everyday life's tough
Toad: True
Dk: Your looking fine today Peach
Peach: Why thank you
Koopa: What the? what about me Peach?
Dk: Oh ,hi Koopa
Koopa: Dont say hi to me you stole my girl
Peach: You want me to tell Mario?
Koopa: No sorry
The Yoshi walked up
Yoshi wasnt to kind in this world
Yoshi: What the heck did you call me for?
Peach: Well Hi to you to
Toad: Yea
Yoshi: Ok listen I cant hit girl's but I could kick your but Toad!
Toad started running around the castle
Toad was running for the front door when Yoshi tripped him down and beat him up
Toad: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yoshi: That's what you get
Peach: What's wrong with you Yoshi?
Yoshi: Everything
Luigi: Great Yoshi now we only have 4 people who can save Mario
Yoshi: What save Mario
Luigi: That's what were doing
Yoshi: Ok then buh bye
Koopa: Why?
Yoshi: I hate Mario I saved him when he was a little baby and this is how he repay's me by riding on me plus letting me take the heat for most of his stuff plus when I went in that Mario Golf which should have been called Yoshi Golf becuase Im alot better golfer and becuase Mario make's me carry around his little Brother Baby Mario.
Koopa: So?
Yoshi: So poop for brain's im not doing it.
Peach: I'll give you 10 grand?
Yoshi: Deal when do we leave
Luigi: Let's go now
They all got in there car and headed across the country

Pt 3

Koopa: Are we there yet?
Dk: Not yet
Koopa: Come on Dk Mario took a car and your driving an airplane
Dk: We if there wasnt so many darn control's maybe I could get there by now!
Luigi: Koopa dont rush him
Yoshi: Shut up! Shut up! Shut Up!!!
They all shut up
Yoshi was smoking a cigarette
Luigi winked at Dk
Dk winked back at Luigi
Dk did a unaxpected turn
Everybody flew to the right side of the room
Yoshi cigarette & lighter flew out of his hand's
Koopa quickly picked it up and held it in his hand so Yoshi didnt see it
Yoshi: Dk you buthole you made me loose my cigarette & lighter
Koopa: Hu he he he
Yoshi: What the heck you laughting at tubby
Koopa: Hu he he he he
Yoshi: What's so funny?
Koopa: Hah ha hah
Yoshi: You have my cigarette dont you
Koopa: Ha ha ha ha ha
Yoshi: Give it back
Koopa: Nope
Yoshi: Give it back you f-ing turtle!
Koopa: Ha ha ha
Yoshi: Give it to me!
Yoshi charged at him
Koopa threw it at him it burnt him
Yoshi: Owwwww!!!!
Koopa: When Yoshi picked it up after it hit him it was burnt out
Yoshi: Oh you son of a gun you burnt out my cigarette
Koopa: I didnt mean too
Yoshi: Your dead
Luigi & Dk were laughing
Yoshi: What Luigi you want it to?
Luigi: You beat me funny
Yoshi: Listen Luigi you were the only person I liked in this plane so dont make me screw our friendship up.
Luigi: Fine
40 minutes later
Dk: Were here!
Yoshi: Bout time
They all got out
Come on let's go to Goomba city
they all walked to Goomba city
It was like the kingdom but instead of mushroom's there were Goomba's
Luigi: Nice place
Koopa: Luigi ask someone if they saw Mario
Luigi: ok
Luigi: Excuse me have you seen a guy named Mario?
Goomba: I seen a guy named Doctor Mario stomping down here like the was the boss
Luigi: Do you know where he might be?
Goomba: I seen him go in the hospital 15 minutes ago
Luigi: Thanx
They all raced to the hospital except Yoshi he took his time
Luigi then saw Dr. Mario
Luigi: Dr. Mario
Dr. Mario turned around
Dr. Mario: What the hell do you want?
Luigi: You have to come with us
Dr. Mario: Yea right
Luigi: You have too
Dr. Mario: No!
Luigi: Ok fella's there is going to have to be a plan B
Dk: What's plan B
Luigi: We have to find Bowser's hideout
They all went outside and asked everyone if they saw King Koopa around
One Goomba said they did and they took him there
Luigi: Ok Koopa you are going to have to go in there and pretend your on Bowse's side ok
Koopa: So I have to be on Bowser's side
Yoshi: Yep and if you dont listen to his plan im going to kick your but you hear me I dont wanna stay in this dump all day.
Koopa: (gulp) k
Luigi: Listen to his plan then leave and tell us it
Koopa: K
Koopa went into his fortess
Evil Koopa: Hey you come here
Koopa: Yes (gulp)
Evil Koopa: Follow the group or get out!
Koopa: K
Koopa followed the group of Koopa's into Bowser's layer
Bowser was on the stage
Bowser got a microphone
Bowser: Hello Everybody!
Evil Koopa's: Hi
Bowser: After Mario does his surgery to his patients we are going to Kill Him!
Koopa: (gulp)
Bowser: Me and Kami Koopa are going to Set Bomb's up behind the castle so were can blow Mario off the planet!
Koopa: I got to tell the guys
Koopa ran out of the building
Koopa: Luigi ! Luigi!
Luigi: What?
Koopa: Bowser is going to light a bomb up behind the castle!
Dk: Oh no
Luigi: Your kidding right?
Koopa: No
Yoshi: Who care's let's just leave him
Luigi: No
Luigi ran into the building
Luigi: Dr. Mario!
Dr. Mario: Man Luigi dont you ever quit im not going with you
Luigi: You have to Bowser is going to put a bomb in the back of this building
Dr. Mario: Screw you Luigi leave now
Luigi: No your coming with me
Koopa tied Dr. Mario up with a rope so he couldnt move
Luigi: Now I got cha
Dr. Mario: Untie Me!
Dk came in and picked Dr. Mario up and walked him out
Bowser came down the street with kami
Bowser: This is going to be my best plan yet................. What the?
He saw Dr. Mario , Luigi , Yoshi , & Dk
Bowser: No your all dead!
Dr. Mario: Oh my god you were right
Luigi: Told ya
Dr. Mario: Sorry Luigi
Kami then hit Luigi with a physic ball
Luigi was paralized
Dr. Mario: No!
Dk tackled Kami
Dr. Mario broke the ropes and attacked Bowser
Koopa pulled out a lawn chair and some marshmello's and watched them fight
they battled for about 3 minutes till Bowser threw him on the concreate
Bowser: Do you give up?
Dr. mario didnt move
Yoshi just stood there laughing
Bowser: Do you want a piece of me?
Yoshi: Dont **** me off
Bowser attacked Yoshi they battled for 5 minutes Bowser threw Yoshi into a car
Bowser: Take that you meisly Dinosaur
Dr. Mario then attacked Bowser
They battled for about 2 minutes
Bowser then had Dr. Mario by the throat choking him
Bowser: Do you give up now
Yoshi then got up went behind Bowser and punched him where the sun doesn’t shine
Bowser: DING!!!
Bowser: Yaowwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yoshi then grabbed Bowser by the tail and threw him on the hospital roof
Yoshi: Dont screw with me!
Kami flew away after Bowser
Dr. Mario: Wow Yoshi you got some move's
Yoshi: Dont suck up to me you son gun
Dr. Mario: Yoshi why are you like this?
Yoshi was slient
Luigi got up
Luigi: What happened?
Yoshi: We kicked there but now can we go?
Luigi: Yes
they all got in the plane
Koopa: Hey Mario what are you going to do about Dr. wario
Dr. Mario: Well see when we get back.

Pt 4

They got off the plane
They went to Peaches
Mario walked in
Toad: Mario!
Toad hugged him
Peach: Oh Hi Mario
Mario: Hi Peach
Mario gave her a hug
Peach quickly pushed him off
Mario: What's wrong?
Peach: Oh idonno you only treat your brother like crap
Mario: I was mad ok and im sorry
Peach: You are?
Mario: Yes
Peach hugged him
Peach: Were is everyone
They went outside
Yoshi & Dk were fighting
Luigi was laying on the ground and Koopa was eating marsh mello's
Peach: What the heck are you doing Koopa stop them
Koopa: Cant eating
Peach took his marshmello's and threw them on the castle roof
Koopa: They were the good kind
Peach: Get down there and stop them
After she said that Yoshi picked Dk up over his head and threw him threw Peach's window
Peach: Yoshi
Yoshi: What?
Peach: Why are you doing this
Yoshi: Cause I hate all of you
Peach: Where's Mario & Toad?
Koopa: They rushed Luigi to the hospital
Peach: Why?
Koopa: Yoshi beat him up
Peach: Yoshi come here
Yoshi went over to her
Yoshi: What!?
Peach: I didnt want to do this but you must go in the dome!
Koopa: The Dome!
Yoshi:What's the dome?
Peach: You must fight any person I please in a dome
Yoshi: It's not that bad
Koopa: Yes it is
Yoshi: When am I going
Peach: Well I want to embaress you in front of everybody so let's make it tuesday 6:00pm i'd start training.
It now show's Mario & Toad rushing Luigi to the hospital
Luigi woke up
Luigi: Wha Wha where am I?
Mario: Were taking you to the hospital
Toad: Yea buddy
Luigi: Guy's Guy's Guy's im fine
Mario: You are?
Luigi: Yea
Mario: Ok let's go back then
Luigi: No Dr. Wario
Mario: Oh yea
Mario went to the doctor's office
they waited 10 minutes
The secretary took Mario to the patient's bed
Scretary: You doctor will be in soon
they waited 5 minute
Dr. Wario walked in
Dr. Wario: What the?
Mario: So trying to steal my job?
Dr. Wario: No actually I took your job
Mario: You aint a better doctor
Dr. Wario: I know im a way better doctor
Mario: Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Dr. Wario: Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Luigi: How bout you settle this in the dome
Mario/Dr. Wario: Wha???
Toad: That's to dangeous you get weapon's and everything
Luigi: Maybe that's how it's gotta be They've been fighting for 8 years they have to settle this one way or another
Toad: True
Dr. Wario: Your on
Mario: We battle Tuesday
Dr. Wario: Deal
They left

Pt 5

Luigi was walking to Koopa's to hang out there Dk was staying at Koopa's
Luigi : Knock Knock
Koopa came to the door
Koopa: Come in
Luigi stepped in
Koopa & Dk were playing Super Smash Bro's Melee
Koopa: Wanna play?
Luigi: Ok
Dk: Who you being Luigi?
Luigi: Myself you?
Dk: Well I was going to pick Mewtwo but I guess ill pick myself
Koopa: Awwwww there is no Koopa in this game
Dk: Yes there is check this out
Dk went to the option's menu and pushed language as Japanisze
He then went to Melee ( He could tell between Japanisze and english)
Dk: Done
Koopa: Where's Koopa?
Dk: Click Bowser
He clicked it
Gamecube: Koo-pa
Koopa: Cool
Luigi: Hah ha hah
40 minutes later
Yoshi knocked at the door
Koopa: Hey Yoshi
Yoshi: Shut up tubby get Luigi
Luigi came to the door
Luigi: Yes?
Yoshi: I hate you Luigi and guess wut I asked Peach if I won my match against my secret opponent that you would have to verse someone i chose in the dome
Luigi: What?
Yoshi: That's right if I win you will have to fight someone in the dome someone who maybe Mario connot beat
Luigi: Oh no
Yoshi: You betta wish I lose
Yoshi left
Luigi: Uh oh
Dk: What?
Luigi: Yoshi asked Peach if there would be some rule's in the dome match
Koopa: What rule's?
Luigi: If Yoshi win's I will have to verse someone in the dome someone of Yoshi's chooseing
Dk: That's awful he will pick someone who would rip you apart
Luigi: I no
Luigi went home to think about it.
At Wario's house
Wario was punching a punching bag
Wario: Im gonna rip you apart
Wario: Mario has no **** chance against me , Mario will find out who the champ is. Will see who is the better doctor
with that Wario broke his punching bag
Wario: **** I just got that
At Yoshi'd house
Yoshi had a gym in his basement
Yoshi: Will see how tough Peach is when I kick the living crap out of my opponent.
Yoshi got on his phone and called someone
Yoshi: Yo man
?????: Hey Yoshi wut's crackin?
Yoshi: Well I have to fight some secret guy in a dome and I was wondering I scudualled A match for you against Luigi
?????: Great man thanx hey ill come down and watch you ok
Yoshi: It's on Tuesday in the mushroom autoriom , where a disquise
?????: K see ya then
Yoshi: Bye
Yoshi hung up the phone
Yoshi: Luigi's dead meat
It was Tuesday
the crowd was full of Toad's
and annoncer went out in the middle of the arena
Annoncer: Hello everyone
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaa
Peach was sitting in her luxery box in the top row
Peach: Yoshi is dead meat
Annoucer: Here is your first contestant..................Yoshi!
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!
Peach was ****ed
Yoshi: Im going to show that ideot
Annoncer: Here is your next contestant...................Anti Shy Guy!
Crowd: Boooooooooo
Peach: Yoshi is dead meat
Luigi , Dk , Koopa , Dr.Mario and Toad sat in the blechers
Dr. Mario: Oh crap Yoshi is going to be killed
Announcer's: Get Ready......................Fight!
Yoshi: Your going down you dumbell
Anti Shy Guy: Naw
Yoshi tried to tackle him
Shy Guy did a flip
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Yoshi: What the heck?
Anti Shy Guy: Sucker naw naw
Yoshi: Dead meat
Yoshi shot an egg at him
Anti Shy Guy did a front flip plus kick in the face
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Luigi: Athletic
Yoshi: That's f-ing it!
Yoshi grabbed a Ray gun
Yoshi: Take this!
He shot him with the gun 10 times
Anti Shy Guy: Ew E Ah
Anti Shy Guy then did a flip off Yoshi's head
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Yoshi then got ****ed
Yoshi: That's it!
Yoshi picked up a Super Scope and did a full charge attack on Anti Shy Guy
Anti Shy Guy: Ahhhhhhhhhh
He flew agaist the wall
Annoucner: Is he ok yes he is he is getting up
Anti Shy Guy: Speacial attack!
Anti Shy Guy did a double flip into a slap with a hammer
Yoshi got hurt bad
Yoshi picked up a boo-mb
Yoshi: screw you buthole!
He ran and threw the bomb they both got hit there was a big explosion
Announcer: They are both down
Luigi: Please dont let Yoshi win
Announcer: Yoshi is getting up
Yoshi is up he is staggarding wait he is raising his arm's
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Announcer: Yoshi is the winner
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaaaa
Luigi: Nooooooo!!!
Peach: Oh crap Luigi is in trouble
Yoshi got on the microphone
Yoshi: Luigi get your but down here
Luigi walked down
Yoshi: Luigi meet my brother!
Then Boshi came out
Luigi: Bu Bu Boshi
Boshi: You are totally screwed!
Pt 6
Luigi: Boshi hi my name is Luigi and im a big fan of you
Boshi: Save your breath kid im still going to kick your but
Luigi: (gulp)
Annoncer: Fight
Luigi: Well it's now or never
Luigi charged after him Luigi tried doing his super jump punch
Boshi dodged it
Then kicked him in the back
Luigi flew 10 feet away from him
Mario: Holy crap what a kick
Dk: That *******
Luigi then tried blastoff Boshi moved
Boshi then headbutted him up in the air
then again
then again
then he tried once more but then Luigi moved then did a Luigi tornado then a headbutt into a jump then a punch
Boshi smashed against the ground
Koopa: Im going to get some popcorn
Koopa went down to the bottem floor where the fight was taking place at the conesent stand
Boshi: Your but is dead
Luigi: Well you said that before and then who got the better moves me!
Boshi: Now your really screwed
Boshi charged at Luigi
Luigi wasnt ready for it
Boshi hit him so hard and and wasnt paying attention that they both crashed threw the wall
Yoshi was there
Yoshi smacked Luigi with a hammer
Luigi was hurt Koopa saw then Koopa attacked Yoshi punching him and kicking him they took it into the dome in frount of everyone
Koopa smacked Yoshi with a beam sword
Yoshi fell to the ground
Mario: Holy crap Koopa's out there
Dk: He's kicking Yoshi's but
Koopa: Don’t ever hurt my best friend!
Boshi got up and charged and crashed into Koopa , Koopa flew against the glass and broke it
Boshi then picked Yoshi up and walked him out through the hole in the wall he put him down and picked up the hurt real bad Luigi
Boshi: Luigi it's time for my special attack
Boshi threw him down
Boshi: Flamethrower!
A big shot of fire shot on Luigi
Mario: Luigi!
Luigi was practicly dead
Announcer: our winner Boshi!
Crowd: Booooooooooooo
Yoshi came out to congradulate his brother
Yoshi: Good job dude
Crowd: Boooooooooo
Yoshi: screw all of you
Yoshi then took out a cigarette and started smoking
Yoshi & Boshi left
Peach got on the microphone
Peach: Call an ambulance
Mario: crap i gotta go get my uniform and help Luigi!
Mario put on his doctor's uniform and went to help Luigi
Dr. Mario ran out
D. Mario: You ok Luigi
Luigi: No man do your match Im going to an ambulance
The ambulance came out and picked him up
Dr.Mario: Boshi is going to pay
Dr. wario came out
Dr. Wario: You ready to die
Dr. Mario: No but you are
Dr. Mario tackled Dr. Wario they fought for a good 15 minutes till Dr. Wario picked up a Motion Censor bomb and threw it at Dr. Mario it got stuck to Dr. Mario
Dr. Wario: Ha ha ha
Dr. Mario was going to reach it to pull it off but
Dr. Wario: Un un uh i wouldnt do that if I was you as soon as you touch it it will explode
Dr. Mario: Oh crap
Dr. Wario: Or if you fall on it or touch anything with it it will explode
Dr. Mario: Ok
Dr. Mario picked up a pokeball and threw it at Dr. Wario
Bellowsom popped out and sprayed some special gas out over Dr. Wario it made him fall asleep
Dr. Mario then ran over to Dr. Wario
Dr. Wario woke up
Dr. Wario: Huh?
Dr. Mario: Your screwed
Dr. Wario: No no no no
Dr. Mario then ran into Dr. Wario
They both hi the explosion and they both hit the wall they were both down for 3 minutes
Announcer: Are they ok?
Peach: Get up Mario
Dr. Wario got up first
Then Dr. Mario jumped up
Dr. Wario then threw a Pokeball as him
Dr. Mario used cape and it flew back and it Dr. Wario and knocked him down
Electrode came out
Dr. Wario: Oh no oh Noooooooooooooo!!!!
Electrode: electrode
Dr. Wario flew out of the arena
Dr. Wario: Ahhhhhhhhhhh
Announcer: Your winner Dr. Mario!!!!!!!!
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
Peach: Yes
Dk: Yea you go man
30 minutes later after everyone left the arena
Dk: Hey where's Koopa?
Peach: Oh well
They all went to the hospital to check on Luigi
Koopa was there
Peach: Koopa where's Luigi?
Koopa: Well (sniff sniff) Luigi my best friend has broken his rib's and his arm's and his left leg
Mario: Oh god
Peach: Geezz that's awful
Dk: No not Luigi
Koopa: I swear Boshi is going to die
Koopa: Uh huh waaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Peach: Dont cry
Dk: When will he be out?
Koopa: Nine months
Mario: No, not 9 months
Mario went in
Mario: Hey Luigi wut's up
Mario: Bye buddy
They all went to peaches castle
Peach: Ok Koopa I have to tell you something
Koopa: Yes what is it?
Peach: You were very brave out there when you fought with Yoshi so I will grant you one wish
Koopa: Do you think dk and I could live in this castle?
Peach: Well sure
Koopa: Yes ill pack up my stuff
2 hours later
Dk: Well look on the bright side Mario you are the new doctor in town
The phone rang
Mario: Hello
Yoshi: hey Mario how's Luigi
Mario: Screw you Yoshi
Yoshi: I heard that you are going to get me back eh how?
Mario: Will see
Yoshi: Well what me and my brother were proposing is that this should be a fight in the dome in a couple of months Boshi & Yoshi V.S Mario and whoever you chose k?
Mario: Will see you retard
Yoshi: Ill call you later ****weed
he hung up
Dk: Who was it Mario?
Mario: Yoshi , He want's to know if me and a partner wanna fight him and Boshi in the dome
Dk: Ill be your partner
Mario: Will see

Kick Dr. Mario out of town because Dr. Wario is in da house!
Kick Dr. Mario out of town because Dr. Wario is in da house!

« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2003, 11:41:09 PM »
Sorry they may be some swearing i hope you undertsand

Pt 7
Mario was at the castle with Peach
Dk & Koopa charged in
Koopa: Mario!
Mario: Yep
Koopa: Can I be your partner in this battle
DK: No I am
Koopa: But please
Mario: No Koopa your not even in shape Dk on the other hand is very impressive he can bench press 380 pounds and weigh’s only 400 pounds.
Koopa: Well I weigh 260 pounds and I can bench press 100 pounds and anyway he is a gorilla and im a turtle
Mario: So?
Koopa: He’s got the advantage
Mario: Oh well
Koopa: Look Mario I really wanna be your partner in this battle
Dk: Im the better fighter
Koopa: But im Luigi’s best friend , I would sacrifice my life for him.
Mario: Ya know what just not to make the wrong decision I wont pick any of u!
DK/Koopa: What?!
Mario: I’ll find someone else
Koopa: Awwww
Koopa & Dk went outside
Peach: Mario who ya gonna phone you only got 1 week
Mario: I just don’t know Peach I just don’t know
In Bowser’s layer in Dark Land
Evil Koppa: Do you want any more coffee Bowser?
Bowser: Naw im ok
Kami: Wut’s wrong?
Bowser: Well I just cant except the fact that Yoshi beat me in Goomba Land.
Kami: Well don’t worry bout it
Bowser: Yea your right ill probily just get him another time
Kami: You need anything sir?
Bowser: Yea can you grab me the newspaper
Kami: Yep
1 minute later Kami came back with the paper
Kami: Hey Bowser read this article
Bowser: What?
Bowser began reading
Bowser: Hello everybody if you wanna come to the live show down at the mushroom kindom this Thursday Mario needs a partner for his match against Yohsi & Boshi so if anyone’s interested call Mario today!
Bowser: Wow Mario & Yoshi great!
Bowser then got a idea
Bowser: Yes……..Great….
He said with a smile on his face
At Yoshi’s house
Yoshi: Boshi who do you think Mario’s partner is?
Boshi: Idonno Dk , Toad , Koopa , Twink hahahaha
Yoshi: Hahahaha wut about Peach & C.Falcon Hahahaha
Boshi: Yoshi trust me this is going to be a snap
Yoshi: Yea,wut do u have in mind?
Boshi: Well let’s just say Mario wont be walking in Mushroom kingdom anymore
Yoshi: Great Hahahahahahaha!
At Peaches castle
Mario got a phonecall
Mario: Hello
*****: Hey
Mario: Why the heck are you phoneing for you son of a
Cut off
*****: You need a partner right?
Mario: Yes
*****: How bout me?
Mario: Well I donno if I could trust you remember last time we battled
*****: Yea but I need Revenge on those too they have been ****ing me off all year by beating up my guards and my friends and they have been damaging my property so I need to get them back.
Mario: Well…….
*****: Trust me we may have been rival’s for over 10 years but trust me it will work out.
Mario: Ok meet you there in a week.
*****: Bye
Mario: I hope this work’s.

Pt 8

It was Wed one day from the dome matches

Peach & Mario were sitting on the luggery couch’s watching Tv
Peach: So Mario who is your partner for the Dome?
Mario: Well I made some call’s last night and the only good person that has a chance is *****
Peach: What?! I don’t know if you can trust him
Mario: Trust me theve been ****ing off him too
Peach: Oh ok
Mario: Peach how many matches are taking place?
Peach: Well so far just your’s
Mario: What! That’s it?
Peach: Yep
Mario: We got to get more people or no one will watch me kick his but!
Peach: Oh I get some more matches trust me
Mario: Who?
Peach: I can put Koopa , Dk in matches
Mario: K
Peach: Well there opponent’s will be secret
Mario: Ok ill tell them they have matches ok
Peach: K
Mario went outside to the tennis court
Dk was in compition against Parentroopa
Toad was the announcer guy
Toad: Dk 45 Parentroopa Love
Dk then hit it sooooo hard
It hit Parentroopa in the face
Toad: Ohhh man that has to hurt Dk win’s!
Dk: Yes!!!
Parentroopa came over
Mario: Dk I have to talk to you
Dk: Good game man
Parentroopa: Thanxs dude
Dk: Yo wut’s up Mario?
Mario: Well I put you in a match at the dome
Dk: Sweet dude
Koopa came over
Koopa: Hey anyone want marshmellow’s?
Mario: Koopa listen
Koopa: Yeah?
Mario: I put you in a match at the dome
Koopa: What?!
Koopa threw his marshmellow’s up in the air
Mario: Sorry man
Koopa then fainted
Dk: Uhhhhh
Mario: Oh well
The next day
Announcer: Hello everybody
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaa
Announcer: Hey tonight we are going to have some explosive match’s here is the first match!
Mario and Koopa were sitting in the crowd
Mario: Dk’s up first
Announcer: Here is your first contestant……….Dk!!!!!!
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaa
Announcer: Here are his surprise guests!!!!!!!! The Koopa squad!!!!!(or something like that those Ninja koopa’s in paper Mario)
Mario: Koopa Squad!!!
Koopa: Holy crap!!
Red: Hey boyz look like we got a money to fry!
Dk: Oh Great!
Blue: What scared?
Dk: Me never
Yellow: Your going down
Yellow then charged at him then green came from behind
Dk then jumped in the air and they both hit heads
When Dk came down he smashed Blue on the head and made him unconceus for a second.
Red was all alone
Red: Uhhh
Yellow & Green then both took him down from behind
Then Red Smacked him on the head with a beam sword
Blue woke up and they were all up except Dk
Red: Special Attack!!!!!
They all got on each other’s back Red was on top and they all crashed into Dk
Dk flew into the wall
Red: He he he to much he can handle eh
Then someone in the frount row slapped Dk’s hand
Red: Wut the
*****: Ew ah eh ha ha ha
Mario: Wut the?
Diddy then jumped from the railing on to the battle area
Blue: Who’s this clown
Diddy: Diddy moron
Green: Let’s get em!
Green then charged at him
Diddy then did a cartwheel out of the way
Green crashed into the wall
Yellow: Hey
He then ran at him
Diddy did a flip and Yellow crashed into the wall
Diddy: Ha ha ha
Blue: Oh crap
Blue then Charged at him
Diddy did a backflip
Blue crashed into the wall too
Diddy: Strike Three!!!!
Red: Oh no
They all got up and charged at him Diddy did a triple Backflip they all crashed threw the wall.
Diddy: That has got to hurt!
They were all Unconcus
Red: Uh
Dk then woke up
Dk: Diddy!
Dk jumped down and hugged Diddy
Dk: yo wut’s up man?
Diddy: Nothing man
Dk: Great!
Diddy: Hey Dk go smash that Red Turtle and then let’s get out of here ok?
Dk: Sure dude
Diddy then handed Dk a bat
Red didn’t see it
Dk walked over slowly
Red: Oh no get away from me
Dk: Hey man im not gonna hurt you
Red: U aint?
Dk: Naw
Dk then got real close to him
Dk: Im gonna kill ya!
He said with a smile on his face
He then smacked him real hard
Red flew out of the arena
Announcer: Here is your winner…………Dk!!!!!!
Diddy: Come on man let’s go see Mario
They went up to see Mario
Diddy: Yo Mario wut’s crakin?
Mario: Nothing man haven’t seen you in a while
Diddy: Well it’s been hard ya know
Mario: Ya well Koopa’s up next
Dk: Cool
They all sat up there
Announcer: Here is your next contestant…………..Koopa!
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaa
Koopa walked out
Koopa: they like me they really really like me!
Announcer: And his opponent……………Ganondorf!!!!!
Koopa: What?!
Mario: No way
Diddy: Oh god
Dk: Oh no!
Ganondorf: Eh ha ha ha!
Koopa: Ahhhhh
Ganondorf: Can you spell dead?
Koopa: Uh um yes
Ganondorf: Spell it!
Koopa: Ummmmmmmm D……..e……..a…..
Ganondorf: You ideot you aint sipposta spell it
Koopa: Wut?
Ganondorf: Nevermind
Dk: Man all he has to do is go out there and try his best but instead he make’s an a** out of himself
Mario: There’s Koopa for ya
Ganondorf then did a Worlock’s foot and Knocked Koopa into the wall
5 minutes later Ganondorf was kicking his but then
a large ship flew down onto the course
Ganondorf got on one side of it and Koopa got on the other
Then the door opened and Fox , Samus , Ness & C.Falcon came out
They all went up to the top row with Mario
Mario: Hey guy’s!
Fox: Hi
They all shook hands
By the time the ship left on  it’s own Koopa & Ganondorf were up
C.Falcon: wut’s going on?
Mario: Well Koopa is getting Killed out there?
C.Falcon: By who?
Mario: Ganondorf
C.Falcon: Be right back
C.Falcon ran down there
C.Falcon: Hey Ganon!
Ganondorf: Oh Hi wut do u want?
C.Falcon: I wanna fight
Ganondorf: K
They began fighting for about 7 minutes till Koopa was up and walking a bit
Ganondorf then knocked C.Falcon down hard
Ganondorf: Ha ha ha
Koopa: No
C.Falcon was Koopa’s favorite character on the game so he was mad
Koopa in his head: C.Falcon always’s said never give up and always’s fight for the American flag.
Koopa then picked up a pokeball and threw it at him
Ho-Oh came out
And shot fire out at him
Ganondorf: Ahhh eh oww ouh
Koopa then pulled out an American flag and smacked him hard in the face
Ganondorf was out cold
Announcer: here is your winner Koopa!!!!!!!!
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaa
Mario: He did it
The crowd clapped their hands
Mario: Well now it’s my match
Announcer: Now it’s time for the main event, Here’s the next contestant…………..Yoshi & Boshi!!!
This hard rock music started playing like Metalica
Crowd: Booooooooooo
Yoshi: Screw you!!!
Announcer: Here is Mario!!!!!
The Mario classical theme started playing
The crowd went ballistic
Announcer: Here is the final Contestant………….
Samus: I wonder who it is
Fox: Maybe Link
Dk: Wut bout Falco
Diddy: Or maybe Zelda
Ness: Or Wario
They all looked at Ness sarcasticly
Ness: What it could be true
Mario: I hope this works
Everyone: What!?!?!?!?!?!
Yoshi & Boshi: What?
Bowser: Mario let’s kick some but!

Pt 9

Yoshi: So Bowser ready to get your but kicked some more?
Bowser: Well actually I think you should be saying that to yourself
Boshi: You just don’t get it Bowser eh we are the better team
Mario: Yeah right
Yoshi: Oh yea
Mario: Yeah
Yoshi then picked up a Freezie at Mario
Mario froze
Bowser: Uh oh
Yoshi & Boshi charged at him
They began to push each other off
Bowser was too powerful for them
Then Boshi’s eye’s truned Red and he pushed so hard he flew into the wall
Bowser was a little hurt
Bowser then picked up a crate and threw it on the ground
3 fighting evil koopa’s came out
Bowser: Yes
They held Boshi & Yoshi off for 3 minutes
Bowser then picked up a pokeball and threw it at Yoshi it missed and hit Frozen Mario
En-tea or wutever his name is came out and shot fire up and down the course Yoshi & Boshi got hit a little and Mario unfroze
Mario: Ughh Bowser what happened?
Bowser: Never mind that
Boshi then picked up a screw attack and threw it at Bowser
Bowser dodged it
Mario then charged at Boshi and hit him with a super jump punch
Boshi flew up at least 7 feet in the air then retaliated with a kick to the face
Mario flew back 11 feet
Bowser and Yoshi were fighting Yoshi had Bowser in a Dk cannon and threw a motion sensor bomb at it
It got stuck
Mario saw it
Mario: Oh nO!
Mario then tauted Boshi
Mario: Hey Boshi you big blue moron im over here?
Boshi: You making fun of me?
Mario then jumped in front of Bowser in the cannon
Mario: Yea dummy
Boshi: That’s it
Boshi charged at him
Mario jumped out of the way
Boshi crashed into the cannon and him and Bowser exploded and flew into the wall
They were both unconceus
Yoshi: No brother!
Yoshi then took down Mario
Yoshi had him pinned down
Yoshi: Why did you do that you moron!
Mario flipped him on his back
Mario: Cuz I did
Then they turned
Yoshi: You cant treat the Yoshi family like that
They turned over again
Mario: You cant cripple my brother like that
They flipped over again
Yoshi: I can do anything I want
A boo-omb showed up
Mario: Well you better pray he doesn’t see us
Yoshi saw it
Yoshi: No not a boo-omb
Yoshi tried to push off him
Mario held on to him
Mario: Not today
The boo-omb seen them
Yoshi: No , no no Nooooooooooooooooo
The boo-omb came over then
They both flew into the wall
15 minutes later
Mario got up
Annoncer: Here is your winner’s…………….Mario & Bowser!!!!!1
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
They all left after
1 week later at the kingdom
Fox , Samus , C.Falcon & Ness decided to move in the castle
Fox , Koopa , Diddy , & Toad were playing super smash bro’s melee
Dk & Ness were playing doubles against Samus & C.Falcon in Tennis
And Peach and Mario were in the house
Peach: That was a great battle Mario
Mario: Well I had to do it
Peach: True
There was a knock at the door
Mario answered it
Mario: Hello……..ah
Bowser was there
Bowser: Hello Mario
Mario: Um Hi
Bowser: Well I just wanted to say that that was the best battle I have ever had and I was wondering how bout trouse?
Mario: Ummmmmmm

Pt 10

Mario: Well I guess
Bowser: Great thanks
Bowser then went home
Peach: Who was that?
Mario: Bowser
Peach: What did he want?
Mario: Well he said truse
Peach: What?!
Mario: He wants us to be friend’s now
Peach: Well I wouldn’t trust him ya know
Mario: I no Peach
There then was a ring on the phone
Mario: Hello?
Yoshi: Hey dummy
Mario: What do you want?
Yoshi: Well actually I came to inform you that me and my friend’s have just formed a group so we can whipe your little group out of here wut im saying is that I have a gang of 10!
Mario: What?!
Yoshi: That’s write
Mario: Oh no
Yoshi: Guess who they are buddy
Mario: Who???
Yoshi: Umm let’s see maybe Me! , Boshi! , Warluigi! , Dark Link! , Shadow! , Ganondorf! , Banjo! , Falco! , Wario!! , and a secret guy!
Mario: Uhh
Mario passed out
Peach ran in
Peach picked up the phone
Peach: Who is this!?!?!
Yoshi: Have a nice day ha ha ha
Half hour later Mario woke up
Mario: Uh where a I?
Mario went in her huge backyard
Mario: Everyone I need your attention
Everyone went over there
Dk: Wut’s happing?
Mario: Well I jst got a call from Yoshi
Diddy: Oh no
Mario: And it looks like he aint threw with us
Ness: What?
Mario: He just formed a group to destroy us!
C.Falcon: Oh No!
Mario: And the guy’s are……….Yoshi! , Boshi! , Warluigi!
Samus: No!
Mario: Dark Link! , Shadow! ,  Ganondorf!
Toad: Ahhhhhh!!!!!
Mario: Banjo! , Falco!
Fox: No not Falco!
Mario: Wario!!!
Koopa: Cant this madness end!
Mario: And a secret opponent
Everyone: Ughhh
Ness: What we gonna do?
C.Falcon: What you think we gonna do were gonna fight them right?
Mario: Well yes we are they are going to challenge us soon probily
They all went into the castle to sleep
2 weeks later
the phone rang
Mario: Hello
Yoshi: Hey
Mario: Oh no!
Yoshi: Mario we challenge you  to a 10 man battle in the dome ok in 3 months ok?
Mario: Ok but y 3 months?
Yoshi: U need time to get ready
Mario: Ok
Yoshi: Bye
Mario went outside and told everyone
Mario: Id suggest everyone should work out ok?
Peach: Who’s gonna be your last man you only have 9!
Mario: Who do we have now?
Peach: Koopa,Dk,Diddy,Falcon,Samus,Ness,Fox, you , Toad!
Mario: Ok
Peach: Phone Bowser
Mario phoned Bowser and he excepted to be in.

Kick Dr. Mario out of town because Dr. Wario is in da house!
Kick Dr. Mario out of town because Dr. Wario is in da house!

« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2003, 11:43:13 PM »
Sorry about the swearing hope you undertsand

Pt 11
Mario: Come on pick up!
Bowser: Hello
Mario: Hi look Bowser can you come down to the castle for a minute?
Bowser: Sure man be there in a sec
Mario hung up the phone and as soon as he hung up the phone Bowser was knocking on there back door
Mario was startled
Mario went to the back door
Mario: How did you get here so fast?
Bowser: Where ever a fire is I will be there it is like a warpipe
Mario: Oh, where’s the fire
Bowser: Oh Koopa is roasting marshmellow’s in the back
Mario: Ha ha ok
Bowser: So why did ya phone me?
Mario: Well Yoshi wants to have a 20 man battle match in the dome
Bowser: What?! I thought we were done with him
Mario: Well I guess not but this time we have to knock him off the planet got it!
Bowser: Ya I suppose
Mario: Great
Bowser: Where is everybody the only people here is U me & Koopa
Mario: Well they are at the gym training for the battle
Bowser: Right
Mario: Wanna go play Gamecube?
Bowser: Alright!

At Yoshi’s place
Yoshi: Man Mario is gonna be sorry he messed with me
Falco: I know I cant wait till I show Fox that I aint his little trooper no more.
Ganondorf: I will once again show C.Falcon not to mess with the best.
Shadow: I have to rule this place I have to! They think they can talk trash about Shadow well then there toast!
Banjo: Dk & Diddy have been screwing me around for 3 year’s now and Im done with it now there dead putting me in Diddy Kong Racing Sheesh!
Wario: Mario just better watch his but or his’s mine!

At Peaches
There was a knock at the door
Mario: Hello
Sonic: Hey brother
Mario: Sonic?!
Sonic: Yo man what’s happening
Mario: Nothing wut you doing here?
Sonic: Well I have some good new’s and some bad new’s
Mario: What?
Sonic: Well I was at the gym and Toad tried to bench press 50 pounds and hurt his arm’s real bad so he cant compete in this battle thing.
Mario: Oh no
Sonic: And the good new’s is that im taking his place!
Mario: Yes
Sonic: Well im going back to the gym it will only take me about 10 second’s anyway ok peace!
Mario: Bye

At Yoshi’s
Shadow: Now it look’s like Sonic is in this battle now I have something to beat on!
Dark Link: Im doing this for one reason because Ness stole my spotlight so now I must get him back!
Wario: Mario is gonna wish he was never born!

Pt 123 day’s later at Mario’s
Mario had a meeting outside
Mario: People we have 3 week’s left till we battle now Toad should be able to battle in three week’s so we will be ok.
Fox: What are the rule’s for this err battle?
Samus: Well the rules are no hold’s barred this is like street fighting do DQ no exception’s just fight until you are done.
Diddy: Nope actually it is the same but more detail it will be ilimination only!
Ness: Oh tay!

At Yoshi’s
Waluigi: So Wario who am I gonna fight?
Wario: Uhh you take Samus
Waluigi: Great!
Boshi: This is goning to be good but we only have 3 week’s left before we battle.
Secret Guy: Everyone listen up! Just a warning! As soon as we step into the battle field we cannot go back were are in for blood , sweat , and mostly pain! We will not back out , down or even try giving up. We are going to get rid of whomever is in our path don’t be scared if your opponent is bigger , faster , or stronger then you just give it your best shot. Ok that is all!

Pt 12

3 week’s later at the dome!
Announcer: Hello Everbody!
Crowd: Yeaaaaa
Announcer: Now here tonight we are going to have some brutal matches. The following contest is a elimination 20 man battle!
Crowd: Yeaaaaaa
(Now I am going to do it like the WWE announcer does it)
Announcer: Here we gooo!!!!
Now first introducing the Red team!
Crowd: Yeaaaaa
1st weighing in a 66 pound’s the fastest animal that ever lived………….Sonic!!!!
Music: (It played that music from the first Sonic game)
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaa
Sonic: Wow! Wut an ovasion
2nd covered with Dark Brown Fur weighing in a 380 pound’s………..Dk!
Music: Here Here here we go! So he’s finally here performing for you if yoyu know the word’s you can join in too!
3rd weighing in a 103 pound’s from the planet fight for free will………Fox!!
Music: It played Mr. Roboto by Syxx I think
Fox: Wow I never get an applause like this
4th weighing in 144 pound’s from the core of the earth………….Samus!!!
Crowd: Samus ! Samus !
5th weighing in a 88 pound’s a boy with psyhic power’s……….Ness!
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaa
Ness: Oh Tay!
6th weighing in a 55 pound’s the cartwheeling , backflipping feen…………..Diddy!
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaa whooooooo
Diddy: Wow there giving me a better ovasion then Dk
7th weighing in a 266 pound’s the true icon of Usa ……………C.Falcon!!
Music: I am a real American fight for the right and every man!
Crowd: USA! USA! USA!
8th Now introducing the Captain of the team………..Mario!!!!!!
Crowd: Yea!!!!!!!!!!
Music: Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh were the Mario bro’s and plumbing our game were not like the other’s star’s who get all the fame (super Mario bro’s super show intro)
9th weighing in a 30 pound’s………..
Sonic: Wait
Announcer: What?
Sonic: We just got word that Toad cant fight here today
Announcer: Who will be the last man
*****: I will
Then the Mario bro’s intro started playing
Luigi jumped out
Mario: Luigi!?!?!?
Luigi: Hop ta go
They did there hug’s and crap
Now introducing the Black team…………
Ganondrof weighing in a 318 pound’s
Waluigi weighing in a 98 pound’s
Dark Link weighing in a 115 pound’s
Shadow weighing in a 76 pound’s
Falco weighing in a 99 pound’s
Yoshi weighing in a 108 pounds
Banjo weighing in a 100 pounds
Boshi weighing in a 130 pounds
And the secret character will come in the end

Announcer: I just got word that Ganondorf will be in on the black team
Mario: I chose……..
*****: Me!!!
Then Koopa jumped into the dome
He was wearing a superhero cape in red white and blue and a red white & blue bandana
Super Koop!
Then nickleback was playing Hero song
Koopa started spinning around and stuff It was quite funny
Mario: Ha ha I guess ha ha that’s ha ok
Ganondorf: It’s ok is it
Then Ganondorf booted Koopa into the wall
Dk: He once again make’s an ideot out of himself
Koopa then stood up
And charged at him Ganondorf gave him the worlock’s foot in the face it knocked Koopa 10 feet
Then Koopa got up and took him down
Crowd: Yeaaaaaa
Koopa then started smacking him in the face
Ganondorf pushed him off then Koopa tried to take him down again
Ganondorf moved then
Koopa tripped and by the time he got up Ganondorf hit his Good punch
Koopa smashed against the wall
30 seconds later after Ganondorf tauted the fan’s
Koopa then got up and smacked Ganondorf with a USA Flag
Crowd: Usa Usa
Ganondorf then got up and gave him the Gerudo Dragon then then Dark Dive.
Koopa flew up into the air and crashed down hard onto the dirt.
Announcer: Koopa is Eliminated
Announcer: Next up C.Falcon
Ganondorf: You wanna die too?
C.Falcon: No, do you?
C.Falocn then hit him with a Falcon Kick then a Falcon Dive.
Ganondorf flug into the air.
Ganondorf came down feet first then he tried a Wizard’s foot but it missed then C.Falcon gave him a Falcon punch then Ganondorf crashed into the wall.
Announcer: Ganondorf is Eliminated
Announcer: Next up Waluigi
Waluigi jumped into the arena
Waluigi: He he ha
C.Falcon: Your toast
Waluigi: No Im not
C.Falcon tried to hit the Falcon kick but then Waluigi hit him with a hockey stick.
C.Falcon tried to get up but Waluigi then kicked him right in the back.
Waluigi then gave him a super punch. C.Falcon slid across the dirt.
Waluigi: Ha ha ha
Waluigi walked over
C.Falcon jumped up and jabbed him in the face 6 times then gave him the raptor boast Waluigi flew up in the air. Waluigi came down and kicked him in the face.
C.Falcon spun around then Waluigi threw dirt in his eyes. Then He got a green Shell and threw it at him. C.Falcon flew into the wall.
Announcer: C.Falcon Eliminated
Announcer: Samus is next
Waluigi: Now I have to beat a girl
Samus: I’d watch it if I was you.

Pt 13

Samus then shot 3 missles at Waluigi
Waluigi smacked them with a lead pipe
Samus then charged up for her Charge Shot
Waluigi quickly charged at her
She then rolled out of the way
And used her Screw attack
Waluigi flew up in the air
Samus then began charging it up
Waluigi came down and kicked her right in the back then he smacked her with a Beam sword.
Samus slid across into the wall
Samus almost had he charge attack charged up she then charged it up fully
Waluigi didn’t see her charging it up
Smaus jumped up and used Bomb attack
Three tiny bomb’s came out and created smoke
Then Samus jumped behind him because he couldn’t see through the smoke
Then the smoke faded
Waluigi turned around
Waluigi: Huh?
Samus: Buh Bye
She then shot her Charge attack at him
Waluigi got hit in the chest
Waluigi flew into the wall
Announcer: Waluigi Eliminated
Announcer: Next up Dark Link
Dark Link jumped out
Dark Link: Well Well Well who do we have here?
Samus: Me!
Dark Link: well of course
Samus: Well you ready to rumble?
Dark Link: Of Course
Dark Link then grabbed a beam sword and threw it at Samus
Samus caught it
Samus: Huh?
Dark Link: Use it were going to battle the old fashion way
Dark Link then pulled out his sword and tried to slice Samus
Samus blocked it with her sword
Then began battling and of Course Dark Link was winning with his great sword techniques.
Samus was getting tired
Dark Link wasn’t even getting started
Samus let her guard down
Then Dark Link smacked her in the face with the sword
Samus fell to the ground still breathing
Dark Link walked over to her, and put his sword on her neck
Dark Link: Give up yet
Samus jumped up and smashed him with her metal arm then charged up
But then he ran under her leg’s and used the spin attack.
Samus flew up and came down hard.
Announcer: Samus Eliminated
Announcer: Next Ness
Ness flew from out of the sky and came crashing down hard on Dark Link.
Dark Link’s sword flew out of his hands.
Ness was already on top of him
Then he started punching Dark Link in the face
Then he did Pk Fire on him
Then Dark Link jumped up
Dark Link: So you wanna fight eh?
Ness: Oh tay!

Pt 14

Ness & Dark Link started fighting
Ness did Pk Fire again and got fire in Dark Link’s eyes
Ness then pulled out his bat and smacked Dark Link with it
Dark Link flung in the air
And came crashing down hard
Ness: Ha ha ha ha ha
Dark Link: Uhh…hh..hh you dummy
Ness then used his Pk thunder or wutever and shot it into his self and shot at Dark Link.
Dark Link smashed into the wall.
Ness: Oh Tay
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
Announcer: Dark Link eliminated!!!
Announcer: Next up Shadow
Shadow didn’t show up then
Shadow spun right into Ness from behind real hard
Ness crashed onto the ground
Crowd: Boooooooooo
Ness was getting up to his feet
Shadow: Let me show you my real power
He then grabbed a home run bat and smacked Ness right in the back hard
Ness flew into the wall.
Shadow: Hahahha
Crowd: Booooooooo
Shadow then went over to Ness
Then Ness tried to smack him with his bat
Shadow caught nit and took his bat away
Shadow: No Ness you shouldn’t play with bat’s
Ness: Give………….back
Shadow: Ok
He then cracked it over his knee and it broke in half
Ness: Auhhhhh!!!!
Shadow: There
Shadow threw him the broken bat
Ness: No…not…my..bat!
Shadow: Wut’s wrong Ness??
Ness looked at him about to cry
Shadow: Huemmm Scared you’ll get beat??
Ness: No….That…was…the..only…thing….my…father…gave…me…before…he…died!
Shadow: Oh and im supposed to feel sorry for you well guess wut? I don’t!
Ness: U evil man
Shadow: You betta belive it
Shadow then kicked Ness right between the eye’s
Ness was out
Announcer: Ness eliminated
Shadow: Heh Heh Heh
Announcer:Next Sonic
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaaaa
Shadow: Heh Heh heh about time
Sonic: Shadow why would you do that?
Shadow: Do what?
Sonic: Hurt lil Ness
Shadow: Well I have my reason’s
Sonic: Yea me too and I don’t like em!
Sonic then did a spin attack right into Shadow
Shadow fell to the ground
Shadow: You little!
They began fighting
It was really hard to see and it wasn’t very fun to watch
The dome ground was sand and dirt so when they were fighting they spin around a lot so all the dust and sand fly’s into the air and get’s in people’s eye’s.
Shadow had Sonic pinned to the ground
Shadow: Heh Heh Heh look’s like    Sonic cant finish the job ether eh?
Sonic then kicked him in the ribs
They then began fighting again
Then Sonic gave him one last blow to the gut. Then he smacked him with then baseball bat.
Shadow was out cold
Announcer: Shadow eliminated!
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaa
Announcer: Next up……..Fal!
Falco darted out from the crowd and smoked Sonic with the ring bell in the face.
Sonic was out
Falco grabbed the mic
Falco: Fox get your butt out here now!
Fox came out
Falco: Now listen Fox im not going to let you win im going to do wutevea I want I don’t care if I get disqualified. All I care about is whipping your but!
Fox: Well Falco I always’s thought you were the best member of Star Fox team but I guess you will have to run in third with Slippy
Crowd: Hahahahahahaha
Falco: Slippy!
Fox: Yup
Falco: Slippy is the worst darn guy on the Star Fox team he got send off to that planet and we should have left him there! I hated him so much!
Fox: Hah ha ha
Falco: What?
Fox: Well actually Falco Slippy & Peppy are in the crowd
Falco: They are?! Where?
Fox: Over there
He say them
Peppy had a frown on his face
Falco: Oh hi guys!
Slippy gave him the finger
Falco: What you little
Fox then attacked him
Fox attacked him with a wooden stick
Falco then grabbed it and snapped it over his knee
Falco: How did you like that?
Fox: ?
Falco then tackled him to the ground
Falco started punching him in the face
Fox then started punching him in the face
Falco kicked him off
They then grappled up
Fox then kicked him in the air
Then kicked him again
Then again the gave him the reflector move
He then shot up again
Then he gave him the fire fox
Falco flew in the air and came crashing down
Fox then looked at the crowd
Crowd: Fox Fox Fox Fox!
Falco then picked up a boo-omb and hid it behind his back
Fox walked over
Fox: You give up yet?
Falco: Yea man help me up
Fox then picked him up
Falco did a backflip and then threw the boo-omb at him
Fox: Arggga
Fox flew in the air
Falco: Heh heh heh
Fox was hurt bad
Falco walked over to him
Falco: Done yet?
Fox got up and punched him hard
They then battled for 10 minutes then
Fox grabbed a home run bat and smacked Falco right in the face
Falco flew up into the air
Fox: Hey! That’s the first time I saw him fly hahahaha
Falco flew at least 100 feet in the air and came crashing down hard
Announcer: Falco Elimianted
Announcer: Next up Banjo!
Banjo walked out
Banjo had Boxing gloves on
Banjo: Ready to fight!?

Pt 15

Fox: Yep
They began fighting
Banjo then started whaling Fox in the face hard
Fox was like a punching bag
Banjo got about 10 shot’s to the face and about 15 to the ribs
Banjo was hitting hard too
Fox then used Fire Fox
Banjo blocked it
And used his super Jab
He whaled him right in the nose and knocked Fox flying into the wall
Banjo: Hahahahahaha
Announcer: Fox eliminated!
Banjo: That will teach em!
Announcer: Next up Dk!
Dk walked out with boxing gloves on
Dk: You ready?
Banjo: Yes
They began boxing
Banjo was the better though
Dk then took his boxing gloves off and started kicking banjo’s butt
They battled for 19 minutes
Then Banjo threw a crate at Dk
It had explosive’s in it
Dk got hit and burned
Dk was out
Announcer: Dk Eliminated
Announcer: Next up Luigi!
Banjo: heh heh heh
Luigi came out all mad and stuff
Luigi: Hup-ta-go
Banjo: What?
Luigi then ran over super fast and started punching & kicking Banjo’s butt
Luigi then hit the Super Jump Punch and knocked Banjo airborn.
Announcer: Banjo eliminated
Announcer: Next upYoshi
Luigi: Yes
Yoshi came out
Yoshi: Your toast!
They talked trash for about 3 minutes then began fighting
They battled for about 25 minutes till Yoshi smacked Luigi in the back with the Lip Stick poisen flower. Luigi was poisoned.
Luigi got up then Yoshi kicked him right inbetween the eye’s
Luigi slid across the dirt
Yoshi stood about 13 feet away from Luigi
Yoshi just stood there
Crowd: Yoshi Suck’s! Yoshi Sucks!
Yoshi: Shut up!
Yoshi walked over with a boo-omb
Yoshi stood over Luigi
Yoshi: You ready to die
Luigi eye’s were closed
Then he jumped up
Luigi: Not today junior!
Luigi kicked the boo-omb back in Yoshi’s face
Yoshi flew threw the concreate wall
Announcer: Yoshi eliminated
Announcer: Next up Wario
Wario came from behind and clobbered Luigi
Luigi slid across the dirt
Wario picked up Luigi and beat the crap out of him for about 9 minutes
Then he threw him on the ground
Wario then looked around for weapons
Luigi saw a life heart about 6 feet away from him
Luigi crawled for it
Wario was looking for other item’s so he didn’t see Luigi go after it
Luigi crawled for it more
Luigi: Got……to……get….that….heart
Luigi was about 2 feet away when Wario Spotted him
Wario: Huh…..No nO no no!
Wario ran after it
Luigi grabbed it
Luigi jumped up
They began fighting
Luigi was only 50% though
Luigi hit a super punch
Wario flew 3 feet away
Luigi grabbed a crate and threw it in the air
It came down and crashed
And boo-omb , paper fan , motion sencor bomb and a super mushroom & poisen mushroom came out
Luigi grabbed the super mushroom
Luigi turned huge
Luigi then grabbed Wario and threw him in the way of the Poison Shroom
Wario turned small
Wario: Hey you big ideot
He said in a squeaky voice
Luigi then found a golf club and smashed Wario
Wario flew out of the arena
Announcer: Wario eliminated
Luigi: Yes
Luigi turned back to his normal size
Announcer: Next up Boshi
Boshi walked out
Luigi looked at him
Luigi was about 80%
Luigi seen a maximum tomatoe
He grabbed it
Luigi was 100%
Boshi: Remember last time we met?
Luigi: Yep and that’s all gonna change!

Pt 16

The locked up
Boshi the stronger
They then began fighting
It was brutal
Boshi then set up a 30 foot ladder
And set up a table
2 tables
3 tables
Boshi then powerbombed Luigi threw it one table
They were sorta having a wrestling match a bit
Then Boshi climbed to the 10 step on the ladder
And jumped off onto Luigi
Luigi was squashed
Boshi then set up another table and threw Luigi on it
Boshi then climbed to the top of the 18 step
And jumped off
Luigi moved
Boshi went crashing threw the table
Luigi got up 5 minutes later and picked Boshi up and put him on a table
Luigi the climbed to the top of the 30 foot ladder
Crowd: Luigi! Luigi! Luigi!
Luigi then did a flip off the ladder and threw Boshi
Luigi got hurt too
Luigi wasn’t moving for a minute or 6
Boshi was hurt too badly
Luigi then got up and looked around for weapons
Luigi was really mad at Boshi for what he did to him before
Luigi: That guy is dead meat
Luigi then found a steel chair
Luigi slid it by Boshi
Boshi was making it up to his feet
Luigi then found a lightbulb and threw it by Boshi
Boshi then got up and charged at Luigi
Luigi was shocked
Boshi hit him hard
Boshi then picked up the chair and started smacking him with it hard
After 4 chair shot’s Boshi then threw him around like a rag doll
Then Luigi started fighting back
They fought for about 20 minutes till Luigi punched Boshi in the b*lls
Boshi fell down
Luigi was really mad
And started smacking Boshi with the chair again harder
Boshi was screaming in ag-I-ny
Luigi then looked around for more weapons
He then found some gasoline
He poured it on Boshi
Luigi: Your gonna burn!
Luigi got a lighter and lit Boshi on fire
Boshi was burning till he got put out
Announcer: Boshi Eliminated
The crowd was disquested with Luigi behavior
Crowd: Luigi sucks! Luigi Sucks!
Luigi: Screw you too then!
Announcer: Next up …………….
Mario was in the audience
Mario: Who will it be?
Announcer: Mr. Game & Watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mario: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Bowser was sitting up there with him
Bowser: Oh no! were toast!
Luigi was shocked
Luigi: Mr……Game….&….watch….?!
Mr.Game: He he he dead meat!

Kick Dr. Mario out of town because Dr. Wario is in da house!
Kick Dr. Mario out of town because Dr. Wario is in da house!

« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2003, 11:45:27 PM »
Sorry if there is any swearing hope you undertsand

Pt 17

Luigi: No! how? Me and Mario destroyed you long ago
Mr.Game: Well im back and a lot tougher
Luigi: Well you aint gonna pass me
Luigi charged at Him
Mr.Game moved fast
Luigi almost crashed into the wall
Luigi: whoa
Mr.Game: Heh heh heh
Luigi: Now way
Mr.Game then smacked him with #1 hammer
Luigi catipolted into the wall
Luigi was out
Announcer: Luigi Eliminated!
Mario: Ahhhhhh
Announcer: Next up Bowser
Bowser walked out
Bowser: Let’s do this!
Bowser and Mr.Game started fighting
Bowser then grabbed a beam sword and started beating him with it.
Mr.Game was hardly feeling it
Bowser then gave Mr.Game a headbutt
Mr.Game finally fell down
Bowser then threw a pokeball out
Jigglypuff came out and sung
Mr.Game fell asleep
Bowser had a chance to capitialize
Bowser went in the back
I minute later
He came out with a golf cart
There were 2 boo-omb’s on the frount
Mr.Game then woke up when
Bowser crashed into him flung in the air and came down on his back
Bowser also hit the explosion and he slid across the ground in the cart
Mr.Game then got up
Bowser was hurt
The cart was laying on his leg and his forhead was busted open
Bowser then got up
Bowser leg was messed up
Mr. Game was at about 70%
Mr.Game then started slapping Bowser around like he was a *****.
Bowser then threw him off
Bowser tried to walk but couldn’t he was too hurt
Mr.Game then grabbed a tennis racket and smacked Bowser bad leg
Bowser then did the whirling fortesse
Mr.Game spun around all dizzy
Bowser then headbutted him
Mr.Game flew in the air and came crashing down
Bowser then grabbed a maximum tomatoe
Bowser was now about 70% now
Bowser then grabbed a metal block
Mr.Game then tried smacking him around
Didn’t work
Bowser then used the Bowser bomb
He squashed Mr.Game
Bowser had Mr.Game
Mr.Game grabbed a boo-omb and hit Bowser with it
They both got hurt in the explosion
Mr.Game then smacked him with his hammer
Bowser flew up high in the air and came crashing down
Announcer: Bowser Eliminated
Crowd: Booooooo
Announcer: Next up Mario
The crowd went bal-is-tic
Crowd: Mario! Mario! Mario!
Mario came out
Mario: You ready to do this?
Mr.Game: Darn skippy!

Pt 18

Mario: How did you get back………….I deleted you?
Mr.Game: Well I have my way’s you know I am the strongest guy on this planet so I can get back whenever.
Mario: Well this time there is no going back!
Mario then ran at him
Mr.Game moved
Mr.Ghame was at about 50% right now
Mario then got a ray gun and started fireing
Mr.Game and watch kept jumping and flipping out of the way then he accidently got hit
Mr.Game slid a foot or too
Mario then slid at him
Then he flew in the air
Then Mario gave him a headbutt
Then another
Then another
Then another
Mr.Game was a little dizzy
So Mario gave him a super punch
Mr.Game was in dream land
Mr.Game: Wuts…..going…on?
Mario then grabbed a sledge hammer and smacked him in the back
He fell to the ground
Mario then got on top of him and started punching him in the face
Mr.Game then kicked Mario off
Mario charged at him
Mr.Game smacked him with his hammer
Mr game got 3 on his flag
Mario was dizzy
Then Mr.Game smacked him with a pool Q
Mario spun around
Then Mr.Game wacked him with a bucket
Then he grabbed a computer monitor and smashed it over Mario’s head
Mario fell to the ground
Mr.Game: Ha ha ha
Mr.Game then went the look for more weapon’s
Mr.Game found a 2/4  he walked over to Mario
And tried to wack him with it but Mario kicked it out of his hands
Mr.Game then picked up a chair
Mario drop kicked it back into his face
Mr.Game fell down
Mario then went and found a bag of mousetrap’s
He started throwing them at Mr.Game
Mr.Game: Ow eee ah eww ouch
Mr.Game then smacked Mario with his Hammer
He got flag # 6
Mario froze for a second
Mr.Game pulled out another Golf Cart and drove into Mario
Mario broke out and moved
Mr.Game made a sharp turn and he flew out of the cart
Mario hopped into the car and drove after him
Mr.Game fell down
Mario drove over him
Mario: Darn! Mr Game is flat. He is mad out of paper
Mr.Game came over and clubbed Mario in the back
Mr.Game stood there
Mario was at about 15% and Mr.Game was at about 35%
MR.Game: Any Last word’s?
Mario then thought
Mario in his head: If Mr.Game is flat then he is paper then I could burn him
Mario jumped up and started throwing Fireball’s at him
Mr.Game: No!
Mr.Game tried to run but couldn’t
Mario then found some pokeball’s there were 6
He threw one
Electrode no good
Next he threw out Golden no good
Then Blastoise
Then Marill
Then Charizard Bingo
Mario ran after Mr.Game
Mr.Game was scared of Mario’s fireball that he ran
Mr.Game was too fast for Mario so Mario couldn’t catch him
Mario wanted to leed him into Charizard but Mr.Game was too fast
Charizard went away
Mario then threw out Pikachu
No good
He then flew out Ho-Oh!
Mario: Yes
Mr.Game: No no no! please no!
Ho-Oh: Ho-oh!!!!!!!!
Ho-Oh then shot a huge pit of Fire at Mr.Game
Mr.Game: Nooooo
Mr.Game turned to ashes
Announcer: Here is your winning team Mario!!!!!!!
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
Everybody went back to the castle
3 month’s later
there was a knock at the door
Mario answered it
Mario: Yes……….aH!
Wario: Hi…..Mario
Mario: What do you want?!
Wario: Well Mario I just wanted to say im sorry for everything and I was wondering if we could barry the hachet
Mario: What!?
Wario: Look I made the wrong choice ok I should have never been with those other guy’s trust me man please?
Mario: Well ok but first you have to make a apology
*****: Pssstttt
Mario: Huh
*****: Psttttt Wario
Mario: Who’s that?
Wario: Oh umm sorry Mario I was wondering if me and Waluigi could ive in the castle
Waluigi jumped out of the bushes
Waluigi: Hey man
Mario: Well I guess if you give everybody a apolligy ok?
Wario: Ok

More will happen on the next story!

Kick Dr. Mario out of town because Dr. Wario is in da house!
Kick Dr. Mario out of town because Dr. Wario is in da house!
