
Author Topic: Super Smash Brothers: WWE style!  (Read 57829 times)

« Reply #135 on: July 01, 2004, 01:26:44 PM »
Great indeed.  You are brilliant, Jman!

Mario has fused with the N-force!
Mario has fused with the N-force!

« Reply #136 on: July 01, 2004, 09:36:31 PM »
Yay! Pikachu won!

"Deezer is a moron, he listens to people like you guys, well, actually, he''''s barely working on his site anymore, always busy with other crap. Sapphira and Chupperson feel like they own the forum, or at least they act it"~jon
Deezer was here.


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« Reply #137 on: July 09, 2004, 07:56:10 AM »
Diddy:  Well, here we are as we prepare to begin the 10 man elimination match!  Here we go!  The rules are as follows: These two teams will battle until one team emerges victorious by eliminating all members of the opposing team!  Mario and Bowser start us off as they lock up center of the ring!  Bowser pushes Mario down, and K.Rool slips a chair to Bowser when the ref isn’t looking!

Cranky: Watch out Mario!  Oh!  K.Rool’s cheating pays off as Bowser smacks Mario in the skull with a steel chair!  Now he throws Mario to the outside!  Luigi over to check on him!

Diddy:  Bowser rolls Mario back into the ring.  Now he glares over at Luigi Lover!  Man, he really hates her!  What did that kid do to earn Bowser’s hatred?

Cranky:  Well, she did beat him in a six person tag match with help from Jman!

Diddy:  A truly great moment in Super Smash Brothers lore!  Bowser tags in Wario, and Wario starts punching Mario!  Mario fights back, and now he whips Wario across the ring!  Oh man!

Cranky:  Mario and Wario collide in mid-air!  Both men down!  What a match this is turning out to be!  And I have a feeling we ain’t seen nothing yet!  Mario crawling to his corner and he tags Jman!  Wario tags Bowser!  Oh baby!

Diddy:  This is the moment we’ve waited for since Bowser tattoed Luigi Lover with a trash can on SSB Live!  Jman right away takes it to Bowser!  Jman hasn’t forgotten… oh man!  What a DDT!  Cover! 1,2, Bowser kicked out!

Cranky:  You’ve gotta be as powerful as Bowser to kick out of that move!

Diddy:  I’ll say!  But what I was trying to say was, Jman won’t soon forget the night that Bowser almost prematurely ended the career of his friend, Luigi Lover!   Bowser plants Jman and covers! 1,2, Jman kicks out!  Both men to their corners!  Jman tags in Luigi who hops to the top rope!  Bowser tags in Boshi!  Luigi nails Boshi with a body splash! 1,2,3!  Boshi’s SSB Live debut is a short one as he is first eliminated by Luigi!  But then Bowser nails Luigi with a chair while the ref checks on Boshi!  Cover! 1,2,3!

Cranky:  Well, Bowser evens the odds by cheating Luigi out of the match!  Now Luigi Lover comes into the ring!  Bowser immediately shoves her down!  She wants nothing to do with him!  She tags in Trainman who blocks Bowser’s hand and punches him several times, knocking him down!

Diddy:  And knocking down the Koopa King is not an easy task!  Trainman tags Jman who hops to the top!  Going for a body splash!  Bowser caught him!  Super Koopa slam!  1,2, Jman just kicked out!  Jman needs to make a tag!  And he does, to Mario!

Cranky:  Mario wants Bowser!  But Bowser tags Wario instead!  Sissy!  Wario flies through the air and takes Mario down!  Mario back to his feet and OH!  A clothesline by Wario knocking Mario down!  Wario tags Waluigi who goes top rope!  And a body splash connects!  1,2,Mario just kicked out!  And now Bowser throws Mario to the outside!  The ref goes to check on him, and K.Rool said that Mario managed to tag Luigi Lover before he fell to the floor!  So she enters the ring again!

Diddy: Waitaminute!  This can’t be good!  Bowser kicks Luigi Lover in the head!  Jman clotheslines the Koopa King to the canvas!  Bowser tags K.Rool and he covers LL!  1,2,3!  K.Rool gives Bowser’s team the advantage, and we’ll be right back!

Proud to be an American!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.


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« Reply #138 on: July 09, 2004, 07:59:55 AM »
Here's the conclusion to the 10 person elimination match!

Cranky:  We’re back, and Trainman has been eliminated by K.Rool by way of a Kremlin krashdown pin!

Diddy:  This gives Bowser’s team a 4-2 advantage!  And the two men left on the good guy team are Mario and Jman, who both have another match later in the night!  Jman in that career steel cage match vs Ash Ketchum, and Mario defends his SSB title in a triple threat match!

Cranky:  Now Jman chokes Waluigi and throws him to the ground!  To the top!  WOW!  A leg drop onto Waluigi’s neck!  1,2,3!  Jman lessens the advantage to 3-2 in favor of Bowser’s team!  Jman tags Mario who meets Bowser, who tosses him out of the ring!  Bowser has hardly fought at all in this match!  K.Rool and Wario have Mario!  Oh no!  A double powerbomb through a table!  Mario is done!

Diddy: It’s gonna be 3 on 1!  K.Rool and Wario celebrate!

Cranky:  Diddy, they never got in the ring to break the count!  It’s at 9…10!  A Triple count out!  K.Rool and Wario don’t even know they’ve been eliminated!  Now they know!  Oh my!!!  K.Rool and Wario head to the locker room!

Bowser:  You idiots!  You’ve got to be the worst tag team partners I’ve ever had!

Diddy:  Bowser with harsh words directed at his eliminated teammates!  And Jman attacks from behind!  Bowser walks right into a DDT!  Cover! 1,2,Bowser just kicked out!  Bowser to his feet and he connects with a Super koopa slam!  It’s over and done!

Cranky:  Waitaminute!  Luigi Lover is back!  Bowser is staring at her with rage!  He pulls out a trash can!  Oh no!  You’ve got to be kidding me!  LL to the ring!  She ducks and Bowser hits the ref with the can!

Diddy:  How much longer can this match last?!  LL ducks another trash can shot and she kicks Bowser in the head!  Jman to his feet!  He ddt’s Bowser!  But there’s no referee!  LL drags the ref over where Jman has fallen onto Bowser!  She lifts his hand! 1,2,3!  Jman does it!  He wins the match!

Cranky:  But what condition will he be in for the biggest match of his life, a Steel Prison slaughter match for his career against Ash later tonight!!  Luigi Lover raises Jman's hand in victory for the first and perhaps the final time! But coming up next, Roy and Link battle Lemmy and Iggy Koopa!

Proud to be an American!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #139 on: July 09, 2004, 03:20:50 PM »
Bowser sure doesn't like me, eh?! Heeheehee, but you sure showed him who's boss! Congrats on your win Jman!

~*Sometimes I dream I''m being carried away by a giant squirrel... so does that make me a nut?*~
Kip: Napoleon, don''t be jealous that I''ve been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I''m training to be a cage fighter.


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« Reply #140 on: July 09, 2004, 07:09:56 PM »

Mario:  What a match, eh Luigi?

Luigi:  Cheating Bowser!  That slimebag!  Man, I'm glad Jman won!

Mario: Well, our next match is all about sweet retribution!  Roy Koopa came to SSB Live one night to do commentary, and it turned into more than that!
(video plays)

Cranky: Roy slams Kirby through the table! Kirby down, Roy picks him up and tosses him into the ring! cover by Lemmy! 1,2, and the referee is pulled out of the ring! Who did that? It's that blasted Link!
Diddy: Link ruining a win for Lemmy! Lemmy up to his feet! Link with a huge clothesline, knocking Lemmy down! Link poses on the top rope! AND NOW SOMEONE PULLS HIM OFF BALANCE!!!! WHO IS THAT? IT'S IGGY!!! IGGY KOOPA IS BACK!!

Cranky: Iggy beats the spit out of Link! Roy COMES INTO THE RING AND CLOBBERS LEMMY!! WHAT THE HECK?? Kirby crawls into a cover! 1,2,3! Kirby wins it! Link reverses Iggy on the outside and sends him into the steel pole!

Diddy: Link and Roy with a double powerbomb to Kirby! To Lemmy! To Iggy! Link and Roy walk up the ramp and celebrate! Roy has just turned on his brothers!

Mario:  As you can see, Lemmy and Iggy want their revenge in this match!  And it begins, next!

Proud to be an American!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.


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« Reply #141 on: July 09, 2004, 07:17:59 PM »
Oh man, I made a big error.  DK was originally supposed to be on the good guy team for the last match, but Luigi was there instead.  I take that back, there was no error, DK injured himself somehow, and Luigi had to take his place in that match!

Proud to be an American!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #142 on: July 11, 2004, 02:57:06 PM »
I'm rooting for Link and Roy, for no reason at all.

Mario has fused with the N-force!
Mario has fused with the N-force!

« Reply #143 on: July 11, 2004, 02:57:07 PM »
I'm rooting for Link and Roy, for no reason at all.

Mario has fused with the N-force!
Mario has fused with the N-force!

« Reply #144 on: July 11, 2004, 02:57:13 PM »
I'm rooting for Link and Roy, for no reason at all.

Mario has fused with the N-force!
Mario has fused with the N-force!


  • Score
« Reply #145 on: July 12, 2004, 09:24:09 PM »
Well, the bad news is, I'm busy all week, and I might not get the next match posted until Saturday, but the good news is that I've already completed matches 3 and 4 and they are almost ready for posting, so expect both matches around the same time!

Proud to be an American!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.


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« Reply #146 on: July 13, 2004, 10:44:39 PM »
Oh man.  I can tell you that me and Ash fought so valiantly, when it was over, one of us had to be helped from the ring!

Proud to be an American!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.


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« Reply #147 on: July 15, 2004, 10:54:35 PM »
I ran into a roadblock this week, but expect the next match or matches up this weekend.

Proud to be an American!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.


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« Reply #148 on: July 17, 2004, 11:56:27 AM »
As promised, here's the next match!

Luigi:  Here we go!  Lemmy and Iggy against Roy and Link!  Lemmy starts off against Roy!  This whole thing started on an episode of SSB Live!  Roy, as Roy clobbers Lemmy with a big right hand.  Roy came down to the ring and beat up on Kirby.  But then, he unexpectedly clobbered Lemmy, allowing Kirby to win.  Afterward, Link came down, and they beat up Kirby, Iggy and Lemmy!

Mario: Iggy yells something at Roy!  Oooh, Roy didn’t like that!  He grabs Iggy on the outside and throws him into the ring!  Lemmy comes to his brother’s aid, but Roy knocks him out of the ring!  Roy now attempts a super Koopa slam!  That move was taught to him by his father, Bowser!  But Lemmy distracts him!  Roy drops Iggy!

Luigi:  Roy tosses Lemmy out of the ring as he tries to climb back in!  Lemmy is the legal man, uh, koopa!  Roy continues to knock Iggy over with several hard blows to the head!

Mario:  But look out!  Lemmy is perched on the top rope!  Where did he come from?  Lemmy leaps on Roy and knocks him out of the ring!  That was huge!  Lemmy and Iggy need to take advantage of this situation!  Iggy climbs out of the ring!  An item box falls out of the sky!  Iggy grabs and opens it!  Oh boy!  A home run bat!

Luigi:  Come on Lemmy!  Let’s see you hit a home run!  Just like Sammy Sosa!

Mario:  Iggy has the bat, Luigi.

Luigi:  Oh.  Iggy swings and Roy goes flying!  Roy caught the back of a starship!  A starship came along and Roy just grabbed it in time!  What the heck is a starship doing here?  Waitaminute!  There’s someone coming out of the starship!  Oh no!  You’ve gotta be kidding me!

Mario:  It’s Bowser!  And Bowser just provided Roy and Link with a heck of a lot of items!  That blasted cheater!  Will he do the same to try and cheat his way to the Super Smash Brothers title later tonight?

Luigi: Roy got hold of a raygun during those moments and now he proceeds to zap the heck out of Iggy with it!  Lemmy and Link have both gotten hold of beam swords!  They are now dueling with the beam swords!  Lemmy and Link showing off their expert sword wielding skills!  And then Link has to ruin a good duel with a blatant low blow!  Lemmy’s in pain!

Mario: Waitaminute!  Iggy running over with the bat!  He swings and there goes Link!  Link is outta here!  Only Roy is left for his team!  Hey, they could call Iggy ”Corky” now!  (laughs)

Luigi: Roy taking both Lemmy and Iggy down with a clothesline!  Wait a dang minute!  Roy is now joined by Dedede!  Dedede climbs into the ring to pound Lemmy, while Roy  punds on Iggy!  Hey!  Here comes Kirby to the ring!  Kirby pounds on Dedede!  But Link eliminates Iggy!  However, the ref has called for the bell!  It has been ruled a draw!  Kirby beating Dedede through the crowd!

Mario:  Here comes general manager Ash Ketchum to the ring as he waits to take on Jman in a Steel Prison Slaughter match!  That match happens next!

Proud to be an American!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.


  • Score
« Reply #149 on: July 17, 2004, 11:58:07 AM »
Cranky:  Cranky and Diddy back again!  We will take you the rest of the way here at the UST!  This next match will be the last for one of these two men!  The man who loses this match, must leave Super Smash Brothers forever!  Will it be Jman, or this man, Ash Ketchum?

Diddy:  This match has a storied history in WWE, under a different name.  It has been used to settle major feuds and issues.  And tonight, it will settle the feud of sorts between Jman and Ash!  â€œSteel Prison Slaughter” is next!

Cranky: Jman climbs slowly into the ring as we get set to go!  The steel cage is being lowered onto the ring.  It’s actually going to reach the ground!  Now that’s a big cage!  Jman with the look of death in his eyes, just a cold stare at Ketchum.  I can tell you one thing, both of these men will leave it all in the ring tonight, because one of their careers will end tonight!

Diddy:  Jman starts off by knocking Ash over!  Ash back to his feet, only to be knocked down again!  Jman goes to grab Ash off the floor, and Ash gives him a low blow!  Anything goes in this match!

Cranky: Ash throws Jman out of the ring and Jman hits the steel hard!  Man, that had to hurt!  Hey look, there’s Luigi Lover watching at ringside!  Showing concern when Jman hit the steel cage!  She’s got a heart of gold, I’ll tell you that much!

Diddy: Well, here’s someone that doesn’t have a heart of gold, Ash Ketchum!  Actually, he doesn’t have a heart!  He continues to give Jman the business!  Ash hits Jman with a chair!

Cranky:  Ash climbs the cage with Jman down on the floor!  He’s going to try a high risk manuever from the top of the cage!  Jman’s back to his feet!  Now he’s shaking the cage!  Ash trying to hold on, but he can’t!  Ash falls to the floor!  Now Jman picks him up and..oh boy!

Diddy:  A tombstone piledriver connects!  That was just to buy himself some time!  There was hardly any time for him between the end of the 2nd match, and the start of this one!  He’s still showing fatigue from that match!  He won that match, being the sole survivor after pinning Bowser.

Cranky:  Jman has pulled out a match’s worth of items!  Among them a table, a steel chair, and his trademark sledgehammer!  Ash is back to his feet!  Jman lays him out with a shot from his hammer!  Now he lays Ash on the table and climbs the cage!  Jman with a leg drop off the top of the cage!  And he crushes Ash through the table!  That has got to be it!  Cover! 1,2, Ash somehow kicked out!  Jman appears to have hurt himself!  Oh no!  He injured his leg!  Ash is sure to take advantage of this!  We’ll be right back!

Proud to be an American!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.
