
Author Topic: Pros and Cons of a new Forum  (Read 9440 times)

« on: September 11, 2003, 04:49:04 PM »
Ok, for a while lately, Ive been complaining about this message board. Well, now, Im going to explain the pros and cons of a new forum.

First of all, if Classicgaming doesnt offer PHP, mySQL, or doesnt let Deezer get another forum, then Im just wasting my time.

Getting a New FOrum

Pro:Most new forums allow you to see a complete member list and see who's online as well as saying the newest registered member. Practically a must for any really popular forum. People want to know who's online so they know they arent posting to themself.
Con:You will not have any of the first members here, like Frostbite or anyone like that, but life goes on. Sometimes, if they see that no one's online(a member), they will just leave and not post, or in a huge poster's case, like me, I would want to post in all the topics herself so that she was the last poster and would let others post and stuff like that.

Pro/Con:Many forums let people have avatars. That usually gets out of hand-especially when people start putting them in their signatures (like, that's why their forums are so screwed up). I guess that's a con too. Maybe these forums support avatars, but Deezer probably turned it off.


Pro: Now I dont know how this forums Admin panel and mod panel is like, but I know it's not as good as the ones today. The admin panels now have lots and lots and lots and lots of customization-ban people, rank names, emoticons, forum layout......

Cons:I dont think there would be any. I mean, isnt more customization better?

The User

Pro: Nowadays, more things have been added for User benifits and their posts. Easy clicking buttons for text links and Bolding and such for non-HTML users, wide variety of emoticons instead of text emoticons(=S) or the four emoticons on this forum... and much more.

COns: People wont be able to go HTML crazy in the forums like use Java or colored scrollbars in these forums, but that's not needed. I cant really think of anything else bad cept that maybe the people might go emoticon crazy, but oh well.

Sheesh! I cant think of anything else at the moment!!! Ill add more pros and cons when i think of it.

Oh, and a good place to see the perfect forum that Im practically is at Lissa Explains it All-HTML Help for Kids Forum

They have 10000 registered people and their forums are run properly as a huge forum with the most up-to-date forum from Bravenet I believe. It's really great(except I hate it because they only talk about HTML with kids). So maybe Deezer can think this over and try getting a forum like THAT. Man, will you have a killer forum!

But the question Im asking is.......


If so, then it would be very cool if you get a new forum. That's all for now...


Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2003, 05:29:26 PM »
First, see what I said here.

Also, why do we need to see who's online when we post? That's the point of a BBS, the people don't have to be online. This isn't a chat room, dude.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven!”

« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2003, 05:42:24 PM »
It's still good to know, ya know.

Besides, it's Deezer's descision. I know he wants a vBulletin board. There's so much cool stuff to do in it and stuff.....

Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!


  • Old Person™
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2003, 09:49:32 PM »
jon said, "You wouldnt know a good, more modern forum even if it bit you in the butt!

Actually, I do know about the "more modern" fourms, but don't like them.  I hate all the avatars, gifs, sigs, emoticons, and marques.  I want content.  All of the other stuff is just distracting.
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2003, 10:19:14 PM »
I said he didnt have to do that-the avatars.

I just wish Deezer would do SOMETHING with the forums. A change of pace. SOmething new! Aie curamba!

Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2003, 10:56:09 PM »
What Luigison said.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven!”

« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2003, 11:33:06 PM »
No way.. I really like the forums this way. Yes, new forums are all flashy and stuff (Heck, I'm even a mod on one) but theres just something about the TMK boards here... It's diffrent, old, and original. Thats what makes it better!
No, really, I did get SMA4 six days early.


  • Inquiring
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2003, 01:40:38 PM »
Why are people never happy? 'Cuz they're not content. Why aren't they content?  Because they always want something new. When they DO get something new, it doesn't make them happy because they're not content.  Therefore, they want more.

Wanna learn how to be happy? Learn to appreciate and be content with what you have. Sure, it's okay to want things and get new, but you should still be content with what you already have.

--Sapphira's Daily Words of Wisdom

Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."


« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2003, 02:49:26 PM »
I think the forums are fine. What exactly could you do to make a forum more advanced any how? The moral of the story is don't mess with success baby. And also I'm thinking about changing my sig to "Heir of the Lime-Green Crown". I just got done reading the LOTR trilogy and I might just be feeling temporarily kingly, If you think this is a better sig then my current one let me know in the book club thread. I don't want to waste any more space in here. I know this is extremely off topic but I thought it was too insignificant to put as a thread all by its lonesome.

Time slowed and Reality bent.
But on and on the Eggman went.

« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2003, 03:35:55 PM »
Sapphira, I'm calling you "Yoda" from now on.


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2003, 04:58:54 PM »
My dog's name is Yoda!

Funny Things to do With Your Microwave

Get a toothpick and stick into a piece of cork. Light the tip on fire, place in the microwave, and rev it up. Vertical fireballs should ride from the toothpick up to the top of the microwave. LD, you have an E-Z Bake Oven, but it won''t work with that I don''t think
Formerly quite reasonable.

« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2003, 05:39:10 PM »
That was stupid.

And of course, people want newer stuff! WHat if we had old computers? We wouldnt be able to do have the stuff we CAN do! FOr one, if PHP and mySQL was never invented, this forum woulnt be up.

Look, all Im really asking is for a little change. If Deezer can respect that for me and future TMKers, he'll have happier people.

Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!
Mario likes to dance in his backwards pants! Yay!

« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2003, 06:40:32 PM »
Stupid is my middle name :) Wait...


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2003, 06:45:59 PM »
Shut up about what my dog's name is or what my post is about jon. Ok. Right there, folks. That is the only sentence I will say from now on when Jon says something stupid to me. Ok?

Anyway, the forums are fine and don't need to be changed. Don't worry about it.

Funny Things to do With Your Microwave

Get a toothpick and stick into a piece of cork. Light the tip on fire, place in the microwave, and rev it up. Vertical fireballs should ride from the toothpick up to the top of the microwave. LD, you have an E-Z Bake Oven, but it won''t work with that I don''t think
Formerly quite reasonable.


  • Quadruped
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2003, 06:46:54 PM »
I like these forums:  they're not flashy and don't have a lot of pointless gimmicks, and so aren't painful to look at nor super slow to load.  Hence, the forums must reky upon such things as meanful discussion and content to stay interesting.

Plus the code behind it is very solid and reliable; I tried to start a Word Association thread (with respects to Chocobo) in a newer-formatted forum, but the topic page loading began slowing down substantially before the thread even got to page 20.

Bottom line, I can't think of anything that could be changed here at the Fungi Forums that could possibly make it better than it already is, and if there were to be a forum change, I probably wouldn't stick around.

Go Moon!
Go Moon!
