Warning again, "Mario & Luigi" spoilers!
Well, the Koopalings have returned! And not Bowser Jr, the newest addition. No no, I refer the classic Seven: Lemmy, Iggy, Morton, Wendy, Larry, Ludwig, and of course, Roy! And here's what's a I gotsta say:
I't just great to see them again, really. Not only that, but they look the best they ever have in a game! The reflect the art to a tee! It's fun to see them use some attacks reminicent of Super Mario World; also the order in which you fight them is the same. Very very neat.
My one dissapointment is in a game where so many characters are given such great personalities and the writing is top-notch, our Koopa Kiddos dont say a word. Hyponotised by Cackletta? Too shocked that they're back from Nintenlimbo to speak? Or just shy? All in all, it would have been nice to see some dialogue from them, but, eh, still. Great that they're back!
I just had to say something here to commemorate the moment.