
Author Topic: Bored â„¢©®  (Read 41681 times)

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #210 on: May 13, 2004, 08:32:33 PM »
Yeah, but one of the not-rules is to follow the rules that aren't there.

It’s hard to make up your mind when you don’t have one.
That was a joke.

« Reply #211 on: May 13, 2004, 08:48:32 PM »
God looked down upon his world, and what he saw was a world filled with discontinuity and chaos. This made God sad, so he sent a meteorite to blow everyone up since they're all big stupid-heads. MamaMia--I mean God then sent a tablet of commandments down to the new planet. Only, he made a mistake, and it was a shopping list. So after Moses bought a bag of flour, a dozen eggs, a box of popsicles, and a bag of M&Ms, he sent down a tablet containing the commandments for real this time. Really. The number of commandments was a number whose sum of its digits is greater than 0 but less than 2.

1. Thou shalt noteth be stupideth heads.
2. Thou shalteth give me lots of money. Being God is a full time job.
3. Thou shalteth um... I'll get back to you.
4. Thou shalteth be witty, clever, funny and/or female.
5. Five is such a great number, isn't it?
666. Aaaaah Satan!!!11
7. Give the story some freaking continuity people. You're making Chupperson get gray hair. Don't just write some completely and totally random junk down. It needs to have some roots in the previous set of posts, even if it's just a little.
8. Don't do drugs.
9. Don't make baby Jesus cry.
10. By logic 10 would be twice as cool as 5, right?
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #212 on: May 13, 2004, 08:48:58 PM »
I posted twice on purpose. Honest.

Edited by - MamaMia Mario on 5/13/2004 7:49:29 PM
200 characters and nothing to say.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #213 on: May 13, 2004, 10:50:40 PM »
Gray-haired Chupperson: Eh, sonny?

Roshan: *zaps back out of timewarp spacerip thing* Woah. Where have I been?

Roy: (Good question.)

Fire Extinguisher: *wrestles with Dyslexia*

All: WTD

Fire: *captures Fire Extinguisher*

Fire Extinguisher: ¡Onnn

Wet: Help me!

Fredzilla: I'd like to drink you, if you don't mind. *bows courteously*

Wet: What exactly AM I, anyway?

Gregor: I haven't the foggiest.

Wet: Fog? Is that what I am?

Vlagranian: LEFT THIRD TOENAIL! Get back here!

Gregor: Coming! Coming!

Vlagranian: Femur! What are you doing?

Fredzilla: I was just going to sample some of this lovely "Wet" here.

Wet: AAAAHHHH *runs ... to the SEA!*

The Atlantic Ocean: I was wondering where you were!

Roy: (AAAHHHH!) *jumps into the Atlantic Ocean*

It’s hard to make up your mind when you don’t have one.
That was a joke.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #214 on: May 15, 2004, 10:21:42 PM »
ESSAY QUESTION: Select ONLY one of the following essays.

1: Insane Steve was, at one time, a regular contributor to the BORED series. However, his posting dropped severly for a period of time during BORED IV and V. Analyse and list the reasons for this occurence.


2: Using your knowledge of probability, describe how you would come up with a function for rolling the number n at least z times on x n-sided dice. Put your function in terms of n, x, and z.

Any takers for either?

Roshan: This posts sucks. ... And I'd go with #1. I hate probability.

*Roshan has a heart attack for no reason*

Steve: Oops. Exploded you. (No one smites probability.)


Edited by - Insane Steve on 5/15/2004 9:22:45 PM

« Reply #215 on: July 12, 2004, 04:26:23 PM »
MMM: Steve, you broke Bored! This is unnacceptable! Noone likes essays and noone likes probability. Except maybe you, since you're.. you know... insane. Time to kick this baby back to the top! *boot!*
200 characters and nothing to say.


  • Kansas
« Reply #216 on: July 12, 2004, 04:38:15 PM »
I shall save it!
In the dim ages all but 2 existed.
When these pests were around, there was but one to fix them. It was JuiceGuy.
JuiceGuy started on his adventure to get the 2 and bring them to justice.
Along the way JuiceGuy met an odd assortment of friends, including WendyJo, and SuperFly.
As Juice guy left he ran into a familiar face.
JG> Hello son
RandomDude> I am your uncle
JG> My father?
RD> No, of course, your father and son.
JG> But this leads me to expectations that I can not fathom.
RD> You will now die

Randomguy won the match. The Quest of JuiceGuy has ended.


Push Button...
Receive Bacon!
Εὐθύνατε τὴν ὁδὸν Κυρίου

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #217 on: July 12, 2004, 05:52:56 PM »
Hey, I had just taken the AP US History test that day... give me a break.

BORED does need to be revived, but my writing skills got BLOW'D UP. Maybe later.


« Reply #218 on: July 12, 2004, 07:25:04 PM »
*Red Paratroopa comes running clutching a piece of paper*

RP: I did it! I solved the probo-essay! I- *trips over a rock and hits his head*

RP's Memory: *gets erased and/or wiped*

RP: No sir, my felt-tip panda can green you in an octopus's martini.

Felt-Tip Panda: I can do what now?

Random Guy: Forgive him, he had his memory erased and/or wiped. He actually thinks this is a substantial BORED post.

FTP: You forgot the TM and the C and the R symbol thingies.

RP: I'm not computer savvy. So sue me.

High-Priced Lawyer: *sues RP*


Octopus: Get out of my martini.

"They say that opposites attract. She''s really something and I''m really nothing. How much more opposite can you get?"- Charlie Brown
This is a secret coded message.
